Animajin (5e Race)
Humanoids Warriors that live for the trill of the fight and blessed by the power of control it's Natural Power, The Mantra
Physical Description[edit]
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A Female Animajin unleashing it's power |
With semblances of humanoid beings, but with pointed ears and in some cases tusks that protrude from their mouths, Animajins are very similar to humans, but what differentiates them from others is the presence of animal characteristics. Some Animajins have bear features, others a wolf, and some even a monkey (Like a Tail or Ears, Even having fur running their body)
Their bodies are naturally adapted to fight, because of this, their muscles are naturally defined, their hair is naturally colored, ranging from intense colors to soft pastel colors, but it is very common the presence of spiky hair and long (messy)
Society and History[edit]
Having arisen from several tribes from a small plane of existence, had their homeland destroyed by a tyrant who wanted all the power of a race for himself, many fled to other planes (mainly the material plane) it is very difficult to see an Animajin society, because the few survivors do not end up finding each other, and when they do, they tend to help each other as much as they can and usually they breed trying to recreate the Animajin race, and they are extremely proud of who they are, fighting thoses to dare defy them and especially when it comes to the family
But in the past, their society was extremely war-oriented, due to their natural ability to release Mantra, the Animajins were used in great battles for their powers.
however, those who were unable to fight (due to illness or injury) were put to work in society, cooking, cleaning, caring for the wounded and taking care of children.
Men and Women were chosen upon reaching adolescence, to undergo rigorous training where they would learn to control the energy they called Mantra (Ki to the monks). After achieving this, they would be brought back into Animajin society where they would choose whether to become warriors or something else.
due to the monarchist hierarchy their society had, a large part of the race turned warrior to try to raise their life in the Animajin land
having their race focused on fighting, there was little room for religion, but there is one legend that all surviving Animajin remember, the True Animajin Warrior
"Long ago, a group of Animajins corrupted by their evil mantra went into a rage and began to threaten their own race with unbridled destruction, after a Animajin with anger of the actions of fellow Animajins, his heart was full with rage and regret but with his pure intentions, at that moment, the sky break with thunders and the aura of that animajin startet to flow at maximum, his power awake at it's maximum, now he was the Animajin God, the True Warrior".
Animajin Names[edit]
Their names are always linked to something of the animal they carry pieces or details on their bodies that are remarkable
Male: Lupinos The Green Wolf, August The Fast Tiger, Bearry The Mighty Bear
Female: Lina The White Panther, Aela The Bloody Cheetah, Leporida the Jumping Rabbit
Animajin Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. One score increases by 2 and other score increases by 1.
Age. Animajins reach maturity at 17 years of age and easily live to be 200
Alignment. Due to the chaotic nature of your race, you are quite common to be of the Chaotic alignment, but it is not impossible to exist a good Loyal or Neutral
Size. Animajins have the average height of a human, but the more power they have, the bigger and beefier they become (although you can control your mantra and avoid this if you wish). Your size is Medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Enhanced Vision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern colors in darkness, only shades of gray.
Born to battle. Your body is naturally strong enough or agile enough to make your unarmed blows very powerful, your unarmed die is 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. You must choose between piercing or slashing, this damage will take the place of bludgeoning.
Primordial State. Everynight you will feel a shivers down your spine, in your blood runs a "curse" that's work likes Lycantropy, if it's full moon you need to roll a constitution save roll against a DC of 15 - your proficiency to not look to the full moon, but if you fail or choose to look to the full moon you will suffer the effects until the night ends, you become unconstion or you get rid of the Blood-lust effect:
- Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores increases by +4, including their maximuns.
- Your walking speed doubles.
- You become blood-lusted.
Heightened Senses. Your animal side affects everything in your life, you are proficient in perception (Wisdom), because you are always worried that a "predator" will appear
Mantra Burst. Your mantra is strong enough to save you from death. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, you may fall to 1 hit point + your Constitution modifier hit points instead. This may be used once per long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Suggested Characteristics[edit]
When creating a Animajin character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.
d8 | Personality Trait |
1 | Fighting is in my blood and I will always find an excuse to fight |
2 | My friends are my tribe and my tribe is something I will die trying to defend |
3 | I am a natural hunter, I hunt my own food |
4 | I do not like to fight like my race, but I am willing if necessary |
5 | My Pride is what matters, don't you dare break it |
6 | Power is the only thing that matters, I AM THE ENCARNATION OF POWER |
d6 | Ideal |
1 | My Tribe is what really matters, I will do everything for it |
2 | I want to survive, as hard as it can be |
3 | I want to recreate my race, have as many children as necessary |
4 | I want to rebuild my society better than it was before |
d6 | Flaw |
1 | I Want to survive at ANY cost |
2 | I will avenge my race, anyone who stands in my way must fall |
If you want to be a Animajin at fullest pick the class Mantra Warrior
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