Slime, Variant (5e Race)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: Base AC of 17 and includes con mod. Proficiency in grappling isn't a thing, and the absorb trait deals auto-damage (also is written poorly in terms of targeting). And, of course, ridiculous resistances

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Physical Description[edit]

A slime can be of many colors such as green, blue, orange, purple depending on their environment. They appear amorphous, but are actually quite uniform. They are transparent, but don't possess visible organs, however, they are able to digest any creature they swallow. Sometimes they can be seen filled with various inorganic trinkets from their travels. They also possess two large black eyes that can be positioned in any way that takes their fancy.


Nobody really knows where slimes come from beyond the fact that they live everywhere aside from more intelligent creatures' settlements. Sometimes they can be seen wandering in smaller creatures' settlements.


Due to their weak nature and their short lifespam, they reproduce rapidly, however, it isn't reported any case in which slimes mate, lay eggs nor give birth. This fact makes scientists belive they reproduce via mitosis. Therefore, they are considered dangerous if left alone because they could create infestations easily.


Slimes sometimes are encountered in small groups, rarely alone or in large groups. They stay in groups to have more chance in survival, but if any slime in the group is taken down, they seem to not care.

Slime Traits[edit]

Small foes with huge potential.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Dexterity and Wisdom score increases by 1. However, your Intelligence and Charisma score decreases by 2.
Age. The lifespan of a slime is no more than 4 years because slimes are rather an easy target for adventurers, therefore they are hunted down by them, but it is unknown if they even age.
Alignment. Slimes are mostly mindless creatures, so they don't usually present any aligment.
Size. Normal slimes varie a lot in size depending on their environment, but they usually aren't taller than 4 feet nor smaller than 1 feet. However, slimes can stretch up to three time their height. Slimes are quite heavy despite their watery apearance. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet.
Adhesive. Slimes, being creatures of gelatinous slime you are naturally sticky. You have proficiency on Strength (Athletics) checks made to grapple a target. In addition, you can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check and not getting slowed down.
Absorb. As long as you maintain a grapple, the creature you are grappling takes 2d4 + your Constitution modifier acid damage at the end of its turn. However, you cannot target a creature you are grappling.
Amorphous. Due to the fluid nature of your form, you can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch without squeezing. You leave behind any items you are carrying while in those narrow spaces.
Fortification. When you are struck with physical attacks, you get harder the harder they hit you. If a creature's physical attack surpasses or equals your AC, you get hard enough to negate the hit, they instead have to roll below your AC to damage you.

Your AC for physical attacks is 17 - your Constitution modifier and for magical attacks (such as spells) it is 10 + your Dexterity modifier.

If a creature is able to break steel with their physical attack, then you are defenceless against that attack. When you reach level 5, they must be able to break Mithral in order to surpass this feature, at level 10 and forward, Adamantine.
Naturally glutton. By moving across surfaces you can break down otherwise inedible substances to garner nutritional value. You are unable to wear armor because you eat it instictively, even though you can't digest it.
Resistances, Immunities and Vulnerabilities. You are resistant to bludgeoning damage, immune to poison and acid damage and vulnerable to cold, lightning and piercing damage.
Ooze Nature. You don't require sleep.
Languages. You can speak Common if any.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

1′ 0'' +3d10 5 lb. × (1d2) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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