Keyblade Master, Variant 2 (5e Class)
Keyblade Master[edit]
Keyblade Masters are people who have great skills in the art of handling the weapon known as the Keyblade. Their origins are diverse but everyone always seeks to stand out because of their ability to do things, because despite being strong, they are not usually very common to be seen in large numbers. A Keyblade Master is someone who is already on the path of the Keyblade and seeks to know more of its capabilities, increasingly seeking to unravel all the mysteries that surround the world of the Keyblades and the full extent of the power that the key possesses.
About The Keyblade[edit]
Keyblade are weapons that have very different powers, but by the name itself it is already able to determine its main function. Opening and closing things is his main focus of execution, but his power expands to much greater and impressive feats that are always being unveiled by new keybladers or already experienced keybladers. Its capabilities are impressive, but many mysteries still govern the real nature of the weapon.
How to use the AP[edit]
AP are Abilities Points, which are presented in the game as points used to enable new stronger abilities. Here the AP will be used with the function of paying for the use of skills that will be conquered as it evolves. The APs expand as the keyblader evolves, which allows him to be able to use the skills gained more often.
How to Create a Keyblade Master ?[edit]
Keyblade Masters can be created for many different reasons, when creating a Kyblade it is necessary to emphasize that you are creating a character who needs to know how to deal with emotions, considering that emotions are the basis of using the Keyblade and strongly determine which path you will follow from there. It's always good to think in advance about the sentimental reasons that make your Keyblade Master move forward, the reason that always makes him seek more power or seek something important for himself. Whether to protect someone or to conquer something important for you. Your life is very much about how you intend to expand your use of the Keyblade and what goals you seek to achieve with it.
Class Features
As a Keyblade Master you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Keyblade Master level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Keyblade Master level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: All Armors , Shields
Weapons: Simple
Tools: A Set Herbalism's Tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Intimidation, Deception, Performance, Perception, Persuasion and Investigation
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) any simple weapon or (b) one heal potion
- (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
- Studded Leather Armor
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Keyblade | AP | Features |
1st | +2 | 1d6 | 1 | Keyblade, Keychain, AP |
2nd | +2 | 1d6 | 2 | Firaga, Aero |
3rd | +2 | 1d6 | 3 | Your Guiding Key, Waterga |
4th | +2 | 1d6 | 4 | Ability Score Improvement, Thundaga |
5th | +3 | 1d8 | 5 | Extra Attack, Blizzaga |
6th | +3 | 1d8 | 6 | The Keyblade Improvement |
7th | +3 | 1d8 | 7 | Your Guiding Key Improvement, Curaga |
8th | +3 | 1d8 | 8 | Ability Score Improvement |
9th | +4 | 1d10 | 9 | Key Armor, Shotlock |
10th | +4 | 1d10 | 10 | Ability Score Improvement, Counter Attack |
11th | +4 | 1d10 | 11 | Your Guiding Key Improvement, Glider |
12th | +4 | 1d10 | 12 | Ability Score Improvement, Kingdom Door |
13th | +5 | 2d6 | 13 | Barrier |
14th | +5 | 2d6 | 14 | Critical Plus |
15th | +5 | 2d6 | 15 | Boost |
16th | +5 | 2d6 | 16 | Ability Score Improvement |
17th | +6 | 2d8 | 17 | Your Guiding Key Improvement |
18th | +6 | 2d8 | 18 | Stopga |
19th | +6 | 2d8 | 19 | Ability Score Improvement, Ultima |
20th | +6 | 2d8 | 20 | Kingdom Hearts: OPEN! |
Keyblade are very powerful weapons, which are constantly evolving along with their bearer. The Keyblade has very particular characteristics that are always necessary to be taken into account when they are in activity. Keyblades are weapons that are normally in an inactive state in a pocket dimension, which can only appear when brought out by the wielder of the key. It, when thrown or thrown away by some event, can be brought back to its bearer only with the same action of bringing it back from the pocket dimension, regardless of the distance, it will always return. In cases of the weapon being broken, it is necessary to spend 500 GP in order to carry out the magical restoration of the weapon, without the need for forging. Every initial Keyblade has the appearance of the main Keyblade, the Kingdom Key, but with development they may change appearance depending on your equipped Keychain.
