Warlock Invocations (5e Class Feature)

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Eldritch Invocations


The following invocations do not require any specific prerequisites (other than your warlock level).

Aberrant Silk
Prerequisite: 7th level

You can cast the spell web once, without expending a spell slot. You regain the use of this feature when you finish a short or long rest.

Ancient One's Respite
Prerequisite: 5th level

You are able to cast the entangle spell at will without expending a spell slot. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, a bed of magical tendrils within a cage of chains is summoned around your body, instantly stabilizing you and bringing you up to 1 hit point. While inside the cage, your speed is reduced to 0. At the start of your turn, you can choose to dismiss or remain inside the cage. If you remain inside the cage, you regain hit points equal to 2d8 + your Charisma modifier but you are unable to take any actions or bonus actions. Upon dismissing the cage, it crumbles away and cannot be used further. If the cage is destroyed before while you are still inside it, you are dropped on the ground and are knocked prone.

The cage has an AC of 20, 40 hit points, and has vulnerability to radiant damage.

Once you use this invocation, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

Beads of Power
Prerequisite: 9th level

Once per long rest you can summon a number of beads of power equal to half your proficiency bonus. A single spell which can be cast on your self or has the touch tag, can be imbued in one of the beads of power by a caster. You can swallow one of the beads to gain the spells effect for the spells duration without requiring to keep concentration such as potions. The beads of power can not be accumulated over time as it vanished after 24 hour along with the spells in them.
Consuming the beads of power does not require action and the spell takes effect instantly but taking it out of a bag may require you to use an action.

Breath of the Death Dragon
Prerequisite: 20th level

You gain a breath weapon that allows you to exhale a breath of chaos and death in a 60-foot cone (recharge 5-6). All creatures within range must make a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to your warlock spell save DC. On a failure, the creatures takes 10d10 force damage and is restrained with black chains for 1 minute. On a success, the target is not restrained and takes half damage. Everytime you use this feature, make a DC 24 Constitution saving throw. You gain a level of exhaustion after every failure. If your exhaustion level is 3 or above, you lose the ability to use this feature until you no longer have any exhaustion levels.

Cloak of Mystery
Prerequisite: 9th level

You are protected by a permanent nondetection spell that cannot be dispelled by anything short of a specifically worded wish spell or divine intervention. An antimagic field and similar effects can temporarily stifle this effect as normal.

Any time a divination effect is used against you, you may make a Wisdom (Insight) check against the spellcasting DC of the effect (or DC 15 if there is none). If you succeed, you are instantly made aware of the attempt, and you learn the general description and relative location of its caster, and nature of the effect itself. You can then choose to make a Charisma (Deception) check against the originator's Insight check. If you succeed, you can cause the divination effect to reveal whatever information you wish within the context of its effect. For example, you could cause a clairvoyance spell to not see you at all, or make a Deception check and attempt to have yourself appear to be someone else entirely.

At 15th level, the permanent nondetection spell becomes a permanent mind blank spell instead.

Cloud of Locusts
Prerequisite: 9th level

You can cast insect plague once using a warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

Cosmic Influence
Prerequisite: 17th level

You can choose wish or time stop as your 9th-level Mystic Arcanum.

Deceive Magic Item
Prerequisite: 12th level

Choose one other class. You count as a member of that class for the purposes of determining which magic items you can attune to. You gain an additional magic item attunement slot.

Deflective Scale
Prerequisite: 7th level

You are surrounded by invisible deflective scales which becomes visible when an attack is made on you. If an attack misses you by 5 or more the attack is instead deflected back to the target. And even if an attack hits you, you can use your reaction to focus your deflective scales in that area reducing the damage taken by the attack into half.

Defy Death
Prerequisite: 9th level

You can cast revivify without expending material components or using a warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

Dual Boon
Prerequisite: 10th level

You may take another Pact Boon. If you switch this invocation for another as normal for gaining another warlock level, invocations that require this invocation or the Pact Boon it grants cease to function.

Eldritch Missile
Prerequisite: 9th level

You can cast magic missile at will, at its lowest level without expending a spell slot. You may take this invocation more than once to increase the spell level by 1.

Eldritch Mobility
Prerequisite: 5th level

Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. You also gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

Eldritch Speech
Prerequisite: 9th level

You can cast tongues on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.

Eldritch Suffusion
Prerequisite: 9th level

Each time you use a cantrip or spell that requires a ranged spell attack roll, you may add your Charisma modifier to the damage dealt on a hit.

Fade Away into Shadow
Prerequisite: 5th level

You can take the Disengage action as a bonus action.

Ghost Drift
Prerequisite: 9th level

You may use your action to phase, until the start of your next turn. When you do so you become semitransparent, you can move through walls, floors, objects, and creatures as if they were difficult terrain. If you end your turn inside an object or creature, you are immediately shunted to the nearest unoccupied space that you can occupy and take force damage equal to the number of feet you are moved.

Hugs of Perfidy

You may choose to make a Charisma (Deception) check instead of a Strength (Athletics) check when grappling or shoving a creature.

Lithic Resilience
Prerequisite: 7th level

You can cast the spell stoneskin without using a warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

Locus of Two Minds
Prerequisite: 9th level

You may cast one additional spell with a concentration requirement for its duration while maintaining one other spell that requires concentration. You may never maintain more than two spells with a concentration requirement simultaneously. Additionally, if you are only maintaining one spell that requires concentration, you have advantage on saving throws to maintain concentration on that spell, but if you lose concentration, you lose concentration on both of the spells.

Martial Prowess

You can choose one fighting style available to the fighter.

Mind Over Matter
Prerequisite: 14th level

You can cast telekinesis at will without expending a spell slot.

Nebulous Wisp
Prerequisite: 11th level

You can cast the spell gaseous form on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components.

Prerequisite: 9th level

You can cast the spell barkskin on yourself at will, without expending a spell slot or material components. You need not maintain concentration on this spell while casting it through this feature.

One with the Shadow
Prerequisite: 9th level

Whenever you are moving you and things you are carrying become one with your shadow allowing you to move on walls and through the tiniest cracks. you are still targetable by attacks but range attack has disadvantage on you while you are merged in your shadow. You can not use this feature when you are under direct sunlight.

Otherworldly Physics
Prerequisite: 13th level

When you choose your 7th-level Mystic Arcanum, you can choose reverse gravity. It counts as a warlock spell when you cast it in this way.

Otherworldly Plunge

You can cast feather fall at will, without expending a spell slot.

Otherworldly Skill
Prerequisite: 5th level

You double your proficiency bonus for two skills you are already proficient in unless another feature has already doubled the proficiency bonus of those skills.

Otherworldly Voice
Prerequisite: 15th level

Whenever you cast either comprehend languages or tongues, those hearing you speak believe you to be a native speaker. The duration of these spells also increase to 8 hours, you no longer require somatic or verbal components to cast them, and if cast as a ritual their casting time is not increased.

In addition, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of yourself. As a bonus action, you and the chosen creature can communicate telepathically with each other while the two of you are within a number of miles of each other equal to your Charisma modifier. To understand each other, you each must mentally use a language the other knows. The telepathic connection lasts until you choose to end it, one of you gains the unconscious or incapacited conditions, or the creature affected by it makes a Wisdom saving throw against your spellcasting DC.

You can form a connection with a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier at one time. If you attempt to connect with another creature, the attempt fails unless you voluntarily break one of your existing ones.

Patronly Protection
Prerequisite: 5th level

Your patron infuses your form with eldritch energy. Whenever you use your Dexterity modifier to calculate your AC or Dexterity saving throw you can instead use your Charisma modifier.

Patron's Blessing

You may spend a spell slot of the appropriate level to cast any spell on your patron's extended spell list, even if you do not know it.

