Energy Warper (Pathfinder Class)

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Energy Warper[edit]

All energy in nature is conserved. The energy warper is specially attuned to this, neither creating nor destroying energy but manipulating it. By pulling energy from one place and redistributing it, they can create areas of extreme heat or cold, heal their allies, damage their foes, and dim or brighten areas as large as a city block.

Making an energy warper[edit]

Energy warpers pair extremely well with allies that can reposition enemies, as well as with necromancers and hybrid healers. Repositioning enemies allows an energy warper's hot and cold zones to be used to their maximum potential. Necromancer allies greatly benefit from the ability of an energy warper to heal both the necromancer and his undead minion with the same ability simultaneously. Hybrid healers appreciate help from the energy warper in keeping up party health, allowing both to inflict greater damage with impunity.

Abilities: Constitution, being the stat that sets DCs for Conduit abilities and determines how many times per day an energy warper can use them, is the most important stat. Depending on choice of weapon(s), an energy warper will also need good Strength and or Dexterity. Intelligence is important because it increases the effect of conduit abilities.

Races: Any.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 5d6 x 10 gp (average 175 gp.)

Starting Age: Moderate (as cleric)

Table:Energy Warper

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
1st +0 +2 +0 +2 Darkvision, Armored Mage, Defensive Conduits, Conduit of Heat 1 zone
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Conduit of Life 1 dice
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Conduit of Light rank 1, Improved Conduits
4th +3 +4 +1 +4 Conduit of Heat 2 zones, Slow Release
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Conduit of Life 2 dice, Weapon of Energy +1d6
6th +4 +5 +2 +5 Conduit of Light rank 2
7th +5 +5 +2 +5 Conduit of Heat 3 zones, Deepsight
8th +6 +6 +2 +6 Conduit of Life 3 dice
9th +6 +6 +3 +6 Conduit of Light rank 3
10th +7 +7 +3 +7 Conduit of Heat 4 zones, Weapon of Energy +2d6
11th +8 +7 +3 +7 Conduit of Life 4 dice
12th +9 +8 +4 +8 Conduit of Light rank 4
13th +9 +8 +4 +8 Conduit of Heat 5 zones, See Without Light
14th +10 +9 +4 +9 Conduit of Life 5 dice
15th +11 +9 +5 +9 Conduit of Light rank 5, Weapons of Energy +3d6
16th +12 +10 +5 +10 Conduit of Heat 6 zones
17th +12 +10 +5 +10 Conduit of Life 6 dice
18th +13 +11 +6 +11 Conduit of Light rank 6, Conduit of Magnetism
19th +14 +11 +6 +11 Conduit of Heat 7 zones
20th +15 +12 +6 +12 Conduit of Life 7 dice, Weapon of Energy +4d6, Master of Energy

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha)

Class Features[edit]

All of the following are class features of the energy warper.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The energy warper is proficient in all simple and martial weapons. The energy warper is proficient in light armor. An energy warper's Conduit abilities require precise movement, and armor impedes this. The energy warper's Conduit abilities incur spell failure chance just as a sorcerer's spells would.

Darkvision (Su): At 1st level, the energy warper gains Darkvision out to 60 feet.

Armored Mage: At 1st level, the energy warper gains the ability to cast freely in light armor. He ignores the spell failure chance of light armor, but still incurs the full spell failure chance of medium and heavy armors as well as shields.

Defensive Conduits: At 1st level, the energy warper is able to cast his conduit abilities defensively. When casting conduit abilities, he does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Conduit of Heat (Sp): At 1st level, an energy warper can pull heat from one 5x5 area (one square) and move it to another 1-square area as a standard action, so long as both squares are within 30 feet of the energy warper. When he does this, the hot zone will deal 1d4 + the energy warper's Intelligence modifier fire damage per round to anything occupying it, and the cold zone will deal the same amount as cold damage (the two use the same damage roll). Zones remain for 1 minute, at which time the thermal energy mixes with nearby thermal energy and the zones will no longer do damage. If a unit occupies a square when an energy warper designates it as a hot zone or a cold zone, that unit gets a Reflex save with a DC of 10 + the energy warper's Constitution modifier + half the energy warper's class level (rounded down, minimum of 1). If successful, the unit moves to an adjacent square without provoking attacks of opportunity and takes no damage from the zone. The energy warper can use this ability a number of times per day equal to twice his Constitution modifier. The energy warper cannot affect anything within an anti-magic field with this ability, but anti-magic fields do not dampen already active zones. Every 3rd level after 1st, the energy warper gets another zone.

