Verenai (5e Race)
Verenai is a race personally designed for AnotherrRommWriter's campaign, BUT can be used in other campaigns. it might have to be changed
Physical Description[edit]
Shimmering skin of different colors (based of subrace)
The Verenai (and the idea of lust in general) used to be a lot more pure and carnal. Not something to be bashful of or perverted, it was like a force of nature, so the Verenai were quite wise beings and in tune with their nature. When beings began to die and go into the underworld and time passed, their ideas of lust in general became stranger and less pure-more perverted. Some of the Verenai began to ascribe to this newer way of life, becoming less intelligent and wise but more agile, while others kept to themselves and renounced such things, retaining their regality
Verenai embody nature’s untamable desire for life and growth, fertility, and primal instincts. They serve as guardians of nature’s balance between life and death, representing desire as both a force of creation and destruction.
They live in a state of Anarchy, the power is the people. Tribes based on subraces are often built, outcasting the rest.
Verenai Names[edit]
Male: Vireth, Zorath, Kailis, Eryndor, Thalior, Lysar, Orionis, Rhyros, Sylvenor, Faelan.
Female:Selisandra, Viorra, Thalindra, Nyssara, Serephine, Aeloria, Illyria, Mirelia, Zephira, Lirae.
Gender-Neutral:Yndris, Selvion, Renya, Valenor, Selenis, Veyra, Ilaris, Thalyn, Eryndis, Valira.
Verenai Traits[edit]
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.
Age. Verenai tend to live to 230, reaching maturity around 40 for females, 50 for males.
Alignment. The Verenai are very chaotic beings, they are almost never lawful.
Size. Your species height is usually around 6 foot. The Lunar Verenai can reach up to 7’5” feet. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, your base swim speed is 20.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Aphrodisiacal Pheremones. The shimmering of the Verenai's skin/scales excrete a steady, low amount of pheromones. These assist in luring in their victims or partners, lowering the DC of most Charisma checks by one.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Druidic and/or Ven’raen (a page for this to be made)
Subrace. The Verenai are tied with lust. There are 5 different subraces to help explain these shimmering-skin creatures. Choose between The Irresistible Verenai, The Luring Verenai, The Burning Verenai, The Lunar Verenai, and The Hustle Verenai.
The Irresistible Verenai[edit]
The true lust type creature, based on luring others to them.
Irresistible. Your beauty goes beyond mere mortal constraints, and only grows as you mature. Gain 1 Charisma. Every 2 levels, gain one Persuasion (refer to the chart below)
Lovebite. As it turns out, biting can be used for more than intimacy with your lover. Who knew? Your unarmed strike becomes a bite, which has a +1 to hit. The modifier to hit is your Charisma. Upon hitting, the target must make a DC 12 Constitution check. If they fail, they cannot attack you in the next round of combat.
Drop DEAD Gorgeous. Once per long rest, you can choose one non-undead, non-boss target in line of sight and make a Persuasion check against their Insight. If you succeed, the target must make a Constitution saving throw, DC 15. If they fail, they die. If they succeed, they are stunned for one turn.
Aura of Lust. Upon first meeting anyone, make a Persuasion roll at -5, the DC being 10. If you pass, the NPC wants you… for good or bad, that’s up to the DM.
Sit Still, Look Pretty. You are well versed in the arts of love, but the the art of war eludes you. You have no proficiencies in weapons (Ignore all of the weapon proficiencies in your class) beside one unarmed strike.
The Luring Verenai[edit]
The beach Verenai, a Verenai with shimmering blue skin, the ability to hide in the water as needed.
Voice of Desire. This Verenai uses a call like a siren to pull in those least expecting it. Twice per day, you can make a Persuasion check, +2, against a target's insight. If you succeed, they will cease all other actions and walk towards you for 60 seconds. After the time has passed, they will become hostile towards you.
Mysterious Allure. Your allure is undeniable, and almost impossible to resist... as long as your prey doesn't recognize what you are. You gain a +2 on all Persuasion rolls against targets that don't know what you are.