Patron's Homestead
Prerequisite: 18th level

You use an action to create an extradimensional dwelling similar to the magnificent mansion spell with this invocation which lasts until you create a new one. Any creature who enters it is affected by the lesser restoration spell and regains 1 hit point for every minute it spends entirely within the mansion until it leaves. You decide the visual appearance and attire of the servants residing in the homestead. The visuals and aesthetics of the homestead is based on your patron. Patron's Homestead is permanent until a new one is created, in which case the old one is destroyed. Only the creatures the caster permits are able to enter the homestead and see and sense the portals to the homestead. Any personal belongings of the warlock that were stored in a previous Patron's Homestead are transferred to the new one when it is created. You can create a new homestead or create and destroy portals to your homestead from any distance at any time at will. If a caster casts dispel magic it will only destroy the selected portal. But, it will not destroy a homestead. You can use the homestead to travel between portals unless the portal is destroyed.

Pestilent Ire

You have advantage on attack rolls, grapple checks, and shove checks against creatures suffering from the poisoned condition.

Pulsing Heart
Prerequisite: 7th level

Gain a natural regeneration of 5 hit point. You gain these hit points at the start of your turn. When an attack puts you below 0 you gain 10 hit point if the damage is still greater then you fall unconscious with a regeneration rate of 5 hit point per turn. You do not wake up until the regeneration overcomes the damage that downed you or you succeed on your death saving throws. If you are stabilized then you gain 5 hit points. If you fail three death saving throws, you still die.

Rift Walk
Prerequisite: 9th level

You can cast misty step without expending a spell slot.

See the Unseen
Prerequisite: 7th level

You can cast see invisibility at will, without expending a spell slot.

Spider Walk
Prerequisite: 7th level

You are always under the effect of the spider climb spell.

Tomb of the Lich
Prerequisite: 18th level

You cast the clone spell requiring no components, however, this uses up all warlock spell slots you have remaining and has an 8 hour cast time. A magical black sarcophagus is created out of an alien material. One cubic inch of the cloned target's flesh must be inserted in the sarcophagus before commencing the cloning. Destroying the sarcophagus will stop the spell and everything will evaporate in a black mist. The sarcophagus has AC 20, 50 hit points, and resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. A 1-hour ritual can be done to repair all damage done to the sarcophagus.



The following invocations only require the ability to cast the hex spell or, if specified, a warlock feature that curses, such as Hexblade's Curse and Sign of Ill Omen.

Curative Curse
Prerequisite: 7th level, hex spell or a warlock feature that curses

When you curse a target with your hex spell or a warlock feature of yours, you can capture some of the essence that the curse drains from them, granting yourself temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. You do not gain these temporary hit points from transferring a curse from a slain creature to a living creature. When the initial target dies while cursed by you, you can again capture some of that creature's last lifeforce and grant yourself temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. These temporary hit points do NOT stack with temporary hit points previously gained through this feature.

Dreaded Hexes
Prerequisite: 8th level, hex spell

You can cast the hex spell at will, without expending a spell slot or material components. In addition, you may choose for hex to deal psychic damage instead of necrotic.

Held Hex
Prerequisite: 5th level, hex spell

Your familiar can maintain the concentration on a hex spell you have cast as long as you are not also maintaining concentration on hex as well.

Necromantic Hex
Prerequisite: 11th level, hex spell

When you kill a humanoid creature that's under the effects of your hex spell, it rises at the start of your next turn as a zombie that is permanently under your command, following your verbal orders to the best of its ability.

You can have a number of zombies equal to your Charisma modifier under your control with this invocation (a minimum of one). If you raise another zombie after that with this feature, a zombie chosen by the DM collapses into dust.

Rushed Malediction
Prerequisite: 7th level, hex spell

When you enter combat you may use your bonus action to cast hex. You may use this on your first turn whenever you enter combat. When the hexed creature dies you may select a new target, you can do this a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier.

Unending Hex
Prerequisite: 13th level, hex spell

Whenever you cast hex you can force the target to make a Wisdom saving throw. If the target fails its saving throw, this casting of hex does not require concentration. When used in this way, hex cannot be moved after the target is reduced to 0 hit points.

Other Spells

The following invocations only require the ability to cast a certain spell (other than those specified above).

Agathys' Reproach
Prerequisite: armor of agathys spell

When a creature you can see dies from damage from your armor of agathys spell as a result of hitting you, you may use your reaction to cause a creature within 10 feet of you to suffer the same damage.

Omniscience Unbound
Prerequisite: 17th level, arcane eye spell

You can cast arcane eye at will without requiring any spell slots or components. You perceive through the summoned eye as if you were there. Additionally, the eye can pass through objects. At 20th level, you can summon a number of eyes equal to your Charisma modifier.


Eldritch Blast-based

The following invocations only require the ability to cast the eldritch blast cantrip.

Chaotic Blast
Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip

When you cast eldritch blast, you can choose its damage type.

Condensed Calamity
Prerequisite: 15th level, eldritch blast cantrip

You can choose to condense all castings of Eldritch Blast that you can make into a single attack. Count every blast that you can fire in a single round, then make one spell attack roll against a target. If this attack hits, it deals the damage of every blast for the round. If it misses, all blasts are considered to have missed, and no damage is dealt.

Eldritch Barrage
Prerequisite: 5th level, eldritch blast cantrip

Your blasts can be delayed for stragetic usage in the heat of battle. When you cast eldritch blast on your turn, you can move in-between blasts.

Additionally when you use eldritch blast on your turn, you can spend your reaction and forgo an amount of blasts of your choice. Until the beginning of your next turn, you can use your forgone blasts to target any creature within range that you can see that does not have total cover from you.

Eldritch Blow
Prerequisite: 5th level, eldritch blast cantrip

You can use your bonus action to make the next melee attack deal additional damage equal to your eldritch blast's damage on top of the existing weapon damage.

Eldritch Burst
Prerequisite: 5th level, eldritch blast cantrip

When you cast eldritch blast you can choose to condense the beams into a single powerful melee burst, make a single melee spell attack against a creature within your melee range, if the attack is successful all beams hit the target, but if the attack fails all beams miss.

Eldritch Cone
Prerequisite: 11th level, eldritch blast cantrip

As an action, you may unleash a 20-foot cone of energy in front of you. Affected creatures must make a Dexterity saving throw versus your warlock spell save DC. They take damage equal to a single ray of your eldritch blast on a failed save and take half damage on a successful save.

Eldritch Critical
Prerequisite: 9th level, eldritch blast cantrip

Your spell attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Eldritch Gravity
Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip

When you hit a creature with eldritch blast, you can choose to either push the creature 10 feet away from you, or pull the creature 10 feet towards you.

Elemental Avatar
Prerequisite: 3rd level, eldritch blast cantrip

You learn the control flames, gust, mold earth, and shape water cantrips.

Ensnaring Blast
Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip

When you cast eldritch blast, you can choose to deal no damage, and instead for a creature to make a Dexterity saving throw or be restrained until the end of your next turn as the eldritch energy surrounds and traps it. If you do this, you cannot use any of the extra beams provided by eldritch blast.

Precise Blast
Prerequisite: 10th level, eldritch blast cantrip

When you score a critical hit with your eldritch blast cantrip, you can choose to ignore a creature's resistance to the damage type that your eldritch blast deals. If you score 3 or more critical hits in the same turn with your eldritch blast cantrip, you can choose to also ignore a creature's immunity to the damage type that your eldritch blast deals.

Progressive Affliction
Prerequisite: 18th level, eldritch blast cantrip

Whenever you attack with a beam from your eldritch blast, you can choose to forgo the attack roll and damage of that blast, and instead make the target pass a Dexterity saving throw equal to your spell save DC. On a failed check, they are given the Eldritch Poisoning condition until the end of your next turn, as they are sickened by the malignant eldritch energies. Eldritch Poisoning grants the target disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks.

If the target already has the Eldritch Poisoning condition when they fail this save, they are instead given the Eldritch Ensnaring condition, as the eldritch energies solidify and restrain the target. Eldritch Ensnaring causes the creature's speed to become 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature's attack rolls have disadvantage, and the creature has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws.

