5e Derivative Work Races
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Races who are based upon existing races or characters from other works of fiction without a improving, reviewing, or removing template present.
Name | Summary | |
A.D.A.M. Unit | Weapons of war refined in towers until they can claim a soul of their own. | |
Abomasnow | A race of powerful pine tree-like humanoids. | |
Addison | Creatures 0nl y made for one purpose: [ [ KROMER ] ] | |
Aeldari | The aeldari are lithe, graceful, and extraordinarily talented futuristic fey-like warriors from space that wield weapons yet to be concieved by man with consumnate skill. | |
Aggron | Aggron, the Iron Armor Pokémon, was very accurately named. | |
Alcremie | Tiny and adorable fey oozes that secrete a sweet, delicious cream. | |
Alolan Marowak | Pack creatures able to do a spirit dance. | |
Ancient Cat, Warrior Cat Edition | house cat from long ago
abilities= One of your abilities is increased by 1. This can not cause your total ability score to be increased by 3. | |
Android, 2nd Variant | Frightening fusions of man and machine. | |
Anouki | Waddling like penguins, but with antlers like moose and faces resembling hylians, anouki are quite a sight. Their blubber-filled bodies are most at home in cold climates. | |
Appoplexian | Let me tell you something... | |
Ardan Uruks | Powerful and Savage, they are a brutal but tough race. | |
Argonian | The Argonians are a race of reptilian humanoids from Black Marsh. | |
Armaldo | Land walking fossils brought back to life | |
Aromatisse | Small, fluffy and wingless bird-like creatures that masterfully manipulate scents. | |
Arrancar | The truest form a Hollow can take. | |
Astral Angels | Astral Sea guardians | |
Asura, Guild Wars | A small race of advanced magical inventors. | |
Au'Ra | Horned and tailed beings thought erroneously to come from dragons | |
Audino | Cute and pudgy, these rabbit-like creatures want nothing more than to heal your wounds. | |
Augmented Soldier | Creatures turned into cyborgs by a military force. | |
Avali | Feathered humanoid descended from powerful ambush predators | |
Avian | Strong and religious bird race from Starbound related to humans in many ways. | |
Avian, Variant | An advanced race of bird-like humanoids that are deeply connected with their god Kluex. | |
Azer | Tough, dwarf-like elemental beings made of metal and fire. | |
Badger Lord | Titanic versions of badgers - based on the Badgers of Redwall. | |
Banette | Cursed dolls who seek revenge against the ones who threw them away. | |
Barbaracle | Rocky, grabby Pokémon of the coasts | |
Basitin | Anthropomorphic cat-rabbit beings | |
Beastkin, Variant | You are a humanoid capable of shapeshifting into a mythical animal. | |
Beastmen | Beastmen are beings made of chaos and corruption,embodying unstoppable and cruel calamity | |
Beheaded | An immortal thing. Quick, deadly, and with a weird sense of humor. | |
Beholderborn | A race of humanoids descended from the cursed Beholders. | |
Bisharp | Savage humanoid pokemon whose bodies are naturally covered in armor and blades. | |
User:Blackcatz20/Space Bean | Small, colorful creatures originating from the social deduction game Among Us. | |
Bladeling | Warlike outsiders from the Infinite Battlefield of Acheron. | |
Blastoise | Tough shelled tortoises with cannons and a tendency to fight. | |
Blaziken | Tall, flightless, bird-like humanoids that combine fire and martial arts. | |
Blemmigan | Your Wisdom score increase by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1. | |
Blessed Narehate | Narehates are beings that have survived exposure to the curse of the Abyss, which are also very agile and perceptive of their surroundings. | |
Bloodclan Cat, Warrior Cat Edition | Very aggressive cat | |
Blue Bloods | Fallen angels turned sexy vampires | |
Bob-omb | Marioverse: a race of sentient explosives. Let’s hope they don’t go nuclear. | |
Boros | ||
Borosi | Feline shaped people with nightmare eyes. | |
Boss Monster | Magical Monster-Goats. | |
Bothan | Intelligence gathering mammalians | |
Branded | Branded are a hated union of beorc and laguz | |
Breloom | Mushrooms that punch | |
Breton | ||
Buizel | loving and social weasel otters. | |
Bullet-Kin | Bullet shaped people, hailing from The Gungeon. | |
Bullywug | The self acclaimed rulers of the swamps. | |
Cambion | The children of a fiend and a humanoid, cambions show their parentage through their physical appearance, ability to live comfortably in heated regions that for most would be intolerable and their wicked natures. | |
Cerean | Binary-brained humanoids | |
Chains of Heaven | A Race based off of Enkidu from the fate franchise | |
Chao | Tiny, adorable fey who love racing, karate and being petted. | |
Charr | The charr race was forged in the merciless crucible of war. It is all they know. War defines them, and their quest for dominion drives them ever onward. | |
Charr, Variant | The charr are powerful feline soldiers that have mastered the art of war over thousands of years of conflict. | |
Chattur | A spacefaring race that resembles a small monkey or rodent. They are known as "space bandits". | |
Chesnaught | Bulky, armored pokemon with a kind heart and a desire to protect what they hold dear. | |
Chiss | Chiss, blue-faced humanoids from deep space | |
Chitinoid | A four-armed race of moth-like humanoids. | |
Chozo | An ancient and powerful race of avian humanoids, now few and far between. | |
Cinderace | Speedy lagomorphs who turn pebbles to fireballs just by kicking them. | |
Cindsler | a anthropomorphic rabbits who use there powerful muscles to use | |
Clan Cat, Warrior Cat Edition | Clan cats from Warriors | |
Claustronoctiling | Beings from another world that judge the good and punish the guilty. | |
Clefable | Odd fey who are elusive until the moon shows | |
Clone Series | Created for one purpose only, to pilot an Evangelion. | |
