Tokyo Ghoul, 4th Variant (5e Class)
This page is under construction. All listed features are made, but need to be play tested extensively.
Picking a Ghoul as a class has the Prerequisite of being a Ghoul as a race.
Half breeds gain one extra proficiency of their choice but aren't well received by either side.
Ghouls are a humanoid abomination that are indistinguishable from normal humans by looks alone. Whether they were made or born no longer matters to those who hunt them and only affects humans as a species.
Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features | Kagune Damage Dice |
1st | +2 | Kagune, Hunger, RC Cells | 1d4 |
2nd | +2 | Regeneration, RC Flurry | 1d4 |
3rd | +2 | Ghoulish Blood | 1d4 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Increase | 1d4 |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack | 1d6 |
6th | +3 | Empowered Strikes | 1d6 |
7th | +3 | Enhanced Kagune | 1d6 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Increase | 1d6 |
9th | +4 | Ghoulish Blood Feature | 1d8 |
10th | +4 | Ghoulish Evolution | 1d8 |
11th | +4 | Enhanced Kagune (2) | 1d8 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Increase | 1d8 |
13th | +5 | - | 1d8 |
14th | +5 | Ghoulish Blood Feature | 1d10 |
15th | +5 | - | 1d10 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Increase | 1d10 |
17th | +6 | Ghoulish Evolution Feature | 1d10 |
18th | +6 | - | 1d12 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Increase | 1d12 |
20th | +6 | Apex Predator | 1d12 |
Class Features[edit]
As a Ghoul, your diet is comprised of three things, Flesh, Coffee, and Water. Ghouls require one raw meal (human, specifically) per 6 + your Constitution modifier days, otherwise, they will attack the nearest living creature (excluding undead and constructs) and attempt to kill and eat them on sight.
Ghouls usually wear a mask when hunting in order to keep their identity a secret. When your Kagune is out or you're eating or hungry, Your sclera (White part of the eye) turns black and your iris turns blood red. If you fail to meet your hunger requirements you gain the starvation condition. If you consume food beyond your ghoul diet, you must succeed a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or vomit, and regardless of the outcome it does not count toward your food requirement.
This condition makes the creature enter a berserk state in which they will attack the nearest source of food be that friend or foe. The condition ends once enough food has been consumed. (this is DM discretion however amount of food needed is one full medium humanoid.)
RC Cells[edit]
RC Cells are the fuel for Kagune. You have a maximum number of RC Cells equal to your Ghoul level +half your Constitution modifier (min.1). You regain all RC Cells during a long rest.
At 1st level, your above-average RC Cell count manifest into added deadly limbs, granting you a natural weapon which replaces your unarmed strike (it counts as magical at 7th level for the point of overcoming resistances). Kagune's can be dismissed as a bonus action. You have the choice between Rinkaku, Koukaku, Bikaku, and the Ukaku at first level. Kagunes deal slashing pericing or bludgeoning (pick one as a perminate damage type) damage equal to the dice on the Kagune table.
The physically strongest and durable of the sub types, you gain the following benefits.
Hit Points
Hit Die: 1d12
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Constitution modifier per level past 1st
Racial Bonus
+2 Constitution +1 Strength
- Heavy armor
- Martial and simple weapons.
- Disguise kit
Savings throws: Strength & Constitution
Skills: Choose 2 from Athletics, Acrobatics, Perception, Intimidation, or Survival
Deceptive Nature: You are automatically gain Deception proficiency.
Slow Defender: As a Koukaku you are not as fast as others and thus have suffered a -5 to movement speed at level one. Though you gain a +1AC upon choosing this subtype.
Unarmored Defense: Your AC is 10+Dex +Con while not wearing armor or wielding a shield.
Powerful Build: You are treated one size larger than what you are when pushing pulling lifting or carrying capacity.
The fastest of the other subtypes and gain the following benefits.
Hit Points
Hit dice: 1d8
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per level past 1st
Racial Bonus
+2 Dexterity +1 Charisma
- Light armor
- Finesse and simple weapons
- Disguise kit
Savings Throws: Dexterity & Charisma
Skills: Choose 3 from Athletics, Acrobatics, Survival, Stealth, Slight of Hand or Insight
Deceptive Nature You gain proficiency in Deception
High Mobility As an Ukaku you gain a +5 to your movement speed
Unarmored Defense Your Armor Class is 10+ dexterity + charisma while not wearing armor or wielding a shield.
Swift Movement You are able to dodge hide or disengage as a bonus action.
Free Running Adept If you were to fall from a height that would make you take fall damage, you may make a DC 10 Dexterity Saving Throw and take no damage on a successful save, or half as much on a failed save. The DC for this feature increases by +3 for every damage die after the first 10 feet.
