Vessel (5e Race)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: The ASIs are a bit inconsistent, with some giving a negative score, which is discouraged in 5e. The void given focus trait is a level 17 trait addition, going beyond first party trait improvements (for reference, simic gives up to 5th level and dragonborn only increases breath damage dice). Other traits like the one for infected grant AC bonuses that could break bound accuracy and you also have a subrace that grants immunity, etc. Overall, this race needs to be re-evaluated from a DND standpoint, as translating a videogame over to DnD is very messy when done without consideration for balance against first party content.

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Being born of the void to contain a raging sickness, discarded and forgotten these entities escaped their prison with no purpose.

Physical Description[edit]

A vessel is usually a small insignificant creature who only knows how to fight and survive in a harsh environment, they sport a small white shell-like helmet that can have various amounts of adornments such as horns, Vessels are usually Garbed in a Cloak that drapes over their dark and lithe body.


The vessels are beings who were made in mass to create a perfect vessel in a last-ditch effort of a wise king to save his collapsing kingdom, once the perfect vessel was created the remaining vessels were cast into their birthplace that was a massive abyssal chasm and left to die within its darkness, this act of abandonment ended with the wise king sealing the chasm to hide his dark secret.

Once in the chasm the vessels didn't simply die as the wise king intended with many scouring the abyssal chasm for salvation, their search leads them to find passages out of their tomb leading to a wide and unknown world, this resulted in the vessels spreading out to find purpose outside in the light.

The pathways that the vessels take are many and varied with some being afflicted by the outside world in unexpected ways, the most drastic of these afflictions would be vessels that are corrupted by the raging sickness that they were once made to contain, as these vessels travel they have two natural instincts, their first instinct is how to fight and defend themselves in a hostile environment, The second natural instinct is to find their birthplace once they have grown enough in their travels.

Once a vessel leaves the boundary of its birthplace it loses all memory of it yet they have an innate instinct to travel back, this action is more difficult for the vessel due to the vessel losing recollection of how they left the abyssal chasm as well as its location.


Vessels are young and empty-minded beings they can really only communicate through gestures but once they gain a seed of self/develop a personality they gain the ability to communicate vocally.

As a species, the vessels don't follow a hierarchy or leadership, but they have a conjoined deity that they worship known as "the Shade lord" which is an entity that is a massive collection of void which is the material that constitutes a vessel's form, this deity is in fact not religious in any form but in fact the absolute pinnacle in a vessel's evolution.

Vessel Traits[edit]

Small Empty beings of a chasm who fight to become hollow.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2
Age. Vessels are born fully grown and can live for 25 years; vessels mature after 5 years where they start to gain a seed of self.
Alignment. Unmatured Vessels are neutral but once they mature their alignment changes.
Size. Your size is Small; a vessel's average height is between 2 and 4 feet tall
Type. Construct, Elemental, Humanoid.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Monarch Wings. At level 3 you can fly equal to half your movement speed
Soul Focus. While in battle your entire being focuses on making your form heal, you have a pool of raw energy equal to half your level rounded down. As an action you can tap into this raw energy equal to your Dexterity modifier to heal 1d6 per usage(minimum of 1), at level 5 your soul focus can be used to give impact to your strikes, once an attack or ranged spell attack hits a target you may also use this raw energy equal to your Dexterity modifier to Deal 1d6 damage per Soul Focus charge(minimum of 1) this must be used before the roll of the damage, at level 10 increase the dice roll from 1d6 to 1d10.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Primordial
Subrace. Pure Vessel, Infected Vessel, Overgrown Vessel, Shell-less vessel, Empty Vessel.

Pure Vessel[edit]

The result of the creation of the Vessels, The Strongest Vessel created perfect in nearly every way, the Key word being Nearly. . .

