Pheo (5e Race)

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”Creation occurs through destruction.”

The Pheo race are magical embodiments of fire. Tuned to the elements around them, bound to not only the world but time itself. Usually living in very hot places, they live on a planet plain called Stoicheia and can travel to other plans. Pheos are very inward creatures who usually keep to their tribe, though they sometimes go out to explore and meet those of other races. Pheos have three genders; Aaron, Bellon, and Carmon. They also have the secondary genders of female (huang) or male (feng) that they choose when they have existed for 10 years, not all Pheos choose a secondary gender wanting to only have their birth gender. A different sound thing is added at the end of the title of either the Pheos name or what their clan is known as for each of the three genders (ly for Aaron, ba for Bellon, and er for Carmon). Pheos have slightly pointed ears like half-elves might have.

Pheos have four birth parents two are known as “great parents” which are considered to be the stronger two and the other two are just called parents. Pheos have four names, one which changes throughout their existence. The first is known as their venture name given by their parents and great parents (sometimes godparents), this name always has something to do with fire, weather it’s about fire, the wood that burns, or even coal. This name is used by other Pheos to refer to them on a regular basis. The second name is the rebirth name which changes throughout their existence, this name could be anything desired at that moment in time and usually doesn’t change until rebirth, but can be change every ten years. The third name is their element or spirit name which most of the time ends up being a combination of their true name and venture name, this name is decided by their odyssey at birth. The last name is their true name which is rarely used and embodies themself, this name can also be anything but it always shows the nature of a Pheo, they are usually really long consisting of multiple names even though it’s considered one name, as it has to mention everything about the Pheo. True names are kinda poetic in a way, they are never the exact meanings like if someone had a name meaning “tall one” it would be referring to a strong personality, confidence… All Pheo instinctively know their true name. Young Pheos are called Phix. Other information like history will be else wear.

Pheo Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase.[edit]

Your Charisma, Intelligence, Dexterity and Wisdom scores each increase by 1. You can’t go past eighteen.

Creature Type.[edit]

You are a humanoid and elemental.


You have fire shades colored eyes like gold, yellow, orange, red, and bronze. Hair color and skin tone varies based on your tribe and clan. You have fiery wings coming off your back.


Pheos are immortal with two different ages. The first is how long they’ve existed. The second is how old they are in their current life, reaching physical maturity at 28.


Pheos don’t have any specific alignment. They are very diverse and it usually depends on what tribe they’re in to determine their alignment. Clan also takes a factor as to what alignment you have. Choose a tribe and clan to decide your alignment.


Pheos range from 6 feet tall to just under 8 feet and have very slender builds. Your size is medium.


Your base walking speed is 25ft, your climbing speed is 30ft.


You have a flight speed of 40ft, and a levitation speed of 10ft. Changing from walking to flight takes an action, but changing from walking to levitation can just happen. Your wings can turn into a wing tattoo on your back as the same colors as the wings, but can only be kept like that for 1 hour before needing to rest for at least 4 hours. Also while your wings are hidden you can’t levitate or fly and during combat it will take an action to show them again unless it has been one hour, but then you need to rest so you can only levitate not fly.

Phoenix Lilit.[edit]

You can see in dim light as if it were bright light for 80ft, and you can see in darkness like it’s a little bit dim for 90ft. In dark or dim light you can only see in shades of red. In brightness you can only see in fire shades like gold, yellow, orange, red, and bronze. With both there will be a slight tint of another color based on your tribe.

Warm Hearted.[edit]

You find it hard to do things in the cold. You have disadvantage on all rolls while in the cold, rolls you normally would have advantage on will be rolled without advantage and disadvantage (normal roll).

Fire Affiliation.[edit]

Fire damage makes you stronger. When attacked with fire damage you gain half the damage (rounded down) temporary hit points and a D4 bonus to all strength rolls until you lose your temporary hit points.


You can use the Produce Flame cantrip (altered damage) in your hands, without any of the needed components, and it will be of your element (fire, wafire, finature, fiearth, firend). Anything flammable you touch bursts into flame and anyone too close takes D4 fire damage (you are too close).

Unarmored Defenses.[edit]

When not wearing any armor you have an AC of 15 plus your dexterity modifier.


You get a +5 bonus to your initiative and a +5 bonus to your passive perception score. You are proficient in the perception, insight, and investigation skills in areas said to be dangerous.