Ranged Weapon Your Kagune is a ranged weapon and has a range of 20/60 feet
The most regenerative of the subtypes and you gain the following benefits
Hit Points
Hit die: 1d8
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per level past 1st
Racial Bonus
+2 Dexterity +1 Charisma
- Light armor
- finesse and simple weapons
- Disguise kit
Savings throws: Dexterity & Charisma
Skills: Choose 3 from Athletics, Acrobatics, Survival, Stealth, Slight of Hand or Insight
Deceptive Nature You gain proficiency in Deception.
Hyper Regeneration Anytime you would heal either during a short rest or by expending RC cells, you may regain health equal to an additional kagune damage die. In addition you regain RC cells equal to half your Constitution modifier + half your ghoul level (min.1) during a short rest.
Insatiable As a result of producing more RC cells than other subtypes. You are required to eat more often. You need to feed once every 4+your con modifier days or accrue the starvation condition.
The most balanced of the sub types and gain the following benefits.
Hit Points
Hit die: 1d10
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per level past 1st
Racial Bonus
+2 to either Strength or Dexterity and +1 to Constitution
- Light armor
- Finesse Marital and simple weapons
- Disguise kit
Savings throws: Strength & Dexterity
Skills: Choose 3 from Athletics, Acrobatics, Survival, Stealth, Slight of Hand, Medicine Animal Handling or Insight
Deceptive Nature You gain proficiency in Deception
Balance Scale While using your Kagune you gain the reach property as well as deal additional damage equal to half (rounded up) on your kagune damage die.
High Density RC Cells: You gain additional RC cells equal to half your ghoul level (rounded up).
At 2nd level, ghouls have a natural ability to regenerate. As a bonus action, you can spend 1 RC Cell to regain a number of hit points equal to the amount listed in the Kagune Damage Dice table + your Constitution modifier. Spending additional cells increases it by your Kagune hit die per RC cell spent. You can only spend RC cells equal to your proficiency bonus per turn for this feature.
RC Flurry[edit]
At 2nd level, when you take the attack action with your Kagune, you can spend 2 RC Cell to make two attacks with your Kagune as a bonus action.
Ghoulish Blood[edit]
At 3rd level, you learn to control your RC cells in unique ways and gain one of the following abilities.
Controlled Hunger
You can expend 3 RC cells adding a one day extension to your eating requirement. Doing so forces a DC 10 con save entering the starvation condition on a failed save. This DC increases by 5 for every consecutive use of this skill.
At 9th level, your RC cell cost to use this feature is reduced by 1. You also add 2 days to your total hunger timer.
Body of Destruction
At 14th level, your body has been crafted slowly for the destruction and attrition of others. Your hunger timer has increased by one day and the cost of controlled hunger goes down by 1 RC cell , and you gain proficiency in all savings throws.
If you were to fall to 0 hit points you are forced to expend your remaining RC cells and gain 1 hit point for each one expended. Upon doing so you gain a +2 to your AC and dealing an additional 1d4 on damage rolls. You also enter the starvation condition. Damage die increases to 1d6 at 5th level 1d8 at 9th level 1d10 at 14th level and 1d12 at 18th level.
At 9th level, by spending half your Total RC cell count, you are able to call upon the power of you latent powers to use your Kakuja without hitting 0 Hit points.You only receive the AC benefits of this feature. This transformation lasts 1 Minute.
Primeval Hunter
At 14th level, you have learned some control over your latent power and gain the following benefits:
- When you would hit zero hit points make a DC 15 wisdom savings throw or enter the starvation condition
- You regain 2 hit points per RC cell consumed when you would hit zero HP
- When your Kakuja activates you regain your Kagune hit die +Con mod back in RC cells during your transformation.
Reflective Hardscales
If you would be hit by a ranged attack, as a reaction you can expend 2 RC cells and reduce the damage by 1d10 +constitution. This increases by 1d10 at 7th, 14th, and 17th level.
At 9th level, your body is no longer a temple, but a fortress. You gain advantage on Constitution saving throws and resist fire damage, and your hunger timer is reduced by one day.
Immovable Object
At 14th level, your body is the definition of an Iron wall. You gain the following benefits:
- As a bonus action you can spend 3 RC cells and gain temporary HP equal to your ghoul level plus your con mod. while you have these temporary hit points you have resistance to all damage, (fire is quartered).
- You have a +2 to AC when a ranged attack targets you.
Rapid Combat Adept
Reduces the cost of RC Flurry from 2 RC cells to 1 and adds 2 RC cells to your total amount permanently.