If the target already has the Eldritch Ensnaring condition when they fail this save, they are instead given the Eldritch Binding condition, as the Eldritch Energies harden around the target, strengthening the bonds that hold them. A creature with the Eldritch Binding condition can't take actions or reactions.

Finally, if the target already has the Eldritch Binding Condition when they fail this save, they are instead given the Eldritch Petrification condition, as they are completely encased in a cocoon of hardened eldritch energy. A creature with the Eldritch Petrification condition is incapacitated (see the condition), can't move or speak, and is unaware of its surroundings. Attack rolls against the creature have advantage, and the creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity saving throws. The creature is given resistance to all damage, as the rock-like cocoon protects it from damage.

When a creature is given a new condition by this invocation, all previous conditions from this invocation are locked in, and cannot be removed until the new condition is removed. For example, a creature that gains Eldritch Binding cannot be cured of Eldritch Ensnaring or Eldritch Poisoning until it loses Eldritch Binding. At the end of every turn of a creature with a condition granted by this feat, they may make a Constitution saving throw to attempt to remove the newest condition they have been given. If they succeed, that condition is removed, and the next condition starts its timer over, and will remain until the end of the Warlock's next turn.

Any spell or ability that removes conditions can be used to remove the conditions from this feat, but only one condition can be removed at a time by these means. If multiple spells are cast in a round, multiple conditions can be removed in a round, which may stack with the save to remove any conditions that may remain.

Quickened Blast
Prerequisite: 10th level, eldritch blast cantrip

When you cast eldritch blast, you can choose to expend a Pact Magic spell slot. If you do this you can cast eldritch blast again as a bonus action.

Shattering Blast
Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip

When you cast eldritch blast, you can choose to have it deal psychic damage. If you do so, it ignores a creature's resistance (but not immunity) to psychic damage.

Sieging Blast
Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip

When you cast eldritch blast, you can choose to have one or more beams target an object or structure. If a beam hits an object or structure, it takes twice the amount of damage.

Splitting Blast
Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip

When you cast eldritch blast, you can choose to make a second attack roll against a target within 5 feet of the original target, as long as each beam strikes the same creature.

Superior Eldritch Gravity
Prerequisite: 7th level, eldritch blast cantrip

You have the option to unleash the power of your eldritch blast in a controlled explosion. By choosing this option, all your blasts combine and erupt in a 20 feet radius or a smaller area of your choice. Entities within this radius are either pushed away or pulled toward the point of the explosion. The creatures in this radius must roll a dexterity saving throw against your spell saving DC, on a success they are unaffected by the explosion, on a failure they take the damage from your eldritch blast and take collision damage, if any. Structures take double damage from these collisions.

Other Cantrips

The following invocations only require the ability to cast a certain cantrip (other than those specified above).

Abyssal Flames
Prerequisite: fire bolt cantrip

A creature hit by your fire bolt cantrip is set on fire and takes 1d8 fire damage at the start of their turn and must take an action on their turn to put out the flames.

Aetheric Mind
Prerequisite: 19th level, mage hand cantrip

Your mind has gone beyond any possible limits, unlocking the secrets of aetheric manipulation. Your mage hand is invisible and can carry a maximum amount equal to 30 × your Charisma score + 100 pounds with a maximum range of 10 × your Charisma modifer feet. You can use your mage hand to attack with a weapon, substituting Dexterity or Strength modifier with Charisma.

Benevolent Restoration
Prerequisite: spare the dying cantrip

When you cast spare the dying on a creature, they gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier and gain advantage on their next roll.

Bewitched Staff
Prerequisite: shillelagh cantrip

When you hit a creature with a weapon affected by shillelagh you can cast a touch cantrip through it as a bonus action.

Blade Mimic
Prerequisite: sword burst cantrip

When you cast sword burst while wielding a melee weapon, you can change the damage dice of the spell to the one of your weapon, and any magical effects from the sword are applied to the targets hit.

Blinding Light
Prerequisite: light cantrip

You can use the light cantrip on a creature, forcing them to make a Constitution saving throw, if they fail they are blinded until the end of their turn. Creatures with blindsight are unaffected by this.

Crowd Ridicule
Prerequisite: vicious mockery cantrip

When you cast vicious mockery a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier within 30 feet may use their reaction to mock or laugh at the target, adding an additional die of damage.

Debilitating Frost
Prerequisite: frostbite cantrip

When rolling a 6 on at least one damage die of your frostbite cantrip, the target's AC is lowered by 1 for each for each additional 6 rolled. This reduction lasts for 1 minute or if the target takes 1 point of fire damage.

Defile the Dying
Prerequisite: spare the dying cantrip

When you cast spare the dying you gain advantage on the first attack roll or saving throw you make before the end of your next turn.

Delayed Inferno
Prerequisite: fire bolt cantrip

When casting fire bolt you can turn the mote of fire into a harmless ball of coal for up to 1 hour, after which it turns to dust. During this hour, you can use your bonus action to turn the ball back into a fire bolt, causing it to explode in a 5-foot sphere, dealing the spell's damage to any creature in range that fails a Dexterity saving throw.

Prerequisite: shape water cantrip

Using shape water you can target a creature and force them to make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 necrotic damage as you extract the water from their body. This spells damage increases to 2d10 at 5th level, 3d10 at 11th level, and 4d10 at 17th level. Plant creatures affected by this spell take additional necrotic damage equal to your level.

Draining Blows
Prerequisite: soul drain cantrip

soul drain now lasts until dismissed by the caster. Until dismissed your melee attacks will deal an extra 1d4 necrotic damage, and you regain hp equal to the damage dealt.

At Higher Levels. The spell's damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).

Earthen Might
Prerequisite: mold earth cantrip

Using mold earth you can cause the excavated loose earth to form into a solid spike or pillar, you can cause a creature to make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d10 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, depending on the shape you create. The earth loses its solidity after 1 minute. The damage increases to 2d10 at 5th level, 3d10 at 11th level, and 4d10 at 17th level.

Prerequisite: shocking grasp cantrip

When using a weapon made of metal, you can cast shocking grasp on it to deal 1d8 lightning damage when landing a hit using the weapon.

Everyone's Friend
Prerequisite: friends cantrip, 5th level

When the friends spell ends, the targeted creature must succeed an Intelligence saving throw in order to know that they had been affected by the spell.

Explosive Bubble
Prerequisite: acid splash cantrip

Using acid splash, any creature within 5 feet of the two targets must also succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take the damage.

Facsimile Sculpture
Prerequisite: mold earth cantrip

Using the ­mold earth cantrip you can shape dirt or stone into the shape, weight, texture, and appearance of another object you can see or imagine. These effects last the duration of the spell, after which the object becomes normal dirt or stone, though can retain it's shape. You can shape a number of objects equal to your Charisma modifier.

False Reality
Prerequisite: 15th level, minor illusion cantrip

You are able to create and maintain a number of illusions equal to your Charisma modifier using minor illusion. Additionally, the maximum size of the images created using minor illusion is increased on each side of the cube by a number of feet equal to your Charisma modifier. At 20th level, you may choose to make non-magical illusions real. They remain real for a maximum number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier and cannot cause any harm or deal damage.

Floran Bond
Prerequisite: druidcraft cantrip

Using the druidcraft cantrip you can command a single plant, or a mass of plants (such as roots) within a 5 foot cube to move. This can be used to form a bridge, hold down an object, or block a path. The plants move slowly at 10 feet per round, and is not strong enough to cause damage.

Forbidden Mockery
Prerequisite: vicious mockery cantrip, 8th level

When you cast vicious mockery and the target fails their saving throw, they must make another Wisdom saving throw, if they fail they are frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

Frozen Barrage
Prerequisite: ray of frost cantrip

When you hit a creature using ray of frost, they must make a Dexterity saving throw or take an additional 1d6 piercing damage as the ray of frost freezes the moisture in the air as it travels. This damage scales with the cold damage.