Clone Trooper | soldiers fighting for the republic | |
Cofagrigus | Dark spirited creatures that are tied to sarcophagi. | |
Console Patron Unit | You are a down to earth being powered by faith; you mingle with the people to garner their respect and reverence. | |
Corebot | These bots have several forms, and as such have different abilities for every form. But, a few things are common. | |
Cornerian | A peaceful, furry race of humanoid aliens. | |
Corodont | Masked beings of the sword | |
Crimson Demon | A clan of modified humans known for their red eyes, magical talent, and odd behavior. | |
Croagunk | Strangely musical creatures but underhanded fighters. | |
Crossbreed | Born of Dragon and Celestial, prepared to lay down their lives for their cause | |
Crystal Gems | An intergalactic race of sentient gemstones. | |
Cybertronian | Talking robots that transform into any manner of vehicles. | |
Cybertronian, Variant | Cybertronians are a race of living machines which can disguise themselves as flesh-and-blood beasts. | |
Cyclizar | Speedy and friendly lizards who love carrying people across the land. | |
Damejin | People who have lost their limbs and taken on broken forms | |
Dant | A race mistreated for their demonic lineage | |
Dark Matter | Dark Matters are shadowy orbs of malice who seek to coat worlds in darkness. | |
Dark One, Variant | Homo Novus, the Dark Ones, are Mystic masters born in a radioactive world that was left to rot. They decided to thrive. Where the radiation was most abundant they were born. However they are a rare species | |
Dark Ones | Homo Novus, the Dark Ones, are Mystic masters born in a radioactive world that was left to rot. They decided to thrive. | |
Darkner | Whimsical beings of darkness given life by mystical Fountains of energy. | |
Deathclaw | War made monsters that are bred for being the strongest beings in the wasteland. | |
Decidueye | Collected, focused avian pokemon who employ ranged combat and stealthy tactics to win their battles. | |
Dedede Spawn | The origins of this race can be traced back to the Great King Dedede, who somehow managed to reproduce alone and spawned this proud, stupid, and powerful race of creatures. | |
Deino | Small voracious, and vicious dragons which can grow multiple heads, and eventually fly. | |
Deku Scrub | Small, wooden, and sharing many characteristics with plants—most other races find deku scrubs a bit odd. | |
Delphox | Bipedal vulpine diviners with a mastery of fire magic and psionics. | |
Demon Weapon | ||
Devil (Black Clover Supplement) | ||
Devil BC | Creatures a devil lives in. | |
Dhampir / Dhampirica | Vampire half breeds that took on the strengths, but few weaknesses, of the vampires | |
Dhampire | Vampire-human spawn with magic and spirit capabilities | |
Digimon | Digimon are digital creatures that digivolve to improve their level of power and abilities over their previous form. | |
Dominus Claritas | Dominus Claritas have the abilities of either light or dark | |
Dragon Ogre | A monstrous quadrupedal hyrbid of dragon and ogre. | |
Dredge | Communist naked mole rats. | |
Drell | You're a reptilian killing machine. | |
Drilbur | A small, swift mole Pokémon that burrows underground. | |
Drone | Robots designed to either perform labor or kill people. | |
Dwarf (Black Clover Supplement) | ||
Eevlet | Small natural elementals who grow and morph into 8 different eevaforms, of the water, thunder, fire, eon, dark, life, ice, and light elements. | |
Eldar | A race of elf-like beings who travel the stars in mighty worldships. | |
Eldrazi | The Eldrazi are an abomination to all planes of existence. | |
Electivire | Bipedal, burly humanoids covered in yellow fur that electrocutes the competition. | |
Elf (Black Clover Supplement) | ||
Elfil | Elfils, when they have reached adulthood, can be described as "immortal inter-dimensional psychokinetic invaders, bearing the distorted silhouette of angels." | |
Eliksni | "Come, come... I must have your scent..." | |
Eliotrope | Portal makers hunted for their abilities. | |
Elsen | The scattered inhabitants of three dead worlds trying to find their place. | |
Emboar | Emboar are powerful, bulky, and fast creatures... and pigs on fire. | |
Enderman | These mysterious beings hail from a plane devoid of life. | |
Ewok | Ewoks, small furry teddy bears of DEATH!! | |
Fae | Fae are charismatic beings, capable of inflicting a lot of damage. They rely heavily on their senses. | |
Fae, Variant | With their long life and seniority of their kind, the Fae possess several unique abilities. | |
Fairy, 2nd Variant | Puny manifestations of nature, these eternally young-hearted fey spend their days playing games and pulling pranks. | |
Fallen Human, Variant | Human, Undertale Edition. | |
Fanalis | People from a no-man's land that used to be beasts | |
Faunus, Variant | A people with a deep connection to nature that manifests in an Animal Aspect. And cute cat ears. | |
Fey Mice | Fey Mice, properly known as Spirit Guardians, don't actually resemble mice at all. They are fey creatures that quite literally grow on trees, appearing as leaves. When they are "born" they polymorph into Tiny humanoid beings. | |
Filgaian | Rough and tumble humans from a Wild world. | |
Fish Men | A race of aquatic humanoids split into sub-races, each with their own benefits. | |
Flood | The unstoppable rival of all life in the galaxy. | |
Floran | Florans are strong and swift. Though they appear to lack intelligence, they only lack education. | |
Florges | Gorgeous fey pokemon that can bring out the hidden power of flowers. | |
Flowey | Sadistic flowers | |
Flumph | The mysterious flumphs drift through the Underdark propelled through the air by the jets whose sound gives them their name. | |
Flügel | ||
Freljordian | Strong is useful to describe them, but not quite enough. | |