- Every Keyblade has two basic spells, Break and Arcane Lock, which can be used once each and restored when taking a short rest.
- Every Keyblade has an initial damage of 1d6 of Concussive Damage, but it evolves as shown in the table.
- To bring the Keyblade into your hands costs your bonus action.
Keyblades have Keychains, Keychains are those that offer new and unique properties to the Keyblade in addition to providing a new appearance and new abilities. Keychains can be found on quests or sold (Determined by GM). However, it is often possible to find magic items in adventures and convert them into Keychains, when you have a magic item with offensive abilities it is possible to spend 1000 GP in a Forge, and two days of production so that you can synthesize the item into a Keychain. When the process is complete, the Keyblade is able to use the magic item's ability and acts as an arcane focus if necessary. The item in case it needs attunement continues to need it, in order to bring limitations. Each Keyblade can only have 1 different Keychain, variations must be discussed with the DM.
Keybladers have AP (Abilities Point) that will often be spent to activate the Keyblade's abilities. Initially the AP will be only 1 but it will increase as it evolves. It is possible to consult the addition of AP in the presented table. Initially, the Keyblade Master is presented with three characteristic abilities already known by Keybladers.
Spell Save DC = 8+ proficiency bonus + Charisma modifier
Spell Modifier = Charisma modifier
Spell Attack = proficiency bonus + Charisma modifier
- Quick Blitz
Once per turn, he is able to spend 1 point of AP to be able to perform an extra hit with the Keyblade.
- Dodge Roll
Once per turn, as a bonus action, he is able to use the Dodge skill at the cost of 1 AP.
- Slide
Once per turn, at the cost of 1 AP, he is able to use Disengage or Run as a bonus action.
At level 2 the Keyblader gains Firaga is one of the first offensive skills learned by a Keyblader. Focusing on the tip of his keyblade and aiming it at a specific target, the Keyblader is able to fire a sphere of fire that goes towards a target in order to explode on contact and conflagrate it. At the cost of 2 AP, it is possible to fire a 4x4 cube up to 12 meters where a Dexterity check is required, if unsuccessful, it takes 1d8 damage, if successful, it takes half that. The skill evolves with levels, going to 2d8 level 5, 3d8 level 8, 4d8 level 12 and 5d8 level 15.
At level 2 the Keyblader gains Aero is one of the main defensive abilities of a Keyblader. Activating the ability of the winds and spinning it at great speed around an individual and making it almost solid, Aero is able not only to reduce the speed of impact received but also to reflect projectiles. Visually becomes a white translucent orb swirling in wind lines protecting a target. For the price of 2 AP points, it is possible to choose a single target within 20 meters capable of gaining this protective ability, the target in question receives +1 AC and damage penalty of 1d4 damage over the 2 minute period. During the use of the skill, no other creature can receive Aero , if it occurs the previous Aero will be undone. This skill does not count as concentration and also evolves with levels. At 5th level it reduces 2d4 , at 8th level it reduces 3d4 , at 12th level it reduces 4d4 , and at 15th level it reduces 5d4 .
Your Guiding Key[edit]
From level 3, you choose which Form path you will decide to follow, having among the options: Brave Form, Wisdom Form, Master Form and Final Form. Your path grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 11th, and 17th level.
From level 3 onwards the Keyblader learns to manifest or master water with the Waterga, at the cost of 2 AP points the Keylader proves to be able to modulate a large sphere of pressurized water at the tip of his Keyblade, which is then fired at up to 12 m against an area and exploding in a huge impact against some targets in a 4x4 cube. Targets hit must make a Dexterity check to resist damage, +2d5 on a failure, and half damage on a success. This skill evolves and increases its damage being at Lv.8 3d5 , level 12 4d5 and level 15 5d5. Targets hit are wet for the next 2 turns and Lightning/Lightning abilities give an additional 1d8 to the target in question.
Starting at level 4, the Keyblader is able to summon the rays of nature. Being able to use the Thundaga and 3 points of AP the Keyblader is able to make rays fall from the sky in up to 12 m, while the Keyblade points out the targets which the rays must hit. In a 6x6 cube and everyone there needs to make a Dexterity check, if they fail they take +2d7 Electrical damage and if successful they suffer half. The skill improves by going to +3d7 at 8th level, +4d7 at 12th level, +5d7 at 15th level.
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
From level 5, the Keyblader finally manages to master the chrysalis and ice manipulation, at the cost of 4 AP the Keyblader is able to use the Blizzaga skill. Radiating a strong light along the key's blade, a thick layer of ice appears and from it the Keyblader is able to fire a large blizzard of ice shards with great force. The ability fires in an 8 block cone shape, all those within the area must make a Dexterity check and if they fail they take 2d10 damage. The skill evolves to 3d10 at 8th level, 4d10 at 12th level, and 5d10 at 15th level.
From level 7, the Keyblader is able to use the powers of nature bringing with it a beautiful greenish light with healing properties. At the cost of 2 AP the Keyblader is able to channel a greenish light along the edge of his Keyblade's blade and then dissipate it around him. All those within 1.5 feat receive a +1d10 HP healing die. The skill is progressive and evolves with levels increasing to +2d10 HP at level 10, 3d10 at level 12, and 4d10 at level 15.
Key Armor[edit]
From level 9 the Keyblader is able to perform a Keyblade Armor invocation, this armor has 19 AC and can only be used if you are not using armor previously. Summoning the Key-Armor costs 3 AP and lasts 2 minutes. While wearing the armor, it is resistant to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning.
From level 9 the Keyblader is able to perform a translocation in order to increase its speed abruptly. At the cost of 2 AP the Keyblader is able to throw his Keyblade in the direction of a target and when he approaches the target he is translocated, as if there were an inverse effect of his Keyblade summoning, being the bearer to be summoned and taken to where the Keyblade is. The Keyblader is able to translocate via Bonus Action up to 99 feet. When translocated, it suffers no attack of opportunity.
Counter Attack[edit]
From level 10 the Keyblader is able to when attacked by a blow from a target within 1.5 m of you, you are able to perform a counterattack at the cost of your reaction.
At level 11, the Keyblader Master has already understood how far his power is capable of expanding. Now, he is able to transform his Keyblade into a Glider at the cost of 4 AP points, a kind of flying motorcycle capable of carrying up to two people of the same size category as the Keyblade. Transformation costs one Action and receives the following considerations:
- The Glide is considered a mount.
- The Glide is considered a higher tier than the Keyblader.
- You are proficient with the Glider.
- The Glider has an AC of 15;
- A flying speed of 80 feet
- Glide's hit points are equal to half of Keyblader's +10.
- It fails and succeeds saving throws based on whether you succeed or fail while you are riding it, otherwise it automatically fails
- You fire Glide shots that deal pure energy damage. The hit is like a normal attack with the Keyblade and the damage is the same as the Keyblade, the Glide receives the same attack bonuses that it would normally receive if it were attacking conventionally with the Keyblade. The firing range is 60 feet.
Kingdom Door[edit]
From level 12 onwards, the Keyblader becomes capable of opening paths by stopping space manipulation. For the price of 1000 GP and 1 week of channeling you are able to apply a mark of Trinity to a specific location. This mark is permanent and can only be removed by magical means. After Trinity's mark is synthesized in a region the Keyblader is able to perform the Light Door opening. At the cost of 8 AP, the Keyblader is able to summon a white door in front of him, floating a few centimeters from the ground and emitting a little intense light. It stays open for 1 minute and allows anyone whose Keyblader allows it to pass, automatically an identical door will appear at the chosen Trinity point and that is where all those who passed through the door will exit. The Keyblader suffers 2 points of exhaustion after performing this feat as it puts too much strain on the Keyblader.
Starting at level 13, the Keyblader begins to master defensive skills. The same is able to fire a prismatic shield at a target that while active gives the target +4 AC and makes the target while under the effect of the shield resistant to slashing, piercing and concussive damage. The barrier also nullifies magic missiles. This ability costs 2 AP points and lasts 1 minute, and can be used as a reaction if the Keyblade does so.
