Wording Issues
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Wording Issues[edit]
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5e Pages[edit]
Page Name | Notes | |
Abomination of Mother Nature, Variant (5e Race) | Overall the wording is good, there are however various small grammatical errors (race names not capitalized and/or a few places that could use some clearer wording. | |
Aetheri (5e Race) | Traits like darkvision should be written out. | |
Animajin Armor (5e Equipment) | Confusing phrasing. Is it intended that the armor doesn't require proficiency to avoid disadvantage? "Wear" doesn't make sense. Is the clause of "other light armor" not bound by rarity or the absorption limit? What does "from the latter" refer to specifically? | |
Antimagic (5e Variant Rule) | This could use some cleanup to make it easier to read and understand exactly what this rule does. | |
Arcana Wild Summoner (5e Class) | This page becomes rapidly less clear as it goes on. | |
Arcanaloth (5e Race) | Lots of problems with the syntax. | |
Arcane Firearm Modifications (5e Variant Rule) | The article needs a brush up on language. | |
Arcane Lobber (5e Class) | Spelling and grammar need much improvement. The class also has several instances of features that use the "per long/short rest" wording, see Class Do's and Don'ts (5e Guideline). | |
Artificer, 4th Variant (5e Class) | the fluff text is exactly the same from the https://media.wizards.com/2016/dnd/downloads/1_UA_Artificer_20170109.pdf | |
Artificer, 5th Variant (5e Class) | the fluff text is exactly the same from the https://media.wizards.com/2016/dnd/downloads/1_UA_Artificer_20170109.pdf | |
Aseri (5e Race) | Shapeshifting sphere is oddly worded in parts and could benefit from specification. How is this thing bonded to your soul? Is it like a warlock pact weapon, with you being able to summon and sense it? This also sounds like there should be a limit to how much your sphere can even absorb, since it gives you the option of releasing what it absorbs. | |
Beast Dominator (5e Class) | The text needs to be translated to English (or moved to a userpage). | |
Belial (5e Deity) | Mixes fae, and fey. Remove parenthesis and integrate them into sentences naturally, or discard them. Strange capitalization. Several bits seems to contradict each other by using the word 'actually'. Much of the language is too casual. Needs a run through. | |
Bell-Walker (5e Class) | Errors of capitalization throughout the text. The wording of the features doesn't follow the standard of the official classes. | |
Berryling (5e Race) | Numerous instances of misspelling and incorrect wording according to 5e standard ("up to times equal", "must do a X save", eg.). Refer to comparable wording on Featured Articles for help. | |
Berserker GUTs (5e Creature) | Hard to read through. Grammar needs to be improved. | |
Beskar'gam (5e Equipment) | As a whole, most of the armor's properties need wording tweaks or need to be rewritten to follow 5e wording. Some of this armor's wording issues include: this armor having a number of capitalization issues, missing punctation, and some properties also missing clarification for how exactly they work like the Vambrace weapons (range, what type of attack, etc.). | |
Big Backpack (5e Equipment) | Phrasing needs adjusting. | |
Big Dipper (5e Class) | see the talk page | |
Block Alien (5e Race) | Animal imitation needs to be made into full sentences. | |
Blood Rogue (5e Class) | Uses meters instead of feet. Many features do not use proper 5e terminology and phrasing. Skills are Athletics, Acrobatics, Performance, etc. Abilities are Str., Dex., etc. | |
Bloom and Doom Plant (5e Race) | Some of the phrasing does not match 5e standards, or is lacking in details. | |
Book Monster (5e Race) | Traits need to be better worded and standardized where possible (darkvision, eg.). | |
Bounty Hunter, Variant (5e Class) | Some incorrect phrasing for features. | |
Bracer of Upcasting (5e Equipment) | "Casts" and "upcast" are not words in 5e terminology and someone reading this page can only guess what they are supposed to mean. | |
Bub-chi (5e Race) | The bubble could benefit from clearer wording. Is it like a tensers floating disk? Other weird wording is confusing ("do not suffer disadvantage for underwater activities, barring non-magical ranged attacks.", eg.) | |
Bucky the Aarakocra (5e Subclass) | Does not use standard wording as per PHB. | |
Caballero Gema (5e Class) | This needs to be in English. 18:00, 3 April 2024 (MDT) | |
Caribespeon (5e Race) | "You have a flying speed of 6 double jumps" and other glaring errors. | |
Chick Thrower (5e Class) | Abound with mis-spelled words, incomprehensible sentences, features, and other such problems. | |
Cold Fingers (5e Spell) | Basically unplayable. | |