Froslass | Female snow spirits known for freezing men and using their corpses to decorate their dens. | |
Frost Demon | A powerful race of megalomaniacs. | |
Furret | Ferret-like townsfolk Pokemon with long striped bodies. | |
Galilean | I have my own orbit? That is pretty cool! | |
Gallade | Courteous creatures with an undying loyalty to those whom they share a close bond with. | |
Galvan | The galvan are a species of small bipedal, frog-like amphibians. | |
Gardevoir | Graceful creatures with an undying loyalty to those who they share a close bond with. | |
Geist | Geists are a unique form of a ghost or other spirit in that they have elected to turn away from the Blessed Sleep, a form of the afterlife where the souls find eternal rest, rather than being prohibited from it due to a geist's anguish or regret overcoming the pull toward the Æther. | |
Gems | An intergalactic race of sentient gemstones. | |
Gengar | Large rotund phantoms with a fondness for curses and an appetite for souls. | |
Genie | Phenomenal cosmic powers! Itty bitty living space… | |
Genie in a Bottle | Phenomenal cosmic powers! Itty bitty living space… | |
Gerudo | Tall, beautiful, powerful, and brutal, the race of almost nothing but women is both coveted and feared. | |
Gholdengo | Golden golems made up of 1000 ancient coins and a friendly soul. | |
Ghoul, Variant | Seemingly normal humans with a dark truth. | |
Gilles de Rais | Beings from another world that dwell within libraries. | |
Gligar | Small, organized scorpion-bats that hunt in packs. | |
Gloura | Secretive and discrete creatures, Gloura are usually only seen on the night of a full or new moon. | |
Gnoll | Gnolls are brutal hunters with a demonic ancestry who are fiercely loyal to their pack. | |
Golett | Clay pokemon made to protect | |
Golisopod | Big armored sea creatures that sharpen their skills through meditation | |
Goodra | Joyful, draconic-ooze hybrids who love giving their friends slime-covered hugs. | |
Goron | Built like mountains, eating rocks, and wading through lava — gorons are nothing if not hardy and impregnable | |
Gourgeist | Ghastly gourds known for their curse-bringing songs and love of terrorizing their prey. | |
Granbull | Dog-fairies with an intimidating appearance but a timid heart. | |
Graug | Monstrous creatures dwelling in mountains that can eat trolls | |
Gravedigger | Quadrupedal bird-like creatures that build traps for their own uses. | |
Graveler | A rocky pokemon known to have a rotund shape and multiple limbs | |
Greninja | Bipedal frog pokemon that destroy enemies with ninja-like movements and large shurikens made of compressed water. | |
Greydwarf | Earth, stones, and tree roots twisted together to form a body housing a tormented soul. Most are mindless savages; however, you are a more intelligent specimen. | |
Grimlock, Variant | The hulking result of humans trapped in the Underdark for millennia. | |
Grimmsnarl | Powerful, fiendish looking goblinoids who use their hair to overpower their foes. | |
Grippli | Swampdwelling frogfolk, not to be confused with the grung or bullywug. | |
Grummite | Small, Green, Amphibious and Extra Mean | |
Gryffindor | Gryffindors are, as said, the definition of the saying, tough cookie. | |
Guardian Cat, Warrior Cat Edition | Priest-like Cats | |
Guardian of Light | Light and gun-wielding transhumans from a fallen system intent on seizing their destiny. | |
Guardinal | Beastly celestials who failed their duties | |
Gungan | Ever wanted to play a character akin to Jar Jar Binks? | |
Haibane | These humanoids were once many things. Lovers, heroes, even villains once. Granted a second chance at life, with no memory of before, they now atone for the sins of their past lives. | |
Hakamo-o | Reptilian warriors with natural plate armor | |
Half Dragon, Fire Emblem Variant | Human/Dragon hybrids. | |
Half Goron | Half-Gorons often grow up on Hylian or Sheikah Villages but they continue on the legacy of their Goron tribe. | |
Half-Human Half-Phantom | You are neither dead nor alive, yet both at once. | |
Half-Magala | Your Gore Magala heritage gives you strong physical abilities and the distinct mantle of your ancestor. | |
Half-Satori | The child of a human and a mind reader, you have inherited the appearance of the former, but the power of the latter. | |
Half-Satori Half-Phantom | You're half-undead, and a mind reader. Though your mere existence generates a great deal of mistrust towards your kind, your mixed heritage is still a powerful thing. | |
Hallownest Inhabitant | The bug-like inhabitants of Hallownest. | |
Hanyo | These humanoids are the offspring of daiyoukai and humans. | |
Harmster | Intelligent rodents with a predisposition towards violence. | |
Hatterene | Witch-like, noise-hating creatures who tear apart those who offend them with their tentacle-claw. | |
Hawlucha | Small, bird-like humanoids who love a good fight be it on the ground or in the air. | |
Heartless (Kingdom Hearts Setting) | ||
Heatmor | Fiery anteaters | |
Helioptile | As very easy-going creatures, they are nomadic and get along with most, if not, all races. | |
Hero of Time | A type of physically-enhanced humanoid, born to slay anything evil. | |
High Entia | High Entia are angelic humanoid people with a curse buried deep in their genetics | |
Hircus | Hircus are humanoid goats with inherent fire magic and weapon training. | |
Hollow | Corrupted souls turned monsters that seek the souls of others to devour | |
Homunculus (5e Class) | The personification of emotion and an abomination of science. | |
Homunculus, 2nd Variant | To obtain, something of equal value must be lost. That is alchemy's first law of Equivalent Exchange. | |
Homunculus, Variant 3 | Souless, ageless, sterile creatures created through lost magic. | |
Hork-Bajir | A dinosaur-like, bark eating, pacifistic race | |
Horsefolk | Horsefolk are a race who are very similar to humans, but have the appearance of colorful, bipedal equines. | |
