Fell Warrior, the bluez's variant (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Fell Warrior[edit]

<-Some quote from a character of this class->
—<-NPC name->, <-race-> <-class->

<-fluff about this prestige class->

Original class. More warlock prestige classes here.

Becoming a Fell Warrior[edit]

<-why characters pursue this class, what other classes they typically have, and what abilities are important->

Entry Requirements
Alignment: Any evil or any chaotic.
Base Attack Bonus: +4.
Skills: Intimidate 6 ranks.
Invocations: Invocation: Hideous Blow[1] or Fell Archery.
Special: Eldritch Blast 2d6.

Proficiency with at least four martial or exotic weapons (or any combination of the two).

Table: The Fell Warrior

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Invoking
Fort Ref Will
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Battle Caster, Eldritch blast +1d6, Improved Hideous Blow (1 strike) +1 level of existing invocation-using class
2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Improved Fiendish Resilience/Fiendish Flamewreath, Reflexive Hideous Blow
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Fighter Bonus Feat +1 level of existing invocation-using class
4th +4 +4 +1 +4 Eldritch blast +1d6, Improved Hideous Blow (2 strikes) +1 level of existing invocation-using class
5th +5 +4 +1 +4 Dreadful Combatant +1 level of existing invocation-using class
6th +6 +5 +2 +5 Fighter Bonus Feat +1 level of existing invocation-using class
7th +7 +5 +2 +5 Eldritch blast +1d6, Improved Hideous Blow (3 strikes)
8th +8 +6 +2 +6 Improved Fiendish Resilience/Fiendish Flamewreath +1 level of existing invocation-using class
9th +9 +6 +2 +6 Fighter Bonus Feat +1 level of existing invocation-using class
10th +10 +7 +3 +7 Eldritch blast +1d6, Improved Hideous Blow (4 strikes) +1 level of existing invocation-using class

Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level)

Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Swim (Str), Use Magic Device (Cha).

Class Features[edit]

<-fluff about class features; class features should be listed in the order which they are gained. Abilities gained at the same level should be listed alphabetically->. All of the following are class features of the fell warrior.

Weapons and Armors proficiency: A fell warrior gains no proficiency with weapons or armors.

Invoking: At each level, except 2nd and 7th level, you gain new invocations and an increase in caster level as if you had also gained a level in a invoking class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained.

Battle Caster: You gain the feat Battle Caster[2] as a bonus feat. You may now wear the next level of armor without incurring in any chance of spell failure with the class, or classes, that grants the same benefit with the lower category of armor.

If you already have it, you may choose another feat.

Eldritch blast (Sp): As the class feature of the same name of the warlock. It increases by +1d6 at 4th, 7th and 10th level.

Improved Hideous Blow (Sp): At first level, a fell warrior can use the Hideous Blow invocation as part of a full attack, applying the invocation (and an eldritch essence invocation, if desired) to one of the attacks. At fourth level, the fell warrior can apply Hideous Blow (and an eldritch essence invocation, if desired) to up to two attacks. At seventh level, it can do this with three attacks, and at tenth level it can do it with four. The attacks use the normal base attack for a full attack, so this number of attacks cannot exceed the number of attacks he can normally make. Effects such as haste still apply, but the limit on the number of Hideous Blow is not changed by such effects. Alternatively, it may use this ability with a standard single attack.

Eldritch essense invocations are applied to each Hideous Blow individually. This means that any given Hideous Blow need not to use the same eldritch essence invocation as any of the others, or even use one at all.

A fell warrior who does not have the ability to use either the Hideous Blow invocation or the Fell Archery invocation also does not have the ability to use improved hideous blow.

This ability applies to both Fell Archery and Hideous Blow.

A fell warrior may make a number of these such attacks per day equal to 3 × its charisma modifier.

Improved Fiendish Resilience/Fiendish Flamewreath (Su): At 2nd level you enhance the warlock's feature fiendish resilience, or its variant: fiendish flamewreath, depending on which one you chose. At 8th level this feature improves again.

If you don't have one of these features yet (you must be a 8th level warlock to have one of them), you may choose one of them (they work as described in the warlock class) and it improves at 8th to the next level, and again when you reach the 8th warlock level.

If you are a drow, you may apply this feature to the warlock's alternative class feature venomous blood.

Reflexive Hideous Blow (Sp): Starting from 2nd level, a fell warrior may use an immediate action to apply the Hideous Blow invocation (and an eldritch essence invocation, if desired) to a single attack of opportunity it makes. This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to the fell warrior's Charisma modifier, up to a maximum of one-half his class level.

A fell warrior who does not have the ability to use the Hideous Blow invocation also does not have the ability to use reflexive hideous blow.

Fighter Bonus Feat: At 3th, 6th and 9th level you gain a bonus feat, chosen from the fighter bonus feat list. For homebrew fighter feats look here.

A fell warrior must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.

Dreadful Combatant (Ex): From the 5th level, while in combat, you gain your class level as a competence bonus to Intimidate checks.

From now on, your class level stack with, or count as, your fighter level for the purpose of meeting any prerequisites.

Table: The Epic <-class name->
Level Special
11th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
12th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
13th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
14th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
15th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
16th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
17th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
18th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
19th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->
20th <-any improvements to class features gained at this level, including any bonus feats->

Bonus Feats: <- any bonus feats gained in pre-epic levels->.

The epic <-class name-> gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic <-class name-> feats) every <-# of levels-> levels after <-usually the last non epic level->.

Epic <-class name-> Bonus Feat List: <-list of bonus epic feats->

Ex-<-pluralized class name->[edit]

<-What happens (if anything) if characters of this class lose an entry requirement or violate their code of conduct (if this class has one). Delete this section if there are no contingencies for continuing in this class->

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing a <-class name->[edit]

Combat: <-Typical role in combat->

Advancement: <-Typical advancement options for characters with this class. Include desirable multiclass options->

Resources: <-What kind of assistance members of this class can expect from each other including possible organizations->

<-pluralized class name-> in the World[edit]

<-Some quote from a character of this class->

<-Where characters of this class fit in a d20 world->

NPC Reactions: <-How NPCs react to characters of this class->

<-class name-> Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in <-the appropriate skills-> can research <-insert prestige class name-> to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

<-the appropriate skills->
DC Result
11 <-not so common knowledge->.
16 <-rare information->.
21 <-very rare information->.
26 <-information so obscure that members of this class might not even know it->.

<-pluralized class name-> in the Game[edit]

<-How characters of this class fit in the game (PC and NPC) and what roles they play->

Adaptation: <-Fitting this class in your campaign->

Sample Encounter: <-DM placement for NPC of this class->

EL whatever: <-Encounter scenario and character info on sample NPC including stat block. The CR of the NPC is typically the same as the EL for the encounter->

  1. Complete Arcane
  2. Complete Arcane

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