Gelatine (5e Race)

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Those little Gelatine truly are unique. One never looks like the other, like snowflakes on a vast field..
Louis Godfrey Kang-Gold Plated Adventurer.

Never the same[edit]

A Gelatine will never look the same as another one of its kind. No matter how many centuries may pass, there will never be 2 gelatine who look exactly the same. Some are humanoid, some are just puddles of sentient goo, some are blue, some are green, some are multi coloured, some have no colour at all. They portray no facial features like eyes, noses, mouths or ears, or any kind of body hair, but older Gelatine might have learned enough to be able to shape their bodies to be more "precise" to their wishes. They do not have any direct gender, but may take on a more masculine or feminine shape.


The Gelatine was created by a insane artificer that wanted to enslave the many different oozes of the world and use them for wild, dangerous experiments. A certain amount of oozes were injected with a serum which caused them to gain sentience. They soon after killed the artificer and escaped. Since then, the Gelatine has just been steady increasing their population and all living under 1 ruler.

Villages of Slime[edit]

The Gelatine live their lives in deep forests, with homes constructed out of a hardened ooze-like matter which are constructed deep in the treetops to keep their soft bodies off of the ground and away from predators. All known Gelatine live in the same village, as there is just barely 800 of them total.

Gelatine Names[edit]

Gelatine name themselves, most of the time after objects they like. All names are gender neutral as the Gelatine themselves are genderless.

Names: Leaf, Stiik, Greeb, Reed, ETC.

Gelatine Traits[edit]

All Gelatine share some common composition, giving them some similar traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
Age. A Gelatine reaches adulthood at birth, and may life for up to 300 years.
Alignment. The Gelatine are free, happy spirits. Their alignment usually puts them around the chaotic good or chaotic neutral area.
Size. Gelatine's size depends on how they were formed at birth. You are between 3 and 6 feet tall, your size is either small or medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Blindsight. The Gelatine have no such things as eyes, but can basically use echolocation to see. You have blindsight up to 60 feet away, regardless of light. You are blind beyond this radius, however, you cannot see color or precise details, like paintings. You can't be blinded by light, but while deafened, you are considered to be also blinded.
Amorphous. While unarmored, you take no penalties while squeezing. In addition, you can move through 1 inch spaces without having to squeeze, but you leave all of your equipment on the other side.
Languages. You can speak Common and one language of your choice. You cannot read these languages if they are not carved or embraided into something.
Subrace. While no Gelatine look the same, some of them have similar conditions. This leads to the creation of sub-races, choose one from below.

Sticky Gelatine[edit]

Some Gelatine are especially adhesive, being able to stick to most surfaces.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
Adherent. You have advantage in checks to grapple creatures and grab items.
Spider Climb. You can climb vertical and upside down surfaces without any kind of penalty.
Sticky Hold. If you have a creature grappled, the creature automatically has disadvantage against getting out of your grapple due to your adhesive body.

Acidic Gelatine[edit]

Some Gelatine are born with a generally Acidic body, allowing direct harm to be the most dangerous form of contact with these corrosive oozes.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Acidic Resistance. You have resistance to acid damage.
Corrosive Strikes. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 acid damage, instead of 1 bludgeoning damage.
Corrosive Body. When a creature within 5 feet of you tries to attack you, as a reaction, you can throw out a large clump of acidic ooze. This deals 1d4 acid damage and this damage increase to 1d6 at 9th level and 1d8 at 17th level. You can use this spray a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) and regain all expanded uses when you complete a long rest.

Grand Gelatine[edit]

Gelatine that have lived a especially long and prosperous life. These variants may not be larger than their other counterparts, but their spirit is what drives them forwards.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Soft Body. You are softer than you are oozy. You have resistance to bludgeoning damage.
Gelatine Pride. You do not allow yourself to be looked down upon purely due to your race. If you fail any kind of roll, you can add an amount to the roll equal to the number of creatures watching you (maximum of 5).

Stretchy Gelatine[edit]

Your body is stretchier than your fellow gelatine. Thats...thats about it.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Reach. When you are wielding a weapon without the heavy property, the weapon gains the "reach" property. If the weapon already had the reach property, it increases by yet another 5 ft.
Stretchy and Sturdy. When you fall a maximum of 200 feet, you take no fall damage. If you fall more than 200 feet, you count it as if you were falling normally for every 10 additional feat.
Grabbing Gelatine. You have proficiency in slight of hand checks when it comes to grabbing an object smaller than yourself.

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