Wraith Host, Variant 2 (5e Class)

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Wraith Host Alternative[edit]

Wraith Host[edit]

The necrotic energies within the area in which you've died at revoke your entrance into the afterlife. You feel an unknown power surge through your body, giving way to harrowing whispers and horrific memories to enter your head. Is it of purpose or fate? Or has a patron or deity given notice to your valor or malefic deeds? Nonetheless, each reason gives way to one common event - you have been bound to a wraith.

The Wraith does not know why it is bonded to you, only that to get answers, it must help you in your journey.

Creating a Wraith Host[edit]

This Wraith is bound to you by an ethereal tethering, making it nigh impossible to kill without killing yourself in the process. During the time you play this class, the wraith will act as your "weapon", dealing most of the damage as you command it.

Within a role-play setting, it is considered as another entity, meaning it'll most likely have an alignment different from yours. You are able to communicate with it during your travels, as well as have other PCs within the campaign speak with it.

The wraith, however, will not have its own character sheet, as you and it will share ability scores, health, and resources.

Quick Build

You can make a Wraith Host quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Any background will fit for this class, but our suggestion is the Haunted One background.

Class Features

As a Wraith Host you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Wraith Host level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Wraith Host level after 1st


Armor: light
Weapons: Simple and Martial Weapons
Tools: Jeweler's and Poisoner's kit
Saving Throws: Wisdom and Dexterity
Skills: Choose 2 from the following: Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth, Survival,


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Longsword or (b) Greatsword
  • Broken Sword (1d6+Dex mod slashing, properties of a dagger besides for damage)
  • Ring forged by the wraith you are bonded to
  • Jeweler's Kit and Poisoner's Kit
  • Leather armor

Table: The Wraith Host

Level Proficiency
Features Screeching Bolt Damage Spiritual Strain Threshold Modifier
1st +2 Screeching Bolt, Piercing Note 1d8 +0
2nd +2 Haunting , Wraith Stun 1d8 +0
3rd +2 Chains of Fate (Rotting Chain,Voided Chain) 2d8 +0
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Ability Score Increase,Slow Fall,Weapon Parry 2d8 +0
5th +3 Extra Attack 2d8 +10
6th +3 Wraith Flash, Drain,Brand 3d8 +10
7th +3 Chains of Fate Feature,Brutalize 3d8 +10
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Wraith Swiftness,Pin in Place 3d8 +10
9th +4 Detonate,Wrathful Blink 4d8 +10
10th +4 Brand 4d8 +15
11th +4 Blade Master,Perfect Counter 4d8 +15
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Fire Arrow,Perfect Counter 5d8 +15
13th +5 Chains of Fate Feature ([[]],[[]])Execution 5d8 +15
14th +5 Soul Fight 5d8 +15
15th +5 Brand Heal 6d8 +20
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement, Brand Heal 6d8 +20
17th +6 Warden of Your Own,Last Chance 6d8 +20
18th +6 Ring of Power,Major Possession 7d8 +20
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 7d8 +20
20th +6 Chains of Fate Feature ([[]],[[]]),Lord of the Rings 7d8 +25

Spiritual Strain[edit]

Your connection towards your wraith lets you feel the exhaustion they experience when using Wraith Skills. You gain a resource called Spiritual Strain which records the exhaustion you feel when using attacks labeled with [Wraith Skill], and you gain debuffs when you continue to use them over threshold amounts. After a Short Rest the Strain resets to 0.

When you first begin this class, you are able to gain up to 24 Spiritual Strain points before you'll be affected by Strain. Those effects are:

25 Spiritual Strain - You begin to feel your soul slowly giving out. All healing rolls will be halved when made towards you, and you can only see shades of grey.

50 Spiritual Strain - Time begins to slow, and your actions are delayed, having them occur 1 action after you've actually made them. You can also see random bodies of light that represent spirits roaming within the Ethereal Plane.

75 Spiritual Strain - You are easily distracted when you make rolls, giving you disadvantage on every roll you make while under this much strain. Every time you fail, you are distracted by a memory from your lifetime. It's almost as if life is flashing before your eyes.

100 Spiritual Strain - Your hitpoints are reduced to 0, and you are effectively knocked out. You must make Death Saving throws to reawaken, and when you do, your strain points will reset to 99. If you fail, you will enter a withering state that renders you dead if you are not resurrected or healed within 10 minutes.

As shown in the table above, your spiritual strain threshold modifier will give you the spiritual strain you can withstand. For example, at level 5, you now move the spiritual strains by 10, and now your max is 110.

