Geography (Warrior Cats Supplement)
The Warriors Cats are based in modern earth. Some places have two names: one by the cats and the other is given by Twoleg (us) of the real place on Earth. There is three main locations that most of history takes place: Forest, Lake, and Mountains.
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Despite its name, only a small part of the region is covered by actual forest; mainly the eastern part claimed by ThunderClan as their hunting grounds. The rest are hills, grassland and marshes. A river, named River Chell, cuts through the region, making up the border between RiverClan and their two neighbors, ThunderClan and WindClan. A Thunderpath, named Windover Road by Twolegs, makes up the border between ShadowClan and ThunderClan. A smaller Thunderpath, named North Allerton Road, comes from the north.
RiverClan Major Sites[edit]
RiverClan claims the southwestern part of the region, on the right bank of River Chell. Their territory consists of open plains, and their camp is on a large, well-drained island, surrounded by reeds, that can be reached only by swimming (although such an island does not appear on the map).
Beech Corpse[edit]
The beech corpse is a thicket of beech trees with a clearing, in which RiverClan warriors train apprentices in both hunting and battle skills. In leaf-bare (winter), a meadow can be seen from the clearing. The meadow overlooks the River to WindClan's moors. In the same area, willow trees are found too, that create shelter
he RiverClan forest camp is on a large, well-drained island and is surrounded by reeds and sedge. There is swallow water surrounding it. It can be reached only by swimming or by the stepping stones, and as cats from other Clans cannot swim, the camp is rarely attacked. The Clan leader sits on a large rock near the edge of the camp with a shallow stream surrounding it. All dens are made up of tightly woven reeds. Cats weave feathers in the reeds and decorate the edges with rocks and shells. Floods present a danger. The dens are capable of floating during a flood. There is a well-trodden grass track leading away from the sedges and between thick bushes of the camp. The camp itself is in a clearing.
Nursery The nursery is tucked away into a thick sedge wall. It is made of willow branches and reeds.
Apprentices' Den The apprentice den has a warm coating of moss on it.
Medicine Cat's Den The medicine den is surrounded by deep olive sedge. It opens to a small clearing with a nest on one side. The herb storage is in a small hollow in the sedge wall where little caves are dug into the ground to store herbs. Its opening is draped by moss.
Warriors' Den The warriors' den is woven against a fallen and thick tree.
Elders' Den The elders' den is at the high end of a slope. It is made of woven willow stems.
Leader's Den The leader's den is built of willow stems and woven into the roots of the ancient willow.
Sunning Rocks[edit]
This is sometimes in RiverClan while other times in ThunderClan as this location is constantly fight over.
Sunningrocks is located to the eastern shore of the river in the forest territories. Along the shoreline of the river, the area is sandy. It is a large granite rock formation, with smooth gray boulders. On one side, it faces the sun, while the other side is sheer, overshadowing the river. The smooth rocks are flat, making them a desirable location for cats to sunbathe and rest. Within Sunningrocks there is cleft where cats are able to shelter in. In the rocks, prey is able to hide in small cavities between the boulders. Between where Sunningrocks and the forest meet there is said to be an abundance of prey nearby.
- The river itself, a source of prey for the cats. It follows a gorge that comes to a waterfall (Druid's Leap), then continues through the plains. RiverClan cats can swim through it, but there is also a Twoleg bridge that makes crossing safe when the water is high.
- South of the camp is Morgan's Farm, a Twolegplace with a campsite next to it.
- Near RiverClan is a giant gorge, known for its raging currents that can take a cat’s life
ShadowClan Major Sites[edit]
ShadowClan claims the northeastern part of the region, their territory consisting of marshy and damp ground with few trees. It is bordered by a Thunderpath to the south that has a tunnel underneath that permits crossing into ThunderClan grounds. Their camp is in a hollow with muddy ground, surrounded by brambles.
The ShadowClan forest camp is in a hollow with muddy ground surrounded by brambles and pine trees. The entrance is through a thorn tunnel. On the opposite end of the clearing is the Clanrock, a smooth boulder covered in lichen, and is used by the leader to call meetings. The Clan's dens are shallow hollows surrounded by thorns, and lined with moss and pine needles.
Nursery The nursery is in a hollow, shielded by a thorn bush.
Warriors' Den The warriors' den is under a large bramble bush.
Medicine cat's Den The medicine cat's den is in a cave under two boulders, one being the Clanrock. The cave is a tiny clearing edged with thick ferns. On the far side, is a pool of water with pine trees overhead. Herbs are stored along one side of the clearing in tiny holes covered with ferns.
Elders' Den The elders' den is underneath thick branches with a stump. A broken tree stump with new sprouts is not far.
Leader's Den The leader's den is beneath the roots of a big oak tree.
Prison The prison is a small pit in the far corner of the clearing, kept covered by a pile of leaves and twigs.
