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A hodgepodge of important dpl's, lists, and links to places that show different issues that need to be addressed around the wiki.

Admin Only Things

Fix the broken redirects at and

Delete unused duplicated files or make it so all pages draw from one of the files so the duplicate can be deleted

Delete or fix links to Wated Files and check the most recent uploaded List of Files for copyrighted work

Respond to User talk:Admin & verify users on the wiki's discord who post their discord ID on Discussion:Discord Server Verification

Current Needs Admin:

Due Candidates for Deletion as of 8 March 2025 7pm | Total: 81 | Pending: None
Due Abandoned Pages as of 22 March 2024 at 7pm | Total: 443 | Pending: None

Maintenance Tasks

Help with various things on Meta Pages, particularly 5e pages for Unattributed, Request Review, Formatting Issues, Wording Issues, and Needs Balance.

Pages with the User category that have no edition category. Add an edition category to them and try to fix whatever other preload problems they have or remove the User category.

Pages with the User category, but no title ID. These pages should end with an ID, such as (5e Race), (3.5e Class), (X Supplement) etc. or they should have their User category removed(if userpage/talk page):

Pages that have too many parenthesis, are missing a space between the name and the id, ect. and need moving:

Pages with names that contain common errors found in naming variant pages. These pages should be moved to a proper namespace in they don't follow the naming convention for variant pages.

Prototype dpl for pages with names that are missing the e for the edition or use the DnD identifier. These pages should be moved so their identifier includes the e(such as 3.5e or 5e) or moved from DnD to 3.5e.

Dpls that no longer work(due to titlematch/notitlematch and I believe nocategory not working together anymore)

Pages with missing or no categories that need to be categorized. Add an edition category to them or whatever other categories they need, move them, delete them or otherwise try to fix whatever other problems they have. <div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:40em;" data-expandtext="Show them all!" data-collapsetext="Hide them again.."> <DPL> nottitlematch=%Help:Table/Examples%|%Wiki Gaming%|%Summon Monster%|%Table of Creature Size and Scale%|%Hardware Purchase1%|%Arcane Spells and Armor%|%HardwarePurchase1/timeout%|%Intelligence Bonus%|%DnD Equipment%|%DnD Spell%|%DnD Trait%|%DnD Flaw%|%4e Power%| notcategory=User notcategory=Help notcategory=Preload notcategory=List notcategory=Instructions notcategory=SRD notcategory=OGL notcategory=Disambiguation notcategory=5e notcategory=4e notcategory=3.5e notcategory=Pathfinder notcategory=3e notcategory=2.5e notcategory=D20M notcategory=Series notcategory=NPC List notcategory=Add New notcategory=Publication notcategory=Oops Messages notcategory=Complex Special Ability Components notcategory=Meta page notcategory=Skill Abilities notcategory=Character Options notcategory=Magazine notcategory=Preload Instructions notcategory=Featured Article Synopsis notcategory=OGC Meta Page notcategory=Appendix notcategory=Basic notcategory=Templates notcategory=License notcategory=Project notnamespace=Category notnamespace=File notnamespace=User notnamespace=User_talk notnamespace=Talk notnamespace=Discussion notnamespace=Template notnamespace=Template_talk notnamespace=File_talk notnamespace=SRD_Talk notnamespace=PFSRD_talk notnamespace=5e_SRD_talk notnamespace=3e_SRD_talk notnamespace=Discussion_talk notnamespace=UA_talk notnamespace=D&D_Wiki_talk notnamespace=MSRD_Talk notnamespace=Category_talk notnamespace=Help_talk notnamespace=D&D_Wiki_talk notnamespace=OGC_talk notnamespace=MediaWiki_talk notnamespace=Property notnamespace=D&D_Wiki notnamespace=MediaWiki noresultsheader=All Done </DPL> </div>

Pages that only contain maintenance templates meaning that they have a number of different issues that need to be addressed.

Due WIP/inuse | Total: 407+3 | Pending: 274/ /2

Other Things

17 pages need to be merged.

Most recent RfA:

Most recent RfM:

Featured Articles:

Quality Articles: