Template:PF2 Class Features

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Work In Progress
{{PF2 Class Features
|ability=<!--Class's key ability. At 1st level, this class gives an ability boost to this ability score.-->
|ability2=<!--Second key ability, if applicable-->
|hp=<!--Hit points per level. This is a set number, not a die roll.-->

<!--Initial proficiencies. Use "untrained", "trained", or "expert".-->
|sk1rnk=<!--skill 1 rank-->
|sk2rnk=<!--skill 2 rank-->
|sk3rnk=<!--skill 3 rank-->
|numskills=<!--Trained in a number of additional skills equal to this number plus intmod-->

|simple=<!--all simple weapons-->
|martial=<!--all martial weapons-->
|listweapons=<!--custom list of trained weapons-->
|unarmed=<!--unarmed attacks-->
|attacks=<!--any text here will override the weapon proficiency text-->

|light=<!--light armor-->
|medium=<!--medium armor-->
|heavy=<!--heavy armor-->
|unarmored=<!--unarmored defense-->
|defenses=<!--any text here will override the armor proficiency text-->

|spellcasting=<!--Choose from "full" (wizard) or "hybrid" (magus). Leave blank if this class does not cast spells. If a different spell progression is desired, leave this blank and add a custom table beneath the class template.-->
|addlspell=<!--Name of the class feature that grants additional spells (e.g. Bard's Magnum Opus). Leave blank if no such feature exists. If multiple such features exist, a custom table is required.-->
|source=<!--Magic power source. Choose from "arcane", "divine", "occult", or "primal". Leave blank if this class does not cast spells-->
|classdc=<!--any text here will override the class/spell DC text-->

|classfeatures1=<!--List the names of the class features at 1st level.-->
|classfeatures2=<!--List the names of the class features at 2nd level.-->
|classfeatures3=<!--Lather, Rinse, Repeat-->
|classfeatures4=<!--As Needed-->

|nocategory=<!--Any text here causes the template to not categorize the page. This should not be used normally, but can be used for documentation purposes.-->
|nouser=<!--Any text here causes the template to exclude the page from Category:User. Unneeded if using nocategory.-->