Rockling (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Small stone rock like creatures that roam the world collecting things. They Are rarely found due to being hunted to almost Extinction found in secret colonies and other hidden areas across the land known for their storage capabilities. Will you become a Rockling?


Rocklings instead of having normal eyes they have two gaping holes where their eyes should be which some find cute and others find creepy


rocklings mouth can stretch out to about the size of a Horse-drawn carriage which leads straight into its stomach


Rocklings instead of having hair they have either Moss where hair should be


Rocklings can be made of all forms of rocks from amethyst to Jade or just from plain Stone even magma. Just depends on where they originally Formed


Over the years rocklings have been hunted for their storage capabilities and have been treated like animals and Used for manual labor and treated very poorly by other creatures they're goddess hated to see her poor creatures treated this way so every time a rock thing would die she would pull their bodies into the ground and move them into a further safer place for them to reform and eventually she managed to make them all form in a certain place secret hidden from the world where they would make their own villages and live happily but she didn't manage to save all of her Rock children some of them are still scattered around the world and the ones who are already safe like the magmalings she is proud to see them grow into a wonderful Nation .

How rocklings were brought into existence

They were brought into existence by their goddess named Rana She was a young goddess she controlled land and Earth but she was all alone in the heavens as she had no followers and she learned nothing of the outside world so she decided to create a creature to roam the world and wander and learn all about the Wonders down there that she had heard of from her other goddess friends she created creatures known as rocklings out of stone and other rock formations that have broken off of bigger mountains she would have them spring to life and wander the world and learn all sorts of new wonderful things she wanted her creatures to feel love and respect for others so the first thing they would see in life would be something they truly loved and she didn't want her creatures to ever die so she made it when they die their bodies will collapse and reform as a new Rockling Their former soul will float up to the heavens and tell them all about their Wonderful Life .


Rocklings Are known for their storage capabilities. They were blessed by their goddess to store everything in the world and when they pass on they can bring the things they had stored in their stomach to her for her to look at just so she can get a glimpse into the human world as that's all she ever wanted ,If a rock link stored a living creature in their stomach they would have to keep their mouth open to make sure air continue to go in or the creature would suffocate.

Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]


All rocklings are obsessed with taking things and storing them due to a kind of feeling, something kind of telling them that they need to collect and store things, sometimes even taking things I do not belong to them which can get them into some troublesome situations

Character Story

Their name must have something to do with the mountain that they came from. You may allow them to be friends with things that people may not actually see as things you can make friends with like dirt grass or Moss or even bugs or insects. You need to add details to the story like where they were if they met anybody or how they got to their class. All Rocklings must have some form of plant or flower on their head.

Memory Loss

When a rocklin is put back into their comatose state After taking Too much damage or cracking too much they will slowly reform over time as all their Pieces come back together and when they awake they will have no previous memory of any Adventures people or anything that happened before Other than their name and their talent Like if they are a Bard they will remember how to sing dance and perform .Rocklings can also take traits from their past lives like if a previous friend of theirs was obsessed with collecting bones although the rockling might not know why they're collecting bones they would continue to collect bones.

Emotional Attachment

Rocklings are very attachable creatures; they mostly attach to the first person in a group that they meet no matter the flaws of the character.

Mental Breakdown

Rocklings mental state can affect their physical state drastically if a rock thing is mentally breaking down their physical body will start to crack and crumble under the pressure to the point where a rock thing could completely shatter due to a mental issue .Their goddess gave them this trait because if her children were not happy then they shouldn't have to suffer where they were.

Rockling Names[edit]

Their name must have something to do with the mountain that they came from.



Rockling Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 3 and your Charisma score increases by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this trait.
Age. Rocklings live to about 250- 800 Years if lucky but most rocklings die because of erosion because of rain and other weathering Or breaking down over time Or being hunted down
Size. They can fit into smaller enclosed areas. Your size is Small.
Type. Elemental
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. But while on their are in their collapsed form they can move up to 40 ft.
Darkvision. Due to most Rock things living in damp wet caves they have slowly developed the trait of darkvision 60ft
Rock. Also no poison or gas attacks can work on rocklings.
Collapse. Rock bodies can collapse their own body into a pile of rocks to hide in plain sight. No matter What effects are used on a rocklin’s body over time rocklin’s bodies Will return to their original shape. When rocklings collapse they have to shut their eyes and mouth to make it look like they are just a pile of rocks but if they would like to move around they have to open their eyes to see where they are going. Well Rock things are collapsed they can move Up to 40 ft. But this counts as an action and it takes another action to go back to your normal form While in collapsed form you cannot use weapons
Languages. All languages that Rocklings here they can learn over time so depending on the area of origin rocklings can learn languages very fast just from hearing about 20 to 40 words of the language. And over time they Made their own language Called Rockish. The language of the rocks although no other creature can understand it when a rock thing speaks to other Rocklings or just a pile of rocks they can get an answer to hear about what has happened in the area recently to other creatures all it sounds like is a series of Shifting rocks and crunches of sticks.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

0′ 8'' +4d10 70 lb. × (0.25) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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