Void Kitsune (5e Race)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: In particular, the unlimited use of polymorph stands out to me. Polymorphing gives you a buffer of hit points because only excess over your polymorphed form is applied to your original hit points. So this gives you a lot of potential hit points, especially at a low level. The tails being an extra hand and also boosting your ability to essentially inspire yourself also improve more frequently than a dragonborn's breath and go beyond 5th level improvement. The soul of the void trait is also very poorly written and seems very strange with the sparse lore. You literally become a slime? As in changing into one by stat block? Overall, there's a bit much and it doesn't all go together well in terms of balance against first-party content.

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Void Kitsune[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

Void Kitsunes are born as black molds with white glowing eyes, taking an humanoid form with a fox-like appearance when it consumes enough information. A Void Kitsune humanoid appearance can vary in its skin, size, colors and age, but mostly being akin to the most abundant race in the plane it's currently living, accompanied by two fox ears in it's head and spiritual, blue tails that show the Voids development.


Void Kitsunes never have been common throughout history, being a extremely rare race that very few even heard of, and those of who still exist are hiding among societies in the Material Plane. A Void Kitsune originates from the Astral Plane, being created from the very space itself, only taking a humanoid form after a few months of consuming enouth information to live by itself. Void Kitsunes always have been curious to study every plane, collecting information from whatever it can to expand its knowledge of the planes of existance.

Void Kitsune Names[edit]

A Void Kitsune has two names. The first is its true name, wich is created by itself, generally choosing to take a name of wich has significant meaning to it, normally consisting of a concept or a creature, this name can also be used to controll the Void Kitsune if a humanoid discovers it. Their second name is a fake name consisting of the common of it's region, always changing to create a fake identity. This second name doesn't have any meaning to the Void Kitsune.

True Names: Gravity, Mass, Spirit, Shadow, Grow, Speed, Truth

Void Kitsune Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. A Void Kitsune has a very high lifespan, with Void Kitsunes generally going to the thousands of years, and on other ocasions not dying of old age at all.
Alignment. Due to their natural curiosity and insistence, Void Kitsunes tend to be Chaotic.
Size. Void Kitsunes vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 35 feet.
Sharp Senses. A Void Kitsune is always seeking for every information in its path. You are proficient in the Perception skill.
Spiritual Tails. A Void Kitsune is born with 1 tail, gaining more tails the stronger it gets. You can use the tails as somatic gestures for spells and to hold basic items like potions or other acessories. You cannot use weapons or shields with your tails. You gain new on the levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18.
Fox Spirit. You may, as if per the polymorph spell, turn into a fox. The fox uses the statistics of a jackal. You may shift back and forth into this form as a bonus action.
Perfect Eyes. A Void Kitsune has two "sets" of eyes, in wich it can switch to receive benefits. As a bonus action, you can switch from your normal eyes to white eyes with a black sclera for 1 minute. During this time, you, once per round, can grant advantage to one of your attack rolls, ability checks or resistance checks. You can only use this feature a number of times equal to your tails, the charges of this feature recharge after a long rest.
Soul of Void. You are born from the pure gravity of a unnatural space, making your body also unnatural. You can revert your body to a slime-like appearance, gaining the form of a slime. Until you cannot hold any item nor interact with anything, however you cannot take any damage from natural sources, such as traps, lava, or height.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 5'' +2d8 150 lb. × (1d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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