Hound Archon | Canine-headed celestial defenders of the innocent and the helpless against evil. | |
House-Elf | Mistreated fey of servitude | |
Human (Black Clover Supplement) | ||
Human (Soul Society Supplement) | ||
Huragok | Manufactured biological supercomputers with a healing aura. | |
Hylek | The Hylek are a species of alchemically-inclined tribal frog-men. | |
Hylian | The most widespread and influential people of Hyrule proper, the familiar hylian race is comprised of social creatures relatively advanced in the ways of magic and technology. | |
Hylian, Variant | A race of humans from the countries of Skyloft, Hyrule and the latter's flooded counterpart, the Great Sea | |
Hypno | A pokemon whose most horrifying characteristic is its ability to hypnotize and kidnap you while you sleep. | |
Igor | A race of humanoids who typically serve as professional servants. | |
Iksar | A race of reptilian warmongers | |
Illager | Illagers are warlike folk with powerful abilities. | |
Impling | Small little people that float | |
Incineroar | Violent, selfish feline pokemon who employ fire and dirty tactics to win their battles. | |
Inkling | Transdimensional, androgynous, identical, and odd beings of Shadowfell | |
Inkling, Variant | Aquatic creatures capable of firing ink over large distances. | |
Irken | Irkens tend to be fast and smart in a scientific sense. | |
Iron Valiant | Vicious yet elegant futuristic robots found within the caves of an ancient crater. | |
Istari | ||
Jaffa | The jaffa are a race of human offshoots bred to serve as living incubators for alien parasites. | |
January | Beings from another world whose every breath spurts forth a cloud of fine dust. | |
Jinchuriki | Jinchuriki are creatures of uncanny strength and constitution who function as a living prison or vessel for a powerful entity. | |
Jiralhanae | Jiralhanae, also known as Brutes, are massive mountains of muscle. | |
Joestar | Joestars have achieved the pinnacle of Strength and Charisma at birth and always have finely toned muscles no matter their figure. They also always have a pink birthmark in the shape of a star on their left shoulder. | |
Jynx | Humanoid pokemon whose hypnotic sashaying is as mysterious as it's unique, special language. | |
Kabaneri | Undead humanoids with a burning heart and need for blood | |
Kabutops | Fossils bought back to life with scythe hands | |
Kadabra | Powerful psychics, Kadabra emits alpha waves strong enough to induce headaches, and can even cause clocks to run backwards, machines to malfunction, and delicate devices to cease functioning altogether. All of Kadabra's brain cells work in unison while it uses its powers. Kadabra lives in urban areas. | |
Kaimen | Powerful reptilians with a uniquely powerful bite. | |
Kaimen, Variant | Powerful reptilians with a uniquely powerful bite. | |
Kangaskhan | Tall kangaroo-like mothers who are completely devoted to their children. | |
Kecleon | Chameleon pokemon that like to play merchant | |
Ken Clan | ||
Kender | Small and fearless kleptomaniacs | |
Kerbal | Small, green, spacefaring humanoids from distant planet Kerbin. | |
Khajiit | The Khajiit are a race of feline humanoids from Elsweyr. | |
Kig-Yar | An avian race native to Eyan, they serve the Covenant as shock troops, snipers, scouts and defensive back line infantry. | |
Kin Cat, Warrior Cat Edition | Cat good at lying | |
Kin Moon Presence | Monsters from another plane have given spawn to hybrid aberrations through virgin mothers. | |
Kittypet Cat, Warrior Cat Edition | cat that lives with twolegs | |
Klingon | Militaristic alien beings with redundant biology | |
Kodan | A wise, seafaring race of bipedal polar bears. | |
Kokiri | From a glance, kokiri are indistinguishable from hylian children. Protected by the Great Deku Tree, these innocent kids never truly age. | |
Koloss | Hulking humanoids that never stop growing | |
Korok | Small, peaceful, immortal, and child-like plant creatures. They aren't much for combat or stealth, but it's hard not to smile around them. | |
Krogan | As per Mass Effect games. | |
Kronan | Ancient stone people from space | |
Krookodile | Bullies of the desert sands that tear prey in half with their powerful jaws. | |
Kroot | Vicious monsters that evolve quickly from what they eat. | |
Kryptonian | Kryptonians have a series of traits in common with one another regardless of the light they find themselves under. Kryptonian powers developed under a yellow sun are detailed within the Kryptonian class. | |
Kuo-Toa | A repugnant race of slimy fish-like humanoids. | |
Kuriboh | Seemingly weak, these hairy balls' potential is unleashed when their friends are in danger. | |
Kyuzo | Aliens of unequaled strength and agility for their size | |
Laguz | Proud warriors who use the power of the beast inside to fight. | |
Lalafell | ||
Lamia | Half-human, half-leonine servants of Graz'zt who are as deadly as they are beautiful. | |
Lati | Legendary draconic pokemon that fly through the air at incredible speeds. | |
Lee Clan (Ultimate Ninja Supplement) | ||
Leonin (5e Race Variant) | A variant of the 5e leonin, with three different subraces. | |
Lieh Neko | You are a member of the catfolk, a urban race of small anthropomorphic cats. | |
Life-fiber Hybrid | Humans that are half life-fiber hybrids. | |
Lihzahrd | A reclusive race of reptilian folk found exclusively in a mysterious jungle temple. They look primitive, but are quite advanced. | |
Lilligant | Dainty ladies of the forest | |
Little Sisters | Young human females corrupted by mental conditioning and the addiction towards the drug Adam. | |
Litwick | Sentient candle pokemon | |
Living Weapon | Poor souls fused with magic to be the perfect weapon of destruction. | |
Lizardmen, Warhammer | Lizard-like people spawned from magic pools. | |
Lombax | A feline race, good with technology, and very intelligent. | |
