Half-Phoenix (5e Race)

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Born from one parent being a Phoenix and one that it is not. Half-Phoenixes gain some of the traits from the main race line of the Fiery Kings. It is said that some of them might be even more dangerous than a full fledged Phoenix, as they might posses abilities from the second race line from other parent.

A mighty Sage once said. "I seen some of them in my lifetime. I have seen their suffering and racial discrimination. But do not be blinded by those that hold a grudge again any half race. Those mighty warriors that do not posses the authority of full blood, hold a great tallent called Hard Work. And they are using it to overcome the limits of what one could say unreachable for us.

One of many manuscipts of Races from the Tower Of Wisdom

Half-Phoenixes are a hard working race that face discrimination for not being a full blood. They are sure to hold a grudge and overpower any obstacle that will block their way. With a burning heart and unbreakable will they strive to become someon that will show those that were laughing. To never mess with a Half-born.

Physical Description[edit]

Half-Phoenixes gain some traits of their origin. First of all a beautifull wings in the colours black covering the outside, mixed with golden touches at the base, to a fiery red on the inside. Their skin and inside of feathers seems to reflect light and are really soft to the touch. They have all the variety of skin color of their humanoid parent's race, but some of them have had skin and wings to the color of their phoenix ancestor: Black, red, white, golden, blue or even purple. Their skin colours are mostly naturall with rare examples that consist of: purple, orange, yellow, blue, red or black. Their eyes mostly Red, golden, vivid blue, purple, green or silver, but can also inherit from the humanoid parent. Natural colour of their hair consist of violet, brown, red, gold, silver and green.


Most of the half-born are discriminated in the Phoenix society as an impure being. Some have to travel to diffrent places looking for a place to stay, some are more lucky to be able to stay with their parent and grow under their wing. Few are abadoned or even hunted in some regions, running or hiding in the wilderness to survive. Only safe place for them in somewhere far away from their home or in a place called Evaren, which is known to be a place where Phoenixes, no matter if full or half-blooded, live together in harmony. A place where one can grow and live without the threat of discrimination. Half-Phoenixes are hard working and iron willed people with a kind heart. They do not trust easilly but once you gain their trust it will not be broken. They learn and follow the rules of the society they have been living in but will not stand down to discrimination.


Their names comes either from Phoenix line or the other parent. Sometimes they take a name of their own or a nickname given by others.

General Male: Aver, Lenos, Yorn, Serva, Mikua General Female: Avery, Lania, Yor, Seri, Miyuki

Half-Phoenix Traits[edit]

Those born with a with a phoenix bloodline.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, while your Dexterity score increases by 1
Age. They live longer than average humans and are considered an adult at 20 years old, and you can live up to 1000 years.
Alignment. Half-Phoenix tend to be neutral or lawful. They are rarely evil.
Size. They tend to be taller, from 5 feet to almost 8 feet tall, depending on the race of the non-phoenix parent. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of grey.
Fire Affinity. You know how to controll the flames. You are resistant to fire and learn fire bolt cantrip that you can use your proficiency amount of times per long rest. At 10th lvl when you are targeted by fire type spell(That is not lvl 6 or higher) you can use your reaction to negate the damage, you may this feature again after finishing a long rest.
Phoenix Wings. You have a pair wings. You gain 60 flying speed.
Rebirth. Half-Phoenix gain the ability of rebirth once in their lifetime. You are able to come back to life( Only one time ) after failing all of your death saves. While doing so you lose one lvl and a full hit dice of your maximum hp. You feel like something snaps inside your body and a surge of revitalizing flames engulf you. You come back to life with 1d10 +con modifier amount of hit points.

Dungeon Master can choose to ignore the lvl and max hp sacrifice if they do not see it fit in their game rules.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write in Common, language of you non phoenix parent( If human add another language of choise) and one language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 9'' +3d10 90 lb. × (1d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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