Ashes of War (5e Elden Ring Setting)

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Ashes of War[edit]

Ashes of war are extra moves that can be used in addition to the damage a weapon offers. Each Ash of War, unless specified, takes a full-round action to use. Some ashes of war may change the affinity of a weapon, or the ability score the weapon scales with. As an example, if an Ash of War grants a weapon the Sacred affinity, the weapon's damage type will change to Holy and it will use the bearer's Wisdom modifier when calculating damage and attack rolls rather than strength or dexterity. Additionally, if you are using the status conditions variant rule, some affinities also provide build-ups for certain conditions. The table below shows the different types of affinities and the bonuses they grant:

Affinity Damage Type Ability Modifier Build-Up
Standard Base Weapon's Damage Type Base Weapon's Ability Modifier Base Weapon's Build-Up
Heavy Base Weapon's Damage Type Strength
Keen Base Weapon's Damage Type Dexterity
Quality Base Weapon's Damage Type Half of Strength + Half of Dexterity
Magic Magic Intelligence
Cold Magic Intelligence Adds Frost build-up.
Fire Fire Strength
Flame Art Fire Wisdom
Lightning Lightning Dexterity
Sacred Holy Wisdom
Poison Base Weapon's Damage Type Base Weapon's Ability Modifier Adds Poison build-up
Blood Base Weapon's Damage Type Base Weapon's Ability Modifier Adds Blood Loss build-up
Occult Base Weapon's Damage Type Charisma

Each Ash of War has specific weapons which they may be applied on. These are detailed underneath a special section of the table. The following are the amount of available ashes of war that one may apply to a weapon.

Standard Affinity[edit]

Name Cost (Runes) Applicable Weapons Action
Parry 600 runes Daggers, Curved Swords, Thrusting Swords, Fists, Claws, and Small and Medium Shields As a reaction to being targeted by a melee weapon attack, you may roll a 1d20 and add your proficiency bonus. If this result exceeds the attack roll of your opponent, the attack misses as you ricochet it off of your shield. You may use this ability an amount up to your proficiency bonus in each round of combat.
Mighty Shot 400 runes Light Bows and Longbows When wielding a bow, you may choose to pull the bowstring to its limit, therefore enhancing the power in your shot. When you hit an attack using this ability, you may add an additional damage dice when calculating the damage for the attack roll. Additionally, this ability negates any AC increase that may come from a shield.
Barrage 400 runes Light Bows You target one creature within range of your bow and fire a barrage of arrows at that target as you hold your bow horizontally, making ability three ranged weapon attack rolls against that creature.
Enchanted Shot 400 runes Light Bows and Longbows You target one creature within range of your bow and make a ranged attack roll as you enchant the bow with spiritual essence. This attack has advantage as the arrow flies faster than normal and tracks down its target. Additionally, any attempt to make a reaction against this attack which involves making a Dexterity check has disadvantage.
Sky Shot 600 runes Bows and Longbows You target one creature within range of your bow and force them to make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier). On a failure, they take the damage of your weapon + an additional damage dice.
Through and Through 400 runes Greatbows You utilize an oblique stance to make a ranged attack roll against a creature as you ready your bow for a mighty shot. This ability adds an additional damage dice to your weapon on a hit. Additionally, this ability negates any AC increase that may come from a shield. Alternatively, you may choose to concentrate for up to 2 rounds to add three additional damage dice to your weapon rather than one.
Rain of Arrows 800 runes All Bows Utilizing gravity magic to enhance the end of each arrow, you fire a barrage of arrows in the sky as you let them rain down on your opponents. You may choose one point within range of your bow and force all creatures in a 10-foot radius to make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier). On a failure, they each take the damage of your weapon. Only one arrow is consumed when using this ability.

Heavy Affinity[edit]

Name Cost (Runes) Applicable Weapons Action
Wild Strikes 300 runes Axes, Hammers, Curved Swords, and Greatswords The user may use this ability to make four weapon attacks on their turn, all with disadvantage as they swing their weapon wildly.

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