Springbound (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Springbound look human at first, but there's more to them then that, they can extend body parts, and on the inside, they are robots with a small programming computer, and its always going bonkers! Also their extendable spring body parts bind them together, giving them the name Springbound. Also they have hidden buttons on the back of their heads, when it is pressed the Springbound instantly turns off.


Springbound used to be helper robots, they're extendable and they extend with springs, making them able to grab things far away making them great helpers, but when their owners (keep in mind they're robots) tried to make their programming make them seem human, it messed up, and it made them have a personality and everything! The people were overjoyed that they made their robots more human-like then they even wanted, but the robots, being human-like, had a personality, and they were mad! So they used their extendable legs to jump out of the factory and jump far away.

Springbound Names[edit]

Their names, being robots, are are often a series of numbers and letters, but they like changing their names to more human like names (meaning you choose the name just 'cuz I cant think of any names so names are your problem)

Springbound Traits[edit]

Robots with springs and stuff.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Age. They are robots, they do not mature or die of old age.
Alignment. neutral.
Size. You are the size of a human. Your size is Medium.
Type. Construct
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Heat-Vision. You have built-in heat-vision lens, you can make them appear on your eyes as a free action, after that it works like heat vision.
Springs. Your body parts (from a speck on the bottom of your toe to the top of a hair on your head) can extend up to an extra 30 feet with the help of super-sized-springs, if your feet or hands touch something, they stick, and you can un-extend the springs to make you move to them, but you do not have to make them stick, allowing you to use your leg springs to jump higher.
Always Bouncing. You are used to bouncing around, so you gain proficiency with Acrobatics and Athletics.
Detach. You can very quickly use your Springs trait to jump up (not too high), turn so your laying in the air front facing the sky, and shoot your legs arms and head out of your body, when you do this your body will lay on the ground and wont move, you can roll your head around, make your legs hop around, and your arms stay normal in look, but count as crawling claws under your command.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 10'' +2d8 260 lb. × (2d6+3) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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