Craisty (5e Race) | Grammar issues, spelling errors... etc. | |
Creature Features (5e Variant Rule) | Incorrect capitalization, and wording throughout. | |
Credit Rating (5e Skill) | Abundant spelling mistakes. | |
Crimson Templar (5e Class) | Class features need to be written to match 5e standards. | |
Crocabearamoose (5e Race) | Race names should not be capitalized unless derived from a franchise where it is intentional. See Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize | |
Cup (5e Race) | See the 5e Race Design Guide. | |
Daartanhem (5e Race) | Some of the wording could be tightened up to match that of first-party content (firbolg casting, eg). The spells should also be linked. | |
Dancer, 4th Variant (5e Class) | The description text of this class is a word for word copy from the Dancer, and should be changed to be a real "variant" of the original class. | |
Dark Curse of Mutation (5e Curse) | Capitalization and spelling errors. Wording also seems a bit strange where mechanics seem like they are involved or should be elaborated on (like growing a crab claw). | |
Dealer, Variant (5e Class) | Capitalization mistakes throughout. | |
Demon Wielder, Variant (5e Class) | CamelCase isn't how English is written. | |
Demon Wielder (Chainsaw Man) (5e Class) | Needs to be corrected. | |
Devil King (5e Class) | Spelling, grammar, and sentence structure need much improvement. | |
Devoid (5e Race) | The use of words like "ability" and some of the overall wording is not very clear and concise to 5e standard wording. | |
Dire Damage (5e Variant Rule) | Large number of grammar, spelling, and capitalization errors. Many things need to be rewritten for clarity. "same as" should typically be copied, and have the keywords specific to that part replaced. "will save" isn't a thing in 5e, if it's another variant please link to it. 'Note' is used very liberally throughout the page, and should be reexamined for impact. These notes can likely be restructured to flow naturally from one point to another. As this is a rule, mechanics should be firm and well defined, instead of wishy washy (Ex. "rolls likely being 19 or 21"). | |
Dire Death (5e Variant Rule) | Spelling, grammar, punctuation, and terminology issues throughout. | |
Dire Ghoul (5e Creature) | Rife with spelling errors. | |
Dirt (5e Race) | Scores and terminology are improperly abbreviated. | |
Doom Slayer, 2nd Variant (5e Class) | Unconventional wording, see 5e Class Design Guide. | |
Draconic Angel, Variant (5e Race) | This race features identical wording to Draconic Angel in numerous areas. Charm features round counting. | |
Dragon Rage, 2nd Variant (5e Spell) | This spell needs some touching up and needs some clarification on various things like how does this self cast spell scale with additional targets, why does the spell mention your arcanist level, you can't concentrate on more than one spell anyway the wording is redundant, ect. | |
Drakeborn (5e Race) | Infernal indigestion's range is strangely worded, not like how 5e mechanics are, usually. So it covers all spaces within 5 feet of you? Is adept assailant supposed to specify swimming speed? | |
Drakki (5e Race) | A number of grammatical/capitalization errors throughout. Consult the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help. Please read the 5e Race Design Guide and the Help:When_to_Italicize_and_Capitalize | |
Ectonurite (5e Race) | Not sure on the capitalization for this race. There is also incorrect terminology ("light-based attacks"?) and wording that could benefit from clean up (eldritch wave needs a redo entirely since it becomes a breath weapon) | |
Elemental Dancer (5e Class) | Much of this page suffers from lacking mechanical clarity. | |
Elemental Mage (5e Class) | Elemental Features needs to be worded more clearly, and the rest of the page needs more general cleanup. | |
Emerald Knight Ring (5e Equipment) | Information in brackets needs to be integrated into the property descriptions naturally. | |
Enchanted Lights (5e Equipment) | The wording is too broad and non-specific. "can see" "lower-level" "maybe". | |
Evolutionist 2.0 (5e Class) | There are a lot of incorrect capitalization and grammar issues. | |
Evorian (5e Race) | Traits needs to be worded with mechanical benefits. What does making out details on objects do? | |
Explosion of Happiness (5e Spell) | It is unclear from current description what this is supposed to do, exactly. "+3 happiness points"? | |
Eye of the Draconic Hell Spawn (5e Equipment) | Misspellings throughout. | |
Faerie (5e Race) | The entirety of the transformation trait lacks proper wording and explanations for the differences between the two forms. They should fully reference size changes, as well as any other mechanical benefits/detriments in proper wording and listing, instead of how it is written here. The best example I can think of is to use the bullet format from something like the changeling variant to list out the effects of the giant form, while using the base race as the faerie form. | |
