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- Adamantine Shell A basic defensive protective spell.
- Armour of Jenova You summon a colourful aura of aberrant energy around you that harms creatures close to you.
- Begone Thot, Variant In the wise and eternal words of Jesus, whose words are kept alive through the scriptures of the Thot Patrol, "If she breathes, she's a thot."
- Block Seed Prevents conception.
- Brand Don't touch my stuff!
- Celebrimbor's Battle Glyph A more fighting efficient glyph of warding.
- Corazon's Tiny Glyph A smaller, more efficient Glyph of Warding.
- Darius's Selfless Shield An invisible barrier of magical force appears and protects a creature you can see within range.
- Endure Elements Protection from normal environmental hazards.
- False Blade Afraid your 9th level spell might actually kill someone? Well no more!
- Magical Deflect Weaken spells that hit you.
- Mark This is mine, and we both know it.
- Repel Pushes any Large or smaller creature or object away from you to a certain distance.
- Resistance, Variant The targeted creature can add 1d4 to a Saving Throw once before the spell ends.
- Shield of Stasis You create an invisible barrier of stasis in front of a creature or object that intercepts spells, creatures, projectiles, etc. and traps them in time.
- Suppress Pain
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- Allowance Create money when you need it, consequences be damned.
- Attract Summons a Small or Tiny object that you can see to yourself.
- Bakudo 8 Bakudō #8. Seki (斥, Repulse; "Repulsion") is a Kidō spell.
- Blade Surge You manifest an ethereal aura that turns into an energy weapon to protect you from attackers, hurting them in the process.
- Blue Shield Basically a ridable Tenser's Floating Disk.
- Bound Weapon, Variant You create a weapon of your choosing to bind to yourself.
- Call Bird Call one bird to aid you as a pet.
- Conjure Ammunition Conjure a handful of ammunition.
- Create Air Creates fresh air around target and up to 2 other creatures.
- Diamond Storm A cone of "diamonds" shot into the air at your enemies to tear them apart.
- Drop Bass Drop the bass. On their head.
- Drop the Myc Create a patch of mycelium to hinder your foes.
- Earthen Servant You summon a small creature made out of earth.
- Eihwaz the Yew Rune Eihwaz is a earthly rune with domain over both healing and poison.
- Ethereal Forge You conjure a weapon into your hand.
- Feather Glide You conjure a chicken to help stop your fall.
- Fitzmyr's Sage Hands A modified version of the mage hand cantrip, by a kenku wizard. Effective for use of offence, utility, and defense, but not the best at any of them. An all-rounder for 1st level spells.
- Healing Mist You create a mist of magical essence around a target creature that heals the target.
- Hot Dogs
- Hyetomancy Conjure localized rain around yourself.
- Icy Weapon You freeze the air around you to create a weapon of pure ice.
- Karno's Instant Pie You produce a pie, which can be eaten or thrown.
- Magic Scimitar
- Magnet Orb You conjure an orb that pulls foes towards it.
- Minor Distortion In the grand scheme of things, we make many choices. Where exactly we stand, how we move when we see a sword being swung at our head. Sometimes, you're standing in the perfect spot to mitigate a hit you take. Through the use of magic, one can instantly move themselves to said spot as if that were the choice they'd made.
- Mordenkainen's Buzzing Bee Conjure a small phantasmal bee to annoy opponent spellcasters
- Planar Calling You summon creatures from other worlds to fight by your side.
- Razor Storm You are the Storm. A flash of metal as you hold your weapon out between your hands and magical copies of it strike out against all around you.
- Rewind Want to go to that spot you were in 6 seconds ago? Go right ahead with this spell!
- Shell Kick
- Spell Blade You conjure a blade of force in your free hand.
- Summon Garlic Bread Summon Garlic Bread
- Summon Weapon Summon a weapon or object from a pocket dimension into your hand.
- Uncanny Outfitting Any armor or attire you are wearing is instantly doffed, and at your option any armor or attire stowed on your person is instantly donned in its place.
- Veitch's Marvellous Letter You conjure a letter with up to 150 words written in it. It flies to a target that you designate at a speed of 6 mph.
- Wrecking Squall Creates a protective sphere of air
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- Calder's Starry Sky You project a map of the stars into the air.
- Detect Weapons For the duration, you sense the presence of manufactured weapons within 30 feet of you.
- Find Quest Helps you find quests to go on.
- Glyph of Tracking A more tracking and utility efficient glyph of warding.
