Fleshform (5e Race)

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"I am no longer bound by the limitations of flesh and bone. I am my own creation, a manifestation of my will."
— Vekros, a Fleshwarper who ascended to Fleshform

Physical Description[edit]

Fleshforms are humanoids with bodies that appear to be in a constant state of flux, their flesh capable of shifting in subtle or dramatic ways. Their skin may be covered in strange, sinewy textures or smooth and blank, and their limbs, face, and even internal organs may shift or morph over time. Most Fleshforms retain a humanoid appearance but their features can appear unsettling or abstract to outsiders. Eyes may be misplaced, hands may have extra fingers or none at all, and their forms seem to resonate with a strange, intrinsic fluidity.

Their physique often depends on the internal state of their minds. Fleshforms may feel heavier or lighter depending on their mood, though their average size and weight remain comparable to humans. Most prefer to alter their appearance slightly over time, rather than performing significant transformations, to avoid drawing unwanted attention from other races.


The origins of Fleshforms are as mysterious as their mutable forms. Some scholars believe they were born from a forgotten magical experiment, while others claim they are the living remnants of a failed attempt to create immortal beings. Despite their strange, shifting bodies, Fleshforms have developed their own histories, often intertwining with those who embrace the arcane.

Fleshforms have no single place they call home, and many are wanderers by nature, seeking knowledge about the world and themselves. Some become revered for their resilience and adaptability, while others are feared as freakish anomalies of creation.

Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]

Fleshforms often have a philosophical approach to life, seeing change as a fundamental part of existence. They are generally pragmatic, valuing personal growth, resilience, and freedom over rigid traditions. However, this mindset can lead to a certain detachment or lack of emotional connection to others, as they view the world through the lens of fluidity and transformation.

Many Fleshforms believe that, although their bodies change, their core selves remain constant. They have a deep understanding of their own identities, despite what their outer appearance may imply.

Fleshform Names[edit]

Fleshforms do not have specific naming traditions, as many choose their own names during their travels. However, their names often reflect their philosophical nature or personal history. Some may take on names from other cultures, while others adopt abstract titles or phrases.

Male: Vekros, Korgan, Ulreth, Zathar
Female: Seltra, Vivora, Erynn, Kaliss

Fleshform Traits[edit]

Made of meat, muscle, and tissue, this being is a walking pile of flesh.
Ability Score Increase. Fleshforms have no racial stat bonuses.
Age. Fleshforms no longer age in the traditional sense. Their bodies do decay with time, but they can live indefinitely as long as they maintain their bodies.
Alignment. Fleshforms tend to be neutral or evil. However, alignment is heavily influenced by the individual Fleshwarper’s personality.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Disgusting Regeneration. Your body can absorb the essence of the dead to mend itself, allowing you to regain vitality from the flesh of fallen foes. Whenever you consume the flesh of a corpse, you can restore 1d4 hit points (increases with level; e.g., at level 4, you roll 4d4).
However, each time you use this ability, you must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). On a failed save, you develop a craving, after using this ability three times in a single long rest, you must succeed on the Wisdom saving throw or suffer one of the following effects until you consume flesh again (1d4):
1. You have disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws.
2. You suffer a level of exhaustion.
3. You gain the poisoned condition. 4.
Resilient Flesh. Your body is fleshier than normal so you can absorb blows easier. You have resistance to bludgeoning damage from non-magical sources.
Amorphous Step. You can momentarily transform parts of your body into a liquid-like state, allowing you to flow over terrain with ease. Once per short or long rest, as a bonus action, you may move through nonmagical difficult terrain without being slowed for up to 10 feet.
Additionally, while in this state, you can briefly pass through small openings such as cracks, grates, or barriers with gaps, so long as the opening is at least 1 inch wide. You cannot pass through fully solid objects, and your movement speed is reduced by half for the duration of this effect.
Unsettling Presence. You are so twisted that your mere appearance unnerves others. When a humanoid within 30 feet of you sees you for the first time or begins to focus their attention on you for an extended period, they may, you can force them to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier). On a failed save, the creature becomes unnerved, exhibiting visible discomfort or fear, and has disadvantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Persuasion) checks when interacting with you for 1 hour. This effect does not work on creatures that are hostile to you at the start of their interaction. Once a creature has succeeded on the saving throw or been affected by this feature, they cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 0'' ++1d6 120 lb. × (x (2d4)) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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