Farborn (5e Race) | Race names should not need capitalization unless they are from derivative content that uses that style of writing (camelcase, eg). Alignments also do not need capitalization, and units of measurement should be written out ("feet" instead of ', eg). Same for "armor class", instead of "AC," and "saving throws" instead of "saves." Ability scores and skills should be linked. | |
Felis (5e Race) | ASI shoould be worded per 5e standard ("Your X score increases by Y"). Other small wording and formatting dings (how knowing cantrips are worded, how spells are lowercase and italicized, how traits that recharge with rest are worded, etc.). | |
Felkie (5e Race) | Spelling errors and capitalization need fixing | |
Female Valhalian (5e Race) | The language used does not adhere to 5e standard. Sentences are broken and need to be properly written out per official content. | |
Ferengi (Star Trek Supplement) | Wording needs corrected. | |
Flame Atronach (5e Race) | Racial traits do not use proper 5e terminology. | |
Flaming Black Prior (5e Creature) | Needs to be corrected. | |
Flèche Chromatique Snaraach (5e Spell) | Wiki content must be written in English. | |
Forgotten Archangel (5e Race) | Portions of the page are not english | |
Fujin (5e Equipment) | Requires editing for conciseness and formatting | |
Furkin (5e Race) | A number of spelling/grammatical/capitalization/italicization/wording errors throughout. Consult the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help. The traits need to be mechanically worded correctly as they are often vague or written like casual conversation. For example, "you regain use of this trait after finishing a long rest." not "once per long rest", "swimming speed of X feet." not "swim speed". | |
Furry, Variant (5e Race) | Uses incomplete or improper phrasing throughout. | |
Gamma Abomination (5e Class) | Dynamic Durability misuses resistance. In 5e resistance is specifically halving damage. Expertise is class feature for rogues, not a gamewide mechanic. | |
Gargoyle (5e Race) | Damage types shouldn't be capitalized. Several racial traits are worded incorrectly. Consult the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help. | |
Gelatine (5e Race) | Some of the traits seem similar to official material, but lack the proper wording (gelatine pride seems like a paraphrase of hobgoblin's save face, eg.) | |
Gem Galaxies GemKind (5e Race) | Many traits use improper mechanical wording and phrasing. | |
God Slayer (5e Class) | 5e does not have a 'competency bonus', is this meant to mean proficiency bonus? | |
Gourd (5e Equipment) | Capitalization is all over the place. Total concentration breathing seems like a proper noun, but isn't capitalized, while the entire first sentence is in camel case. | |
Grimm Kin (5e Class) | Every word is capitalized. | |
Hakurouken (Rebalanced) (5e Equipment) | Requires editing for conciseness and formatting | |
Half-Roc (5e Race) | The hurricane wave trait is worded really videogame-y in terms of using "aoe" and counting "tiles." | |
Harvest Golem (5e Creature) | Rife with spelling errors. | |
Higher Human (5e Subrace) | There is weird use of punctuation for emojis here? Trait names seriously sound more like features. There is poor wording throughout and lack of mechanical structure for the traits in particular. Please consult official wording for help. | |
Hiveborn (5e Race) | Inconsistent capitalization and grammar within fluff. | |
Hollow Shinigami (5e Class) | Ability should only be used to refer to Strength, Dexterity, Charisma, etc. | |
Hollower (5e Class) | The grammar, spelling, and capitalization need to be fixed. | |
Hollower Variant (5e Class) | The grammar, spelling, and capitalization need to be fixed. | |
Human Martial, Variant (5e Race) | 5e uses inches and feet, not cm | |
Humlebi (5e Race) | What does "prove disadvantage" mean? There's also some grammar/capitalization oopsies here and there | |
Immovable Object (5e Equipment) | The heave property is confusing. | |
Isekai Slime (5e Race) | "Points" and distribution isn't how 5e ASI is written. Also why is skill in ASI? Not all text is English and requires faithful translation. "You can only upload as much you want" what? Various phrasing. | |
Jaeger (5e Equipment) | More description is needed to clarify how these opposing properties are supposed to work together. If it's supposed to be two (or three?) weapons in one, this should be better clarified; and each half of the weapon should specify which properties it uses. | |
Kandra (5e Race) | The wording on the traits is heavily incorrect and does not use standard edition language. | |