Ability Score Increase. Your con score increases by 2 and your int Score decreases by 1.
Empty Vessel. Your body was chosen to contain a great sickness since you are an empty vessel, you are immune to the effects of the sickness, you are immune to being frightened, charmed or Stunned.
Perfect Vessel. You was developed to become the strongest combatant possible for a vessel to protect yourself from those who wish to release the contained sickness inside of you, your size becomes Medium, and you gain proficiency in martial and simple weapons, your Height is increased by 2 feet +1d12 inches, your weight isn't affected.
Flawed Vessel. Your vessel contains a great sickness and its presence leaks from your very being the effects of this trait can vary depending on the GM's wishes. When the pure vessel takes damage equal to its Constitution modifier multiplied by its character level in damage from a single attack you must roll 1d100+Constitution, if the result is below 20 your body becomes possessed by the sickness making it so you can't tell ally from foe, Number each creature friend or foe you can see and roll a dice to determine randomly who you fixate your actions upon, after 2 rounds of combat you return to normal. Once you reach Level 10 you become resilient to the effect of the infection making it so now roll 1d100+2*Constitution against losing control.

Infected Vessel[edit]

A vessel that fell to the power of the sickness and embraced its power becoming a twisted form of its original purpose

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1
Infected Creature. An infected vessel is a form of a previous vessel that has been consumed by the sickness it was created to prevent, due to this corruption it's been both debilitated and blessed, An infected vessel loses the usage of one arm which cannot be replaced while their AC increases by +3, once you reach level 7 your AC increases by +4 instead, at level 14 the increase becomes +5.
Infection Bolt. Your body is a vessel for the sickness and you can control the infection's matter on your body to attack, As an action you can fire a ranged attack with a range of 30 feet at single target, If the attack hits roll 1d6+Constitution acid damage, At level 5 roll 2d6+con at higher levels you roll an additional 1d6, 10th(3d6+con), 15th(4d6+con), 20th(6d6+con).

Overgrown Vessel[edit]

A vessel that escaped the Chasm but lost its way and become encumbered in plants and vines while trying to find its way, due to this they are usually older than the other vessels making them have a more developed seed of self.

Ability Score Increase. your Dexterity score is decreased by 1, Your Wisdom score is increased by 2
Foliage Body. Your body is an overgrown mess of foliage and vines this makes your body unwieldy but makes is so your more versatile, you can control the vines surrounding your body like Tentacles or tendrils, Due to this you gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed and can use these vines equal to 30ft length of rope, which you can use to extend the range of any 5ft or touch range effect by 25 ft, but you cannot use these vines to hold anything heavier than 3lb and cannot hold weapons.
Vine Whip. using the Vines growing from your body you can use the Vines to strike like a whip, you are proficient with your vine whip, which have the same statistics as a whip but with a range of 30 feet. You may use this whip as your unarmed strikes.
Overgrowth. at will for a cost of 1 hit point you can create a 30ft of Hemp rope that's separate from your body, At-Will at a cost of 1 hit points you can create a makeshift ghillie suit that provides advantage to stealth in forest regions for Tiny creatures, for every size larger the cost is increased by 3(small=4Hp)(Medium=7Hp)(Large=10Hp), items made from this trait cannot be sold due to their quality.
Tangled. due to being covered in brambles and Foliage rapid or precise movement is tricky with additional downsides, reduce your movement speed to 20 feet and you are vulnerable to fire

Nightmare Vessel[edit]