Screeching Bolt [Wraith Skill][edit]

At the 1st level, you are able to summon an ethereal bow or sword at will for your wraith to use. It deals 1d8 + Dex + Proficiency Bonus Piercing or Necrotic damage (respectively), and its range is 60 Ft./30 Ft. At level 3, this weapon will gain one extra damage die, turning it into a 2d8, and this will occur again at the 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, and 18th level. You will regain charges after a short or long rest.

You gain 3 Strain Points for every time this ability is used

Piercing Note [Wraith Skill][edit]

At the 1st level, your wraith is able to expel a loud screech. All creatures within a 20 Ft. cone in front of your wraith will need to make a Constitution Saving throw with a DC 10. All who fail their saving throw will be dealt 2d6 + Charisma Modifier Thunder damage, alongside being Deafened for the next 3 turns. Passing your saving throw will half the damage and negate you from being deafened.

You gain 6 Spiritual Strain points when this skill is used.


At the 2nd level, attacking the same creature multiple times will begin to weaken them further for you. For a round spent focusing on one creature, you will gain +2 damage on your attacks toward it. Once you reach +10 damage in total, you gain one extra hit dice for all your attacks toward the creature. If you stop focusing on this creature at all during combat, your multiplier will reset, and you'll have to start over. You only lose the stacks if you attack a different creature.

At the 6th, 12th, and 18th level, the additional damage done will go up by +1 point, maxing out at +20 during the 18th level.

Wraith Stun[edit]

Starting at 2nd level, you can attempt to stun an enemy as a bonus action. You can stun someone only with 5ft of you unless you go Wraith Chains subclass. If you do the range for Wraith Stun is the range of Screeching Bolt. The enemy creature makes a DC(8+Str+prof) Dex save. A creature is only stunned on a failed save. It lasts until the end of your next turn. You gain 3 Spiritual Strain points when this skill is used. At 6th Level the Spiritual Strain drops to 1 Spiritual Strain point. At Level 10 your Wraith Stun ignores immunities.

Chains of Fate[edit]

At the 3rd level, the ethereal bindings that tether you to your wraith begin to warp with ghastly magic. You can sway which way they morph, whether they be Rotting Chains or Wrath chains. Both will garner you and your wraith with newfound powers either relating to archery or melee, which will be detailed at the end of this page.


At the 3rd level, the Wraith Host can spend a turn to delve into an enemy's mind upon the enemy losing a Wisdom Saving Throw, DC 10 + [Wraith Host Level, min 1]. You gain 2 Spiritual Strain points

Ability Score Increase[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Slow Fall[edit]

Beginning at 4th level, your bond with your wraith has strengthened beyond physical bounds, your wraith can help make you only semi-corporeal, reducing your density and slowing the speed at which you fall.

You can use your reaction when you fall to reduce falling damage you take by an amount equal to five times your Wraith Host level.

Weapon Parry[edit]

At 4th level, when a large or smaller creature hits you with a melee attack using a weapon, you can use a reaction to parry that attack. You must be wielding a melee weapon. You reduce the damage of that attack by your own damage with that weapon + your Wraith Host level.

At 7th level add another damage die to your Parry.

You add another damage die at each level 9th,11th,13th,15th,18th, and 20th. After 12th level if your damage roll is greater then the damage they rolled by 5 or more you can use your reaction to deal that damage to the attacker.

Extra Attack[edit]

At the 5th level, whenever you take the Attack action, you can make 2 attacks as a part of the same action. You are able to split this between you and your wraith, with one attack going to the wraith while the other attack is made by you.

At 7th level, if the creature has been stunned by Wrath Stun, you can use Extra Attack one extra time but you gain 2 Spiritual Strain points.

You gain another use of an extra attack time at each level 9th,11th,13th,15th,18th, and 20th.


At 6th level, when you Brand a target, the target must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw of DC 10 + [Wraith Host Level] to avoid becoming a slave to the Wraith Host, or take 4d6 psychic Damage on passing the Saving Throw. When a creature is sentient they will follow you like a slave but maintain there normal personality but view you as there leader/god. If the creature is a none sentient creature the creature will obey any command and can understand any command from you even with out training.


At the 6th level, you as a bonus action by draining your enemy's psychic energy instead of damaging them with your normal attack. It deals 2d6 Psychic Damage + your Dexterity Modifier, and has a range of 15 ft. The psychic energies you drain from your enemies will decrease your Spiritual Strain by a 1/3 of the damage done(rounded up). At 8th level also heal 1/3 of the damage done(Rounded Down). At 10th level, Add 2d6 to Damage.


At 7th level, after an attack you can Brutalize a creature that you get the last hit. Every Creature that sees you do this must make a DC (8+Dexterity/Strength Modifier + Proficiency Bonus) Wisdom Saving throw. On a failed save, the creature gains the fear condition.

Wraith Swiftness[edit]

At 8th level, You have advantage on stealth checks and two bonus actions that you can take.