Kinggangster (5e Class) | Capitalization errors throughout, critically lacking in fluff and lore | |
Kitsune, 4th Variant (5e Race) | Spells should be italicized and linked. Also, wording for things like the natural weapon are incorrect. Consult official wording. There is also a lack of full sentencing for some other traits and it makes it more difficult to understand. | |
Kitsune, 6th Variant (5e Race) | Trait wording for things like the natural weapon and recharge are incorrect. | |
Kreen (5e Race) | See talk page | |
Kyozu (5e Race) | Many of the traits are not written with proper 5e official wording, with some sounding very casual and conversational. Also, some grammar dinks. | |
Latex Beast (5e Race) | Some of the terminology is wonky ("during deathsaves"?). Skills should also be linked. | |
Legionario (5e Creature) | This needs to be in English. | |
Living Hats (5e Race) | Traits that grant cantrips should be worded properly, not just cast as an action | |
Longsword of Penance (5e Equipment) | Various mechanic phrasing. | |
Lovian (5e Race) | Several traits do not follow 5e wording standards. Capitalization missing throughout. | |
Magic Crafter (5e Subclass) | Uses "ability" incorrectly. Uses "per rest". | |
Magical Girl Villan (5e Subclass) | Misspelling and incorrect terminology. | |
Mask of the Doctor (5e Equipment) | Text is rambling and unclear, requires thorough rewrite to even approach viability | |
Masks of Forms (5e Equipment) | keywords like Brave, Dwarven Toughness, and other racial traits need written out. Players shouldn't be expected to research or refer to other pages to know what their stuff does. | |
Melano (5e Subrace) | expertise is a class feature in 5e. Superior Lightvision says "you lose that". What trait(s) are being referred to specifically? | |
Minecrafter (5e Class) | I wrote this without any revisions and God be damned I'm not checking to see if there's mechanical or grammatical mistakes in the ability text. Anyone brave enough to crawl through this class can do it. | |
Momokin (5e Race) | Needs to be checked. | |
Monochromancer (5e Class) | Various phrasing needs revision. Uses property for non-weapons, skill for non-skills, "wasting spell slot", and incorrect use of ability. Uses turns, "per rest" wording, and meters. Capitalization. I don't believe heal is a keyword in 5e. Sometimes fails to use 2nd person. | |
Moonbear (5e Creature) | Incorrect phrasing. "per rest". Swat "Renews"; can instead have swat cost 2 actions, as with ancient copper dragon. | |
Mothfolk (5e Race) | Run-on sentences and strange punctuation make some aspects difficult to understand. | |
Mountain Minotaur (5e Race Variant) | Capitalization needed in several places. There's also a run-on sentence right in the intro. Traits should also be worded according to 5e standard language (cooldown is not a 5e term, eg.). Pole weapons is not an official classification of weapon as far as I know. Is two-handed, reach, martial, melee weapons intended? Otherwise they need to listed individually (as with elves). | |
Multi-Elemental Combustion (5e Spell) | Awkward wording and mechanics, along with non-standard durations and damage types. Doesn't help that it condenses 4 different types of fireball into one spell. | |
Mushoid (5e Race) | Enormous block of text | |
Mutation Sickness (5e Disease) | Capitalization and spelling errors. Wording also seems a bit strange where mechanics seem like they are involved or should be elaborated on (like growing a crab claw). | |
Noro's Bone Crush (5e Spell) | Written too conversationally, far from 5e standards | |
Not So Fragile Glass Cannon Gish (5e Optimized Character Build) | Sentence structure, and some wording. | |
Nue (5e Race) | Darkvision wording needs to be written out. Race names do not need capitalization. The trait granting flying speed needs proper recharge wording. | |
Nuh Uh (5e Spell) | Free action is not really a thing in 5e. | |
Odin's Lost Eye (5e Equipment) | 5e doesn't use "per X" wording (most magic weapons use something along the lines of "this can be used once, regaining use at dawn"). 5e doesn't have "combat" as a mechanical term, it has initiative. | |
Omega Sirona (5e Equipment) | Magic items should use second person language (you and your). 17:54, 29 February 2024 (MST) | |
Oracle, Variant 2 (5e Class) | Words followed by a colon should be exchanged for paragraphs and information that flows naturally through the description of a feature. Especially as many of these features are similar to pre-existing 1st-party class features. "Ability" improperly used instead of "feature" throughout. Some features have not been written using 2nd-person (you, your). | |