Golden Wind
Prerequisite: druidcraft cantrip

With the druidcraft cantrip you can turn non-magical material weighing no more than 10 pounds into non-magical life, such as a bug, rodent, plant, etc. of the same weight.

Gripping Claws
Prerequisite: primal savagery cantrip

Using primal savagery you can use it and maintain concentration, during which you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.

Guiding Moth
Prerequisite: druidcraft cantrip

Using druidcraft you choose to summon a moth, when summoning it you think of a location within 1 mile, and the moth will begin flying towards the location. If a bright light is within 10 feet of the moth, the moth will be distracted and seek the light source.

Hand of the AllFather
Prerequisite: mage hand cantrip

This Eldritch Invocation allows your warlock to strengthen their mage hand. When you choose this invocation you gain the following benefits: when you cast the spell mage hand the hand can lift, push, and pull, an amount equal to 15 x your Charisma score and the maximum range becomes 10 x your Charisma modifier feet. Your mage hand can also attack if given a weapon, replacing Strength and/or Dexterity modifiers with your Charisma modifier, but you can only attack a creature you can see. You can choose to upcast this spell using a spell slot. If you do so, the spell's duration becomes "concentration, up to 1 minute", and you summon an additional hand for each level of the spell slot used. When using an action to control these hands(move, make attacks, and other such things), you can control every hand you've summoned with the same action.

Hellfire Pit
Prerequisite: create bonfire cantrip

When casting create bonfire, each creature in a 15 foot circle centered on the bonfire must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 piercing damage as flaming stakes erupt towards them, at the start of their next turn if they have not moved they take an additional 1d6 fire damage. A creature that moves within the space of the stakes is unaffected.

Hidden Blaze
Prerequisite: produce flame cantrip

You can now cast produce flame up to 60 feet away without verbal components, and casting it this way does not reveal your position. You can use it to target a creatures clothing, causing them to catch on fire.

Lightning Web
Prerequisite: lightning lure cantrip

When casting lightning lure any creature within 5 feet of the target will also be damaged and affected.

Master Magician
Prerequisite: prestidigitation cantrip, 5th level

You can now cast the spell prestidigitation 8 times in one action, and can have up to 8 effects active for the duration.

Prerequisite: magic stone cantrip

The magic stone spell now has an unlimited range as long as you can see your target. Additionally the damage of each stone increases to 2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 17th level.

Miniature Stars
Prerequisite: dancing lights cantrip

While dancing lights is active, you can make a ranged spell attack roll against a creature in range using the motes of light, each dealing 1d6 radiant damage.

Mutual Benefit
Prerequisite: resistance cantrip

When casting resistance on another creature than yourself, you gain temporary hit points equal to your level if the target succeeds on their saving throw.

Noxious Gas
Prerequisite: poison spray cantrip

With poison spray you can create a 5 foot cube of poisonous gas within 10 feet of you, any creature that passes thought it is affected by the spell. You can use your action on your turn to move it up to 10 feet in any direction, a gust of wind is able to dissipate the cloud.

Prerequisite: mage hand cantrip

When casting mage hand you can summon a number of hands equal to your Charisma modifier+1, with a total lifting weight of each hand combined, you can move and use each hand as a single action.

Open Communication
Prerequisite: message cantrip

When casting message you can begin concentrating on it for up to 10 minutes and can target a number of people equal to your Charisma modifier, during this time you may all talk among each other as if the spell was constantly being cast among everyone.

Orbiting Stones
Prerequisite: magic stone cantrip

You can now affect a number of stones equal to your Charisma modifier with magic stone, and you can cause the stones to orbit around you or another creature. As an action you can send each stone attacking one or more creatures. You must make a ranged spell attack roll for each stone.

Orchestra of Judgement
Prerequisite: toll the dead cantrip

When casting toll the dead on a creature that attacked you on your turn after it attacked you, you add your Charisma modifier to the damage dealt.

Patron's Guidance
Prerequisite: guidance cantrip, 5th level

When you roll initiative, you can cast guidance as a reaction on yourself.

Persistent Fortune
Prerequisite: guidance cantrip

You no longer need to maintain concentration on the guidance cantrip.

Petrifying Grasp
Prerequisite: chill touch cantrip, 10th level

When you score a critical hit on an attack roll using chill touch, the creature is petrified until the end of its next turn.

Powerful Aura
Prerequisite: thaumaturgy cantrip

You can use thaumaturgy to make yourself appear as some sort of powerful supernatural entity, giving you advantage on all Charisma skill checks.

Precise Strike
Prerequisite: true strike cantrip, 5th level

When you cast the true strike cantrip, the target's AC is reduced by your proficiency bonus, but only on attacks made by you.

Preemptive Shattering
Prerequisite: booming blade cantrip

After you successfully hit a creature with booming blade you can immediately deal the subsequent triggered thunder damage, rather than waiting for the creature to move. When you do so, the target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next turn.

Punish the Unworthy
Prerequisite: sacred flame cantrip

When an undead or evil-aligned creature target fails their save against sacred flame they become restrained until the end of your next turn as holy fire snakes around them and chains them in place.

Radiant Light
Prerequisite: light cantrip

Casting light on a weapon lets it deal additional radiant damage equal to your Charisma modifier.

Reflective Ward
Prerequisite: blade ward cantrip

While under the blade ward spell, any time you're hit with bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you reflect damage equal to half your level of the same damage type.

Self Repairing
Prerequisite: mending cantrip

You can now have the mending spell last up to 8 hours on an item, repairing any damage done to it over 1 minute.

Share Thoughts
Prerequisite: encode thoughts cantrip

You can allow other creatures to access the thought strand by casting encode thoughts on them as they hold the thought strand.

Shielding Breeze
Prerequisite: gust cantrip

When casting gust you can choose to form a shield of wind around yourself or a creature you can see within 30 feet until the start of your next turn. Any attacks made at disadvantage against the shielded creature will automatically miss.

Prerequisite: thunderclap cantrip

When rolling a 6 on the damage for thunderclap one creature per 6 rolled is stunned until the end of its next turn.

Spider Whip
Prerequisite: thorn whip cantrip

When casting thorn whip you can use the whip as a rope or grappling hook, the whip will latch onto surfaces and is capable of withstanding the weight of one Medium creature before dispelling.

Spirit Claw
Prerequisite: mage hand cantrip

You can now make spell attack rolls with your mage hand, which deals 1d6 force damage. Additionally, your mage hand is now invisible. The damage dice increases to 2d6 at 5th level, 3d6 at 11th level, and 4d6 at 17th level.

Prerequisite: message cantrip, 8th level

Your message cantrip now has a range of 1 mile and you no longer need to know the direction of the target.

Prerequisite: gust cantrip

You can use the gust cantrip to cause a miniature storm in a 5 foot tall by 30 feet tall cylinder, capable of sending objects that are neither held nor carried and that weighs no more than 5 pound flying up to 30 feet, as well as creatures Medium or Smaller that are pushed by the tempest take 1d8 bludgeoning damage as well as being pushed twice as far. A Large or larger creature must also make a Strength saving throw but only takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage and is not moved.

Unbound Flame
Prerequisite: green-flame blade cantrip, 10th level

When you hit a creature with green-flame blade the green fire that leaps from the target can then leap to a different creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of the second target, and again to a creature within 5 feet. The subsequent creatures takes fire damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier.

Unlimited Blade Works
Prerequisite: sword burst cantrip, 5th level

After casting sword burst, one sword for each damage dice remains, each turn after casting the spell, one sword will launch itself towards towards a creature you can see within 30 feet, make a ranged spell attack roll, the sword deals 1d6 force damage.

Vile Swarm
Prerequisite: infestation cantrip

When casting infestation, you can choose to summon a Swarm of Insects, which requires you to maintain concentration for one minute, after which it disappears.

Voice of Authority
Prerequisite: word of radiance cantrip, 5th level

When casting word of radiance you can shout a single word command, any creature who failed their save must obey this command to the best of their ability or take an additional 1d6 radiant damage. This damage increases to 2d6 at 11th level and 3d6 at 17th level.

