Races with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.
- 6-Foot Human
- A Banania
- Aardvarkin
- Aasimar, Variant
- Abomination G
- Abomination of Mother Nature
- Abomination of Mother Nature, Variant
- Aefling
- Aeruem
- Aeternus Ascendant
- Aetheri
- Aetherwing
- Ajimu's Children
- Alaghi
- Alebrijes
- AllinOne
- Alu Devon
- Alux
- Anacondri
- Ancient
- Angel-Supernatural Variant
- Animajin
- Animated Doll
- Animated Hat
- Animated Ice Cream
- Animated Statue
- Animatronic (fnaf)
- Ankou Wraith
- Anomalous Human
- Anotherma
- Aqua Folk
- Aquan
- Aquare
- Araldo Vile
- Arcanaloth
- Aseri
- Astral Tideborn
- Astralborn
- Astromech
- Awakened Flame
- Axolot
- Axolotl
- Baby Tarrasque
- Badgener
- Balloonfolk
- Banshee
- Bearfolk
- Bearnaur
- Beaverfolk
- Beeforged, Variant
- Beetle
- Beholden
- Beholder Spawn
- Beholderbane
- Bell
- Berryling
- Block Alien
- Bloodhunter
- Bloom and Doom Plant
- Bombay Cat-Shifters
- Book Monster
- Born Bladesman
- Bot
- Bount
- Brain Slugs
- Brute ,variant(Human)
- Bub-chi
- Cactem
- Capachos
- Caribespeon
- Catkins
- Cenid
- Cercopithies
- Chains of Heaven and Hell
- Chaneque
- Changeling (variant 1.0)
- Changeling, 4th Variant
- Chim'Rathi
- Chimera Ant
- Chosen Undead
- Chrisanthor
- Cleansed
- Clone Commando
- Cloned Human
- Clown
- Colossari
- Comfortable Doug
- Constructed Body
- Constructed Skeleton
- Cookiefolk
- Core Phantom
- Corginian
- Cosmological Offspring
- Cow
- Coyotefolk
- Craisty
- Creepy Doll
- CRT Robot
- Crystoid
- Ctalln
- Cudel
- Cup
- Cursed Corpse
- Cursed Dragon
- Cursed Life
- Daartanhem
- Daemon Eater
- Dapper Skull
- Dark Matter, Variant
- Dark Searcher
- Deadlightkin
- Deerkin
- Deflated Gummabust
- Deirdre
- Dejah
- Demogor
- Demon frogdog
- Demonkin, Variant
- Descendant of Medaka Kurokami
- Descendants of shiva
- Devoid
- Devourer
- Diclonius
- Dirt
- Dowran
- Dracon
- Draconic Angel, Variant
- Draconic Chimera
- Dragon Blood Human Hybrid
- Dragon, 2nd Variant
- Dragoonkin
- Dragovian, Variant
- Drakeborn
- Drakki
- Dread Fiend
- Dreamlander
- Dreamtouched
- Dryad Variant
- Dryad, Variant
- Durahn
- Ectonurite
- El Maques
- Elantrian
- Eldrax
- Eldricos
- Eldritch Cannon
- Elemental Conduit
- Eliatrope
- Elven Ascendant
- Enderian
- Engram
- Evorian
- Faerie
- Fair Folk
- Fairy-Human Hybrid
- Fallen Human
- Fallen Human, Color Wheel Variant
- False Vampire
- Farborn
- Fear's Vessel
- Felineling
- Felis
- Felkie
- Female Valhalian
- Ferengi (Star Trek Supplement)
- Ferretkin
- Fey Squirrel
- Fey'ri Tiefling
- Fe’se
- Fire Soul
- Flame Atronach
- Forgotten Archangel
- Formicrex (Humanoid Giant Ant)
- Fragment
- Froggage
- Furkin
- Furry, Variant
- Garbling
- Garden Gnome, Variant 2
- Gargoyle
- Gelatine
- Gelatinous Cube
- Geling
- Gem Galaxies GemKind
- Gem Kind
- Geodite
- Ghani
- Ghoul, 2nd Variant
- Gichi
- Gifted Human
- Giraffekin
- Glendale
- Glimorian
- Glitch
- Glitched
- GlorpShlorp
- GoTverse Wererabbit
- Graveborn
- Great Spirit
- Greater Devil
- Greater Dragonfly
- Guardians, Variant
- Gustatory Cookiefolk
- Half-Alv
- Half-cell race)
- Half-Demogorgon
- Half-Giant, Variant-A
- Half-Lizardfolk
- Half-Ogre, Variant
- Half-Oni, Variant
- Half-Oni, Variant 2
- Half-Phantom
- Half-Phoenix
- Half-Roc
- Half-Siren
- Half-Tabaxi
- Hatling
- Hempen Doll (Ranni the Witch)
- Hinotenu
- Hippocampus
- Hive Mind
- Hiveborn
- Hocotatian
- Hoorn
- Hornless Diamon
- House Fairy
- Human Martial, Variant
- Human, Martial Master
- Humlebi
- Hybrid
- Ice Genasi
- Igniforge
- Imp Cat
- Imperial Ghoul
- Internecion Cube
- Inugami
- Iop
- Isekai Slime
- Island Defenders
- Iterator
- Jengu
- Juggernaut
- Jättedēop
- Kandra
- Kasatha
- Keystone
- Kinling
- Kirby's Friend
- Kirbykin