Other One (5e Race) | There are several grammatical/capitalization/wording errors throughout. The traits are overly wordy/ ineloquent when they should be written like the first party does. Consult the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help on capitalization. | |
Overhauled Prestige Classes (5e Variant Rule) | The creator of this page requests a grammar cleanup. | |
Pac-Man (5e Race) | The language needs to be tightened up a bit so it's not so casual and abridged from proper 5e terminology. | |
Path of the Otherworldly, Hybrid Version (5e Subclass) | This page needs some serious grammatical help. | |
Pimp's Glove (5e Equipment) | This page needs a run through fixing the page's unclear wording and numerous grammatical mistakes. | |
Plantling (5e Race) | Needs a run through. | |
Power Word Agony (5e Spell) | Does not follow wording standards; does not use disclaimer template for disclaimer, does not use talk page for extraneous messaging. Includes unnecessary backstory fluff that detracts from mechanics. | |
Prestige System V1 (5e Variant Rule) | Collaboratively edited pages don't have versions. Doesn't read well. | |
Prismatic Cube (5e Creature) | Grammar | |
Prismatic Knight (5e Class) | This class shouldn't use the "per long rest" wording and has numerous instances of improper grammar. See Class Do's and Don'ts (5e Guideline) and Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize. | |
Protean (5e Race) | A number of spelling/grammatical/capitalization errors throughout. Consult the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help. | |
Psion, Discipline Variant (5e Class) | This class's wording needs to be cleaned up as there are countless grammatical errors (spells should be italicized and not capitalized, missing punctation, the name of the class shouldn't be capitalized) and some unclear features throughout (how exactly features recharge, some info on mechanics that is missing, etc). | |
Qinar (5e Race) | A number of spelling/grammatical/capitalization/italicization/wording errors throughout. Consult the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help. | |
Races (Sfartalheim Supplement) | Race names should not be capitalized. | |
Raesokeran Edentatus (5e Race) | A number of grammatical/capitalization/italicization/formatting errors throughout. Consult the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help. | |
Ring of Piercing (5e Equipment) | Spear Spike does not make sense. Are there 15 spears that are a foot long, or several spears that are 15 feet long? What's "extend their charge" mean? The length of the spears increase? Poison, fire which cannot deal fire? | |
Rockling (5e Race) | Traits needs rewording. | |
Roukanken (Rebalanced) (5e Equipment) | Requires editing for conciseness and formatting | |
Rubber Warrior (5e Class) | Mechanics do not conventional structures. | |
Rugbysta (5e Class) | Are grammar and misspellings part of the joke? | |
Runesmith (5e Class) | Does not use standard wording as per PHB. | |
Runnin' & Gunnin' (5e Feat) | Wall of text, requires rewrite for readability | |
Ryomen's Cleave (5e Spell) | This spell has a lot of clunky wording that makes it confusing to understand. Moreover, it uses an excessive amount of math to produce what is quite honestly a rather mundane effect, and could stand to be simplified down so that it's more understandable and usable by the average 5e layman. | |
Sakura Storm (5e Equipment) | The wording is confusing. See talk page for thoughts. | |
Salamander Faerie (5e Race) | A number of spelling/grammatical/capitalization/wording errors throughout. Consult the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help. The traits need to be mechanically worded correctly as they are often vague or written like casual conversation. For example, fae, heat damage, race name capitalization, size category capitalization, etc... | |
Salve-Maker (5e Class) | Terminology issues, see talk page. | |
San's magic (5e Equipment) | Barely readable | |
Savage Watcher (5e Feat) | Phrasing could use touch ups. | |
Scythe of the End (5e Equipment) | Block of text sufficient to outsize the Great Wall of China | |
Sendo Monk (5e Class) | Does not follow the standards. See talk page. | |
Sentient Snake (5e Race) | Spelling errors. Also not sure what the "debuff" is. Condition? The save calc also seems off. | |
Sergal (5e Race) | There are incomplete sentences, as well as grammar/spelling mistakes speckling the page. The race names also do not need to be capitalized unless the derivative content uses that format (like Pokemon) | |
Serpent-Kin (5e Race) | Mechanical wording is missing or a bit weird in places ("abdicate", "while grabbing, you are not incapacitated", eg.) | |
Serpentine (5e Race) | Needs to be proof checked. | |