Located northwest of the ShadowClan camp, the Carrionplace poses as a source of prey during rough leaf-bares (winter) for the Clan. The place itself is described as downright disgusting due to the Twoleg (humanoid) rubbish piled in heaps. The putrid stench of the Carrionplace is also quite notable and is able to smelt fox-lengths (roughly a yard) away. The edge of Carrionplace is also fenced off, with a silver mesh (chain link wall) . ShadowClan cats often raid the area for the large rats that live there for prey. This poses a threat to the cats due to injuries they are able to sustain and the infection that often follows. Inside of Carrionplace there are also large, yellow monsters that occupy the area as well.
- South of the camp is the Burnt Sycamore, an ancient tree that was burnt by lightning long ago. ShadowClan apprentices learn their night hunting and quiet stalking at this tree.
- Southwest of the camp are two Twoleg tunnels that cross under the Thunderpath. One leads to Fourtrees; farther to the west, the second leads into WindClan territory.
SkyClan lived in a woodland area in the far southeastern part of the region. Their territory was destroyed a long time ago, and little is known about it.
The SkyClan forest camp is surrounded by brambles. On one side of the camp clearing is a hazel bush. It's fresh-kill pile is underneath an elderflower tree. There is also a tree stump in the center of the clearing that warriors sun themselves on. The Clan leader sits upon the thin branches of a gnarled thorn tree. The Twoleg nest where Smudge lives is built right on top of the old SkyClan camp.
Apprentices' Den The apprentices' den is beneath some ferns.
Medicine Cat's Den The medicine cat's den is lined with branches that moonlight shines through.
Leader's Den The leader's den is beneath an elderberry bush.
Elders' Den The elders' den is underneath some bushes. Just beyond it is a stream at the edge of the camp
ThunderClan Major Sites[edit]
ThunderClan claims the southeastern part of the region, their territory consisting of deciduous woodland, named White Hart Woods by Twolegs. Their camp is in a sandy ravine that used to be a riverbed long time ago, surrounded by brambles.
he ThunderClan forest camp is in a small, sandy ravine that used to be a riverbed a long time ago. From the top of the ravine, nothing but the same undergrowth present in the rest of the forest is visible. The bottom of the ravine, where the the camp entrance--a tunnel through thick gorse--lies is reached by traversing down boulders. The camp entrance is a tunnel through a thick patch of gorse. The grass inside the tunnel is flattened and strong-smelling.
The camp itself consists of a clearing edged with thick grass and dotted with tree stumps. At the center of camp, the ground is hard and bare. A thick curtain of ferns and gorse shields the camp, and it is also surrounded by brambles. There is a tall boulder at the head of the clearing, called the Highrock, used by the Clan leader to call meetings. A vast, sandy clearing stretches to the Highrock, and there is scuffed earth at its base. Additionally, the fresh-kill pile usually lies at the side of the clearing.
Nursery The nursery is under a thick bramble bush that appears impenetrable. There is a gap in the bush that leads to the clearing. Beside the nursery on one side is the warriors' den, and on the other is the apprentices' den. Additionally, the dirtplace is behind the nursery, as well as a secondary way out of camp.
Apprentices' den The apprentices' den is in a clump of ferns in a corner behind a mossy tree stump where the apprentices share fresh-kill and in front of a towering barrier of gorse. It is beside the nursery.
Warrior's den The warriors' den is under a bush of an unknown type with low-hanging branches. Near it is a nettle patch either under or very close to under Highrock. The warriors' den is beside the nursery and a few paces from Highrock, and is also has a clear view across camp of the gorse entrance, as well as being across the clearing from the elders' den, and having a clear view of the prisoner's den. It is said that the senior warriors sleep near the center, the warmest area. It is also an honor that senior warriors invite younger warriors to eat with them by the bush.
Medicine den The medicine den, located in a shadowy corner of camp, is in a grassy clearing, the entrance to which is a tunnel of ferns. On one edge of the clearing is a small pool of water. The clearing is surrounded by ferns on all sides except for where the medicine den, a rock split down the middle by a large crack, sits. Sick patients are kept in openings in the ferns, while herbs are stored in the large rock where the medicine cat sleeps.
Elders' den The elders' den is a patch of lush grass sheltered by a fallen tree's tangled branches. It is entered under a jutting branch of the fallen tree through a maze of twigs that eventually leads to an empty space inside. Grass, moss, and ferns sprout from every crevice in the tangle of wood. It is on the opposite end of the same fallen tree that houses the prison. From the perspective of the warriors' den, it is past the medicine den. From the perspective of the nursery, it is beyond the nettle patch that is by Highrock and the warriors' den.
Leader's den' The leader's den is a cave in Highrock which was carved out by an ancient stream, with lichen hanging over the entrance. Inside the den is a quiet cove with a smooth floor and walls, a mossy nest at one side.
Prison The prison is at the other end of the fallen tree where the elders gather to eat and sleep, out of their earshot but easily visible from the warriors' den. The prisoner's nest sits up against its mossy trunk.
Dirtplace The dirtplace (bathroom) is a sandy area bound by nettles behind the nursery.