- Kito
- Kitril
- Kitsune, 4th Variant
- Kitsune, 6th Variant
- Kitsune, 8th Variant
- Klónos
- Koopa, 2nd Variant
- Kreen
- Kro
- Kvistr
- Kyozu
- Laid Doll
- LAIs
- Latex Beast
- Leafeon
- Lepidoptera
- Leshy, Nature Children Variant
- Lillith
- Lionfolk
- Little Nightmare
- Living Doll, Variant
- Living Hats
- Living Pinata
- Living Slime
- Living Spellbook
- Loreborn
- Lovian
- Luma
- Lustrous
- Lustrous, Variant
- Lux
- Machamp
- Maggotborn
- Magic Forsaken
- Magnorites
- Manakete, Variant
- Mangani
- Manx
- Marshmellon
- Masked Puppet
- Matsugaia
- Mermaid
- Merslug
- Mewling
- Mezzana Batfolk
- Mimic Changeling
- Molehuman
- Momokin
- Monstrosity Class)
- Moonlight Folk
- Moth
- Moth'Drin
- Mothfolk
- Mothkin
- Mothlin
- Mothling
- Mothmen
- Mothperson
- Mountain Cat, Warrior Cat Edition
- Mummy
- Mutated Rat
- Muzali
- Myconid, Variant
- Mynk
- Myr
- Mystique
- Nagual
- Naiad
- Nature's Blessing
- Netlok
- Nezumi
- Ni
- Nie wiem jak to nazwać
- Night Hag's Daughter
- Nopon
- Nord
- Nothic
- Nue
- Null Human
- Odin's Chosen
- Ogerpon
- Ooger
- Oomukade
- Oomukade, Variant
- Oozan
- Other One
- Pac-Man
- Palademon
- Pangilofolk
- Paq-shii
- Parasitic Cosmic Horror
- Patchwork Construct
- Perfect Homunculus v2
- Phantom-kind
- Phosoir
- Plantling
- Plush Golem
- Polar White Panda
- Polypus Sapiens
- Poorons
- Porcelain Doll
- Prehistoric Lizardfolk
- Primarch
- Primordial Demon
- Prinny
- Protean
- Psionic Human
- Psycheborn
- Psychicrian
- Puma
- Puppet
- Qinar
- Quickling, Variant
- Radiation-Touched
- Raesokeran Edentatus
- Rainwing
- Ran
- Re:Goblin
- Refrence race
- Reincarnated
- Reincarnated Devil
- Renag
- Reversian
- Rhopalofae
- Riftmaw
- Risen
- Ritian
- Rockling
- Royalist
- Ruined Construct
- Rumbra
- Runeterra Troll
- Rusalka
- Ryu
- Rät
- Salamander Faerie
- Salticid
- Sand Dweller of the Crypt
- Santa
- Saurian (Arnam)
- Scandaves
- Scavenger race)
- Scintilla
- Scorpio Called
- Sealing
- Selach
- Sentient Potato
- Sentient Skeleton
- Sentient Snake
- Sentient Weapon Class)
- Seraphon
- Sergal
- Serpent-Kin
- Serpentine
- Shadowborn (Traper)
- Shadowkin
- Shadowling
- Shapechanger
- Shardborn
- Sharklin
- Sharkshifter
- Sheikah
- Shroomfolk
- Silverbackfolk
- Sin of the Immortal
- Sinner
- Sleepless
- Slime, Variant
- Slimekin
- Slimu
- Slippy Slime
- Slurpuff
- Smallfolk
- Smurf Cat
- Spellforged
- Stellarian Moth
- Stellaron
- Stereotypical British Person
- Sugar Elemental
- Swamp Ogre
- Swarm of Bats
- Sweet Soldier
- Sylphs
- Symbiote
- Tarnished
- Tempest Slime
- Tempestborn
- Tenno/Warframe
- The Bar-Tir
- The Catkin
- The Chitine
- The Eater of Worlds
- The Hive
- The Institue
- The misfits
- The Primordial
- The Taken
- Tigerfolk
- Tinkaton
- Titan, Variant
- Titanling
- Tlahuelpuchi
- Topper Geist
- Treant, Variant
- True Damphir
- True Moon Elf
- True Vampire (Overlord)
- Uchiha
- Unblooded
- Underground Monster
- Ursarctic
- V1
- Valhalian
- Vampire Noble
- Vampire, 3rd Variant
- Vegfolk
- Velociraptor
- Velour
- Velox, Variant
- Verenai
- Vessel
- Vinelings
- Void Kitsune
- Void Vessel
- Void Walker
- Voidfox Class)
- Vulperan
- Vulpini
- Vælk
- Warden
- Water Archon
- Weapon Cursed Human
- Weaveborn
- Wispy Willow
- WoF - IceWing
- Wolf Fang
- Wyrdbound
- Wyrmkin
- Wyverian
- Yeet!
- Yokai of Books
- Yuan-ti Malison
- User:ZarHakkar/Aniripsa
- User:ZarHakkar/Cra
- User:ZarHakkar/Ecaflip
- User:ZarHakkar/Frost Prowler
- User:ZarHakkar/Half-Goblin Variant
- User:ZarHakkar/Laffiny
- User:ZarHakkar/Lunarborn
- User:ZarHakkar/Ouginak
- User:ZarHakkar/Selatrop
- User:ZarHakkar/Slimeborg
- User:ZarHakkar/Sram
- User:ZarHakkar/Wisp
- User:ZarHakkar/Xelor
- Zenites
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