Shadow Monarch, 3rd Variant (5e Class) | Servant Shadow needs to be rewritten. It seems to use shadows (plural) to refer to both the shadow that your PC casts naturally, and to refer to shadows of others creatures as well. When speaking of the servant the text should use the words "shadow servant" not just shadow (singular). The whole section could likely benefit from use of small titles (;) to divide the content and be reorganized (telepathic communication should appear much earlier in the section). Shadow Dimension, Monarch Dimension, Shadow Vault, etc. should be consolidated or made very clear. Other wording issues. | |
Shadowhunter (5e Class) | Typos everywhere. Isn't consistent on how the class name should be written. The word "per" shouldn't be anywhere, see Class Do's and Don'ts (5e Guideline) | |
Shadowy Double (5e Spell) | The effect is somewhat unclear. | |
Sharing Energy (5e Feat) | Second benefit is poorly worded. The name of this feat should probably be something akin to "Universal Conduit". See Feat Design (5e Guideline)#Names. | |
Sharklin (5e Race) | Spelling. Most traits need to be rewritten. | |
Sharp Shooting (5e Feat) | The writing doesn't follow the standards. | |
Shieldbearer (5e Class) | Frequent uses of "free action". Needs fixing | |
Shroomfolk (5e Race) | Racial names do not need capitalization unless they are derivative content from a franchise that does so. Also, since the spore launch grows a mushroom on something, shouldn't the base spore launch be unable to affect creatures without stable bodies, like how the death cap sickening spores are written? | |
Silverbackfolk (5e Race) | Traits do not use proper 5e phrasing. | |
Silversmith (5e Feat) | Third bullet is unclear, and seems to restate second bullet | |
Sith, 2nd Variant (5e Class) | The Camel Case Is Pretty Bad. Missing the identifier. | |
Sky Mage (5e Class) | Class is excessively wordy. Consider moving Domain Spells to 5e Spells. | |
Soul Crafter (5e Class) | Many things here use abbreviations when they should be written out in entirety (CA, SF, etc.). There are also incomplete sentences here and there, as well as mispellings. | |
Spell Mine (5e Spell) | Requires rewrite for clarity and conciseness, presumably along the lines of Glyph of Warding's Explosive Runes | |
Spinjitsu (5e Spell) | Technical information for the description is lacking. | |
Spirit Shackle (5e Spell) | This needs to be rewritten in English. 02:26, 18 September 2024 (MDT) | |
Spy (5e Class) | Expertise isn't an universal 5e term, it's a class feature. Is ice damage meant to be cold? "damage .. turned from physical to magical"? The word "regenerate" often feels misused. Typically items have charges. Various confusing or muddled statements. | |
Storm Razer (5e Class) | Be sure not to capitalize needlessly, see Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize. Uses "meters", "extended rest", "You can use another creatures reaction", should be "your reaction", etc. Needs to be proofread. | |
String Human (5e Class) | Spelling, capitalization, and syntax errors throughout. | |
Subspace Creator (5e Feat) | This uses clause is not properly phrased. | |
Sword Mage, Variant (5e Class) | On the feature Weapon Study you mention that you can become "familiar" with a weapon. But you don't explain what being familiar with a weapon means. I guess that, by "familiar", you mean "bonded", like the Eldritch Knight feature, that you mention in the My Friends feature, but this should be explained on the feature, and not addressing another class. | |
Swordsman's Blessing (5e Blessing) | While reading this, it is like hearing coarse sand paper rubbing together. | |
Taris (5e Spell) | The effect is somewhat unclear. | |
The Bar-Tir (5e Race) | A number of spelling/ grammatical/ punctuation/ capitalization/ italicization/ wording errors throughout. Consult the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help (race names are not capitalized). | |
The Cold (5e Disease) | The effect needs to be worded more clearly. | |
The Elders (5e Pantheon) | Unreadable block of text, numerous grammar errors throughout | |
The Gray Plague (5e Disease) | Numerous grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. | |
The Hard Hat (5e Equipment) | Terrible to read. | |
The Hillgiant's Holy Hamwich (5e Equipment) | Unclear how this interacts with other magical items, how it's level is increased, etc. | |
The Stone Basin's Vestige (5e Equipment) | The properties of this item are somewhat unclear. | |
Timekeeping Chronomancer (5e Class) | This page was copy and pasted here. Many instances of "chronomancer" should be replaced with "timekeeping chronomancer." | |
Traveller's Backpack (5e Equipment) | Confusingly worded. Uses "tier", "stage", and "level" interchangeably. Cannot decided whether it's supposed to be a backpack or a suit. Rename property: Placeholder Name. | |