Emergency Exit A secondary way out of camp through a wall of ferns[51] found behind the nursery. It is said to be the easiest way to sneak out of camp.
Snakerocks is located in the forest territory of ThunderClan. It is east of ThunderClan camp, past the Great Sycamore. To the north of it lies the Thunderpath that borders ShadowClan territory. Snakerocks is located in a steep grassy clearing surrounded by rowans, ferns, and thick undergrowth. There is a leafy bank that spills onto the top of these rocks. The rocks are a steep, tumbled pile of smoothed, rounded, sand-colored and dark gray rocks. The rocks themselves are covered in deep cracks and clefts, providing places for adders to hide. Underneath Snakerocks is a large cavern that is able to provide shelter to animals larger than cats, such as dogs. The rocks are a good place to find chervil, yarrow, and catmint, but, serve as a dangerous site due to the adders that are found more commonly. It is unsafe for untrained apprentices to venture to Snakerocks alone due to the adders.
Despite being used as a hunting ground, Snakerocks attracts little prey outside of adders due to the snakes. The adders often hide in the crevices of the rocks. However, voles, squirrels, mice, shrews, and rabbits can be found here Badgers and foxes have also been known to hang around Snakerocks at times too. To avoid the adders, ThunderClan cats usually hunt during leaf-bare (winter), when it is too cold for the snakes
Great Sycamore[edit]
It is located near Snakerocks, east of the ThunderClan camp, closer to the ShadowClan border. It is one of the tallest trees in the forest, described as a gigantic tree with its crown stretching beyond the canopy that shields the sky. Its branches are strong all the way to the ends, and its roots are thick, twisting around its base and burrowing far into the earth. Young apprentices learn and master their climbing skill and dare one another to climb higher. Sometimes, it can also serve as the use of an ideal hunting place or a place to master stalking. It is the only tree not destroyed when Twolegs destroy the forest.
Owl Tree[edit]
The Owl Tree is found close to Fourtrees territory and the river, to the west of ThunderClan's camp. In between it and the Clan's camp, the sandy hollow can be found. The tree itself is a massive oak that towers above the other surrounding flora. In the trunk there is a hole where an owl takes residence, as told by the scent and the owl pods found at the base of the tree's roots. Despite the danger of the owl, ThunderClan cats use the owl's own hunting abilities to their advantage, following the bird to find more prey on windy nights.
Sandy Hallow[edit]
The sandy hollow is located in the forest territory of ThunderClan. It is southwest of ThunderClan's camp. Entering the clearing, there is a small slope downwards. The area is sheltered from the surrounding trees during the seasons, most notably leafbare (winter). The earth is a mixture of red sand and dirt. At one point in time, a river ran through the hollow, but, it remains only as a stream beyond a rise in the surrounding area.
The primary use of the sandy hollow is for ThunderClan's warriors and their apprentices to practice their battle moves. This is due to the softness of the earth as to not harm the young, training cats as they tussle. At times, ThunderClan warriors also use the hollow as a meeting place before their apprentice's assessments.
WindClan Major Sites[edit]
WindClan claims the western part of the territory, wedged between the Thunderpath and the river, consisting of rolling moorland named Windover Moor by the Twolegs. Their camp is in a sandy hollow, surrounded by gorse.
The WindClan forest camp is in a sandy hollow, surrounded by gorse bushes and heather. The entrance is through a heather tunnel. A tall, dark granite boulder in the middle of the hollow called the Tallrock, is used by the leader to call meetings in shallow hollow called the Meeting Hollow.
Nursery The nursery is under a thick gorse den with branches of a hawkthorn tree hanging over it.
Aprentices' Den The apprentices' den is underneath a gorse bush, though the wind still streams through it. There is a smooth boulder that holds back the roots of the bush where the wind isn't as sharp.
Warriors' Sleeping Spots WindClan's warriors don't have a dedicated den but instead sleep under the stars. When the Clan was divided into tunnelers and moor-runners, the tunnelers made their nests by a bracken patch, while the moor-runners made their nests within tall grasses.
Medicine Cat's Den The medicine cat's den is located in a scooped-out cave with a gorse screen on one side. The floor is sandy. There is a grinding stone, a wide stone at the side of the gorse cave.
Elders' Den The elders' den is made of gorse at the far end of the clearing. It is near the Hunting Stones, smooth, low rocks in the grass nearby and are surrounded by heather and moss. There is an additional small rock cluster near their den.
Leader's Den The leader's den is underneath a gorse bush at the far end of the clearing.
East of the camp is the Outlook Rock, a large rock from where the moorland can be overseen. South of the camp is an abandoned badger set, a source of prey.
Nearby Sites[edit]
Barley's Barn and Broken Nest[edit]
Barley's farm, also known as Windover Farm, is a Twoleg (humanoid) nest at the edge of WindClan's territories in the forest. It is home to Barley, a friendly loner and has been used by the Clans, most notably ThunderClan, as a point of refuge and shelter.