Damage Resistant.[edit]

You have resistance to a damage type based on your tribe (water and wind {Tamira and Evander}=slashing, nature {Gyan}=piercing, earth {Aria}=bludgeoning, fire {Nova}=radiant).

Pheo Quirk
D4/Choice Quirk
1 When you take deep breaths smoke comes out
2 Your eyes randomly produce fire
3 You flicker like flames
4 Your hair moves like fire

You can speak, read, and write Phennix. Phennix is a musical fire language with sounds of fire creating a majestic harmony. You can only speak, read, and write common if you spent at least a year outside of your homeland planet plain, if not you will have to use gestures and drawings instead. To be understood they have to do an intelligence check and beat 10 plus your intelligence modifier.


There are three subraces you can choose from; Genie Touched, Wynner, and Drain.

Genie Touched[edit]

You could say a Genie has either blessed or cursed your venture causing you to have special abilities. Whether it’s a curse or a blessing can you learn to use these new abilities?

Ability Score Improvement.[edit]

Choose two charisma skills to be proficient in or one charisma skill to have expertise in. Proficiency with charisma saving throws.

Wishing Bag.[edit]

Allies can claim you for wishes, you can grant three small wishes or one large wish (decided what can be done by the DM), and regain the ability to do so after two days or resting for a whole day.

Vessel of a Genie.[edit]

As an action you can go into or out of a vessel like a genie would be in (you choose your vessel at the beginning and can’t change it). You can say in there for up to an hour, at higher levels you can stay longer. Level 5, 2 hours, level 10, 3 hours, level 15, 4 hours, and level 20, 5 hours.


You have found a strange fondness of fighting or/and competing through strength. You’ve seen that you have a strange look and are better than you should be.

Ability Score Improvement.[edit]

You have advantage on strength rolls.

Strength Blast.[edit]

You have a certain number of strength points which can be used to re roll strength again with advantage again, you have to use the re roll, re rolling once costs one point, twice costs two. You can re roll up to two times. Or you can use all your points for an immediate success’s but damage/results gets reduced by half, unless that wouldn’t make sense for a success. You gain all spent strength points after 10 days. Your number of strength points is your level plus your strength modifier plus your proficiency bonus (minimum of 1).


Even though you seem drained you feel more alive and energized than ever like something gave you a boost on life.

Ability Score Improvement.[edit]

You have advantage on Constitution saving throws and get a +2 bonus to your health for each level (including level one).

Elemental Shift.[edit]

You gain an affinity for lightning (resistance to lightning damage, ability to create lighting) and get advantage on all rolls when it’s storming. You’ve grown to love storms and feel a great defense from them, +2 AC when storming.

Tribes and Clans[edit]


The Tamira tribe live at Palila Talei, a tropical rainforest in the area called Tattwa. The Tamira people have a deeper connection to magic and have a true element of wafire, otherwise known as water and fire. Of course their fire is way stronger but with being in a humid, rainy climate they need to have some type of resistance/affinity for water as well. All Tamira people are a chaotic alignment.


The Guadula clan, a part of the Tamira tribe, live at the far east of Palila Talei. The Guadula clan people are known as Gwans, like a swan but with a G instead of an S. Gwans are chaotic neutral valuing freedom, individuality, and expression. Gwan don’t have many rules, but the rules they do have they tend to break when it suits them. They are very impulsive and unpredictable leading to many conflicts between odysseys and even sometimes ventures.

Gwan have raven or midnight maroon hair, usually raven for the south side and midnight maroon for the north, and a bronze-gold skin tone with light red fire patterns that seem like water on their skin. Their tint of color in their eyesight is any shade of blue (not enough to see purple) and some rare ones have an off white. They are good at any roles involving trickery or stealing.

Example of what to call them: older Pheo of the Guadula clan, Gwan, younger Pheo, Gwan Phix. With genders: Gwanly, Gwanly Phix, Gwanba, Gwanba Phix, Gwaner, Gwaner Phix. With genders and secondary genders: Gwanly Feng, Gwanly Huang, Gwanly Feng Phix, Gwanly Huang Phix, Gwanba Feng, Gwanba Huang, Gwanba Feng Phix, Gwanba Huang Phix, Gwaner Feng, Gwaner Huang, Gwaner Feng Phix, Gwaner Huang Phix. (This will all be the same for other clans just replace the name they’re known as.)