At 9th level, you are experienced in fast paced and intense combat. You gain an additional 10 feet of movement. Once per long rest, you can as a reaction roll one of your Kagune hit dice and add it to your AC until the start of your next turn.
Extreme Speed
At 14th level, You have exceeded speeds which most thought only belonged to the elves, you gain the following benefits.
- You gain a +5 to movement speed
- You gain a +1 to AC
- When using RC flurry, you now can make 3 attacks instead of 2.
- You gain avoidance, you take half damage against spells ex. fireball on a failed save and no damage on a successful one.
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
at 5th level, when you take the attack action, you may make 2 attacks.
Empowered Strikes[edit]
At 6th level, your Kagune is considered magical to overcome resistances
Enhanced Kagune[edit]
At 7th level, you gain benefits based on your Kagune subtype
Impregnable Defense You have honed your defensive capability to cover all openings in your attacks. If a creature were to hit you with advantage, you can, as a reaction remove their advantage. If they did not have advantage, you can reduce the damage by your Kagune hit dice. you can use this ability a number of times equal to your Constitution modifier per long rest.
RC Implant Your Kagune develops the ability to grow needle like spines on the ends of your Kagune to inject your RC cells to heal another creature. As an action, you can spend 1 RC cell to heal another creature equal to one of your kagune hit die plus your constitution modifier. Additionally you gain an additional 2 RC cells to your total RC cells. Insatiable is decreased by one day.
Combat Assimilated You have adapted and learned to blend your ranged attacks with close quarters combat. You gain the following benefits.
- You do not suffer disadvantage on ranged attacks due to being too close.
- You can use your Ukaku as a melee attack
- You do not provoke opportunity attacks on creatures you hit during your turn.
Weighted Scales
You have mastered mid range combat and gain the following benefits
- As a reaction, you can impose disadvantage against a creature within 10 feet of you that is attacking a creature other than you.
- As a reaction, if a creature attacks and misses a creature other than you, you can make an attack of opportunity against that creature. You do not receive the damage bonus of BALANCE SCALES when taking this reaction.
Ghoulish Evolution[edit]
At 10th level, you gain one of the following features.
Pure Breed
You have become one of the strongest amongst other ghouls with similar Kagunes. You gain 3 more RC cells and have your hunger timer increases by one day. While you are not wearing armor, you gain an additional +1 to your AC.
At Level 17, you gain 3 more RC cells a +1 to AC and your hunger timer increases by 2 days.
Battle Ridden
You have been in many battles and have learned your bodily limitations and how to exceed them. You gain Extra Attack (2).
At 17th Level, if you were to be reduced to zero hit points, make a constitution savings throw DC 10. If unsuccessful your hit points hit zero. If successful, your hit points are reduced to 1 instead. the DC for this feature increases by 5 for every used of this feature. the DC resets after a short or long rest
Your body has undergone a mutation within one of your dormant Kaguhou sacs and awakens. You gain the level 1 benefits of one other Kagune subtype.
At 17th level, you can change your base Kagune level distribution for your secondary Kagune and gain the level 7 benefits of the secondary Kagune. For example, if you're a base Ukaku and picked up Koukaku by this feature, you can change your base from Ukaku to Koukaku. This choice can be made again after a long rest.
Enhanced Kagune[edit]
At 11th level, you gain benefits based on your Kagune subtype.
Unstoppable Offense
You have learned just how durable you are and have taught yourself to weaponize it. Once per turn you can use your action to deal three additional Kagune damage die and doubles your damage modifier. This feature does not grant you extra attack and gives advantage on the next attack against you.
Free Running Master
you are accustomed to using your environment to aid you in all manner of ways and suffer minimal drawbacks. You gain the following benefits.
- +5 feet to your movement speed
- You suffer no negative affects from climbing (this uses normal movement speed)
- Your jump height and length are doubled and you can fall 20 feet before having to make a save DC beginning at 10 and increasing by 3 for every 10feet after 20 feet.
RC Cell Explosion
Your regeneration rate is much higher than other ghouls, so much so that your RC cells have exploded in numbers and you gain the following benefits.
- Gives an additional Kagune damage die when using RC implant.
- When spending 3 or more RC cells for hyper regeneration it grants an additional Kagune damage die.
- your hunger has decreased by one day.
Judgement Scales
you have learned to be patient in combat and waiting for the right moment to strike gaining the following benefits.
- You gain one additional reaction
- Balance Scales applies to any reaction you take involving your melee attack.
- Your Kagune has increased reach for a total of 15 feet. (Does not apply to Weighted Scales)
Apex Predator[edit]
at 20th level, you gain the following benefits. Extra Attack (2), if you have Battle Ridden it becomes Extra Attack (3).