- Description
The farm is made up of a barn, a stable, chicken coop, and a Twoleg nest where the Twolegs live. Inside the main barn are lofts and is where hay is primarily stored. The hay acts as a material for nests while the lofts are where cats can sleep away from the disturbance of Twolegs. From the lofts, cats are able to access the roof of the barn to drink from the gutters. Also in the area is an old abandoned Twoleg nest that is still able to offer shelter to large groups of cats.
The farm is primarily occupied by a pair of Twolegs that tend to the farm and at times leave food out for the cats, and offer care when needed. Despite the offer of kittypet food, the barn is also home to countless mice that is the preferred prey of the cats living there and any guests.
Barley is the main inhabitant of the farm, and was accompanied by his partner, Ravenpaw. Barley moved in after escaping BloodClan. However, over the moons the farm has seen other cats come and go.
- Broken Nest
The broken nest is located in an overgrown field, surrounded by foliage. The stone walls of the nest are full of holes and cracks where stones had fallen out. Inside the nest is a bare patch of ground where weeds have burrowed through under the walls. Originally, the broken nest had half a roof, but by the time the cats leave the forest, the roof has entirely disappeared. In the middle of the nest sits a fallen stone.
Four Trees[edit]
The Fourtrees, also known as Druid's Hollow by Twoleg (humanoid), are located in the middle of the Clans' territories in a steep, large hollow. The hollow is circular and the top of the hollow is lined with ferns and bushes. The four trees are positioned in a circular manner with one tree in each corner. They are also referred to as the Great Oaks. Near the center, and off to one end of the large oak trees is a large, jagged rock called the Great Rock. The rock is several tail-lengths high and sometimes cats can have difficulties climbing up its tall sides, though there is a ledge on one side that cats can use to climb to the top. The Clan leaders sit on top of the Great Rock and share their news during Gatherings. Twolegs have also built a path to Fourtrees.
Fourtrees has a special connection with StarClan as it was the first location of the spirit cats' appearance. StarClan continued to regularly meet with the founders at Fourtrees during the founding of the Clans. StarClan oversees the truce held at Fourtrees and is capable of sending clouds and lightning to end the Gatherings if the Clans argue. StarClan can even kill combaters with lightning in extreme circumstances. Fourtrees appears as a location in StarClan, serving as the place where Clan leaders receive their nine lives. Fourtrees is also an important burial area, serving as the grave for those who died in the first battle and Quiet Rain, who is buried underneath the Great Rock.
Fourtrees is also a symbol of the four Clans—ThunderClan, RiverClan, ShadowClan, and WindClan, though this excludes SkyClan, an idea that Firestar challenges as ridiculous.
Highstones, Mothermouth, and Moonstone[edit]
Highstones, also known as devil's finger by Twoleg (humanoid), are the three tall, craggy peaks, though not as tall as the mountains where the Tribe of Rushing Water live. The peaks are narrower and lower than the ones in the mountains. Highstones can easily be seen from far away. The landscape leading up to the Highstones is covered in rough, bristly grass dotted with large boulders, with rocky soil and patches of heather. Highstones is on the very edge of the forest territories in the west. It is neutral ground, unclaimed by any Clan, just as Fourtrees isn't claimed by any Clan, though it is divided by a Thunderpath (road). WindClan lives closest to Highstones, and RiverClan and ThunderClan cats must cross WindClan grounds to reach it. Cats are supposed to be given free passage by WindClan, but this law is not always obeyed.
Highstones is also home to Mothermouth, an abandoned Twoleg mine, and the Moonstone. The cave entrance is a square and black hole, and yawns beneath a stone archway. Inside Mothermouth is a tunnel leading to the Moonstone. The air inside is cold and stale, with a tang of dust and stone. Mothermouth also has two tunnels, one to the Moonstone (quartz), and the other that goes somewhere deep into the earth. Cats must find their way through a tunnel by using their whiskers to feel the edges of it, or by following the scent trail of the cat ahead of them. There are tunnels branching off in opposite directions, but only one leads to the cavern. It is much like a maze. The "right" tunnel has tall, smooth walls glistening with moisture. It is a rough, downward slope.
The Moonstone is a sacred place to the Clans, as it is a means for Clan leaders and medicine cats to communicate directly with StarClan. There, these cats are able to receive prophecies and omens from their ancestors, receive the gift of nine lives for leaders, and be presented before StarClan in the case of new medicine cats, and those completing their training. It is tradition for apprentices to visit the Moonstone while completing their training. Some warriors also hold an air of uncertainty about the Moonstone, and outsiders to the Clans rarely understand the sheer importance of the place. To communicate with StarClan, cats must touch their noses to the Moonstone when moonlight makes it glow and StarClan will speak in their dreams.