Prerequisite: dancing lights cantrip

When casting dancing lights you can instead summon four motes of darkness which turns all light within 10 feet of the mote into dim light and turn dim light into darkness.

Pact Boon-based

Official Pacts

The following invocations require an official Pact Boon feature as a prerequisite.

Arcane Conversion
Prerequisite: 14th level, Pact of the Tome feature or Pact of the Elements or Pact of the Wand or Pact of the Glove or Pact of the Maw

You may choose to use your Mystic Arcanum to instead cast a lower level spell you know as the spell slot you use.

Bestial Familiar
Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain feature

When choosing your familiar, you can choose any beast that is Medium or smaller and has a CR no greater than 1/4. This familiar cannot function as a mount.

Blade Addition
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade

You can fuse multiples magic weapons inside your pact weapon, the magic and special abilities stack except for the magical enchantments which you only take the highest of.

Prerequisite: 8th level, Pact of the Blade feature

You can bind up to two pact weapons, and have them both summoned simultaneously. You become proficient in dual wielding your pact weapons and can make an additional attack with one pact weapon when you make an attack with the other. In addition, if a buff or effect is applied on one weapon, the other also shares its benefits.

Book of Arcana Unbounded
Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Tome feature

When you select this eldritch invocation, you may select two spells from any spellcasting class and inscribe them in your Book of Shadows. These spells needn't be from the same spellcasting class, but both must be of a level for which your spell slots can accommodate or be a cantrip. These spells are always prepared for you and do not count against your known spells, and are treated as warlock spells for you. Whenever you gain a level, you may trade one of these selected spells for a new one so long as it is of a level which you can cast. You may select this invocation several times and learn two additional spells for every instance of this eldritch invocation.

Book of High Arcanum
Prerequisite: 17th level, Pact of the Tome feature

You may choose two spells, one of 8th and the other of 9th level from any class list, and you may expend your use of Mystic Arcanum for that level to cast that spell as a warlock spell.

Book of the Rune Keeper
Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome feature

You can now inscribe magical spells in your Book of Shadows. Choose two 1st-level spells of your choice. Choose one of the following classes: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, or wizard. You must choose your spells from that class's spell list. (the two need to be from the same list). The spells appear in the book and don't count against the number of spells you know. With your Book of Shadows in hand, you can cast the chosen spells as if they are warlock spells or any spell slots you have of another class. On your adventures, you can add other spells to your Book of Shadows (if they are from your chosen spell list or warlock spells). When you find a warlock spell of 1st level or higher, you can add it to your Book of Shadows if it is of a level which you can cast, and if you can spare the time to transcribe the spell. For each level of the spell, the transcription process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp for the rare inks needed to inscribe it. If the spell is from your chosen list, the time and cost is doubled the normal amount.

At 15th level you gain this extra benefit; You can gain higher level spells and more spell slots form the transcribing process. This process is harder to do so the cost and time to transcribe a spell is doubled the normal amount. Each time you choose to transcribe a spell that is above 5th level, roll a d100; On a 51 or higher you transcribe the spell as normal and you can use your Mystic Arcanum, equal to the spells level to cast that spell.

Boundless Arcanum
Prerequisite: 14th Level, Pact of the Tome feature.

When you take this invocation, you can replace your Mystic Arcanum spells with that of any other class, these new spells count as warlock spells for you. If you later replace this invocation with another, the spells return to the ones you had previously.

Call from the Grave
Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Chain feature or Pact of the Palemaster or Pact of the Claw

You can cast animate dead once using a warlock spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

Chain Master's Focus
Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Chain feature

While your familiar is active, you may have them rest upon your shoulder. While in this state, your familiar may not take any actions and their movement speed is reduced to 0. While in this state however, you may choose to transfer concentration of a single spell onto your familiar. This allows you to maintain concentration on a single spell while your familiar maintains concentration on a second spell. At any point as a bonus action, you may free your familiar from this state, restoring their ability to move and act, but losing your secondary concentration slot.

Dual Pact Boons
Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Blade feature or Pact of the Wand feature

You can bind up to two pact weapons or pact wands, and have them both summoned simultaneously. All other guidelines to respective boons apply.

Eldritch Secrets
Prerequisite: 7th level, Pact of the Tome feature or Pact of the Runes

When you gain this invocation, choose two spells from any class's spell list (the two needn't be from the same list). If you have your Book of Shadows on your person you can cast them as warlock spells, provided they are of a level for which you have spell slots.

Eldritch Wraith
Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Blade feature

When you hit one creature with your pact weapon, you deal 4d12 extra force damage, this damage ignore resistance and treat immunity like resistance), and if you crit, the target need to do a Constitution saving throw, on a faliure they gain 1d4 levels of exhaustion, if the creature goes to 6 levels, they die and return like a friendly specter with a CR equal to half of your Charisma modifier for 1 minute.

Ferocious Familiar
Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Chain feature

When choosing your familiar, you can choose any beast that is Medium or smaller and has a CR no greater than 1/2. This familiar cannot function as a mount.

Gift of the Over-Living Ones
Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain feature

Whenever you receive magical healing while your familiar is within 100 feet of you, you receive temporary hit points equal in amount to the hit points that could not be regained due to your being at maximum hit points.

Prerequisite: 13th level, Pact of the Blade

Your pact weapon can now be summoned at will without requiring any action. When you hit a creature with your pact weapon, the creature takes extra necrotic damage equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

Monstrous Familiar
Prerequisite: 15th level, Pact of the Chain feature

When choosing your familiar, you can choose any beast that is Large or smaller and has a CR no greater than 1.

Overcharged Strikes
Prerequisite: 5th, Pact of the Claw feature or Pact of the Blade or Pact of the Palemaster or Pact of the Wand or Pact of the Glove or Pact of the Maw

When you make an attack using your pact, you can use your bonus action to cast a cantrip or use a patron ability, any of which can have a regular casting time of at least 1 action.

Quick Summon
Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Blade

You can now summon your pact weapon as a bonus action.

Relic Devourer
Prerequisite: 7th level, Pact of the Blade feature

Your pact weapon gains sentience and it possesses an insatiable appetite for magic items, which it can consume to gain new abilities. This weapon possesses a total of five ability slots, and it can devour another weapon to absorb one of its abilities, occupying one of these slots. However, when all slots are occupied, it must release one ability in order to make room for another. To maintain its satisfaction, you must provide it with a magical item at least once a week. Whether it chooses to absorb this item or not is at its discretion. If you fail to provide a magical item, it will devour your spell slots for the day to satiate its hunger.

Sharp Aptitude
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade feature

You gain a bonus to your initiative equal to your Charisma modifier. You may also create your pact weapon with a reaction on the start of your turn.

Shield Invocation
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade feature or Pact of the Aegis feature or Pact of the Runes feature

When you summon your pact you may choose to also summon a shield in the same action. You are proficient with this shield. You may shatter this shield to make the fragments float around you as a bonus action to gain advantage on saving throws you make against spells and you gain immunity to all damage until the start of your next turn. After using this feature, you cannot summon your shield again until you finish a long rest.

You may also bind a magical shield as a pact shield, follows the same guidelines as a pact weapon or armor, but for shields only.

Soul Link
Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Chain feature

After conjuring your familiar, they gain d4 temporary hit points for each warlock level you possess. These temp hp are replaced whenever you cast find familiar. They also use your saving throws and proficiency bonus in place of their own, but only if yours are better. Any spells you cast that target you can also be made to target both you and your familiar simultaneously as long as they are within 10 feet of you. Lastly, your familiar gains proficiency in any three skills or tools that you are proficient in, chosen when you cast find familiar. If you have expertise in the chosen skills or tools, so does your familiar.