Loner Cat, Warrior Cat Edition | ||
Lopunny | Short, graceful, and rather adorable, these timid lagomorphs pack a powerful kick. | |
Loxodon, Variant | Loxodons are rare elephant humanoids seeking a place in this world. | |
Lucario | Bipedal, aura-manipulating canines with a strong sense of loyalty and justice. | |
Lucario, 2nd Variant | Lucario are humanoid with canine-like features that specialize in manipulating the force known as Aura. | |
Lucario, Variant | As a riolu, you gain the following traits, and then some when you evolve. | |
Ludicolo | A strange, dance-loving creature that looks like a sombrero-wearing pineapple that some may call "ludicrous". | |
Luparathi | Luparathi are more than just men. They're wolves, too. | |
Lycanroc | Canine creatures whose growth and development is affected by the time of day. | |
Lyn | ||
Lynel | ||
Lynian | Your lynian character still retains many traits from its primal feline ancestors, with the added enrichment of higher intelligence thrown in the mix. | |
Magicia | Magic is a part of your being, down to your core. | |
Majin | Majin race from the Dragonball series. | |
Majin, Variant | Majin race from the Dragonball series. | |
Manas | A race created through the convergence of wandering thoughts, memories, souls, and excessive magical energies. | |
Mandalorian | Human-like people descended from warlords | |
Manephaunt | The pony sized, sophant proboscideans of the hidden archipelago north of the Known World of Kaimere. | |
Mankey | Short little angry monkey balls | |
Mantra Asura | A race of demi-gods that use Mantra. | |
Maractus | Flowering humanoid cacti with thorns as sharp as their dance moves. | |
Mawile | Small, deceptive pokemon with huge mouths growing on the back of their heads. | |
Mazohk | A hardy race of aberrated humans, strong in magic and tribal in culture. | |
Mechon | You are a homs that has been captured and turned into a cyborg, that controlls a faced mechon armor. | |
Medabot (5e Class) | Small mechanical robots powered by Medals. | |
Medicham | Belly dancer pokemon who use yoga to strengthen their minds. | |
Meloetta | Small mythical creatures with a beautiful voice. Depending on which breed you see, you'll either see powerful psychic attacks or graceful physical attacks. | |
Meowth | Adorable yet fickle feline Pokemon who bring luck and trouble in equal measure. | |
Mewmans | "It's gonna get a little weird, gonna get a little wild, I ain't from around here, I'm from another DIMENSION!" | |
Miltank | Friendly bovines whose milk is as potent as its attacks. | |
Mimiga | Rabbit and dog-like hybrid creatures | |
Mimikyu | A small, mysterious creature both loved for its short stature and childishly crafted disguise and feared because no one knows what's actually underneath said disguise. | |
Mind Flayer, Prestige (5e Class) | ||
Minecrafter | ||
Miqo'te | A race that inherited feline features through their ancestry and traveled all the way from Eorzea to the D&D realm. | |
Mobian | Mobians are melee fighters and mages by nature. They tend to lean towards melee attacks and magical buffs. | |
Mobian (Mobius Setting) | An anthropomorphic race with many different animal subraces based on the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise. | |
Mobian, Variant | An anthropomorphic race with many different animal subraces based on the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise. | |
Mogma | These mole men, with their powerful upper bodies, burrow through dirt and sand at incredible speed. | |
Moki | Moki are fast and agile. They also aren't fond of bright light. | |
Moogle | Adorable ... plush creatures | |
Mr. Saturn | Odd, beach ball sized creatures that tend to end their sentences with onomatopoeia, such as ding, boing, and zoom | |
Muk | Toxic slime Pokémon that smell worse than feces, rotting flesh, eggs, and heavily fermented sauerkraut... Yuck | |
Munchkins | Actually regular sized people who just have a height cap | |
Murloc | Murlocs often hunt in groups, but, if hunting a stealthy prey, will split up and can easily be picked off. | |
Mutant | Part humanoid, part web slinging spider | |
Namekian | These green-skinned humanoids hail from a far-away planet, and are renowned for their regenerative capabilities and manipulation of ki. | |
Nautolan | Amphibious, tentacle-headed aliens | |
Navigator | An offshoot of the human race, navigators possess a third eye that can see the supernatural. | |
Necron | An ancient race of undying skeleton robots. | |
Neoshadow | Lanky pureblood Heartless. | |
Nephilim of Raziel | The children of humans and the angel Raziel. | |
Nerubian | Arachnoids who are fiercely intelligent | |
Niffin | Made out of magic itself, niffins are cruel creatures that don't feel empathy. | |
Nobody | A race of hollowed humanoids. | |
Nobody (Kingdom Hearts Setting) | ||
Nobody, Variant | Nobodies are humanoids who have lost their Heart through abnormal means. | |
Noggin | Rock-constructs that follow the beat of the earth's drum. | |
Nomad | Color-changing creatures that dwell in savannahs. | |
Notzokideu | The "crow-folk" pterosaurs of the Pakardiant highlands of Kaimere. | |
Novakid | Primordial humanoids of pure solar energy that function as small suns. | |
Noxian | Monsters of the Night that scare and cause fright. Ooga Booga! | |
Nu Mou | Short, intelligent dog-like humanoids in touch with arcana | |
Númenórean | The Númenóreans were extremely skilled in arts and craft, with the forging of weapons and armor; although they were a peaceful people, their weapons, armor, and horse-riding skills could not be contested anywhere else in Arda, save for the Valar. But the númenóreans were not warmongers, hence the chief art on the island became that of ship-building and sea-craft. The Númenóreans became great mariners, exploring the world in all directions save for the westward, where the Ban of the Valar was in force. They often traveled to the shores of Middle-earth, teaching the men there the art and craft, and introduced farming as to improve their everyday lives. | |