Critical Plus[edit]
From level 14, the Keyblader is already used to combat. Whenever the Keyblader crits he adds one more die of damage. From this level on, the Keyblader is considered a critical hit with 18, 19 and 20.
Starting at level 15, the Keyblader can use its mana to expand its defenses. At the cost of 2 AP, it is able to apply a Boost to one damage type. The Keyblader now becomes resistant to the damage type for 2 minutes. The type of damage is decided by the Keyblader himself, however he is only able to apply Boost to himself and can only receive 1 type of Boost until the effect ends. It is possible to end the effect as a bonus action.
From level 18 the Keyblader already understood characteristics of the domain of time. From this level on, the Keyblader is able to spend 5 AP points in order to use the "Time Stop" spell.
From level 19 the Keyblader finally has the ability to unleash its most destructive attack known as Ultima at the cost of 8 AP , a massive release of pure energy in an expanding omnidirectional wave. Everyone around the Keyblader within 66 feet must make a Wisdom check, failing which they take 6d10 damage. If successful, they take half damage.
Kingdom Hearts: OPEN![edit]
The Keyblader finally gained the ability to summon the power of Kingdom Hearts itself at the cost of 10 AP. In the sky a large heart-shaped moon appears and illuminates in a silvery light around the Keyblader, during which time the Keyblader receives the following characteristics:
• Keyblader gains +4 AC.
• All Keyblade damage applies 1 more die of damage.
• The Keyblader gains immunity to slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage. It also becomes resistant to all other types of damage.
• The Keyblader restores 50 health.
• The Keyblader becomes immune to any type of state that leaves him charmed or under control.
Here are the four possible paths to be followed by Keyblade Masters, among them Wisdom Form, Brave Form, Master Form and Final Form. Each has unique characteristics that make each Keyblade very different from one another. These Form transformation skills become possible to be used from lv 3 onwards when the Keyblade Master begins to explore the mysteries of the Keyblade more intensely.
Drive: Wisdom Form[edit]
The first time you gain this archetype is at level 3, as a bonus action you are able to enter Wisdom Form. All of his clothes and armor take on a bluish and silvery hue. For the duration of this transformation, the Keyblader gains +5 feet of speed and begins to flow and not walk with his feet on the ground. The Keyblader can enter the Form a number of times equal to his proficiency number. Each time it transforms the Form lasts 2 minutes.
• You have advantage on Intelligence based checks
Arrow Shoots: The Keyblader transforms his Keyblade into two submachine guns that fire arrows of bluish energy. The weapon has a capability to hit targets up to 120 feet. The damage is identical to the keyblade but now adds the intelligence modifier to the damage.
- Mystic
• SpellWeaver: At 7th level at the cost of 2 AP, the Keyblader is then able to rotate around its own axis where large chunks of ice begin to rotate around the Keyblader's body. Any and all targets within 6 meters of the Keyblader take frost damage as long as it continues to spin, the Keyblader is able to continue spinning at the cost of the same AP cost. All persons entering or starting their turn in the area must make an Intelligence check, failing which they take +2d9 cold damage.
• Mine Square : At 7th level at the cost of 2 AP, the Keyblader is able to summon 3 energy mines. These Mines are translucent and remain in the location where they are summoned for up to 10 minutes. During this time anyone who comes within 5 feet of the mine will cause it to explode and take +2d7 fire damage.
- Magic Hour
• Bazooka Cannon :At 11th level, you learned how to better develop your ranged attacks. At the cost of 2 AP , as a bonus action, you can transform your previously transformed Keyblade weapons into a large Bazooka. The Bazooka's shots explode in an area up to 10 feet from the point where the shot was fired. The Bazooka has almost zero weight for the Keyblade wielder, but weighs almost 1 ton for anyone else who tries to use it. Every blast from the Bazooka deals pure energy damage for 3d9 damage. This Bazooka form lasts for 1 minute and the shots are counted as normal attacks/shots.