In addition, you may cast any spell or mystic arcanum you know through your familiar, and your familiar may maintain concentration on the spell for you. Once you do so, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Thunderous Aptitude
Prerequisite: 7th level, Pact of the Blade feature

As you accelerate to high speeds, a coruscating lightning aura envelops you, vibrating at an intense frequency. When you move a minimum of 10 feet in a straight line towards a target and successfully strike an enemy with an attack, you can harness the accumulated energy to deal an additional 2d10 thunder damage to your foe as you infuse the strike with the surrounding energy. Should you manage to propel yourself at least 20 feet in a straight line, you can gather sufficient energy to phase through solid objects or creatures. If you end your turn inside an object/creature both you and the target take 10d10 force damage and you are shifted to a nearby empty space. You can only phase through twice per long rest.

Homebrew Pacts

The following invocations require a Pact Boon feature as a prerequisite (but do not require official Pact Boons).

Acolyte of the Crown
Prerequisite: Pact of the Crown feature

Your magical servant becomes your loyal acolyte, gaining a suit of spells to complement your own. Choose three cantrips from any spell list. Your magical servant gains them, using your own spellcasting statistics for them.

Ameliorated Armor
Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Aegis feature

Your pact armor improves allowing you to summon of your choice of three types of armor each time you create your pact armor.

  • A set of light armor with a base AC = 13 + your Dexterity modifier.
  • A set of medium armor with a base AC = 16 + your Dexterity modifier (maximum 2).
  • A set of heavy armor with a base AC = 18.

While wearing your pact armor you may add your Charisma modifier to checks and saving throws made to resist environmental effects and atmospheric hazards.

Antagonizing Roar
Prerequisite: Pact of the Beast feature or Pact of the Maw

As a bonus action, you can unleash a ferocious roar, issuing a challenge to your foes. Each enemy within 10 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC or have disadvantage on any attack roll that doesn't target you. This effect lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

Arcana Bestowments
Prerequisite: 15th level, Pact of the Wand feature

While your pact wand is on your person, you may restore an expended warlock spell slot as a bonus action. You must complete a long rest before you use this feature again.

Arcane Jets
Prerequisite: 14th level, Pact of the Aegis feature or Pact of the Runes or Pact of the Shroud

While you are using your pact you gain a fly and swimming speed equal to your walking speed.

Arcane Servos
Prerequisite: 7th level, Pact of the Aegis feature

While wearing your pact armor you may use your Charisma score in place of your Strength score when you roll for an unarmed strike or a weapon attack, Strength-based skill check, or when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Your carrying capacity is doubled. Additionally while wearing gauntlets from your pact armor, your pact armor's gauntlets count as magic clubs and your weapon attacks count as magical for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance and immunity.

Auto-Bio Control
Prerequisite: Pact of the Aegis feature or Pact of the Shroud or Pact of the Necklace or Pact of the Maw

Whenever you regain hit points while you are using your pact, treat any dice rolled to determine the hit points you regain as having rolled their maximum value for you.

Beast of War
Prerequisite: Pact of the Beast feature

You gain the ability to use your Pact of the Beast feature as a bonus action, rather than as an action.

Body Entrancement
Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Aegis or Pact of the Runes or Pact of the Glove

Your pact improves granting you +1 bonus to AC while using your pact boon. If you are 15th level or higher the bonus increases to +2. While using your pact you may use your Charisma score in place of your Strength score when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Also your carrying capacity is doubled.

Dangerous Beast
Prerequisite: Pact of the Beast feature

When you use your Pact of the Beast feature, you can transform into a beast with a challenge rating as high as your warlock level divided by 3, rounded down.

Empowered Influence
Prerequisite: 4th level, Pact of the Mantle feature or Pact of the Necklace or Pact of the Shroud or Pact of the Ring

You can affect two additional creatures with your pact bonus , the creatures cant be hostile and need to be 10fts of you.

Energy Barrier
Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Aegis feature or Pact of the Runes or Pact of the Necklace or Pact of the Palemaster or Pact of the Maw

At the start of each of your turns, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) + your proficiency bonus, provided that you are using your pact and have at least 1 hit point.

Exceeding Expectations
Prerequisite: Pact of the Crown feature

When you take this invocation, you may grant your servant a feat. At level 10 you may grant them another feat. If at some point you replace this invocation and later take it back, you may select new feats.

Extended Influence
Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Mantle feature

The range of your mantle increases by 10 feet. You may take this Eldritch Invocation twice, but you must have at least 9 levels in the warlock class before you take it the second time.

Ferocious Wand
Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Wand feature or Pact of the Ring or Pact of the Glove or Pact of the Necklace or Pact of the Palemaster or Pact of the Elements or Pact of the Claw or Pact of the Maw

Your pact's bonus to spell attack rolls and spell save DCs are increased by +2. Spell attacks made through your pact score a critical hit on a 19-20.

Guard Beast
Prerequisite: Pact of the Beast feature

When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can force the attack to target you instead. If you do so, you can use your reaction to move up to half your speed and make one melee weapon attack against the creature.

Improved Bond
Prerequisite: Pact of the Supporter

While you are within 1 mile of your bonded ally, you gain the following benefit:

  • You may use your reaction to grant your bonded ally advantage on a single saving throw.
  • You can give your energies to you bonded ally, you can suffer damage equal to twice your Charisma modifier + your warlock level and heal him the same amount.
  • When either your bonded ally or you suffer damage from attacks or spells, the other heals half the damage taken.
  • When you cast a spell or cantrip that targets yourself, you can instead target your bonded ally.
  • Your bonded ally also makes the extra damage from your cursed enemy by Hex or Hexblade curse.
Mantle of Concentration
Prerequisite: Pact of the Mantle feature

Creatures affected by your mantle gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls.

Mantle of Draining
Prerequisite: 11th level, Pact of the Mantle feature

Hostile creatures within range of your mantle take 5 + your Charisma modifier necrotic damage at the start of each of their turns.

Mantle of Protection
Prerequisite: Pact of the Mantle feature

Creatures affected by your mantle gain a +1 bonus to AC.

Mouth of the Void
Prerequisite: 11th level, Pact of the Claw feature or Pact of the Runes or Pact of the Glove or Pact of the Palemaster or Pact of the Elements or Pact of the Maw

In the palm of your claw/hand/glove, a mouth opens. When you must make a saving throw against a spell that deals damage, you can use your reaction to absorb part of the spell, you cut the damage you take by half and heal for the same amount if you have 1 health or more left after receiving the spell. You can use this feature before or after you roll your save. This feature can be used once per short or long rest.

Perfected Servitude
Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Crown feature

Your magical servant strives to become the best servant they can be. When you choose this invocation, the main stats of your servant increases to 20 (Strength and Constitution for Guard, Dexterity and Wisdom for Scout, Intelligence and Charisma for Consort). In addition, after every long rest, your servant gains temporary hit points equal to half your level rounded up.

Primordial Tongue
Prerequisite: 10th level, Pact of the Elements or Pact of the Runes or Pact of the Necklace or Pact of the Crown or Pact of the Maw

Your patron gifts you with the ability to speak and understand any spoken language, similar to the spell tongues, except that listeners believe you are a native speaker. You may attempt to command a single individual with the use of this invocation, though once used you may not do so again until you take a long rest.

Rejuvenating Mantle
Prerequisite: 19th level, Pact of the Mantle feature, Mantle of Draining Eldritch Invocation

When an enemy takes damage from Mantle of Draining, you can distribute hit points to creatures you choose (including yourself) within the range of your Mantle equal to the amount of damage the enemy took.

Shroud of the Ancients
Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Shroud feature or Pact of the Ring

Your pact's bonuses are increased to +2. You also become proficient in the Arcana Skill skill, and may add your proficiency bonus twice to ability checks made with that skill.

Stone Free
Prerequisite: Pact of the Stand feature

Your Stand’s walking speed increases by 15 feet. Additionally, you learn the Thorn Whip cantrip, and it does not count towards your known cantrips.

