Shadow Beings (3.5e Race)

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Shadow Beings[edit]


  • Shadow beings are very intelligent, well trained and disciplined. despite growing up in the dark and shadow they aren't always doom and gloom. they can be a fun and outgoing race that can not only be great at getting a job done but make friends and connections and enjoy the simple things in life.
  • Shadow beings also tend to avoid being in direct sunlight, and even fire. they have trained to not only be in the dark but be able to be in the sunlight as well. they do feel the effects of light sensitivity and although they have some moderate discomfort over their body as the direct sunlight touches their skin after only a minute or 3 combat rounds they can adjust and be fine in direct sunlight except for some moderate discomfort or unless they find shade or a dark room as they are better in their preferred habitat and are much stronger and capable in the dark. in the event of going from the dark to a bright or sunny area suddenly or someone casting a light or daylight spell they would be more effected then other races as they are more attuned to the dark and would be affected by Light Sensitivity and are dazed in bright sunlight or within the radius of a light or daylight spell. if they go from a dark shadowy area say being in a dungeon and walk out of the dungeon into the daylight slowly where they can adjust to the change they would not be affected other then some moderate discomfort.
  • shadow beings do not use torches or any light sources and go out of their way to put out fires, torches or any light source present. they also don't do any sort of fire damage unless its required to bring the enemy down but only in extreme cases as they prefer the cold and the dark. in some cases they may also use poisons.

human male with his shadow aura

Physical Description[edit]

  • Shadow beings have a dark aura emanating from their entire body giving off a shadow presence surrounding their entire body and they embrace it to make them stronger and allowing them to either hide or show their face. Shadow beings have become who they are through different circumstances, such as being past down through family, growing up in the darkness spending their entire childhood in the dark and shadows. some also say it was a gift past down from the dark domain gods and deities to newborns with a great strong name.
  • Shadow beings are very intelligent and usually look like humans or halflings although it is rare but shadow beings can be other races such as elves, gnomes, goblins, Dragon born, and even bugbears. with the DM/GM permission they can even be undead or lycanthrope. this would of course happen later in life but in some very rare cases a lycanthrope or vampire can be born as a shadow being. Shadow beings spend their entire childhood growing up and training in the dark and shadows and have grown to embrace the dark and thus gaining extra skills and abilities for their hard and rigorous training.


  • Shadow Beings typically get along with all races but tend to keep their distance from celestials or any race that would be surrounded or use bright lights or auras as well as fire elementals and fire creatures of the sort.


  • Shadow beings are usually neutral and can be played as any alignment


  • Shadow beings thrive in deep dark caves, dungeons, heavy thick forested areas with not much direct sunlight and of course at night time in the darkness. because of their shadow powers they are able to tread rough terrain easily as well. they will try to avoid open fields, deserts, water and fire/ volcanic areas where their would be no shade or darkness


  • Shadow Beings if they so choose would normally worship any darkness domain deities, gods or goddesses of their choice


  • Common and your chosen race language.


  • Their name could start or end with sh or ow. For a fun and silly twist on a name add shadow or the letters to any name like shadow bob... or bobowshda... or take a famous persons name and add a twist to it... lol like the name john stabos ( because he gets a bit staby ) hahaha

Creating a Shadow Being[edit]

  • Shadow being is like a template added to one of your chosen races. you may play as a human, halfling, Tiefling, elf, Dragon born, goblin, gnome or any race you so choose as a Shadow being can be of any race. for example a shadow being can be born as a human or even a bugbear but is born with the the Shadow Template as well. you may apply other templates on top of this with the DM/GM permission. you gain all the stats abilities of your chosen race as well as the shadow being. you cannot choose a race that has a light sensitivity. you use the Shadow beings base land speed and his Darkvision regardless of which ever one is higher. this is basically just an add on to your chosen race.

i wanted to add this option to open up different playable options and be able to have the look and character you prefer such as wanting to play a Dragon born or an elf.

Racial Traits[edit]

  • +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence
  • Outsider:
  • Medium: or halfling A Shadow Being does not gain any bonuses for being a medium creature, if they are a halfling refer the the halfling race for their stats on size.
  • 120 Darkvision: Shadow born can see in darkness up to 120 feet and they can see in magical darkness up to 60 feet.
  • Shadow Beings base land speed is 40 feet.
  • Shadow Beings are very quick to engage and get into the fight, they gain improved initiative. if they already have it from another source they can get a bonus feat instead
  • Shadow Beings add their Intelligence modifier to their turn resistance in the event they become undead.
  • Light Sensitivity: Shadow Beings are dazed in bright sunlight or within the radius of a daylight spell for one minute or 3 rounds, or until they find shade or out of the daylight spell area effect. this not only effects their eyes but their whole body as well and suffer -4 to their dexterity after one minute or 2 rounds of being in the direct sunlight they return to normal.
  • Endure Elements Shadow Beings are protected by endure elements from the shadows covering their entire body and suffers no harm from being in extreme hot or cold environments. It can exist comfortably in conditions between -50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make Fortitude saves). The creature’s equipment is likewise protected.

Endure elements doesn’t provide any protection from fire or cold damage, nor does it protect against other environmental hazards such as smoke, lack of air, and so forth.

  • Pass Without Trace (Su): Shadow beings have the innate ability to use Pass Without Trace spell. this functions as a continuous supernatural ability.
  • Freedom of Movement (Su): Shadow Beings can move about freely as if under the affect of the Freedom of Movement spell. This functions as a continuous supernatural ability.
  • Shadow Imbuement (Su): Shadow Beings are able to imbue their weapons with their shadow powers making them lighter and stronger giving them a +2 to their attack and damage and allowing them to use weapons one size category higher. this works with both ranged and mele weapons and just like the monkey grip feat but they don't take any penalties.


  • Shadow Beings always start play with a combat umbrella to be able to shelter themselves from the direct sunlight and not feel uncomfortable while adventuring out from the shadows, these are typically custom made for them as a small child and or passed down through generations, these can be custom made and altered to store hidden weapons such as daggers, rapiers and short swords. these can also be magically enhanced as they so choose provided they are able to do so or pay someone trained in crafting magical items. they are proficient with these and is only a swift action to put it away and take it out again, also a swift action to draw a weapon from it while holding it. even though they are already considered a weapon just figured id note incase you wanted to hide a weapon in its handle. similar to a walking cane with a concealed sword or rapier in a sheath. instead of this item and if you know any other different or fun items that a shadow being could start with that would help provide them with some shade or not feel uncomfortable in the direct sunlight they can chose that item instead, also please add the item here.

the goggles would help with the light sensitivity but your skin and body would still be affected by the bright lights.

  • <
  • Shadow Beings are proficient with light and medium armor, all bows and crossbows as well as light weapons, short and long swords.

heres the link to the combat umbrella,

Vital Statistics[edit]

Starting Ages[edit]

  • same as your chosen race

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