Grim Wardlord (5e Feat)

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Grim Wardlord

Prerequisites: Ability to cast Death Ward
You want to protect your friends form the final sleep, so you’ve studied a mix of abjuration and necromancy to secure their existences as best you can.

  • Death Ward’s range is increased 120ft.
  • Death Ward’s Duration is increased to 12 hours.
  • Multiple Death Wards may be placed on a character at the same time. In that case, only 1 activates and expires each time they take fatal damage.
  • While Death Ward is active, the target is resistant to Necrotic damage.
  • When Death Ward activates to stop damage or instant death from an enemy, it deals 4d4 Necrotic damage to them.
  • When Death Ward activates, the target gains 1d4 temporary hit points. If it expires, they gain 2d4 temporary hit points.

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