- Impart Knowledge A way to quickly and silently communicate complex ideas.
- Know Recipe You touch a piece of food or a potion and learn how to replicate it.
- Know Thy Foe A spell that lets the caster peer into the defenses of their target.
- Locate Water Sense the direction towards a nearby body of water.
- Master's Touch Makes a target proficient with a held or worn piece of equipment.
- Minor Inventory A simple but useful spell to quickly itemize a container can help you divide loot, level the field on a negotiation or avoid searching a room for hours for something that isn't there. You'll still have to search for it though, this spell just makes you aware of the contents not it's exact location.
- Minor Psychometry Sense information about the last creature to touch an object and it's past whereabouts.
- Morgrave's Clear Mind You embed a psychic mote in a creature's mind and force it to broadcast its thoughts to those nearby.
- Speak with David Allows you to speak telepathically with David's past present or future.
- True Glimpse See things as they truly are for a brief moment.
- Truer Strikes
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- 6 Feet Back, ALRIGHT! (Grum's Social Distancing) Force a creature to adhere to social distancing staying at least 6 feet away from you.
- Amusement You attempt to make a humanoid that you can see within range become fixated on and irrepressibly amused by a creature or object of your choice.
- Bakudo 1 Bakudō # 1: Sai (塞, Restrain) is a Kidō spell.
- Beguile Person You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range, which can only resist with the force of its personality.
- Call Bird, Variant Call one bird to aid you as a pet.
- Hold Beast The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be paralyzed for the duration.
- Inflate Ego
- Intimidating Presence You have advantage on intimidation and prevent targets from approaching you.
- Lesser Confusion This spell assaults and twists a creature's mind, spawning delusions and provoking uncontrolled action.
- Memory Graft Graft a memory onto the mind of one target.
- Otto's Ear Ringing Causes vicious, deafening ear ringing in creatures.
- Power Word Die You utter a word of power that makes you instantly drop dead.
- Reverse Flow Control A spell used by Wave controllers to stop foes or objects in place.
- Ribbit A creature is compelled to only speak in croaks and ribbits, becoming unable to cast spells, but able to breathe both air and water.
- Rune of Distraction You place a distracting, invisible rune on an object.
- Sanguine Song You hum a specific rhythm that gets yours and your allies blood pumping.
- Seer's Mark A mark that gives you advantage on insight checks and the distance of the target.
- Sinister Manipulation Channeling malevolent spirits, you take control of the left arm of your victim.
- Strengthening You fill a creature with the determination to fight.
- Stumbling Fool Render your foes into silly mooks.
- Thought Purge You attempt to halt a creature's train of thought.
- Ventriloquist Force someone to speak the words you wish
- Weaponized Laughter
- Word of Stumbling Disarm and make prone a target following a wisdom save.
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- Air Wave This spell converts a melee attack into a wave of cutting air.
- Attract Object A simple trick most people learn as a starting point to magic. Attracting an object to your hand.
- Bakudo 30 Bakudō # 30: Shitotsu Sansen (嘴突三閃, Beak-Piercing Triple Beam is a Kidō spell.
- Bakudo 4 Bakudō #4: Hainawa (這縄, Crawling Rope; "Slithering Rope") is a Kidō spell.
- Begone Thot By denouncing the thot-hood of an enemy one may strike them down with lightning.
- Black Snow You create a sphere of dark snow that is laced with acid in a 10-foot sphere centered on you.
- Blast Cast Blast your enemies with elemental power, using the most generic of spells.
- Cyclone A spell that sends a cylinder of air around an area moving creatures about.
- Dongle's All-Purpose Mending A general purpose spell, invented by Dongle, that combines the effects of Cure Wounds and Mending, to a certain extent.
- Frost Breath You blow a critically cold cloud of frost at your enemies.
- Hado 1 Hadō #1. Shō (衝, Thrust) is a Kidō spell.
- Hado 4 Hadō #4. Byakurai (白雷, Pale Lightning) is a Kidō spell.
- Healing Dagger Creates a shining dagger which heals those that gets hit by it, instead of inflicting damage.
- Healing Wind You speak a word of power, and gentle wind envelops a number of creatures of your choice up to your spellcasting ability modifier that you can see within range.
- Homing Shards You create 1d4 + 2 frozen shards of ice.
- Icicle Crash With a loud smashing sound, you shower the area in front of you with shattered ice.