Pin in Place[edit]

At 8th level, when hitting an chreature with your bow you can have your Wraith Arrow root them to the ground for two turns, barring exceptional Strength rules. You gain 1 Spiritual Strain points.


At the 9th level, Shooting at any open flame or liquid that is flammable causes it to explode, dealing 3d6 + 1d6 per [Wraith Host level, min 1] within a 10 ft radius. You gain 4 Spiritual Strain points.

Wrathful Blink[edit]

At the 9th level, when you would attack with a Wraith Skills, you can instead take up 2 arrows trying to teleport to your target if it is within 60 ft from you. If you wish to attack the target off the teleport, make a DC 8 + creature's Wis + Dexterity Saving throw. If you succeed, you can roll to attack, if you fail, the creature may roll to attack you instead, knock you prone, or grapple you without counting it as a reaction, but instead of it as more of a free action.You gain 2 Spiritual Strain points.

Call Back Up [Wraith Skill][edit]

At the 10th level, you can summon up to 5 creatures that you have branded to the field. They will come into the field as soon as you summon them but can not perform and actions until the next round.

You gain 3 Spiritual Strain points when this skill is used.

Blade Master[edit]

At 11th level, whenever your Haunting stacks are at 10 or above, your critical hit range is between 15 to 20.

Perfect Counter[edit]

At 12th level, you may use your reaction when a when a creature attacks you or an ally with 5 ft of you, you can imposed disadvantage and perform Your Parry ability but you roll an additional attack onto the attacker but also gain 10 Speritual strain.

Fire Arrow[edit]

At 12th level, when you use your Screeching Bolt, you can infuse it with an explosive energy. All creatures within 10 feet of the arrows target, including the target, must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, or take 3d6 fire damage. The damage increases to 4d6 at 15th level, 5d6 at 17th level and 6d6 at 20th level. You gain 2 Spiritual Strain points per shot.


At 13th level, when you hit a creature with an attack, you cause double your weapon's damage. If the attack leaves your target with 10 hit points or less, that creature instantly dies. You gain 2 Spiritual Strain points per use.

Soul Fight[edit]

At the 14th Level, once per day you can have your Wrath become another creature in the fight. The Wrath is a complete copy of you and has its own turn.(DM can choose to control it or you can) But you share your health if the wrath takes a hit, so do you. If the Wrath uses an ability that gives Spiritual Strain points, you will gain it as well.

Brand Heal [Wraith Skill][edit]

At the 15th level, all Branded Creatures you have will send their life to you no matter where they are. For each follower you gain 1d4 healing and they take 1d6 psychic damage. You gain 1 Spiritual Strain points per use.

Warden of Your Own [Wraith Skill][edit]

At the 17th level, your wraith can transform itself into a cage that is capable of holding a character or creature that is of medium size or smaller. The character that you wish to trap must roll a Dexterity Saving throw with a DC 10 to escape before it is created. If they become encased, they must roll a Strength Saving throw with a DC equal to your Strength score + Proficiency Bonus. Your wraith can shrink to suffocate the character for 5d7 damage per turn, but as you shrink, the DC needed to escape will lower by 1 point every turn. This cage will last for 10 turns, or 1 minute. You gain 2 Spiritual Strain points per use.

Last Chance[edit]

At 17th level, when you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw to be reduced to 1 hit point instead. You can use this feature a number of times equal to half your level (rounded down), regaining uses after finishing a long rest.

Major Possession[edit]

At the 18th level, your wraith can create a temporary connection between itself and the creature it possesses, letting them feel the effects of your Spiritual Strain. This in turn will help relieve a third of your Spiritual Strain at the beginning of casting Minor Possession. You gain 2 Spiritual Strain points per use.

Ring of Power[edit]

At the 18th level, you must spend a 1 week to make a ring of power. Once made, you no longer have to worry about Spiritual Strain, and all damage you do increases by the dice of that damage that includes all ability and weapons. The Ring also gives you +5 to Intimidations. The Ring also allows you to use Greater Invisibility Once per day.

Lord of the Rings[edit]

At the 20th level, you can create minor rings of power to give to creatures of your choice up to 9. These Rings give the ability to increase their damage by one die. And they become loyal to you and can not betray you at any time.

Chains of Fate[edit]

Rotting Chains[edit]

Grim Traits[edit]

At the 3rd level, when choosing this Chain, become proficient with all Simple and Martial Melee Weaponry. You can make melee attacks from 15 Ft away. Alongside this, your wraith's color will turn a swampy green, and they'll expel a disgusting stench 5 Ft. around themselves.

Blighted Greatsword[edit]

At the 3rd level, you can exchange your melee weapon to a Greatsword. You can use it with one hand, and its damage dice become a 2d8.