Adapted Persuasion. After eons of hunting humans and their similar counterparts, you've learned exactly what makes them tick. Gain a +1 on all Persuasion rolls against humanoids.
Swimmers Bod. Living in the water for so long has made your body lithe and agile. Gain 1 Dexterity. Since this beauty of a creature has inhabited water environments, they have a swimming speed of 30, however their walking speed is decreased to 25.
Meat Eaters. Your species has long since thrived on the lifeblood of others, and you are no different. You can eat other substances, but only meat can satisfy your hunger; the rarer the better. You must consume at least one piece of meat per day. If you do not, suffer a -1 to all ability scores until you do.
The Burning Verenai[edit]
Well, they are very hot Verenai. A base color of dusty brown. Shimmering red and orange stream of color shows on their body much like a lightning strike.
Molten Birth. You were born in the flames of passion, and the fire consumes you. Gain +1 Strength and immunity to fire.
Flames of Desire. You draw people in with your passionate charm. Gain +2 to Charisma checks until/unless your target has touched you.
Lustful Burn. Combat makes your blood boil- not in an unpleasant way. Twice per long rest, while in combat, you may roll a flat d20 and get the following results.
1d20 | Result |
1-5 | Nothing. |
6-10 | Gain +1 strength for the combat. |
11-15 | Gain +2 Strength for the combat. |
16-20 | Gain +3 strength for the combat. |
When you use this trait, also roll 1d3. On a 1, gain +2 to attack rolls. On a 2, gain +1 damage rolls. On a 3, gain 1 AC.
Venting. Twice per long rest, you may expel a stream of hot lava from the pores in your body in a radius around you, coating creatures within a 20 foot cone are affected by fire damage
I'm Melting!. Your skin is not built to withstand water. Take double damage from attacks utilizing water, and if water is splashed on you or ingested, take 1d10 damage.
The Lunar Verenai[edit]
The pure Verenai, much like before the Verenai evolved they are more connected to nature. Not very tainted by lust.
Protection. From living in the these nature environments, their Wisdom is increased by one. They also have the protection of nature. When hit, you can roll a 1d20. On an 17 or higher, nature protects you, taking away 10 damage from the attack. (This could come in the form of a bird taking the hit for you, or roots sprouting in front of you, etc.)
Kindred Spirit. Your mind and body are threaded together with nature, so close as to be one. Once per day, you may use wild shape as a free action. Your alters remain, even in these forms.
Wild Combatant. Whenever you attack with an unarmed strike, attack again with your antlers. Your antlers use your agility modifier to hit. If they hit, your opponent takes 1d4 bleeding damage for 1d3 turns.
Primordial Form. You are extremely tall, and your proportions are not built for modernity. Gain 2 AC, but -1 Stealth, and you cannot wear many forms of human clothes, metal is too heavy for you.
Moonlit Curse. You have to meditate under the moon, for your rest. If you can't you will be exhausted for the next day. When entered in this trance if anyone or anything interrupts their vigil, the Verenai either becomes enraged or exhausted.
The Hustle Verenai[edit]
This is the Nightlife Verenai, or ladies of the night, laying claim to cities.
Street Smarts. You've grown and lived in the city, your Intelligence is boosted by one. Also from living in the city many cultures have come together- you are proficient in one language of your choice.
Cloak of Night’s Desire. They become like a shadow in the night, slipping between the cracks and blending with the allure of the dark. They have the ability to disappear, not become invisible or teleport, they have the ability to disappear from the sight of many creatures (a roll necessary)
Nightshade Kiss. Their kiss is like poison. It IS poison. A Constitution saving throw is required for the target; having a chance in ended in poison damage.
Magnet for Good and Evil. Living around many people, everyday you'll run into good and bad people, but each of those people are drawn to you. All creatures good and not are drawn to you. There is a 25% chance of getting into some fight just for walking and minding your business.
Fond of Your City. Your know your city very well, new cities and even the small, villages and towns, are something completely different to what you know. You find it hard to fit in and interacts with a new type of people can be difficult. When you enter a new town, roll Charisma. If you fail the DC, you get -1 to Persuasion rolls in the town.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
′ '' | + | lb. | × () lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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