Shadow Heart

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Shadow Heart[edit]

Fighter Archetype

Ever since your shadow gained life, you looked at it as a curse you were given, when in reality this creature was always within you, as a part of you that you couldn't control. But now, you've tamed that beast. You. Are. In. C O N T R O L.

Shade Infused

Starting at 3th level, due to your shadow gaining life, you have gained some of the attributes of a shadow creature. You gain the following benefits.

Umbral Eyes. You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.
Blackened Flesh. You have advantage on saving throws against the poisoned, And resistance to necrotic and poison damage.
Partial Transformation

Starting at 3rd level, you force your inner shadow form onto a part of your body. As a bonus action, you may choose parts of your body from the list to enhance with shadow, gaining the fallowing benefits from the option.

Arms of Shade. Wrapping your arms in shadows, creating claws of shadow and increasing your effective range. Your unarmed strikes now do 1d6 Slashing damage + 1d4 Necrotic, have a range of 10 ft, and allow you to attempt to grapple the target as a part of your attack once per turn.
Legs of Shade. Bracing your legs with shadows, allowing for faster movement and enhanced agility. Your walking speed increases by 10 feet, and you gain the ability to dash as a bonus action.
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