Virtueblade (5e Equipment)

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Any sword, artifact (Requires attunement)

This item is a +3 weapon and deals an additional 3d6 radiant damage, this sword is dull in detail as it is only white and has 7 marks, each symbolizes their meaning, the description for each of these marks will be detailed in their respective titles, upon attunement, this weapon consumes their atoners most used sword and transforms into it. Unlike its counterpart, this sword works by consent not force and is more passive than the sinblade as that works by force.
Random Properties. The Virtueblade has the following random properties:

  • 1 minor beneficial property
  • 1 major beneficial property
  • 1 minor detrimental property
  • 1 major detrimental property

Humility Representing humility, it shows a man being humble, telling a prideful man his strengths and weaknesses, to convincing this prideful man to change his ways, this is the ultimate power to counter pride. As an action you let the item feed a creature your strengths and weaknesses, the targeted creature knowns a learns your weaknesses and strengths for one minute, mentally in a 60 ft radius, if the creature learns this information, you also learn their strengths and weaknesses for one minute. This ability does not work if the creature doesn't willfully allow the information to enter its mind.

Charity Representing charity, it shows a man giving a platinum to a beggar on the street making the beggars day better, this shows that when being generous and giving to the poor, expect nothing in return. As an action you can give your ability modifier to creatures for one minute in a 60 ft range, once reserved by the creature you take a - penalty (up to 4), but the creature gains a + bonus (up to 4) this way you give a creature a gift of charity expecting nothing in return. This is the ultimate counter to gluttony.This ability does not work if the targeted creature refuses your charity.

ChasityRepresenting Chasity, it shows a determined nun tempted by lust, but her faith in her religion never falters, keeping her vow, this shows that even in the most tempted times, she remains tall and does not fail her vow. This ability resources your defenses, you gain a +3 in your AC, you become immune to magic missile, and all ranged attacks made against you are made with disadvantage while you carry this sword. For flavor, taken in a literal term, you must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw when making certain interactions to creature such as intercoarse, being disloyal to your husband or wife, etc, some of these option are reframed when becoming married to a lover like not much intercoarse, but others like being disloyal are not.

Diligence Representing Diligence,



Destroying the Virtueblade. The user of this item must commit an ultimate sin, blasphemy against the blade, if the user disrespects the blade about its ways then, the blade begins to float and a transcript appears and reads "I will part from you, as I have never known you. After being said you must make a DC 30 Wisdom saving throw or take on a mark that forever burns bright onto your cheek, afterwards the blade leaves in a bright flash of light made powerless in the celestial plane for 1,000 years... This mark on your cheek gives you venerability to radiant damage and a -2 in any rolls you make, as the mark burns brightly when rolling.

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