4th level: 2 zones 7th level: 3 zones 10th level: 4 zones 13th level: 5 zones 16th level: 6 zones 19th level: 7 zones

Conduit of Life (Sp): At 2nd level, the energy warper can pull energy from one living or undead target within 30 feet and transfer it to another as a standard action with instantaneous duration. The drained target is affected by 1d4 + the energy warper's Intelligence modifier negative energy, and the receiver is affected by the same amount of positive energy (one dice roll determines both effects). Both targets are allowed a Fortitude save (but allowed to take a natural 1) with a DC of 10 + the energy warper's Constitution modifier + half the energy warper's class level (rounded down, minimum of 1). If either target passes the Fortitude save, that target resists the effect, but the other side is not affected. Every 3rd level after 2nd, the energy warper gets an additional dice added to the effect of this ability. The energy warper can cast this a number of times per day equal to twice his Constitution modifier.

5th level: 2 dice 8th level: 3 dice 11th level: 4 dice 14th level: 5 dice 17th level: 6 dice 20th level: 7 dice

Conduit of Light (Sp): At 3rd level, the energy warper can move light from one place to another as a standard action, creating areas of brightness and darkness or dazzling and blinding creatures. The center of this effect must be within the energy warper's line of sight, and its radius is that of a torch (20 feet). The darkened zone reduces in light by one step, and the brightened zone increases by one step. These effects last 1 minute. If targeted on a creature instead of a square, the light around the creature is unchanged. However, the creature must make a Will save with a DC of 10 + the energy warper's Constitution modifier + half the energy warper's class level (rounded down, minimum of 1). If the creature fails the save, they are dazzled by the bright side or blinded by the dark side for 1d4 rounds. The energy warper can cast this ability a number of times per day equal to twice his Constitution modifier. This ability can never be used to create or dispel supernatural darkness. The effects of this spell increase every 3rd level after 3.

6th level – Conduit of Light level 2: 40 foot radius 9th level – Conduit of Light level 3: 2 light levels 12th level – Conduit of Light level 4: 80 foot radius 15th level – Conduit of Light level 5: 3 light levels 18th level – Conduit of Light level 6: Swift action

Improved Conduits: At 3rd level, the energy warper becomes more skilled at using his conduit abilities. All d4s involved in his conduit abilities become d6s. Additionally, the energy warper gains the ability to combine zones of Conduit of Heat with each other and with environmental sources of cold or fire damage.

Slow Release (Sp): At 4th level, the energy warper gains the ability to imbue a small object, such as a pebble, coin, or pendant, with one half of a conduit ability. This grants the following effects:

Conduit of Heat (hot zone) -- The object emits heat, increasing the heat level in a 20 foot radius by one level per two zones used (such as extreme cold to severe cold or normal to very hot). This effect lasts for 1 hour per energy warper level of the caster.

Conduit of Heat (cold zone) -- The object absorbs heat, reducing the heat level in a 20 foot radius by one level per two zones used (such as cold to severe cold or extreme heat to severe heat). This effect lasts for 1 hour per energy warper level of the caster.

Conduit of Life (positive side) -- The object emits positive energy, giving its holder fast healing 1 per two zones used. This effect lasts 1 minute per energy warper level of the caster.

Conduit of Life (negative side) -- The object emits negative energy, giving its holder fast inflict 1 per 2 zones used (fast inflict is negative fast healing -- heals undead creatures and damages living creatures). This effect lasts 1 minute per energy warper level of the caster.

Conduit of Light (bright side) -- The object emits light like a torch in a 20 foot radius, raising the light level by up to 1 per 2 ranks of Conduit of Light the energy warper has (1 light level is from normal light to bright light or darkness to low light). The caster may choose not to use the full effect available (this does not allow for other uses of that side of the conduit, the effect is simply lost).

Conduit of Light (dark side) -- The object siphons light from the surrounding area, creating a zone of darkness with a 20 foot radius. It makes this area 1 light level darker per 2 ranks of Conduit of Light the energy warper has (the caster can choose to make it brighter).

Weapons of Energy (Sp): At 5th level, the energy warper learns to alter his weapons with his conduit abilities for 1 minute (10 rounds). Imbuing one weapon counts as half of the conduit effect. The energy warper can spend the other half of the conduit on another weapon or on the conduit's normal effect. This costs a use of the conduit ability towards his daily limit. The weapons inflict 1d6 of energy damage in addition to their normal damage. All damage dealt by any imbued weapon is lethal regardless of whether the weapon deals nonlethal damage. Conduit effects cannot stack on a weapon.