Summon Elemental
Prerequisite: Pact of the Elements, 10th level

As an action, you may summon an elemental associated with the element you are currently attunted to, as per the spell conjure elemental. However, you do not need to maintain concentration and the elemental remains a loyal servant for the full hour or until it has died or you dismiss it as a bonus action. Treat the elemental as if you had conjured it with the highest level spell slot you have available, though it does not consume any of your spell slots to do so. You may not summon another elemental until after you have taken a short or long rest, even if you have voluntarily dismissed your previous elemental.

The Hand that Guards
Prerequisite: Pact of the Shield

Whilst holding your pact shield, you can cast the shield spell without using a spell slot. You can use this invocation a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and regain all expended uses when you complete a long rest. In addition, it can now be used as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells.

Guardian's Focus
Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Shield

Your pact shield can now be used for more than just guarding yourself. Your pact shield now also counts as a simple melee weapon that deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage, using your Strength modifier for attack and damage rolls and counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. It also gains the thrown property, with a minimum range of 20 feet and a long range of 90 feet. If it's been thrown, you can summon it back into your hand as a bonus action. Furthermore, should you have the Hex Warrior or similar feature, your pact shield counts as a weapon that benefits from it.

Otherworldly Patron-based


The following invocations require the Archfey patron as a prerequisite, potentially in addition to other prerequisites.

Bear King's Honey
Prerequisite: Archfey patron

The mighty Bear King, who rules a domain of revelry and sport, gifts you with one of his many ornamental clay pots filled with succulent golden honey. The Pot is small enough to hang on your waist and contains 2 servings of honey, which it regains daily at dawn. As an action, you can fling a glob of honey at a target within 30 feet as a ranged weapon attack. If the attack hits, the creature must make a Strength saving throw or be restrained. As an action, a creature restrained by the honey can make a Strength check against your spell save DC, freeing itself on a success. You may spend an action to eat a serving of honey or feed it to another creature instead of throwing it to restore hit points as though you had just used a potion of healing. The Bear King's honey is highly addictive and enticing to all, though you are guarded from its ill effects. If a non-fey creature other than you consumes any amount of the honey, they must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or become addicted to the honey.

While addicted, the creature must eat at least one serving of the Bear King's honey once a day or have disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks until it consumes another serving of honey.

Blessing of the Witch
Prerequisite: 9th level, Archfey patron

You have gained the favor of the Queen of Witches. When you deal damage to a creature, you can expend a warlock spell slot. If you do, you treat any die rolled to determine damage dealt as if they have rolled their maximum value.

Once you use this invocation, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Faerie Strike
Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Blade feature, Archfey patron

Your patron enhances you pact weapon with eldritch power, changing its damage type to force, but lowering the die size by one (d12->d10->d8->d6->d4). The die can be no lower than a d4. For example, a rapier would deal 1d6 force damage, instead of 1d8 piercing damage.

Feywild Frolic
Prerequisite: 9th level, Archfey patron

You are able to cast misty step at will, without expending a spell slot.

Moonlit Magic
Prerequisite: A spell that deals either fire or radiant damage, Archfey patron

The manic Moonlit King rules from his Tower of the Moon and possesses powerful lunar sorceries. If you hit a creature in a form other than its natural form with a spell that deals fire or radiant damage, it must succeed on a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC or revert to its natural form.

Neifion's Tendrils
Prerequisite: 6th level, Archfey patron

As an action, you lower your hand and rootlike tendrils shoot from your palm into the ground. An instant later they erupt from the earth beneath the feet of a creature and bore into its flesh, replenishing you with their lifeforce. Make a ranged spell attack against a creature within 30 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes 3d6 + your Charisma modifier necrotic damage, and you regain hit points equal to half the amount of necrotic damage dealt.

Once you use this invocation, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Nymph's Beauty
Prerequisite: 15th level, Archfey patron

Verenestra, First of the Nymphs, blesses you with a nymph-like beauty. Your new soft and delicate looking form makes everyone you meet fawn over you and causes even the most savage of foes reconsider attacking you. You have advantage on Charisma (Deception and Persuasion) checks and you are able to add your Charisma modifier to your AC. However, this boon also makes you far less intimidating and any attempt to be menacing is taken much less seriously. You now make Charisma Intimidation checks at disadvantage and targets have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks against your intimidation. In addition, you can cause one creature charmed by you to become infatuated with you as a bonus action, believing you to be its one true love until the charmed condition ends. A creature infatuated with you makes saving throws to end the charmed condition with disadvantage and is only able to make a saving throw to end the charmed condition after being directly attacked by you yourself.

Once you use this invocation, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

Seelie Servant
Prerequisite: 4th level, Pact of the Chain feature, Archfey patron

The Fairy Queen has sent her servant to aid you. Your familiar becomes a [daughter or son of Titania]. You familiar also gains a number of Hit Dice equal to your Warlock level + your Charisma modifier.

Titania's Cradle
Prerequisite: 5th level, Archfey patron

You are able to cast the entangle spell at will without expending a spell slot. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, a bed of magical flowers within a cage of thick vines is summoned around your body, instantly stabilizing you and bringing you up to 1 hit point. While inside the cradle, your speed is reduced to 0. At the start of your turn, you can choose to dismiss or remain inside the cradle. If you remain inside the cradle, you regain hit points equal to 2d8 + Charisma modifier but you are unable to take any actions or bonus actions. Upon dismissing the cradle, it withers away and cannot be used further. If the cradle is destroyed before while you are still inside it, you are dropped on the ground and are knocked prone.

The cradle has an AC of 20, 40 hit points, and has vulnerability to fire damage.

Once you use this invocation, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.

Unseelie Queen's Eyes
Prerequisite: 17th level, Archfey patron

The Queen of the Glooming Court grants you the power to see the world as it truly is. You gain truesight out to a distance of 120 feet.

Wild Hunter
Prerequisite: 6th level, Pact of the Blade feature, Archfey patron

You are blessed as a member of the Wild Hunt. You can cast hunter's mark at will without expending a spell slot and you ignore difficult terrain. The Horned Lord of the Hunt himself inscribes your pact weapon with sylvan hunting runes, causing it to deal an additional die of damage. In addition, when you hit a creature with your pact weapon, you can expend a spell slot to deal an additional 2d8 damage to the target per spell level.


The following invocations require the Celestial patron as a prerequisite, potentially in addition to other prerequisites.

Blessing of Elysium
Prerequisite: Celestial patron

Your patron has deemed you worthy to go to Elysium when you die because of this you are granted a Blessing. Whenever you regain hit points, you treat any dice rolled to determine the hit points you regain as having rolled their maximum value. Also while you are still alive you have access to your home in Elysium however how you are traveling to Elysium while still alive is up to the DM.

Note: After selecting this Invocation you cannot change this invocation to a different invocation like you would with a normal warlock invocation.

Celestial Bow
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade feature, Celestial patron

You can create a longbow using your Pact of the Blade feature. When you draw back its string and fire, it creates an arrow of white wood and gold, which vanishes after 1 minute. You have advantage on attack rolls against Undead with the bow. When you hit a creature with it, you can expend a spell slot to deal an additional 1d6 radiant damage to the target per spell level.

Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Blade feature, Celestial patron

When you hit a creature with your pact weapon, you may deal additional radiant damage equal to your Charisma modifier. The type of the damage is associated with your patron and you cannot use this invocation with the Lifedrinker invocation if you have both of them.

Radiant Blast
Prerequisite: eldritch blast cantrip, Celestial patron

When you cast eldritch blast, you can choose to have it deal radiant damage. If you do so, it ignores a creature's resistance (but not immunity) to radiant damage.

Radiant Sword
Prerequisite: Pact of the Blade feature, Celestial patron

When you create your pact weapon as a longsword, it manifests as a longsword that glows with radiant power and has a hilt shaped like an angel in flight. When you hit a creature with it, you can expend a spell slot to deal an additional 1d6 radiant damage to the target per spell level, and you can cause the creature to emit bright light in a 30-foot radius for 1 minute, and dim light for an additional 30 feet.