- Fantasia
• Blade of Hope: At 17th level at the price of 5 AP, the Keyblader is able to apply all of his feelings plus his magical mastery to his blade, making it extremely powerful and expanded. The Keyblade's blade remains, but a large, extensive layer of radiant blade appears along the blade, this extra layer does not add weight to the normal Keyblade. During this period any melee blow can be made within 10 meters of the Keyblader, everyone in the straight line of the blow will receive a different hit for each one present in the line of the blow. Those hit take the Keyblade's standard damage but with an additional 3d10 Radiant damage. This skill lasts for 1 minute.
Drive: Brave Form[edit]
The first time you gain this archetype is at level 3, as a bonus action you are able to enter Brave Form. All of his clothes and armor take on a red and silver hue. For the duration of this transformation, the Keyblader gains +10 feet of speed.The Keyblader can enter the Form a number of times equal to his proficiency number. Each time it transforms the Form lasts 2 minutes.
• You have advantage on Constituiton based checks.
• Second Keyblade: The Keyblader receives a slightly different second Keyblade upon initiation. It can have its own characteristics such as having its own Keychain or even being a different type of Keyblade. When charged the first time you receive it, it comes with the inverted colors of the Kingdom Key, but it can be changed as time goes by. You can only make modifications to the secondary Keyblade when it is in a safe zone within cities and capitals.
• Stun Edge: The Keyblader is capable of performing a blow against his enemy at the cost of 2 AP, applying a blow with great force on the target, the Keyblader is able to apply the stun effect if he hits the blow. The effect can only be applied again when the previously applied effect ends.
- Guard
After reaching 7th level, the Keyblader is able to enter Guard Mode at the cost of 2 AP where its defensive capabilities are increased. While in this state the Keyblader cannot take any actions other than move. While in this mode the Keyblader receives +3 AC and all hits made within 5 feet are performed at disadvantage against the Keyblader. In addition, if you are within 5 feet of an ally, you are able to choose to receive the blows directed at an ally as a reaction, if you use any and all attacks made against that specific ally, it will be turned to go against the Keyblader until the end of the turns. . This skill lasts for 1 minute.
- Second Chance
When receiving damage that would be fatal for the first time, the Keyblader has 1 HP but does not die. This ability can be used once per short rest.
- Zantetsuken
When you reach 17th level, the Keyblader is able to deliver the most ferocious, single-pointed strike at the cost of 4 AP. This skill is able to diversify at what point it intends to reach:
• If you choose to hit the enemy, he receives triple the Keyblade die in the form of damage to stop all subsequent attacks. • If you choose to hit any piece of equipment or armor, if the attack is successful, the item is destroyed with the force of the impact in several pieces, but the target does not suffer any damage.
Drive: Master Form[edit]
The first time you gain this archetype is at level 3, as a bonus action you are able to enter Master Form. All of his clothes and armor take on a yellow and silver hue. For the duration of this transformation, the Keyblader gains +3 m Speed.The Keyblader can enter the Form a number of times equal to his proficiency number. Each time it transforms the Form lasts 2 minutes.
• You have advantage on Charisma based checks.
• Extra Munny: The Keyblader is capable of releasing loot from defeated creatures. For each fight in which an amount of money is provided, multiply the number of enemies x the total amount of money acquired by the Keyblader, the result is the extra value that the Keyblader finds among the loot. The extra value can only stay with the Keyblader, any amount given or loaned to another person will make the money disappear if not in a validated commercial transaction such as stores, forges, weapons, armor and etc. Every transaction needs to have the Master's approval for the money to be validated.
• Second Keyblade: The Keyblader receives a slightly different second Keyblade upon initiation. It can have its own characteristics such as having its own Keychain or even being a different type of Keyblade. When charged the first time you receive it, it comes with the inverted colors of the Kingdom Key, but it can be changed as time goes by. You can only make modifications to the secondary Keyblade when it is in a safe zone within cities and capitals.