Tallpines and Treecut place[edit]
Tallpines is located on the boundary line of Twolegplace in ThunderClan's forest territory. It is a controlled forest, grown for the purpose of milling for Twolegs. Located within the pines is Treecut place (Chelford Forest in Twoleg), where Twolegs operate the tree-eater monster, of which the growls can be heard around the surrounding area. When the monster leaves tracks, the earth is upturned. It is noted when the tracks fill with rainwater, the scent of the Treecut monster lingers. The pine trees in the area are planted on flat ground and in straight lines. The area lacks undergrowth to hide in. This makes it hard for cats to hide, but, makes for easier hunting as prey cannot hide either. In greenleaf (Summer), Treecut place becomes busy with Twoleg activity when they begin felling trees for their own uses.
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Before SkyClan |
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When SkyClan arrived |
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After SkyClan moves to their new home |
The region is far northwest from the forest and north of the sun-drown-place. It consists of varied landscape surrounding a lake. The northern half is covered by woodland and it gives home to ShadowClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan. The southern half is moorland, giving home to RiverClan and WindClan. Two smaller streams flow into the lake from the north, and a river, named River Alba, flows out of it.
There is noticeable Twoleg (humanoid) activity in the region. Twolegs come here mostly in greenleaf (summer) and there are two Greenleaf Twolegplaces in the region, and several halfbridges (boat docks) around the lake. The ShadowClan territory contains a Twoleg nest called Sanctuary Cottage by Twolegs.
RiverClan Major Sites[edit]
RiverClan lives in the southwestern part, around the rivers. The RiverClan Lake Camp is on a triangle of land between two streams. The Gathering Island can be reached from RiverClan territory.
The RiverClan lake camp is on a triangle of land between two streams sheltered by hazel, brambles, and a wall of reeds. The camp can be accessed through a reed tunnel. It can be reached by swimming or by crossing the stream via stepping stones. Twolegs often disturb the cats during greenleaf (Summer). The clearing is surrounded by bushes. Leaders and cats who wish to address the Clan use the Highstump. Elders like to sun themselves on a sandy slope in the camp.
Nursery The nursery is underneath a bramble thicket. The other dens are also under bramble thickets made of reeds with shells woven into them.
Medicine Cat's Den The medicine cat's den is under a thorn bush overhanging the stream. The ground below the roots was washed away, leaving a pool. Herbs are stored in a small hole in the washed away bank that is covered by reeds. Dock leaves grow by the stream. A stretch of pebbles lies in front of the den, and the den itself is between two mossy rocks. Reeds line the den roof.
Leader's Den The leader's den is underneath a rowan tree in a cavern.
Elder's Den The elders' den is underneath a bush.
- During greenleaf (Summer), Twolegs come to the Greenleaf Twolegplace to swim. It is noted that some can swim like fish, but a lot more noisily.
- The halfbridge (boat dock) is peculiar bridge that ends halfway in the water. Twoleg boats are anchored to it.
- RiverClan owns claim to the lake shore, having the south to the western part of the lake shore.
ShadowClan Major Sites[edit]
ShadowClan claims the northwestern part; their territory is mostly coniferous forest with not much undergrowth and damp ground. The ShadowClan camp is in a dip surrounded by brambles.
The ShadowClan lake camp is concealed in a wide hollow, between tangles of brambles and low-hanging branches, and is a dip beneath the pine trees. The entrance is through a thorn tunnel. The leader makes their announcements from a branch hanging over their den, called the Pinebranch. There is also a tree stump in the middle of the clearing that the leader occasionally speaks from. Warriors enjoy lounging on the edges of the camp, or sun-bathing on a flat rock in the camp. A hazel branch overhangs the camp. All of the dens are tucked along the bramble wall, and a bramble tunnel leads to the dirtplace from the clearing.
Nursery The nursery is underneath a bramble thicket with a narrow entrance.[157] It has a sandy floor.
Apprentices' Den The apprentices' den is underneath a straggly bramble thicket. A dead log is next to it where apprentices sharpen their claws. The den is close to the leader's den.
Warriors' Den The warriors' den is underneath some low-hanging branches.
Medicine Cat's Den The medicine cat's den is underneath a prickly bush with a bramble tunnel and wall. It has a sandy, hollowed-out floor covered in dried pine needles. The medicine cats sleep in the back of the den. Herbs are stored in a crevice in the bramble wall.
Leader's Den The leader's den is in a gap behind a huge boulder with a bramble entrance and is beneath low-growing branches of a pine tree. The Pinebranch sits above it.
Elder's Den The elders' den is underneath a yew bush[152] lined with brambles.[165] There is a puddle nearby to drink out of.
Prison Prison is in a bramble enclosure in the thickest part of the camp wall.
Prey-Pile A dark and gnarled hollow tree sits in the tiny clearing. ShadowClan used to store prey there.
- A Twoleg nest (Sanctuary Cottage by Twolegs) is where two aggressive kittypets live.
- Twoleg paths where Twolegs roam during greenleaf (summer).
- Greenleaf Twolegplaces, both on the ThunderClan and RiverClan borders.
