Warped Skeleton (4e Creature)

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Warped Skeleton[edit]

Warped skeletons are undead with an aberrant taint. They are created when the Far Realm interferes with necromancy in any way. Some warped skeletons have blades where their hands should be. Others' bones are extremely flexible, allowing them to bend out of the way of attacks.

Warped Skeleton Lore[edit]

A character knows the following information with a successful Dungeoneering or Religion check.

DC 15: Warped skeletons are created when the far realm interferes with necromancy. Warped skeletons look basically like skeletons but are warped beyond belief.

DC 20: Warped skeletons fall into two distinct categories, boneblades, which have thick, sharp blades where their hands should be and boneflexes, whose bones are very flexible and can bend out of the way of attacks.

Warped Skeleton Boneblade[edit]

Warped Skeleton Boneblade
Level 9 Soldier
Medium aberrant humanoid (undead)
XP 400
HP 88; Bloodied 44 Initiative +6
AC 25; Fortitude 22, Reflex 18, Will 16 Perception +4
Speed 6 Darkvision
Resist 10 necrotic
Vulnerable 5 radiant
Standard Actions
Basicmelee.png Bone Blade ♦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one target); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage
Melee.png Dual Strike ♦ At-Will
Effect: The warped skeleton boneblade makes two bone blade attacks against the same target.
Triggered Actions
Melee.png Boneblade's Fury ♦ Encounter
Trigger: The warped skeleton is reduced to 0 hit points
Effect: (Immediate Interrupt) The warped skeleton boneblade makes four bone blade attacks against the same target.
Skills -
Str 22 (+10) Dex 14 (+6) Wis 10 (+4)
Con 20 (+9) Int 3 (+0) Cha 7 (+2)
Alignment Evil Languages -

Warped skeleton boneblades continuously attack the enemy with the least defense until it is reduced to 0 hit points. Then it moves on to the next target.

Warped Skeleton Boneflex[edit]

Warped Skeleton Boneflex
Level 9 Skirmisher
Medium aberrant humanoid (undead)
XP 400
Initiative +13 Senses Perception +4; darkvision
HP 95; Bloodied 47
AC 25; Fortitude 18, Reflex 23, Will 16
Resist 5 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
Speed 7
Basicmelee.png Warping Touch ♦ at-will
Effect: +16 vs. Reflex; 2d6+7 damage and target is dazed (save ends).
Skeletal Warp ♦ recharge D6 (5).png, D6 (6).png
Effect: The warped skeleton boneflex gains +4 to AC and Reflex until end of turn.
Combat Advantage
Effect: The warped skeleton boneflex deals an extra 2d6 damage when its target grants combat advantage.
Skills Acrobatics+16
Str 14 (+6) Dex 24 (+11) Wis 10 (+4)
Con 14 (+6) Int 3 (+0) Cha 7 (+2)
Alignment Unaligned Languages -

A warped skeleton boneflex charges into combat and try to flank foes. They use Skeletal Warp the first time they are targeted by a melee or ranged attack. Once it is expended they are much more careful until it recharges.

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