Treant, Variant (5e Race) | A number of spelling/grammatical/capitalization/wording errors throughout. Consult the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help. The traits need to be mechanically worded correctly as they are often vague. For example, race names, and alignments shouldn't be capitalized, "mod" should be "modifier", etc. The Musicus Meter (5e Guideline) should help with some of the incorrect wording. | |
True Moon Elf (5e Race) | Uses incorrect "per rest" phrasing. | |
Tychomancer (5e Class) | A number of spelling/grammatical/capitalization/italicization errors throughout. Consult the Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help. | |
Uchiha (5e Race) | This race is extremely bogged down and unnaturally concerned with the exact structure of the campaign one would use. All Fluff needs to be overhauled so that it reads naturally in the form of paragraphs as 1st party races do. | |
Ultra Power Awakening (5e Spell) | Uses 'per rest'. I think the success/fail text is supposed to be reversed. | |
Umbra Witch (5e Class) | There are a lot of things that should not be capitalized, as well as incorrect language in the class features. | |
United (5e Equipment) | Requires rewording for flow, clarity, and conciseness. | |
Untouchable knight (variant) (5e Class) | Almost impossible to read through. | |
Venom Human (5e Class) | help me correct my grammar. A more detailed list of an articles grammatical mistakes should be presented on the talk page; if desirable.--> | Severe spelling errors throughout |
Verenai (5e Race) | Many traits do not follow proper 5e wording for things like ASI. Other traits are poorly worded ("not become invisible or teleport, they have the ability to disappear from the sight of many creatures" eg.). | |
Vessel (5e Race) | Incorrect capitalization spotted all over. There are also words that should be written out, like the ability scores. See official or featured content for examples. There is also incorrect wording for some traits using terms not in 5e like "at will" | |
Void Champion (5e Class) | Needs a rewrite. | |
Void Walker (5e Race) | Lack of capitalization, punctuation, and proper grammar throughout | |
Voodoist (5e Class) | Requires large amounts of grammatical help in virtually every area. | |
Were human (5e Disease) | The two variable game types need to be explained with mechanics. | |
Whistling Wind (5e Spell) | An overcomplicated and wordy way of essentially gaining the second benefit of Polearm Master for a short duration, except it goes away if you move or attack. 04:09, 1 May 2024 (MDT) | |
White Stripes (5e Equipment) | Magic items should use second person language (you and your). 17:54, 29 February 2024 (MST) | |
WoF - IceWing (5e Race) | Much of the traits for this race are not written with 5e language. The unarmed strikes should be written like that of tabaxi or similar. Mount could maybe benefit from how centaur is worded. | |
Wyrmkin (5e Race) | Elemental resistance could use some wording from the dragonborn's trait to better fix it up, and a table to properly correlate it to the dragon ancestor. See examples from Dracotaur (5e Race). Same for Draconic bond. | |
Yuan-Ti Lord (5e Template) | The forms should use more precise language and preferably be linked to pages that fully describe them. Ex. Giant Constrictor does not contain a size category, nor is its description entirely sufficient for play. A linked creature page would be great. | |
User:ZarHakkar/Half-Goblin Variant (5e Race) | Capitalization errors. Please see Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize for help. | |
User:ZarHakkar/Slimeborg (5e Race) | This race has 3.5eisms and need to be changed to 5e. | |
User:ZarHakkar/The Gaelic Gamble (5e Spell) | Needs a second set of eyes. | |
User:ZarHakkar/Wool Witch (5e Class) | Wording is poor throughout. Features are called spells, and the article is written in an overly casual manner. bided is not a condition. bleeding is not a damage type. meters instead of feet. |
4e Pages[edit]
Page Name | Notes |
Espada bañada en Piedra del Caos | This page needs to be in English. 13:54, 27 February 2024 (MST) |
Lords of the secret citadel (4e Quest) | Capitalization, and wording could be stronger. |
3.5e Pages[edit]
Page Name | Notes |
Ash ones (3.5e Race) | The grammar and spelling in this article is lacking. |
Battle-hardened (3.5e Race) | Traits and skills need to be capitalized. |
Boccob (3.5e Deity) | "copied from Wikipedia .... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boccob#Description " should be reworded. |
Book of Broken Bones (3.5e Variant Rule) | Some of the language used is too loose to be an alternative rule set, especially for a radical variant rule. Ex. "Saves are pretty good just use some common sense." |
Book of Tech (3.5e Sourcebook)wip | its sub-pages have severe grammar and spelling issues. |