A vessel is a being that can contain or restrain the power of those who lurk behind the subconscious, due to this it makes them the perfect candidates to also act as conduits for such powers as well, one such power is of the opposite nature of dreams, Nightmares. The Being who governs nightmares is ever eternal as long as there is an awake mind for it to subsists off of being either the nightmares of the living or the dead, the nightmares are collected and fed to the source of all nightmares. The nightmares are fed in a scarlet ritual under the guise of a traveling circus, due to the immense power of the source of all nightmares, drawn to it like a moth to a flame vessels are led to perform the ritual of collecting nightmares from around the world. They don’t do this ritual alone for the source of nightmares provides its pilgrims with a Demonic bat like companion for the journey.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score is decreased by 1, your Charisma score is increased by 1.
Nightmare Companion. During your turn as an action you may Summon your Nightmare companion, The Nightmare Companion uses the bat creature Block but it has some additional features. Firstly its Hit points are equal to your Hit points divided by 4 rounded down. Secondly, It gains the flyby Trait meaning the Nightmare Companion doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks when it flies out of an enemy’s reach. Third. As an action you can command the Nightmare companion to use the Firebolt Cantrip, the spell uses your spellcasting modifier and character level for the spells modifiers.
Flame Embraced. at Level 5 You gain Fire resistance and now naturally produce 5ft of bright light then 5 ft of dim light.
Nightmare Constitution. Instead of going to sleep you can roll to consume the nightmares of someone nearby to sustain yourself, if there is an unconscious person within 10 feet you can roll a Constitution dc to stay awake. The DC check starts at 5 but increases by 2 for each night without going to sleep. You can use this trait up to three times per day.

Shell-less Vessel[edit]

A shell-less vessel is a Vessel whose Shell was broken long ago and became an entity also known as a sibling, due to this they can't regain a fully solid form but gain phantom-like qualities

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1, your Constitution Score decreases by 1.
Shell-less Vessel. You lose the trait Soul-Focus, you gain Immunity to force and psychic damage.
Void Tainted. Without a Shell to protect a Vessel their part of their seed of self is tainted by the Chasm's bottomless abyss, Due to this, their alignment is stuck at being either true neutral, Lawful Neutral or Chaotic Neutral.
Chasm void technique. Due to losing your Shell your entire being is now made of what came from the chasm's abyss, this makes it so you can use a technique that manipulates the very matter of your being as a projectile. At level 3 as an action, you can fire a bolt of Void Energy at a single target within 30ft, The target must succeed on a con DC save of 12+cha if they succeed they take no damage, if they fail they take 1d10+cha necrotic damage and their maximum hit points are reduced by the damage until they perform a long rest, if a target runs out of maximum hit points as a result of this trait they are killed outright. At level 5 the damage roll of this trait is increased by 1d10 With the Base DC increasing by 1, At level 10(3d10+cha) DC=(14+cha), At level 15(4d10+cha) DC=(15+cha), At level 20(5d10+cha) DC=(16+cha).
one with the Abyss.. At level 15 you can use the Chasm Void Technique as a Bonus action, At level 20 you can use the Chasm Void Technique as a single free action per turn.

True Vessel[edit]

The final result of the creation of the Vessels, a vessel that left the Chasm and returned to regain its Birthright.

Ability Score Increase. You can increase one of any ability score except Dexterity by 1
Durable Vessel. As a Vessel that has left the chasm without succumbing to the many hazards of the world around you, you are stronger and more durable than other bugs, while not wearing Heavy Armor or a shield you Gain +1 ac
Shade Destined Vessel. As the final iteration of the Vessels your mind is both tainted by the Chasm and embolden by your past, you cannot be stunned and if you take the dash action you can ignore the first opportunity attack against you once per turn.
Dream Slash. Though your Journey you have cultivated the power to explore peoples dreams and thoughts, As an action you can make a Melee attack action against a single target using your weapon, if the attack hits you deal no damage but you gain insight into your enemy and regain 1 Soul Focus charge, you learn either one weakness of the target (for example the targets highest stat proficiency or one skill/trait the enemy has or any thoughts the enemy may have at that time), the Gm is allowed to decide the knowledge gained result of the attack, At level 10 you regain 2 Soul focus charges per Dream Slash usage.
Void given Focus. At level 15 you are the pinnacle of a vessel evolution, As an Action, you can cast off your vessel form and go into a state known as "the Shade lord" for 1 minute, once in this state all of your damage you now inflict becomes force damage to overcome resistances and immunities, in addition if you hit a target you may choose to push a creature 5ft per successful attack away in the direction you are facing once per attack action, this trait can be used once a day.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

0′ 11'' +2d6 20 lb. × (2) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(4 votes)

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