The Hildrun clan, a part of the Tamira tribe, live at the far west of Palila Talei. The Hildrun clan people are known as Rays, like a sun ray. Rays are chaotic good valuing personal freedom and rules, but will break rules and challenge authority if they believe it’s for the greater good. Rays Have dark red shades of hair but not midnight maroon dark, usually lighter dark reds near the north and darker dark reds to the south. They have charred gold skin tone and dark red fire patterns that seem like water on their skin. The tint of color in their eyesight is either lavender or periwinkle. They are good at roles involving justice.


The Orenda clan, a part of the Tamira tribe, live at the near east and near west of the Palila Talei. The Orenda clan people are called Oracles, mainly because they are seen as the all seeing waters. Oracles are chaotic evil, not respecting rules or much others. They are pretty selfish, tell prophecies to people and somehow make it all about themselves. They are also brutal and blunt, will tell what they think straight to your face no matter what. They fight for sport and constantly have completions both between odysseys and ventures.

Oracles have golden shades of hair, brightest south-east, than medium light south-west, medium dark north-west, and the darkest shade north-east. They have a cherry gold skin tone and tone with orange fire patterns that that seem like water on their skin. The tint of color in their eyesight is aqua, teal, aquamarine, or turquoise. They are good at any job involving zero morals and dark brutality.


The Evander tribe live at the Particle Dunes, a desert in the area called Tattwa. The Evander people have a deeper connection to battle and are all strong warriors. Their true element is Firend, which is fire and wind. Living in a windy environment causes them to have a breath of air within their hearts. All Evander people are a neutral alignment.


The Armista clan, a part of the Evander tribe, live at the far south of the Particle Dunes. The Armista clan people are known as Mistie, the history behind the name is very broad. Mistie are True Neutral at balance, seeing both the chaotic and lawful sides. They are self-serving only being concerned for their and their allies well being. They are unbiased and can act malicious towards enemies.

Mistie have bright red or orange shades of hair, usually red for the east and orange for the west. Their skin is gold with red-orange fire patterns that seem like water on their skin. The tint in their eyesight is lime green. They are good at jobs involving fighting.


The Batair clan, a part of the Evander tribe, live at the far north of the Particle Dunes. The Batair clan people are known as Bones, the history behind the name is very broad like the Mistie of the Armista clan. Bones are Neutral Evil, selfish, pragmatic, unremorseful, unconcerned with law, and violent. They lack mortals and ethics and are willing to harm others for what they want while not trying to cause chaos.

Bones have coal or charcoal hair, usually coal for the east and charcoal for the west. Their skin is yellow-gold with dark orange fire patterns that seem like water on their skin. The tint in their eyesight is purple. They are good at jobs involving fighting.


The Einar clan, a part of the Evander tribe, live at the near south and near north of the Particle Dunes. The Einar clan people are known as Naws, the history behind the name is very broad like the others in this tribe. Naws are Neutral Good, they have good intentions when they act and do what they think is right. They aren’t strictly bound by laws, social expectations, or rules. They prioritize the greater good even if they have to break rules.

Naws have bright orange or yellow shades of hair, usually orange for the east and yellow for the west, specifically north-west is sunflower. Their skin is cream gold with dark gold fire patterns that seem like water on their skin. The tint in their eyesight is lime mint. They are good at jobs involving fighting.


The Nova tribe live at Phoenix Aimar, a red-rocked stone area with lots of lava in the area called Tattwa. The Nova tribe people have a deeper connection to the stars and have nova stars deep within. Their true element is Fire, living with the blaze of lava. All Nova people are Chaotic Good. Guided by their conscious and a desire to help others, they are free-spirited, kind, benevolent, and have distain for authority.


The Hoshi clan, a part of the Nova tribe, live at the south-east end of Phoenix Aimar. The Hoshi clan people are known as Lyghts, this name comes because of multiple reasons but the main one is their link to the stars and fire. Lyghts have bronze shades of hair, usually darker for the far area and lighter for the nearer area. Their skin is either red-gold or red-bronze with dark bronze cracks that make their skin look like lave. The tint in their eyesight is gray. They are good at jobs involving dexterity.