Corellon Larethian (3.5e Deity) | "Copied from Wikipedia ....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corellon_Larethian" should be reworded. |
Creative Genius (3.5e Prestige Class) | Class names shouldn't be capitalized; see Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize. There are some other unusual phrases which would benefit from revision, including lines like, "you must take 5 level." |
Demon (3.5e Race) (Demon Slayer Anime) | Formatting is a mess, hard to read and understand |
Disciples (3.5e Race) | The grammar needs to be fixed and some of the sentences are confusing. |
Diverse Sorcerer (3.5e Alternate Class Feature) | please see Natural Evoker (3.5e Alternate Class Feature) for an example of wording |
Ehlonna (3.5e Deity) | "Copied from Wikipedia ....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ehlonna#Description" should be reworded. |
Entings (3.5e Race) | Grammar is confusing in places. |
Erythnul (3.5e Deity) | "Copied from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erythnul" should be reworded. |
Fixed Cannon (3.5e Equipment) | Wording in the description needs improving. |
Garl Glittergold (3.5e Deity) | "Copied from Wikipedia ...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garl_Glittergold" should be reworded. |
Gruumsh (3.5e Deity) | "Copied from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gruumsh" should be reworded. |
Holy Kick (3.5e Maneuver) | Wording needs improving. |
Horrid Blight (3.5e Other) | Wording could be improved. |
Horse Mist Walker (3.5e Race) | There are various minor wording errors ranging from incorrect capitalization to other confusing wording. |
Kenseijin (3.5e Class) | Multiple spelling and grammar issues. |
Kord (3.5e Deity) | "copied from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kord_(Greyhawk)#Description" should be reworded |
Languages (3.5e Other) | Formatting, spelling, and grammar need overhauling. |
Life Givetaker (3.5e Class) | The abilities are confusing to the degree that they are not understandable. |
Loose Limbs (3.5e Variant Rule) | Grammar needs improving |
Mark of the Hero (3.5e Template) | Bonuses need to use conventional wording. Syntax and game mechanics need major polishing. |
Meteor Hammer, Variant (3.5e Equipment) | Spelling and grammar needs improving |
Moradin (3.5e Deity) | "Copied from Wikipedia .....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moradin" should be reworded. |
Naruto Ninja, Variant (3.5e Class) | This class's features are often confusing/don't make sense while also having a ton of grammar mistakes found throughout the page. All, in all could use some significant clean up. See Help:When to Italicize and Capitalize. |
Olidammara (3.5e Deity) | "Copied from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olidammara#Dungeons_.26_Dragons_3.5_edition_.282003-2007.29 " should be reworded |
Provisions of "Magic" (3.5e Variant Rule) | Words at the beginning of sentences need to be capitalized. |
Purple dragon lineage (3.5e Feat) | Needs to be checked. |
Samurai Resources (Teoryran World Supplement) | Spelling. Grammar. Formatting. |
Shadows to Steel (Shadow Power) | needs touch-up of wording |
Spell Blade, Variant (3.5e Prestige Class) | D&D wiki uses US English. |
Spontaneous Gnome Shadow Illusionist (3.5e Optimized Character Build) | Hard to read in some places. |
Super Hero (3.5e Class) | Grammar and spelling. A lot of terms are contracted or abbreviated when they shouldn't be. |
The True Samurai (3.5e Class) | Class names and weapon names are not proper nouns. |
Uchiha (3.5e Race) | Grammar and descriptions need improving. |
Unliving Savant (3.5e Class) | Spelling and grammar need work. |
Vecna (3.5e Deity) | "Copied from Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vecna". Could use rewording. |
Wastelander (3.5e Class) | Writing is poor. |
Wrist Cannon (3.5e Equipment) | Practically unintelligible |
2.5e Pages[edit]
Page Name | Notes |
Pathfinder Pages[edit]
Page Name | Notes |
Cliopodans (Pathfinder Race) | This race's ability and alternate traits could use being more succinct and to-the-point. |
Ring of Shadows (Pathfinder Equipment) | Wording is a bit muddled. |
d20M Pages[edit]
Page Name | Notes |
Kryptonian (D20 Modern Class) | Wording needs improving. |
Uncategorized Pages[edit]
Pages with no edition category
Page Name | Notes |
Arma ad energia condensata (5e Equipment) | Needs to be in English |
Awakened Fennec Fox Hybrid (5e Race) | Incorrect use of capitalization for races. |
Dark Armor (5e Class) | |
Doctor de la Peste (5e Class) | Needs to be in English. |
Rinnegan (5e Cursed Item) | Spelling and grammar needs improving |
War Mage (5e Class) | Needs to be in English. |
Wings of Fire (2e Dragon Races) | The author appears to be in dire need of remedial grammar lessons so he can learn how elementary capitalization works. |