Disease (Warrior Cats Supplement)

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Most diseases that effect Twolegs (humanoids) don't effect cats. Here are a few diseases below. These are generic names of diseases that effects cats. It is similar to human words for cold, flue, and fevers. Some diseases that both effect twolegs and cats are NOT listed below.

Chest infections[edit]


Very similar to the flu, a common ailment. It can, however, turn into ether greencough or deadly blackcough if left untreated.

Symptoms: Sneezing, coughing, runny nose, feel tired, and have a slight fever.

Best Treatment: Catnip, feverfew/lavender, honey, poppy seeds (induces sleep), water, and bed rest.


This illness is comes when whitecough hasn't been treated soon enough. It is similar to pneumonia. Very contagious; cats with this MUST be separated from the other cats. Normally caught during freezing conditions. Can turn into fatal blackcough!

Symptoms: Sluggishness, fever, wheezing, and phlegm streaming from nose & mouth.

Best Treatment: Feverfew/Lavender, catnip/chickweed, and coltsfoot(ease the breathing).


This illness is fatal and has a high chance of the cat not surviving it. Whitecough or Greencough can advance to this if not treated. You can try to treat it but if it is in the late stages nothing can be done. In this case the humane thing is ease their way to StarClan. In many cases, when a Whitecough or Greencough advanced to this stage, the effected cat dies before any realize that it turns for the the worst.

Symptoms: Severe wheezing & coughing, phlegm streaming from nose, pus or blood expelled somewhere and some way on/out of the body, sweating, high fever, and weakness/lethargy.

Best Treatment: Feverfew/Lavender and catnip.


Redcough was an illness is where a cat coughed up blood. This is usually picked up on a farm. It is a mix of bronchitis and pneumonia. It is almost always fatal.

Symptoms: chills, coughing up blood, fatigue, loss of appetite, fainting spells, very fast heart rate, and delirium.

Best Treatment: special sap only found in Skyclan.


This disease only effects Thunderclan and Shadowclan. It is similar to white/green/blackcough except it skips to green phase and it is more deadly.

Symptoms: appetite, fever, difficulty breathing, delirium, and sore throats.

Best Treatment: lungwort


An illness that effects the respiratory system that only kittens get.

Symptoms: Similar to that of Whitecough.

Best Treatment: Coltsfoot, garlic, feverfew/lavender, and nettle.

Rat borne infections[edit]

The cats sometimes fall victim to infections carried by rats.

Carrionplace Disease[edit]

The first ShadowClan medicine cat, Pebble Heart, realized that rats were a source of disease. As ShadowClan cats sometimes ate the rats from the Carrionplace in The Forest, they were prone to catch these diseases.

Symptoms: Troubled breathing, violent coughing fits, fever, loss of hunger, lack of sleep, exhaustion.

Best Treatment: Borage, coltsfoot, angelica(only for this illness), juniper berries, honey, and feverfew.

Rat Bite Infection[edit]

Sometimes rats are poisoned or their fleas carry very big diseases.

Symptoms: belly aches, fatigue, and loss of appetite.

Best Treatment: Burdock root is used to stop infection from rat bites.


Death Disease[edit]

A very painful, illness that kills the cat slowly. Also known as Lime Disease to humans. This illness is worse then blackcough and there is no cure! The humane thing is ease their way to StarClan.

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