- Kiss of the Petals You create a pretty cone of projectiles that can nonlethally disable your opponents.
- Last Words Go out with a witty one-liner and a bang. Or just a bang, that works too.
- Notes of lesser death You go crazy on your musical item and lose control of your body.
- Paralysis Blow You summon black flames on your weapon.
- Pixie's Gale Evoke the power of wind to fling creatures and objects away from yourself.
- PK Fire (5e spell)Earthbound’s PK fire, A short ranged evocation with a supportive roll.
- Shoulder Touch
- Step Into Darkness Shift through darkness with pretanutral speed.
- Tri-Element Deals lightning, fire, then cold damage to a target
- Water of Life A creature you touch, which must be in a body of running water, regains a number of hit points equal to 1d12 + your spellcasting ability modifier.
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- Ambush, Variant Diet invisibility
- Amorphous Pixie Channeling your magical flow you animate a small portion of helpful glowing dust
- Chameleon You change yourself to blend into your environment.
- Color You permanently change the color of cloth, leather, or any other inanimate object.
- Elonia's Glamour
- Hallucinate You choose a creature you can see within range and make them see a sound or an image that lasts for the duration.
- Horrific Visage You choose a creature within range and reveal the horrors of the void to them.
- Hush You touch a creature and imbue it with silence.
- Illusionary Box A paradise in a box!
- Mirror Variant
- Muffle A spell that hushes a creature, making it more difficult to detect.
- Obscure Illumination Obscures a light source so one may see in the dark without either giving one's position away or resorting to darkvision-like solutions. Unlike darkvision, one can distinguish colours (as permitted by the torch's quality of light)
- Placebo Grants temporary relief and protection from harm and ailments.
- Silhouette Cause a creature to appear as a stark black silhouette of itself
- Silhouette, Variant Cause a creature to appear as a translucent black silhouette of itself
- Sound Bubble Create a membrane that blocks the transmission of sound
- Ventriloquism Make your voice appear to come from somewhere else.
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- Animate Shadow You bring to life the shadow of a creature you can see within range.
- Bodysnatch Turn a corpse into a disguise
- Cell Decomposition You cause a creature's cells to gradually deteriorate.
- Death Grip You seize the essence of a creature in range and pull it towards you.
- Grasping Souls with a sacrifice of blood you pull hundreds of undead hands from the ground, grasping and dashing toward any life they feel.
- Life Sap Drain health to transfer to allies
- Nauseate One creature that you can see in range has an extremely distorted vision for one turn in addition to a horrible stomachache.
- Palpitate Forces a creature's heart to stop and restart suddenly
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- Affect Cantrips Galore!
- Air Step Extra jumping power, and double-jumping too!
- Amplify From 3.5e's Amplify
- Animate Minor Object Lesser form of animate objects that targets a single object.
- Animate Rope You animate an inanimate rope-like object, such as string, yarn, cord, line, rope, or cable of up to 50 feet or a maximum of 10 lbs.
- Barbarian Knowledge You touch a willing creature, causing its head to swell and muscles to shrink.
- Curse of Comus A curse that afflicts its victim with a monstrous animal's head.
- Dissonance Field Twist time and space to cause difficult movement and make it difficult to cast spells.
- Expand/Contract Expand and contract space around you.
- Fling Self You fling yourself in a direction with considerable force.
- Floor of Ice Freeze over a floor with slippery, spike-covered ice.
- Flurry You magically enhance your weapon's speed and unleash a pair of blows.
- Gordian's Tripwire You command a tripwire to string itself up, ready to confound your foes.
- Intoxicate Blood You increase the alcohol content of a target's blood, intoxicating them.
- Inversion Invert a spell effect back to it's original caster!
- Midwife's Spell A collection of folk magic intended to help with conception and childbirth.
- Molten Blades Your weapons glow red hot, burning your enemies on contact.
- Promised Walk of Peace
- Repair Repair an object or restore hit points to a construct.
- Restore You repair a small item or restore a magical effect on an object, depending on its type.
- Slight Polymorph
- Summon Rain Cause a light rain with cloud cover and harmless thunder and lightning.
- Surge You channel harmless electrical energies in a willing creature you touch, heightening its speed and senses.
- Sword Split You split a sword into two smaller swords or fuse two smaller swords into one larger one.
- Time Stride You briefly pause the passage of time.
- Transcription Magically copy or translate a page of text and/or images onto another page.
- Transmute Coins You transform coins into other coins!
Needs Work |