• Scan : The Keyblader is able to spend two turns scanning a target at the cost of 1 AP. During this period, he cannot suffer any type of damage, otherwise the skill is canceled and the AP consumed. If successful, the GM must provide additional information that may be relevant to dealing with the analyzed creature. The first attack against the creature after using Scan is made with advantage.
- Treasure Magnetic
After Reaching 7th level, the Keyblader is able to find items with great ease. Whenever you go to loot loot, you always end up attracting more items and of higher quality than the others. Often even magic items. When performing a withdrawal, the DM must impose a die test, which, if you pass, you are able to find a magic item that is suitable for your level, if you do not pass, you find double all magical and non-magical loot.
- MP Haste
Starting when you reach 11th level, when the Keyblader has already learned enhanced recovery capabilities through channeling energy from the Keyblade, when he is tired of battle he is able to choose once a day to recharge half of the AP he has as an action bonus, and can use this ability only once per long rest.
- Lucky Strike
When you reach 17th level, the Keyblader is already able to master the manipulations of luck, when you perform a blow you are able to choose to hit an attack or pass a test without the need to roll dice. You are able to perform this action equal to your proficiency number. After that, a long rest is required to regain this ability.
Drive: Final Form[edit]
The first time you gain this archetype is at level 3, as a bonus action you are able to enter Master Form. All of his clothes and armor take on a white and silver hue. For the duration of this transformation, the Keyblader gains +3 m Speed.The Keyblader can enter the Form a number of times equal to his proficiency number. Each time it transforms the Form lasts 2 minutes.
• You have advantage on Dexterity based checks.
• Keyblade Control: The Keyblader is able to control his Keyblade at a distance of up to 20 feet. Any attack made with the Keyblade at this range applies the Keyblade's normal damage but with no modifier.
• Second Keyblade: The Keyblader receives a slightly different second Keyblade upon initiation. It can have its own characteristics such as having its own Keychain or even being a different type of Keyblade. When charged the first time you receive it, it comes with the inverted colors of the Kingdom Key, but it can be changed as time goes by. You can only make modifications to the secondary Keyblade when it is in a safe zone within cities and capitals.
• Blade Barrier : The Keyblader has learned to manipulate the blades that surround him defensively. As a reaction, you are able to apply a barrier of blades to a target within 20 feet of your choice that is within 30 feet of the Keyblader. That target in question takes a 1d5 damage penalty.
- Circle of Light
After Reaching 7th level, the Keyblader dominates light almost completely. At the cost of 5 AP The Keyblader is able to cause a large circle of light to appear around several targets and the blades begin to fly pointed in the direction of the circle, each of the blades then begins to fire large beams of destructive light . In a circle of a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that it must make a Dexterity saving throw , taking 8d8 radiant damage on a failure, taking half damage on a successful one. The ability's maximum range is up to 120 feet.
- Spiral Drove
Starting when you reach 11th level, at the cost of 4 AP the Keyblader can determine a target to receive a massive attack from blades of light. The blades of light simply appear around a target and start attacking quickly, but all have a similar silhouette to the main Keyblade. In this move, a specific target will receive a number of blades equal to the Keyblader's proficiency bonus plus +1. Each blade must make a different hit and for each hit it is possible to roll the Keyblade's normal damage with a modifier for each hit hit, but these hits in question deal radiant damage.
- All My Heart!
When you reach 17th level, you have learned the ultimate mastery of the Keyblade, the manipulation of your own life. At the cost of 10 AP and 1 point of exhaustion. When pointing your Keyblade at a specific target, the Keyblade opens a small crown-shaped space around itself where everything starts to glow, your Keyblade is then pointed at a specific target which is fired a small and linear beam of light that goes straight to the target. Once hit, the target has its own life locked by the key. With this skill, any creature that is below 25% of its life is instantly killed, if the creature is immortal, it either returns to the original plane or it enters a permanently dormant state until the Keyblader unlocks its life. again or some magic can resolve the situation. The maximum range of this skill is 120 feet.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Keyblade Wielder class, you must meet these prerequisites: Dexterity or Strength 13, Charisma 13
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Keyblade Wielder class, you gain the following proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light armor, one set of artisan tools
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