SkyClan Major Sites[edit]
SkyClan lives in between ShadowClan on the left, and ThunderClan on the right. Their camp is situated farther north than the other Clan camps, being between the abandoned Twoleg nest and the greenleaf Twolegplace; between the ancient oak, and the clearing. It is a little closer to the lake than the clearing, and has some trees.
SkyClan joins the lake to repel the Kin. Then they move a bit up to give the other clans more space.
Camp (New)[edit]
After the Sisters are forced from their territory beyond the abandoned Twoleg nest, SkyClan moves in. The camp is described to be in a sheltered valley, which makes it easy to catch prey, even in leaf-bare (winter). The camp also has a pebbly floor and is lined with grass. The Clan leader holds Clan meetings from the Tallrock, a massive boulder three tail-lengths high in the center of the camp. It is blotched with yellow lichen. The Clan leader also holds Clan meetings on a stump called the Tallstump.
Apprentices Den The apprentices' den is screened by rocks with woven branches.
Warriors' Den The warriors' den is underneath a hawthorn bush with spreading branches.
Medicine Cat's Den The medicine den is near two boulders on the far side of camp underneath a dogwood in a shallow dip.
Leader's Den The leader's den is beneath the Tallrock in a hollow space.
Camp (Old)[edit]
The SkyClan lake camp is former ShadowClan territory given to them by Tigerstar. The camp is in a clearing among pine trees, where a small stream cuts through. Cedar and juniper grows within the camp, making it like an oasis. Low branches that hung with lichen forms a dome-like shape over the grove. The camp is edged with ferns, making natural walls, reinforced with woven bramble. Cats would sun themselves on flat rocks littered throughout the camp. The Clan leader holds meetings on the cedar roots of the leader's den called the Highroot. The camp was used again by the rebels.
Nursery The nursery is under a bramble thicket near the stream.
Apprentices Den The apprentices' den is under a low-growing juniper.
Warriors' Den The warriors' den is under a bramble bush lined with bramble walls. Its hollow is expanded when ShadowClan warriors join the Clan.
Medicine Cat's Den Below the roots of the cedar of the leader's den is the medicine cat's den in a cave. The entrance is covered in lichen.
Leader's Den The leaders' den is a hollow in an old cedar, the entrance being at the top of the tangled roots. It's on the far end of the camp. Its entrance is covered in lichen.
Elders' Den The elders' den is a clump of ferns.
ThunderClan Major Sites[edit]
ThunderClan claims the northeastern part; their territory is mainly deciduous woodland.[13] Their camp is an abandoned Twoleg quarry, called the stone hollow by the cats.
The ThunderClan lake camp is in an abandoned quarry, described as a stone hollow enclosed by tall cliffs that are taller on one side than the other. The main entrance is through a thorn tunnel, which can lead out of the camp after exiting the dirtplace. There is also a secret entrance that is reached by climbing the rocks. The opening of the quarry is protected by a thorn wall. The walls offer protection and keep out the wind, but cats must watch their step near the edge as falling into the hollow can be fatal. A tall rock called the Highledge is used by the leader to call meetings, about half-way up the cliffside. The cats use large, flat rocks to bask themselves in the sun and share tongues, such as halfrock, which is a smooth low stone that rises out of the ground near the elders' den.
Nursery The nursery is under a thick bramble thicket up against the rock wall. It was later reinforced with thick roots woven together for protection. Its floor is made of packed earth.
Apprentices' Den The apprentices' den is in a shallow cave in the rock wall. The entrance is covered in ferns.
Warriors' Den The warriors' den is in a dip in the ground under a big thorn bush, and after the tree falls, it is rebuilt under the branches of a beech tree.
Medicine Cat's Den' The medicine cat's den is a cavern near the tallest parts of the cliffs. On one side, water drips down to form a tiny pool. The floor is sandy and cool to the touch. Herbs are stored in cracks in the rock walls. The entrance is covered by a screen of brambles.
Leader's Den The leader's den is located in a cave in the cliffside on top of Highledge. A rock tumbled pathway leads up to the leader's den.
Elders' Den The elders' den is underneath a twisted hazel bush, and later is rebuilt under the boughs of a beech tree and reinforced with honeysuckle
Mossy Clearing[edit]
The mossy clearing is a sheltered clearing that is close to ThunderClan's camp in the lake territories. The ground is flat and mossy, and there is a sapling at the clearing's edge. The ground is also smooth; there are no roots to trip over and no fallen leaves to slip on. This makes the clearing a great place to practice skills and technique.
Sky Oak[edit]
The Sky Oak is an enormous oak tree that is taller than the beech trees surrounding it. Its located south of ThunderClan camp and west of the WindClan border. From it, the lake can still be seen which lies further south. It is said to have been once used as a rabbit's burrow, hidden underneath twisting roots. The roots are quite spacious as five grown cats are able to fit without much trouble.
ThunderClan cats use the Sky Oak as a training ground to teach apprentices tree climbing skills and to practice stalking their prey. It has a similar role as the Great Sycamore did back in the forest territories.
