Hive Mind (5e Race)

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Hive Mind[edit]

This race can drastically alter campaigns without care make sure your dm is aware of this race's features before playing it.

Physical Description[edit]

Simultaneously in their speech, movement, and reactions a herd of people draws closer to you. Each and every one of them has a strange green luminescent hue from their eyes as they all stare at you in conjunction. You feel your own sweat pouring down your face as you have so many eyes on you but despite the many people close to you only one "person" is truly there.


The Hive Mind is a race of conquerors. Creatures that take control of the person next to them in order to build their own empires or societys'. "Why have one body when you can control a hundred?" is but a common question that Hive Minds bring.

Hive Minds Names[edit]

Hind Minds start off with a normal humanoid body that is similar to a human boy or girl but, due to their ability to have so many vessels they mainly stick to gender-neutral names. Names: Unity, Omega, Conquest, ect; }}

Hive Mind Traits[edit]

Body Snatchers with green eyes that can be seen from miles away, a race that can truly take over society.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Hive Minds live on throughout all their bodies until all of them are done a Hive Mind ages according to them.
Alignment. Hive Minds can tend to be evil but despite the majority being of that alignment, there are good and lawful Hive Minds.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Total Possession. As one of the many creatures connected to a hive mind you’ve adapted to the many bodies under your control. Pick a race that you are primarily using as your body. You gain one of the racial features from that race. Half a creature’s cr cannot be above your level for this feature to work.
Connected to the Hive. Thanks to your direct connection to the hive mind you can easily get information or find out things when needed. You gain advantage on history checks.
Memories of the hive. The hive also serves as an archive for your journeys, allowing you to store information to benefit you at another time. You can remember anything stated, seen, or sensed within a week of experiencing it.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

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