Obstagoon | Confrontational obstructers of battle | |
Ogre, Variant | ||
Okka | Okkans are naturally charming and use their charm to influence the outcome of conversations or avoid battle. | |
Oovi-Kat | The Oovi-Kat are a race known for there individuality... and there disguises. | |
Pale One | Amphibious, one eyed giants born to a long life of lonesome comfort in their lightless caverns. | |
Paleblood | Palebloods are humans born of the Moon, with their true nature latent, with connections to the cosmos and the horrifying Eldritch Truth. | |
Pandaren | Hailing from the Pandaren Empire they are humanoid pandas on the World of Warcraft series. | |
Pandaren, 2nd Variant | Hailing from the Pandaren Empire they are humanoid pandas on the World of Warcraft series. | |
Pandaren, Variant | Hailing from the Pandaren Empire they are humanoid pandas on the World of Warcraft series. | |
Pandroums | Panda people of a continent beyond | |
Pangoro | Pangoro are rough but gentle creatures... towards those who are kind and courteous. | |
Pawmo | Electrical mice pokemon that can punch you out | |
Petrosapien | Crystalline life forms with great durability | |
Pictsie | Known to themselves as The Wee Free Men, are a clan of hard-drinking, sheep-stealing, sword-wielding, fey who are as fierce and proud as they are afraid of lawyers | |
Piglin | A race of pig-like humanoids from Hell with big muscles and bigger aspirations. | |
Pikmin | Pikmin are flora-fauna hybrids spawned by an Onion as part of its hive. | |
Popori | Woodland creatures that have been awakened by a call of nature | |
Primal Zerg | Creatures of widely different shapes and sizes who take on the features of any life form that can be eaten. | |
Primarina | Beautiful mermaid-like creatures whose most powerful weapon is their singing voice. | |
Prothean | The long-dead rulers of the galaxy. | |
Psion | Psionically enhanced beings whose marksmanship | |
Pyronite | Don't try to turn me off, it'll make your life hell. | |
Quaggan | Small, peaceful cetacean-people that turn into monsters when enraged. | |
Quaggoth | Savage and territorial, quaggoths climb the chasms of the Underdark. They maul their foes in a frenzy, becoming even more murderous in the face of death. They will make great Monks and Druids with their sheer power and wisdom bonus, alongside Battle Clerics, Rangers or even Fighters. | |
Quagsire | Carefree and dopey creatures who would much rather relax in muddy water than fight. | |
Quickling | Tiny fey that are as fast as they are mischievous. | |
Quincy Human (Soul Society Supplement) | ||
Qunari | A race of horned humanoids in a rigid society | |
Rahkshi | Reptilian constructs made for destruction | |
Raposa | Short, foxlike creatures that are usually very faithful to their religion and use the word "Rapo" in front of objects that originated from a raposa-run village | |
Regi | ||
Reigar | Celestial cephalid people who consider violence the greatest art. | |
Reuniclus | Small levitating psionic capable creatures, encased in a strange liquid. | |
Ribombee | Small, fey-like pokemon who gather honey and use pollen to both attack their foes and heal their allies. | |
Rilmani | The epitomic beings of true neutral | |
Rito | This avian race comes in diverse varieties, and most are capable of winged flight. | |
Rito, Variant | Avian humanoids that combine their prowess in the air with their shortbow skills. | |
Rock Human | Beings of stone, Rock Humans live their lives detached from the world. | |
Roserade | A bipedal bouquet of roses that is just as deadly as it is beautiful. | |
Runeterra: Demacian | Demacians often have great skill working in leading and following as one unit. | |
Runeterra: Frelijordian | Strong is useful to describe them, but not quite enough. | |
Runeterra: Ionian | Grace, wisdom, and skill, these are the pillars that support an Ionian. | |
Runeterra: Noxian | Noxians have great skill in lying and brutalizing! | |
Runeterra: Rakkor | Weapon masters and mighty warriors make up the tribe of the Rakkor. | |
Runeterra: Yordle | Jovial, fierce critters who can surprise the most unsurprised. | |
Saberon | Vaguely feline beasts who have adapted to nearly all of Draenor’s diverse environments. | |
Sableye | Tiny, goblin-like, gem-eating Pokemon who reside in deep, dark caves. | |
Sagon | Strange, bipedal creatures that dwell in dense thickets. | |
Saharduin | Shark people. | |
Saiyan | Legends speak of their unparalleled skills in combat, their unshakeable pride, and their ferocious appetite. | |
Salazzle | Venomous reptilian pokemon whose pheromones can influence the thoughts and actions of beasts and even people. | |
Sangheili | The sangheili are well suited for combat, as they are proud, strong, agile, and very fierce. | |
San’Shyuum | The prophetic masters of the Covenant. | |
Sasori | Scorpion peoples who have existed a long time as spies | |
Satori | Thoughts, memories; the mind cannot escape your third eye. | |
Scarecrow | Scarecrows are lost souls, bound to simple material bodies by magic | |
Sceptile | Snobby lizards of the trees | |
Scopoling | Beings from another world that mingle unseen among civilization. | |
Scrafty | With a rude attitude and saggy skin-pants, these punkish lizard pokemon defend their territory by spitting acid and delivering powerful kicks. | |
Scro | Orcs in space! | |
Scyther | Fast and furious blade hands | |
Seedrian | Rounded plant-like creatures capable of transforming into giant monsters. | |
Separatist Droids | Roger roger. | |
Serene | Your beauty as a female is unparalleled by Human and Elven standards. This beauty coupled with your magnanimous aura give you a massive Charisma boost. Your voice can be the most enticing and dangerous aspect of who you are. | |