- North of the camp is an abandoned Twoleg nest, a location rich in prey and herbs.
- A network of tunnels running below ThunderClan and WindClan grounds, connecting them.
- A clearing near the ShadowClan border where Twolegs camp in greenleaf (summer).
- An abandoned, unpaved road (named The Old Thunderpath by the cats) starting from the hollow and heading north
WindClan Major Sites[edit]
WindClan territory is open moor in the southeastern part of the territory. The WindClan Camp is a shallow scoop in the ground, protected from the weather and enemies.
The WindClan lake camp is a shallow scoop in the ground of the moor. Unlike other camps, it does not have any natural protection; they rely on the warriors to protect it. There are gorse bushes outlining the camp that the cats sleep under. There are several boulders nearby, the highest being called the Tallrock and used by the leader to call meetings. Cats often longue or eat on the other boulders. The clearing has sandy ground.
Nursery The nursery is under a gorse bush.
Warrior's Sleeping Areas WindClan's warriors sleep out in the open but still have a designated sleeping area. When it rains, the warriors sleep underneath the gorse bushes surrounding the camp.
Medicine Cat's Den The medicine cat's den is in a crevice in a rock. The herb storage is located in the back of the den.
Leader's Den The leader's den is located underneath Tallrock.
Elders' Den The elders' den is in an old badger set and is sheltered by a gorse bush
Nearby Sites[edit]
The horseplace is located between WindClan and RiverClan territory. The horseplace is located near the lake in which Twolegs (humanoid) keep their horses. It is adjoined to a few Twoleg nests, in which a few Twolegs live. Also living there are Smoky, Floss, and Floss's unnamed kits, along with a dog named Pip. Daisy, and her kits, Berry, Hazel, and Mouse also used to live at the horseplace. Another cat is known to live at the horseplace by the name of Coriander. Following Coriander's death, Smoky and his kits, Little Daisy and Coriander, currently live there.
Island and Great Oak[edit]
The island, also known as Littlepine Island for Twolegs, is a small patch of land in lake territories, just off the shore of RiverClan territory. It is the location of the Gatherings, where the Clans meet in peace under a full moon. Fourtrees serves as the same purpose in the forest territories
The water around the lake is icy cold, but refreshing. The island's shore is very rocky with some thorns rooted in them, and from the shore, the island changes into a lush miniature forest, made up of dense bush and pine and beech trees around the edge. In the center of the island lays an open patch of grass with a giant oak tree, which is where the cats go for the Gatherings, and the leaders sit on the lower branches of the oak to address the cats, with low-growing branches. This tree is also known as the Great Oak. The deputies and medicine cats sit near the tree's thick, twisting roots. A fallen tree lays across the lake from the mainland to the island, and cats use it as a bridge to reach the island for Gatherings.
Similar with Fourtrees, StarClan has a special connection with the island. StarClan oversees the truce during Gatherings and is capable of sending clouds to cover the moon if fighting breaks out. The island is also neutral territory without any Clan claiming it as their own territory. StarClan has also physically appeared at the island.
The lake, known as Sanctuary Lake by Twoleg, is irregular in shape and large enough that a cat needs two full days to circle it in a leisurely pace. It is bordered by marshes in parts of RiverClan territory, moorland that would become WindClan's territory, pine forest where ShadowClan lives, and woodlands where ThunderClan and SkyClan live. It contains an island where the Clans hold their Gatherings, with a fallen tree serving as a bridge to it. There are several Twoleg halfbridges (docks) scattered around the shoreline as well. Twolegs visit the lake often in greenleaf (summer), swimming and sailing in boats. Around the lake are various Twoleg settlements: the horseplace (horse stables) with four buildings where Smoky lives, a greenleaf Twolegplace where Twolegs temporarily visit in thin-flapped dens (tents), a Twolegplace in the pine forest where Jacques and Susan live, and nearby Twolegplaces. There are two shallow streams that feed into the lake; one between the pine forest and the oak and beech forest, and another stream between the forest and moor. A large river flows from the lake to the sun-drown-place (ocean). RiverClan makes their camp in an island formed by the river.
Moon Pool[edit]
The Moonpool, also known as the Crystal Pool and the Pool of Stars. The Moonpool is located upstream of the stream that marks the ThunderClan and WindClan border. It is situated at the bottom of steep stone hollow guarded by thornbushes with moss-covered rocks. One one side is a sheer cliff with moss and fern. Water bubbles from the cleft half-way up that feeds into a small pool below that glitters with starshine at night. The edge of the hollow and opposite of the waterfall is a narrow rocky path that spirals down to the pool and is lined with ancient paw prints of the Ancients. There is an underground stream leading out of the pool, which flows into the lake and the stream that borders WindClan and ThunderClan. The Moonpool is capable of freezing, though it has only once frozen completely through. Meltwater from the mountains can also slightly flood the Moonpool.
