Felis (5e Race)
"One meow-st be purr-oud to be a Felis! or you are no better than a simple feline!"
Physical Description[edit]
Felis are anthropomorphic creatures. Resembling mostly of a feline creature that is simply larger than the average wild or house cat, and has the ability to stand on its hind legs without struggle. Their fur and eye colours vary depending on the very lineage they come from.
The Felis kind comes from a long line of evolution from normal cat-like creatures. Evolving to become warriors and scholars, even taking up occupations and opportunities to help those outside of their race. Their history is not complex, but most definitely not simple. Due to their usually small appearance and physical body, they have grown to love fighting or taking up challenges above their capabilities. The Felis are not very hostile, that is, until they have the dearest things taken from them, or their very goal or strive is threatened to be impossible. They have lived within the harshest conditions, as well as the nicest, but the location in which they were born or evolved from, ultimately decided their natural skills and paths of occupation.
The cultural society of Felis typically does not branch far from that of other cats. They are very social among themselves and declare ownership of items and objects they deem worthy. Although they do have their own groups and designated jobs in society, they all love the same basic things, fish, catnip, sunbathing, unnecessary naps, and the thrill of a fight or challenging job. Due to the evolution of the Felis race, they have developed a love for nature, and less so for the indoors and cityscapes. Felis societies typically live in small villages and towns built by their own paws. These villages are usually built in hard-to-reach places, such as treetops, deep underground caves, heavy lush jungles, and nook-and-cranny locations, or they will simply take place in that abandoned house down the way or in that alley around the corner. Male Felis are typically the strong leaders and hunters, they take on the roles of heavy lifting, hunting, and bringing home the fallen or lost. The female Felis are usually seen as smart and capable, providing versatility in their possible future lives. Female Felis will usually be the Scholars, the head Explorers, they will do the scouting, recon, harvesting, and most importantly, the planning. A male Felis will be established or nominated as a leader, but they simply send out the demands and lead the society, the Females are the great minds behind it, they work together to establish a plan or idea, and discuss it with each other, and later relay the decided information to the leading male. Despite the ferocious personality most of the Felis take after, they are actually nurturing and caring creatures. They will care for and help any struggling creature, as long as the creature in question does not clearly seek to do harm to others for the sake of sport, or any other related behavior that is anything but unnatural. Felis do, however, have an odd fascination with fish and bird-like creatures, larger than them or not, their curious nature will strive them to either seek more information or eat them.
Felis Names[edit]
The names of an individual Felis are usually branched off of their personality, colouration, favourite item or activity, or a remarkable action they have done before. The naming process can occur at the time of birth, or after a specific event. Names within the Felis race usually have a meaning, some can tell a story,and others can hold the origin of that Felis in particular, all in all, a name in a Felis society has deep meaning about that individual and their society. The Felis themselves, when capable, can even choose their name, this however, is typically done for those who were not given a name, or those who had left their original society, by will, or by force.
Name Examples: Tigerstripe, Razorclaw, Softpaw, Piddles, Thumper, Chip
Felis Traits[edit]
Felis are small creatures that very closely resemble housecats.
Ability Score Increase. Felis are adorable and cute creatures. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Felis typically mature at the ages of 12 or 13 and live up to 125 years
Alignment. Felis will lean towards the neutral alignments, but this does not keep them out of trouble! The normal alignment for a Felis is Chaotic Neutral
Size. The Felis kind are Small Beasts, ranging from 2 to 3 feet tall on their hind legs
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet with a climbing speed equal to 15 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Purr-suasive. due to your adorable and small appearance, you are extra persuasive. Once per long or short rest, you have advantage on the first Persuasion check you make before your next short or long rest.
Keen eyes. Due to your feline lineage, you have very keen eyesight! you gain proficiency in the Perception skill.
Claws. You can use your sharp claws as natural weapons. When you make an unarmed strike, you do 1d4 + your Dexterity Modifier slashing damage. They count as simple weapons for you that you are proficient with.
Quadrupedal Lineage. due to your origins, when you drop to all fours, you increase your movement speed by 10, but you must not be wielding anything or wearing heavy armor to gain this benefit
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Cat-talk, and one other language of your choice.
Subrace. you can choose between the below options as your field of profession for your Felis
Feline Professions[edit]
Ability Score Increase. you gain a +2 to Strength or Dexterity
Hunters Instincts. When you make a Survival or Nature check to track down a creature, you have advantage.
Hunters Intuition. you gain proficiency in your choice of Survival or Nature. Additionally, you cannot be surprised and attacks don't have advantage on you as a result of not being seen.
Natural Killer. your claws do more damage, changing from a 1d4 into a 1d6.
Ability Score Increase. you gain a +2 to Dexterity
Natural Stealth. you gain proficiency in the Stealth skill.
Fleet of Foot. Your base walking speed increases by 10 feet. Additionally, you can move through nonmagical difficult terrain without expending extra movement.
Night Fury. Your nightly adventures lead to creating a new amazing hunting style of pounces and deadly follow-up attacks, when you are hidden, you can make a pounce attack on the creature within a range of 20 feet and deal an additional 1d6 damage. Your normal jump length and height are doubled.