Serperior | Beautiful, regal-looking serpents that possess a glare that can terrify most any creature. | |
Shade, 4e Port | Paranoia-driven people who sold their souls to darkness | |
Shade, Variant | People possessed by spirits turned mad | |
Shadow Fiend | Fiends born from shadows and Dark magic | |
Shalarin | The other, other Forgotten Realms fish people. | |
Shulk | Tough box people. | |
Siren, Borderlands Variant | A wonderful specimen of what the mind can do to a person. | |
Sister, Warrior Cats Edition | Large cats that can see spirits | |
Skaven | Human-sized anthropomorphic rats riddled with scars, filthy plague-ridden fur, and unbridled envy wanting nothing more than to put themselves at the top of their hierarchy. | |
Skaven, Variant | While breeding practices vary greatly every skaven usually shares a common share of strengths and weakness. | |
Skorupi | Oversized, small scorpions with savage venom | |
Skrull | An alien race of shapechangers, bent on interstellar conquest. | |
Skull Kid | These cursed, magical children wander through forests for centuries, playing songs and tricks alike. | |
Slakoth | Slow moving sloth pokemon | |
Slann | Unmatched masters of magic and leaders of the lizardmen races. | |
Slimes | Bipedal slimes from The Far, Far, Realm. | |
Slowking | Gentle geniuses who reside near wetlands | |
Slugcat | Half-cat, half-slug, all cute little survivors of the time of the Ancients. | |
Smeargle | Bipedal canine pokemon who create art with paint-oozing tails. | |
Smurf | Tiny blue fey that do smurfy things in their smurf villages, often to the chagrin of non-smurfs. | |
Sneasler | Slightly taller Sneasel who prefer solitude and poisons to pack tactics. | |
Snorlax | Rotund, bear-like pokemon sleep, eat, and then sleep some more. | |
Spider-Man | A Spider-Man is quick but also has the 'Spider Senses' to help be aware of its surroundings. | |
Spiral Being | ||
Spirit Guardian | Children of the Spirit Trees. Guardians of their forests. Do not underestimate the power of these small, nimble creatures. | |
Spirit Guardian, Variant | Spirit Guardians channel their light in numerous ways to light a small area, improvise weapons, give a slight boost to allies, move at ludicrous speeds, and make long falls a nuisance. | |
Sprigatito | Cute little plant cats | |
Star Warriors | Born from the alleged deaths of Kirby and Meta Knight hundreds of years ago, this race of gluttonous and fun loving characters are ready for adventure! | |
Starforger | Starforgers are celestial dragons that have lived for eons. Starforgers attack with small stars and a few spells, instead of swords and shields. | |
Steve | A tall and friendly race of humanoids whose origins are highly unknown to all but them. | |
Stufful | Very small and strong bears that resemble stuffed animals. | |
Subrosian | Small, mysterious, subterranean people who already wear robes and habitually bathe in lava—to them, sunlight and open skies are quite alien phenomena. | |
Super Vampire | The one of the most powerfull of night creatures. | |
Surrakar | Bulky amphibious humanoids of Zendikar | |
Swampert | Big and durable creatures capable of moving or crushing a boulder. | |
Sylvari | Botanical humanoids with a sense of wonder and curiosity about the world. | |
Sylvari, Variant | A race of curious and sometimes naive plant people, all born from the same magical tree. | |
Sylveon | Eevee's arguably most fashionable evolution | |
T'au | Communist space aliens. | |
Tactical Doll | Combat androids that are built not just to be effective fighters, but also with interactivity in mind. | |
Talto | Taltos are aberrations in human form who attach themselves to those with magic powers | |
Tamaranean | Tamaranean minds and behavior may seem pretty weird to members of other races. But despite their good looking appearance, these golden-skinned humanoid people who descended from a feline-like race can be loyal, courageous, and strong companions. | |
Terminator | Hunter-Killers, designed solely to eliminate. Well, usually. | |
Tetraman | A desert-dwelling race of four arms | |
The Cabal | The Cabal are a warmongering race of giant bipedal humanoids with a heavy-set, rhinoceros-like appearance. | |
Thri-Kreen, 2nd Variant | Swift and cunning hunters, the mantis-like thri-kreen wander the deserts and savannas of the world. | |
Thundercat | Your Thunderian heritage manifests itself in a variety of traits you share with other Thundercats. | |
Time Lord | The most advanced of any race in the universe. | |
TimeLord | The most advanced of any race in the universe. | |
Toa | Biomechanical warriors attuned to elemental powers. | |
Tokay | Primitive and esoteric, these reptilians are known to inhabit tropical islands. Generally, their knowledge of the outside world is quite limited. | |
Tokyo Ghoul, Variant | Seemingly normal humans with a dark truth. | |
Tonberry | Vengeful demihumans lurking in the dark | |
Tontatta Dwarve (Grand Line Supplement) | ||
Trapinch | Small but aggressive antlions who trap prey in inescapable sand pits and crush them with powerful jaws. | |
Treecko | Gecko pokemon who may be small but slow to gain trust | |
Trevenant | Haunted trees that protect the forests it calls home from those who would harm it. | |
Tripodician | Tripodal creatures without bones that dwell in the tundras of the world. | |
Troll | Trolls are a diverse sapient race based on the World of Warcraft series. | |
Tsareena | Short and vicious, yet protective, plant-like humanoids who kick foes into submission. | |
Turfers | A variety of demons caught in a never ending gang war | |
Turian | Heavily Militarized and strong-willed, turians are a force to be reckoned with. | |
Turtonator | Very durable dragon turtles | |
Twili | A race of humanoids with strange powers that live in the Twilight Realm. | |
Typhlosion | Bulky badgers with a fiery fury that burns like an erupting volcano. | |