It is used for sharing tongues with StarClan, the medicine cats lap up a few drops of water or they touch their noses to the water. The Ancients also used the Moonpool for unknown purposes. The Moonpool is restricted for only medicine cats to communicate with StarClan every half-moon and for leaders seeking to receive their nine lives. Cats who accompany medicine cats must wait outside the thornbushes that line the hollow. Even ordinary warriors are hesitant to approach the sacred place. Most importantly, the Moonpool represents the Clans' connection with their ancestors.
Tribe of Rushing Water[edit]
The Tribe of Rushing Water shelter in the Cave of Rushing Water, a large cave behind a waterfall. Kit-mothers and to-bes rest in separate nooks, while the cave-guards, prey-hunters, and elders sleep in the main cave. Within the cave is a tunnel that leads to the Cave of Pointed Stones, where the Healer communicates with the Tribe ancestors and sleeps
Cave of Pointed Stones[edit]
A tunnel precedes the cave, which contains a multitude of stalagmites and stalactites. There is a hole in the roof, also described as a jagged crack, that allows light to directly shine into the pool that lay in the floor of the cave. The moon is reflected on these pools of water, where the Teller of the Pointed Stones can read omens from the Tribe's ancestors, the Tribe of Endless Hunting.
The cave is smaller than the main cave, but has many more stone claws reaching down from the roof and some stretching from the ground. Some stones even join together like paws meeting. There is a sleeping hollow at one end, where the Stoneteller sleeps, and it has been called a den-cave. They also store their herbs there. Water trickles down the stones and cave walls to make the pools, and when the cave is empty, it is silent except for the drips of water and the waterfall outside, turned into a silent whisper. A holy site.
- The Tree Rock is a tree that juts out over big rocks. The roots of the tree are like giant claws.
Deepsands Gorge, or the gorge, is a wide chasm in SkyClan's territory lined by steep cliffs. It was where SkyClan's camp was located, and is the source of the River Chell. It was first found by ancient SkyClan and scattered after a few years after a rat attack. With the help of ThunderClan, modern SkyClan was rebuilt from the decendence of SkyClan, loners, and kittypets. After several years latter, SkyClan is driven out by Kin. It was formerly inhabited by the Kin before they followed Alderpaw's patrol back to the lake. Currently, it is abandoned.
The Clan made their dens in caverns zigzagged along the gorge walls. The Skyrock is the highest point in the camp, used by the SkyClan cats to hold Gatherings, and can be used to oversee the entire landscape. At the bottom of the gorge, near the river source, there is a pile of boulders called the Rockpile, used by the leader to stand on during Clan meetings.
All the dens are caves in the rock wall, with narrow trails leading to them.
Medicine Cat's Den The lowest is the medicine cat's den, close to the river, where plants grow. The outer cave has an inner cave used for storing herbs in the cracks in the cave wall.
Warriors' Den The highest is the warriors' den; this den is also used as a refuge during floods, as the water never reaches it.
Nursery The nursery cave is just below the elders' den, with a narrow entrance with a large boulder blocking most of the entrance to shield the cats inside from enemies and hot sunlight. Its walls are marked with tiny claw marks.
The Skyrock is a landmark of SkyClan's territory from when they lived in the gorge; it serves the same purpose as Fourtrees and the island, but only for the cats of SkyClan. The Skyrock is the place where SkyClan meets every full moon, and to share news with one another. The medicine cats would also climb upon it every half moon, making it serve the same purpose as the Moonstone or Moonpool. The leader also uses Skyrock to call for meetings. It is hard to reach, but SkyClan cats can jump onto it. It was used by Ancient SkyClan, and was rediscovered by Skywatcher. A holy site.
Whispering Cave/ Shinning Cave[edit]
The Whispering Cave is a place where SkyClan medicine cats connect with their ancestors, much like the Moonstone and Moonpool. The entrance to the Whispering Cave is underneath the Rockpile, a tall pile of boulders at the bottom of the gorge. A small, slippery, and sharp pathway leads underneath lowest boulder to a narrow ledge just above the water-line. The pathway eventually widens to a shallow cave with thick clumps of shining moss hanging on all the walls. The moss has an eerie, silver glow to it, giving the cave its former name. The glow from the moss also reflects on the water emerging from the underground river and onto the cavern roof. Apprentices are tasked with fetching moss from the Whispering Cave for bedding.
The Whispering Cave is the source of the river that flows through the old forest along the borders of ThunderClan and RiverClan. Medicine cats sit next to the river emerging from underground to communicate with StarClan in their dreams. It is said that only medicine cats, or those chosen to be medicine cats by StarClan, can hear their ancestors' quiet whispers. This led to the cave's new name, the Whispering Cave. Medicine cats also perform their ceremonies at the Whispering Cave, such as presenting their new apprentices to StarClan.
The sun-drown-place lays south-westerly from the lake territories and encompasses a rather large area of land. It's comprised of cliffs along the shoreline and a huge expanse of water that is unsuitable for drinking. The water is cold, and a blue-green color with strong waves that could drown a cat if they aren't careful
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