Ability Score Increase. you gain a +1 to Charisma and a +1 to one other ability score of your choice
Born to Lead. you can spend 5 minutes giving an inspirational speech or words of encouragement to creatures around you. choose a number of creatures equal to your proficiency + your Charisma Modifier(minimum of 1) to be affected, you do not count against this and can benefit from this. Creatures affected gain 1d6 + your Charisma Modifer(minimum of 1) temporary hitpoints, you can do this a number of times equal to your Charisma Modifier(minimum of 1) every short or long rest.
True Leadership. you can attempt to recruit other creatures to join you for a task or quest. The creature must not strive to actively end your life or behave in a way that would counter your actions. you can affect up to 4 creatures at a time, they must have an Intelligence of 5 or higher. creatures must make a Wisdom Saving throw of 10 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier, creatures recruited in this way will obey your demands, it must not directly harm them or be against their morals. you can do this once a short or long rest.
Role Model. you've spent your life acknowledging and learning from other leaders, and in doing so, you have picked up on one of their habits, self-sacrifice. when an ally that you can see and is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to be the target of the attack instead, you and your ally switch spots and the attack is made against you. you can do this twice per short or long rest.
Ability Score Increase. you gain a +2 to Intelligence
Arcane Affinity. Due to your long studies and natural talent for magic, you have become slightly imbued with it. choose one of the options out of Fire, Cold, and Lightning. you gain resistance to that damage type and Cantrips you know do an additional 1d4 of that damage type. Cantrips that do not have a damage type gain this damage type as a Ranged or Spell attack with the Cantrips range.
Magical Schooling. back when you were learning about magic, you managed to pick up a few spells. at 1st level, you gain access to one cantrip of your choice from the Wizard Spell List, and one 1st level spell from the Wizard Spell List. Additionally, at the 3rd level, you learn a 2nd level or lower spell from the Wizard Spell List, and can use this spells as your own or once per long rest.
Intense Learner. you can learn things much faster than others. When you are to learn either by being taught or observing for 5 minutes or longer, you can roll an Intelligence roll, the total must be of 15 or higher. on a success, you learn what you were being taught or observing. You are not able to learn class-specific features or features that go beyond your abilities.
Ability Score Increase. you gain a +2 to Wisdom
Nature Knowledge. you gain proficiency in the Nature skill. Additionally, you can spend 1 minute or longer studying a plant, animal, or fungus, after doing so, you can accurately name and recall any information about it, as long as it is native to the material plane and is commonly found in forests, caves, jungles, and plains. you can also gather at twice the efficiency and come back with double the normal outcome.
Herbalism. due to your medicinal and herbalist practices, you know how to use the correct plants to heal the wounds of others. When a creature has 0 hit points and is not an undead or a construct, you can make a Medicine Check of 16 at advantage to bring them back at 1 hit point.
Medicinal Equipment. you have a pouch, bag, or box full of medicinal equipment. The contents of the container consist of 3 small vials, 1 larger bottle equivalent to the size of a potion, and any combination of your choice of 10 herbs, plants, or ingredients.
Ability Score Increase. you gain +1 to Charisma and a +1 in one different ability score of your choice
Luck. due to your inherited lineage of extreme luck, you have been able to harness this ability to use it as your own. when you make a Skill Check with a Skill you are not proficient with, you roll it with an additional d4.
Fortunate. you have uses equal to your Charisma Modifier(minimum of 1) every short or long rest, you can reroll any d20 roll you make, and you can choose which roll to use.
Abundance of Luck. you are so lucky, you have the capability to share it with others, once a short or long rest, you can make any other creature you can see roll with advantage as a reaction.
Ability Score Increase. you gain a +1 to Charisma and a +1 in one different ability score of your choice
Unlucky. you are a bad omen, and you embrace it to make others fail. as a reaction, you can make a creature you can see have a disadvantage on a d20 roll, you can do this as many times as your Charisma Modifier(minimum of 1) after every short or long rest.
Dark Superstition. you harness the power of unfortunate events to benefit you, when you or another creature within 15 feet of you that you can see rolls a 1 or fails on a saving throw, you can instead turn it into a 10 or success if it was a saving throw. you can do this as reaction once a long or short rest
Unfortunate Conduit. you have learned to capitalize on others bad luck. when an enemy creature within 15 feet of you that you can see fails an attack roll against you, you can make a melee or spell attack back as a reaction. Additionally, if a creature rolls a 1 on an attack roll while within 30 feet of you, they drop anything they are holding in their hands as a result.
Ability Score Increase. you gain a +2 to Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity
Unforgiving Wilderness. Due to your life in the ruthless wild, you have learned to adapt and overcome. You can move and act in difficult terrain as if it was normal terrain, additionally, you get proficiency in the Intimidation or Stealth skill.
Feral Origin. you have a feral origin, and as a result, you have no idea of how to utilize a normal weapon, you must use your claws or another weapon that will represent them. If you land two claw attacks on the same turn, you can make one additional claw attack.
Survivors Claws. you have become more dangerous living in wild areas, you gain the knowledge of the Primal Savagery cantrip.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
2′ 0'' | +1d12 | 10 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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