Typhon Anthrophantasmus | Alien creatures created to serve the Apex, but wait... | |
Tyranid | Hive minded creatures leaving destruction in their wake | |
Tyrogue | Small, humanoid pokemon that are always looking for a fight, especially against foes stronger than it. | |
Tzaangors | Medium bird/goat humanoids | |
Uldra | Short descendants of fey that live exclusively in arctic lands. | |
Unggoy | Strong, tenacious, information sponge that are greatly underestimated. | |
Uroa | Uroa are incredibly resilient fey creatures. | |
UrRu | Slow-moving, peaceful, ponderous creatures with six limbs | |
Ursaring | Big bear Pokémon | |
Urshifu | Mysterious and disciplined bear-like creatures who are experts at martial arts. | |
Ursian | Ursians are beings in tune with nature but also advanced technologically. They resemble bears in many ways. | |
Ursine | Ursines are beings in tune with nature but also advanced technologically. They resemble bears in many ways. | |
Uruk | Advanced breed of orc | |
Urutan-Yensa | Sand people who are territorial crustaceans | |
Vampire, Hellsing | A subrace to be taken in addition to another race when becoming a Hellsing Vampire | |
Vastayan | Half Human and half ancient beast | |
Vaxasaurian | Prehistoric strength, stamina and size | |
Vermling | A race of sentient, humanoid rodents awakened by magic. | |
Victini | A Pokemon that stands for victory and good fortune. | |
Viera | Viera are bolder than the animal they resemble and will not think twice about anyone that dare lay a harmful hand on the forests they live in or what they've sworn to protect. | |
Vileblood (Bloodborne Supplement) | Blood-drinking nobles of Cainhurst, cursed with immortality and an insatiable hunger. | |
Viltrumite | “Think, D&D Wiki, Think!” | |
Void Elf | World of Warcraft, Void Elves. | |
Von Gacy | Beings from another world whose hair can be used like whips. | |
Vortigaunt | A hiveminded race of telepathics that have been recently freed from slavery, bearing innate electrical powers. | |
Vulcan | The vulcans are pointy-eared knowledge seekers who value intellect, but also have strength that surpasses humans and rival orcs. | |
Waddle Dee | Waddle Dee and its cousins will try to gang up on creatures when attacking. Their downfall is their intelligence. They're not too smart. | |
Warehound | Beings of dough and determination! | |
Warrior Cat | Warrior Cat from Warriors | |
Water Mole | Strong or Smart creatures depending on the tribe. | |
Weapon Spirit | Weapon spirits are created to serve a purpose, whether it be guiding a hero through their prophecy, protecting their weapon, or aiding their creator. | |
Weavile | Cunning, cat-like arctic weasels who tear the flesh of prey with razor-sharp claws. | |
Wemic | Centaur-like monstrosities with the upper half of a human and the lower half and face of a lion. | |
Whimsicott | Small, free-spirited puffballs known for their mischief-making. | |
Wigglytuff | Unexpected leaders touched by moonlight | |
Wither Skeleton | Skeletal warriors who live deep within secluded forts. | |
Wobbuffet | Bizarre but docile creatures that are strangely protective of their black tails. | |
Wolfir | Former werewolves blessed by angelic powers | |
Woodcrafter | Tripodal creatures that cultivate trees for their own uses. | |
Wookiee | Uuuuuuaaaaaaarrrghhhh! | |
Wookiee, Variant | Hairy, robust, tough, shooty, almost always mad, and looks like an overgrown bear. | |
Worgen | Primal shapeshifters, like in warcraft | |
Wumpus | Small magical pig-like creatures. | |
Xenomorph | The aliens from the "Alien" franchise, adapted to fit within the realms of D&D | |
Xenomorph, Variant | The aliens from the "Alien" franchise. | |
Xvart | Short, greedy cowards spawned by the equally cowardly Raxivort, living and speaking with vermin. | |
Yama | You are one of the supreme judges of the afterlife; your very presence demands respect, as you have come to lay judgement. | |
Yanma | Small, semi-aggressive dragonfly creatures | |
Yanme’e | Disposable soldiers capable of flight. | |
Yardrat | They have quite a few unique and useful abilities. | |
Yautja | The Predator. The Yautja known colloquially as the Predators or Hunters, are an extraterrestrial species characterized by their hunting of other dangerous species for sport and honor, including humans. The Yautja are a sentient, humanoid race that breathe an atmosphere similar to that of Earth's, but possess a level of technological advancement far in excess of anything available to humans. Super Predator. At character creation, if your dm permits it, roll a 1d100, if you get a 85 or higher you are allowed to become a Super Predator (Or Berserker Predator) a subspecies of the Yautja race. They are typically larger, stronger, and more aggressive than their smaller cousins, this effects certain aspects of the race. | |
Yautja, Variant | ||
Yinglet | A race of diminutive rodent-like creatures. | |
Ymbryne | Ymbrynes are a magical and cunning species of female shapechanger birds. | |
YoRHa Android | Mechanical constructs that are designed to destroy machines. | |
Zabrak | Tattooed warrior race | |
Zangoose | Fluffy mongoose pokemon with long, sharp claws and a hatred for snakes. | |
Zarude | Simian creatures bonded to their packs and forest home | |
Zeraora | Bipedal felines of legend who embody the power of thunder and lightning. | |
Zeti (Mobius Setting) | A demonic race that can manipulate electromagnetic fields. | |
Zora | Although sea zora and river zora are quite distinct, together they claim the title of the only truly amphibious race in Hyrule — and are the second most populous, exceeded only by hylians. | |
Zoroark | Sly, black fox pokemon who are experts at disorienting foes with their mastery over illusion. |
Incomplete Races
Races which are works in progress: |
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