Great Old One

The following invocations require the Great Old One patron as a prerequisite, potentially in addition to other prerequisites.

Prerequisite: 17th level, Tharizdun as your Great Old One patron,

You are able to draw on the primal powers of entropy and destruction. You can create a hole in reality that is for all intents and purposes a sphere of Annihilation. The mechanical differences are that you are in total control of the sphere and it cannot be taken from your control. Further you can control the sphere from any distance so long at it is within line of sight. The sphere does 5d10 of necrotic damage when coming into contact with living things that aren't entirely engulfed by the sphere. Anything engulfed by the sphere is destroyed as per the affect of a Sphere of Annihilation. The sphere will destroy any non-magical objects it touches leaving nothing behind of the parts that came in contact with the sphere. Any unattended nonmagical objects within a 10-foot radius of the sphere take 2d10 force damage and crumble into dust if the hit points reach 0. The Sphere can be maintained for 10 minutes with concentration and can only be used once per long rest.

Eldritch Rebuke
Prerequisite: 5th level, Great Old One patron

You learn the arms of Hadar spell if you don't know it already. You can now use this spell as a reaction which you take in response to being damaged by a creature within 10 feet of you that you can see. You may do so once without expending a spell slot, being able to do so again after finishing a long rest.

Expanded Mind
Prerequisite: 10th level, Great Old One patron

Your patron has opened your mind and granted you enhanced psionic abilities. You gain the ability to send out a massive psionic blast from your mind. This Mind Blast ability requires everyone in a 5 foot radius to make an Intelligence saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage or half on a successful save. For each creature affected by this ability the radius increases by 5 feet and the damage increases by 1d4. You may do so again after finishing a short or long rest. Additionally, your Awakened Mind ability increases to a 1 mile radius.

Grasping Hex
Prerequisite: Great Old One patron

When you cast hex on a target and land a hit you can, instead of dealing damage, choose to reduce its speed to 0 as spectral tendrils wrap around it.

Observing Servant
Prerequisite: 11th level, Great Old One patron

You can spend an hour performing a ritual granted to you by your patron, this ritual takes 1 hour to perform and once complete, you summon a Spectator which obeys your order or your patrons. Once it reaches 0 hit point, it dissolves and returns to the void. You must wait 24 hours before performing the ritual again. When performing the ritual you must make a Charisma saving throw with a DC of 20 minus your Charisma modifier. If you fail the Spectator will be hostile and attack you.

Otherworldly Tendrils
Prerequisite: Great Old One patron

Your patron bestows upon you the power to form eldritch tendrils from your body. As an action, you can extrude tendrils from your body, which reach for a creature you can see within 15 feet of you. The creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take 2d4 force damage and be grappled by you. As an action, the creature can escape the grapple by succeeding on a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The grapple also ends if you halt it (no action required), if the creature is ever more than 15 feet away from you, or if you use this on a different creature. The tendrils can also be used to manipulate or move objects, as well as be used like a rope to climb.

Psychic Empowerment
Prerequisite: 17th level, eldritch blast cantrip, Great Old One patron

Psychic energy runs through your mind and body, you gain immunity to psychic damage. Whenever you are dealt psychic damage you can store the damage until the end of your next turn. You can then add the stored damage on the next eldritch blast you cast.

The Raven Queen

The following invocations require the The Raven Queen patron as a prerequisite, potentially in addition to other prerequisites.

Death's Caress
Prerequisite: 7th level, The Raven Queen patron

When you hit a creature with a melee spell attack that deals necrotic damage, you can choose to drain some of its life force. You gain temporary hit points equal to half the necrotic damage dealt.

Ethereal Connections
Prerequisite: 18th level, The Raven Queen patron

You can cast the etherealness spell without expending a spell slot, targeting only yourself. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

Fate's Embrace
Prerequisite: 9th level, The Raven Queen patron

When you make a Charisma saving throw, you can use your reaction to gain advantage on the roll. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Master of Shadows
Prerequisite: 17th level, The Raven Queen patron or Hexblade patron

You have mastered your connection to the Shadowfell, and gain a variety of benefits; You may use 15 feet of movement to hide within any shadow that you can see, melting into your own shadow and reappearing in the shadow you have chosen. This still provokes opportunity attacks, unless you have taken the Disengage action on the same turn. You may expend 15 feet of movement to exit the shadow during your turn. You can cast misty step without expending a spell slot or material components, but instead of a silvery mist, you are surrounded by shadows.

Queen's Resilience
Prerequisite: 18th level, The Raven Queen patron

Your connection to the Raven Queen strengthens your resolve. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, frightened, or paralyzed. Additionally, when you succeed on a saving throw against an effect that would reduce your hit points to 0, you can choose to drop to 1 hit point instead.

Raven's Gaze
Prerequisite: 15th level, The Raven Queen patron

You gain the ability to cast the scrying spell without expending a spell slot. When you use this ability, the target of the spell perceives the scrying sensor as a raven, and it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or be frightened for the duration of the scrying.

Raven's Resurgence
Prerequisite: 15th level, The Raven Queen patron

When you use your Queen's Right Hand feature to cast finger of death you can regain expended uses of the ability after finishing a short or long rest, instead of needing a long rest.

Raven's Veil
Prerequisite: 5th level, The Raven Queen patron

You can cast the invisibility spell on yourself without expending a spell slot or material components. You can use this ability once, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest.

Raven's Whispers
Prerequisite: 5th level, The Raven Queen patron

You gain the ability to communicate telepathically with your Sentinel Raven over any distance. Additionally, when you use the Raven Queen's expanded spell speak with dead the spell doesn't require verbal or somatic components. The telepathic connection breaks if you are in a different plane.

Prerequisite: 12th level, The Raven Queen patron

When you are in dim light or darkness, as a bonus action, you can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or darkness. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Shadow Veil
Prerequisite: 7th level, The Raven Queen patron

When you are in dim light or darkness, you can cast the darkness spell without expending a spell slot. Once you use this ability, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Soul Tether
Prerequisite: 12th level, The Raven Queen patron

When you deal necrotic damage with a spell, you can choose to regain a number of hit points equal to half the damage dealt. This feature can only trigger once per turn.

Other Patrons

The following invocations require a different otherworldly patron than those specified above as a prerequisite, potentially in addition to other prerequisites.

Thanotic Blast
Prerequisite: The Undying Patron, eldritch blast

When you cast eldritch blast, you can choose to have it deal necrotic damage. If you do so, it ignores a creature's resistance (but not immunity) to necrotic damage.


The following invocations require prerequisites that do not place them in any of the above categories.

Aberrance Unleashed
Prerequisite: 9th level, eldritch blast cantrip, at least 15 Charisma score

The maximum range of your eldritch blast is (your Charisma score)2 feet. Additionally, you may cast eldritch blast without requiring any action, bonus action or reaction a number of times equal to half of your Charisma modifier (rounded up) per turn. Creatures hit by your eldritch blast must make a Constitution saving throw contested against your spell save DC. On a failure, they are knocked back 10 feet and are stunned for 1 round.

Ancient Spirit's Favor
Prerequisite: 3rd level, good or neutral alignment

You gain the druidcraft, guidance, and mold earth cantrips.

Book of Unfettered Secrets
Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Tome feature, Ritual Caster feat

You may use the Quick Ritual trait of the Ritual Caster feat once per short rest instead of once per long rest.

The book of shadows conjured by your Pact of the Tome now includes a number of rituals of any spell level you have access to (including through mystic arcanums) equal to your proficiency bonus instead of only two 1st level rituals. You may choose which rituals are contained in the book each time you conjure it, choosing from any spell list.

You are also proficient in the Arcana and History skills for as long as your book of shadows is on your person.

Eldritch Net
Prerequisite: Net weapon proficiency

When you throw a Net, it has a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. In addition, instead of a DC 10 Strength check, creatures must make a Strength check against your warlock spellcasting DC to free itself or another creature from the net. Finally, the net has an AC equal to your warlock spellcasting DC.

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