Blade Warden (5e Feat)

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Blade Warden

Prerequisites: Ability to cast Blade Ward
You mastery of a certain defensive cantrip has let you expand its capabilities beyond what most abjuration dabblers can hope to conjure.

  • You can now cast Blade Ward on other friendly characters you can see within 30ft.
  • Whenever you cast Blade Ward, roll 1d4. Depending on the roll, Blade Ward may grant immunity instead of 1 resistance. If you roll a 1, no changes are made to the spell. When you cast Blade Ward on yourself, gain advantage on this roll.

1: None

2: Bludgeoning

3: Piercing

4: Slashing

  • Blade Ward may now be cast as a spell. When done so, its target gains 1d6 AC for each spell slot level during the spell’s duration.
  • Whenever a friendly character takes Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing damage while under a Blade Ward you cast, they gain +1 AC for the rest of the cantrip or spell’s duration. When you have the Blade Ward, gain +3 AC instead.

(3 votes)

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