Necrotic Carvings[edit]

At the 7th level, your wraith is able to embed glyphs into your broken sword to enhance its natural power. These glyphs come at the cost of gaining 9 spiritual strain, and you are only able to embed one at this level. The process of embedding a glyph takes one hour of concentration from both you and your wraith. You can also have access to the Rune Knight's rune list. You gain more glyphs as you level up. A you gain more at 9th, 12th , 15th, 16th, and 18th level.

Glyph Description
Virog At the start of a fight, your first attack will infect whoever you're against upon a successful attack roll, giving them the condition Poisoned for two rounds. If they do not have this effect removed before they die, they will spread this infection to two other enemies within 15 Ft. of them. Those two creatures will not spread this infection at death.
Rwuan GYou can use disengage as a bonus action.
Parago Finishing off a creature under the effects of Haunting will heal you 1/3 of the final damage you dealt.
Acharn Recover +10 Temp Health when you Drain or Brand.
Urfael Your Melee weapon gains 2d8 Elemental type damage of your choice.
Vangwë When you kill a creature, a storm of blades spell appears around you..

Cleaveing Spirit[edit]

At the 13th level, with a sweeping edge with your melee weapon, you slice through any enemy creature.In a cycle of 30ft diameter centered around you, every enemy creature must do a Dexterity save DC of 8 + Strength Modifier + Prociancy. On a failed saved, creatures take 6d6 damage and get knocked prone. You gain 2 Spiritual Strain points per use

Subjucate Magic[edit]

At the 13th level, you can add 2d6 damage of any magical effect to your melee weapons.

Lord of the Blade[edit]

At the 20th level, when you make a melee attack, it looks like you are swinging 100 weapons at the same time. You can make 2 attack rolls to every creature in your sight. This will not reset your Haunting stack but will not add to the stack. You gain 6 Spiritual Strain points per use

Wraith Chains[edit]

Glowing Traits[edit]

At the 3rd level, when choosing this Chain. Your Screeching Bolt now does double damage, and you can make range attacks from an additional 50 Ft away. Alongside this, your wraith's color will turn a bright blue, and they'll expel a disgusting stench 5 Ft. around themselves.

Blighted Bow[edit]

At the 3rd level, your Screachin Bolt when it kills a creature the damage will jump to another creature within 15 ft away and deal the remaining damage. For the damage to be done, reroll attack. This will loop until there is no excess damage or the attack roll fails. You gain 2 Spiritual Strain points per use

Necrotic Carvings[edit]

At the 7th level, your wraith is able to embed glyphs into your bow, its natural power. These glyphs come at the cost of gaining 9 spiritual strain, and you are only able to embed one at this level. The process of embedding a glyph takes one hour of concentration from both you and your wraith. You can also have access to the Rune Knight's rune list. You gain more glyphs as you level up. A you gain more at 9th, 12th , 15th, 16th, and 18th level.

Glyph Description
Virog At the start of a fight, your first attack with Screeching Bolt will infect whoever you're against upon a successful attack roll, giving them the condition Poisoned for two rounds. If they do not have this effect removed before they die, they will spread this infection to two other enemies within 15 Ft. of them. Those two creatures will not spread this infection at death.
Rwuan Screeching Bolt will allow you to use the ability blink as a bonus action. You can not blink to a location within 15ft of a creature. This is a bonus action only, and can be used once per shot rest.
Parago Finishing off a creature under the effects of Haunting will heal you 1/3 of the final damage you dealt.
Acharn Recover +10 Temp Health when you Drain or Brand.
Urfael Your Screeching Bolt weapon if used on an alley will heal therm for 2d6.
Vangwë When you kill a creature, You can give an ally the opening to use there melee attack on your turn. .

Rain of Arrows[edit]

At the 13th level, when you or an ally is attacked, you can use your reaction to create a 30-foot diameter circle of raining Arrows centered around the creature that attacked. Any creatures in the cycle must make a dexterity DC save of 8+DexM Modifier + Proficiency. On a failed save, the creatures take 6d6 piercing damage and are pinned to their location and must sacrifice all movement on their turn to move once again. You gain 2 Spiritual Strain points per use

Subjucate Magic[edit]

At the 13th level, you can add any magical damage to your Screeching Bolt that deals an additional 2d6 damage.

Lord of the Bow[edit]

At the 20th level, when you make a ranged attack, it looks like you are shooting 100 bolts at the same time. You can make 2 attack rolls to every creature in your sight. This will not reset your Haunting stack but will not add to the stack. You gain 6 Spiritual Strain points per use


Prerequisites: Dexterity of 13 and an instance in which a spiritual, non corporeal entity is bound with you. Proficiencies: None

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