The Vega clan, a part of the Nova tribe, live at the south-west end of Phoenix Aimar. The Vega clan people are known as Vast, the name comes cause of the size of space, where the stars are. Vast have bronze-gold hair, usually darker for the far area and lighter for the nearer area. Their skin is either orange-gold or orange-bronze with coal cracks that make their skin look like lave. The tint in their eyesight is dolphin. They are good at jobs involving dexterity.


The Hoku clan, a part of the Nova tribe, live at the north side of Phoenix Aimar. The Hoku clan people are known as Hope, the history behind the name is unknown outside of their clan. Hope have light Cherry bronze hair and coal skin with cherry gold cracks that make their skin look like lave. The tint in their eyesight is stormfire gray. They are good at jobs involving dexterity.


The Gyan tribe live at Poaceae Firth, a Savannah in the area called Tattwa. The Gyan tribe people have a deeper connection to knowledge and known to be very smart individuals. Their true element is Finature, fire and nature. The Savannah doesn’t have much nature in the way of plants but the harts still call to nature. All Gyan people are True Neutral at balance, seeing both the chaotic and lawful sides. They are self-serving only being concerned for their and their allies well being. They are unbiased and can act malicious towards enemies.


The Vidya clan, a part of the Gyan tribe, live in the middle of Poaceae Firth. The Vidya clan people are known as Vida, the main reason of the name is that it is basically their clan name but still different. Vida have pure red hair and dark bronze skin with smoke gray smoke like patterns dancing on their skin. The tint in their eyesight is silver. They aren’t specifically good at any job.


The Ismene clan, a part of the Gyan tribe, live at the east side, subtracting where the Vidya clan lives in the east side, of Poaceae Firth. The Ismene clan people are known as Islan, the history behind the name is unknown to outsiders. Islan have pure gold hair and charcoal skin with light bronze-gold smoke like patterns dancing on their skin. The tint in their eyesight is gun metal gray. They aren’t specifically good at any job.


The Cato clan, a part of the Gyan tribe, live at the west side, subtracting where the Vidya clan lives in the west side, of Poaceae Firth. The Cato clan people are known as Cats, they are seen as close to felines. Cats have pure orange hair and maroon skin with coal smoke like patterns dancing on their skin. The tint in their eyesight is white. They aren’t specifically good at any job.


The Aria tribe live at the Lyrascape, a plain in the area called Tattwa. The Aria tribe people have a deeper connection to music and combine with songs. Their true element is Fiearth, fire and earth. In the flat plains you can’t help but be surrounded by earth. All Aria people are a Lawful alignment.


The Wren clan, a part of the Aria tribe, live at the south-east side of the Lyrascape. The Wren clan people are known as their clan name Wren. Wren are Lawful Neutral, they value honor, order, and tradition. They don’t have moral bias, uphold order, oppose evildoers, follow orders, and don’t get swayed by their emotions. They think the benefits of law and organization out way morality.

Wren have maroon or coal maroon hair, usually coal maroon for the far side and maroon for the nearer side. Their skin is bronze with dark gold smoke patterns dancing on their skin. The tint in their eyesight is magenta. They are good at jobs involving music.


The Allegra clan, a part of the Aria tribe, live at the north-east side of the Lyrascape. The Allegra clan people are known as Egra. Egra are Lawful Good, they value honor, order, and tradition. They don’t have moral bias, uphold order, oppose evildoers, follow orders, and don’t get swayed by their emotions. They think the benefits of law and organization out way morality.

Egra have maroon-gold hair and medium bronze skin with charcoal smoke patterns dancing on their skin. The tint in their eyesight is plum. They are good at jobs involving music.


The Ronen clan, a part of the Aria tribe, live at the west side of the Lyrascape. The Ronen clan people are known as their clan name Ronen. Ronen are Lawful Neutral, they act with honor, compassion, and a strong sense of duty. They follow established laws and rules while always trying to be morally correct. Prioritizing the greater good with upholding structure.

Ronen have bronze-maroon hair and light bronze skin with maroon smoke patterns dancing on their skin. The tint in their eyesight is magenta coral. They are good at jobs involving music.

Wing Color[edit]

Pure Gold[edit]

Good Alignment.

Red and Gold[edit]

Good or Lawful Alignment.

Pure Bronze[edit]

Neutral Alignment.

Yellow and Gold[edit]

Good or Neutral Alignment.


Chaotic or Evil Alignment.