Each fist or natural weapon counts as a weapon, but this effect deals the energy damage to the energy warper every round if applied to his fists or natural weapons when the following conditions are met:

Conduit of Heat (Hot Zone): The energy warper possesses a "Water" or "Cold" subtype. Conduit of Heat (Cold Zone): The energy warper possesses a "Fire" subtype. Conduit of Life (Negative): The energy warper is living. Conduit of Life (Positive): The energy warper is undead. Conduit of Light (Bright): The energy warper is an evil outsider. Conduit of Light (Dark): The energy warper is a good outsider.

The conduit effects give the weapon the following damage types:

Conduit of Heat (Hot Zone): Fire damage Conduit of Heat (Cold Zone): Cold damage Conduit of Life (Negative): Negative energy Conduit of Life (Positive): Positive energy Conduit of Light (Bright): Good damage (1.5x to evil creatures, good creatures take 0.5x) Conduit of Light (Dark): Evil damage (1.5x to good creatures, evil creatures take 0.5x)

Additionally, the warper's weapon is considered magic while imbued, as well as the energy type he imbues it with. This allows a warper to penetrate damage reductions such as evil or magic.

His additional weapon damage increases every 5 levels after 5.

10th level: +2d6 15th level: +3d6 20th level: +4d6

The effect immediately dissipates if the energy warper stops holding the imbued weapon for any reason.

Deepsight: At 7th level, the energy warper gains Deepsight as a bonus feat, expanding his darkvision range to 120 feet.

Energy Resistances (Su): At 7th level, the energy warper gains immunity to all climate effects in relation to temperature. Also, the energy warper gains energy resist equal to his class level from positive, negative, fire and cold energy types. Positive resist only applies to undead energy warpers, and negative energy resist only applies to living energy warpers.

See Without Light (Su): At 15th level, the energy warper gains the ability to see without light as far as he can in daylight. This does not allow the energy warper to see through magical darkness.

Conduit of Magnetism (Sp): At 18th level, the energy warper can electrically charge two items within 60 feet of him and of each other, causing the items to attract each other. He must designate one of the targets as holding a positive charge and the other as holding a negative charge. Positive and negative charges attract each other, and only the closest opposite charge is considered. This causes a myriad of effects:

On the energy warper's initiative count, any wielded items that are under the effect of a pull will be yanked from their wielder's hand unless the wielder succeeds on a Strength check with a DC of 10 + the energy warper's CON modifier + half the energy warper's class level (rounded down, min 1).

Tiny and smaller creatures wielding or wearing an item under the effect of a pull will be pulled with the object. Wielded items can be dropped by making a Reflex save with a DC of 10 + the energy warper's CON modifier + half the energy warper's level (rounded down, min 1).

If a weapon is pulled across an occupied square, the energy warper gets to make an attack with the weapon against the creature occupying the square. The energy warper uses his own CON modifier in place of the normal STR or DEX modifier for attack and damage rolls. Attacks made in this way are at the energy warper's highest attack bonus.

If a weapon under the effect of a pull is used to make an attack, the wielder suffers a -2 circumstance penalty. However, that penalty is changed to a +3 circumstance bonus if the attack's target carries the opposite charge.

Creatures wearing an item under the effect of a pull suffer a -5 foot penalty to their movement speed when moving away from the opposite charge, and gain a +5 foot bonus to their movement speed when moving toward the opposite charge.

This can only be cast on metal objects. The effect ends when the charges touch, and the pull effect is limited to a range of 60 feet. The energy warper can do this a number of times per day equal to his Constitution modifier.

Master of Energy (Su): At 20th level, the energy warper reaches the pinnacle of his command over energy. The energy warper's energy resistances are increased to 2 per level. Additionally, the energy warper's conduit abilities and imbued weapons penetrate all damage reductions and energy resistances.

Epic Energy Warper[edit]

Table: The Epic Energy Warper

Hit Die: d8

Level Special
21st Conduit of Heat 8 zones
22nd Conduit of Life 8 dice
23rd Conduit of Heat 9 zones
24th Conduit of Life 9 dice
25th Conduit of Heat 10 zones
26th Conduit of Life 10 dice
27th Conduit of Heat 11 zones
28th Conduit of Life 11 dice
29th Conduit of Heat 12 zones
30th Conduit of Life 12 dice

2 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Conduit of Heat: The energy warper gains an additional zone of Conduit of Heat every odd level, starting with level 21.

Conduit of Life: The energy warper gains an additional dice on Conduit of Life every even level, starting with level 22.

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