Persona User (5e Class)
Work In Progress |
"I am thou... Thou art I... From the sea of thy soul, I come..."
Revealing the Inner Self
Monsters surround a young man, prowling and snarling as they circle around him before pouncing on their prey. It is here though in the face of death, the young man pulls out a gun-like object and points it to his temple and pulls the trigger, seemingly accepting his end. From there, a Persona manifests behind him, a being born from the young man's inner self, ready and willing to fight those who seek his end.
A woman stands face to face with herself, her doppelganger's expression being of disappointment and sadness. As she stares at herself, she can't help but notice her yellow eyes, those being a clear distinction that she is not just an ordinary clone or illusion, but of her Shadow, a negative part of herself that she actively suppresses. The Shadow lashes out at her, confronting of the awful truth the woman denies for so long. For a moment, the pain would come to almost overwhelm her, but the memories from those she love and cherish would finally give her the strength to accept the truth and come to terms with it. The shadow would gently smile at her acceptance of oneself and would moments after manifest behind the woman as a Persona.
Chained and bound, a man cries out against the injustice of his situation as he is dragged into the hangman's noose. His captor gleefully grin from a stage from afar, smirking arrogantly at the man as he sees him nearing his end. As the man struggles ever more as the noose is tied around his neck, he stops, hearing a voice from within himself. As the voice questions the man's resolve, he answer's back with a firm and resolute answer to make the captor pay for his crime. Satisfied with the answer, the man's chains and bound are destroyed as the voice manifests into his Persona. Brimming with power, the man can only stare at his captor with a malicious grin, of which said captor is now fearing for his life.
Persona Users are those who've come to awaken the power of Personas, manifestations of one's own personality or inner self. While the circumstances of their 'awakening' differs from user to user, a common theme behind all of them is the acceptance of one's self and the willpower to do so.
Creating a Persona User
A Persona User is someone who has faced their deepest darkest demons and accepts who they truly are. With the new found power of self you are able to summon a persona, a physical manifestation of your psyche. What you do with this power is up to you - it is yours to wield as long as you don't lose sight of yourself. If you are unsure what arcana your persona would be, take this quiz in the mind set of your character.
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Some Persona users like Yu Narukami are fools and can wield multiple personas. |
- Quick Build
When making a Persona User, there is no right build for the class because anyone can be a persona user and there are many ways to play it. Take any ability score as your highest, and then take Consitution as your second highest, then dump the rest.
Class Features
As a Persona User you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Persona User level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Persona User level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple weapons and one martial weapon of your choice
Tools: One tool of your choice
Saving Throws: Choose one from Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and choose one from Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma.
Skills: Two skills of your choice.
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- One weapon you are proficient in
- (a) Explorers Pack or (b) Dungeoneers Pack
- One tool you are proficient in
- Leather Armor
- (a) An Evoker or (b) A deck of Tarot Cards or (c) A mask
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Max AP | Abilities Known | Max Ability Level |
1st | +2 | Persona, Tarot Arcana, One More | 6 | 2 | 1 |
2nd | +2 | Mind Over Matter, All Out Attack | 12 | 3 | 1 |
3rd | +2 | Tarot Arcana Feature | 18 | 4 | 2 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 24 | 4 | 2 |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack, Tarot Arcana Feature | 35 | 5 | 2 |
6th | +3 | — | 42 | 5 | 3 |
7th | +3 | Mind Over Matter Improvement | 49 | 6 | 3 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 56 | 6 | 3 |
9th | +4 | Tarot Arcana Feature | 63 | 7 | 4 |
10th | +4 | Mind Over Matter Improvement | 70 | 7 | 4 |
11th | +4 | Tarot Arcana Feature | 88 | 8 | 4 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 96 | 8 | 5 |
13th | +5 | Tarot Arcana Feature | 104 | 9 | 5 |
14th | +5 | — | 120 | 9 | 6 |
15th | +5 | I've Got My Back | 128 | 10 | 6 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 136 | 10 | 6 |
17th | +6 | Tarot Arcana Feature | 144 | 11 | 7 |
18th | +6 | Victory Cry | 152 | 11 | 7 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 160 | 12 | 7 |
20th | +6 | Ultimate Persona | 168 | 12 | 8 |
At 1st level, you can summon your Persona by remove your mask, firing your evoker, crushing a card, or something similar in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you as a bonus action. It is a creature that shares your creature types that lasts until it is destroyed, until you dismiss it as a bonus action, or until you're incapacitated. When it disappears, you cannot summon it again until the end of your next turn.
Your Persona is an extension of yourself. It *shares* your hit points ability scores, armor class, speed, proficiencies, vulnerabilties, resistances, immunities and saving throw bonuses. It is the same size as you and occupies its space. If an effect were to affect *both* the Persona and its user, only the user is affected. Personas experience the conditions that the user is experiencing, and vice versa.
- On your turn, you can mentally command your Persona to move up to your speed in any direction (no action required). If the Persona is ever more than your speed (in feet) away from you at the end of your turn, it is destroyed.
- You may use your Action to command your Persona to use an Ability.
As a Persona User, you are able to summon your Persona to use Abilities, of which your list of abilities is decided by your Tarot Arcana.
- Whenever you use an ability, you must expend AP equal to the Ability's cost as stated in the Persona Ability list.
- Your maximum AP is listed in the Persona User table.
- You regain all expended AP after a long rest, and you regain AP equal to your level after taking a short rest.
When you gain a level in this class, you can add new abilities from the Persona User Ability list. It must be of an equal or lesser level of your Max Ability Level as shown on the Persona User table. The number of abilities you may possess are also shown in the Persona User table. When you take a long rest, you may replace one Persona Ability with another Persona Ability from the Persona User Ability List that you can use.
Persona Ability
Every Persona User is different. Some use their brute strength and bash through their foes, and some use their wit, charm and guile to use their Persona Abilities.
You will choose to use either your Strength or Dexterity modifiers for Physical Persona Abilities, and either Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma modifiers for all the other abilities. Once you have decided which abillity scores to use for your Persona Modifier, you can not change them. You use your Persona Modifier to determine your Ability Save DC, Ability Attack Modifier, and for Mudo and Hama ability lines, they have a different way to calculate the Save DC.
- Ability Save DC = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Persona Modifier.
- Mudo/Hama Ability lines Save DC modifier = your Proficiency Bonus + your Persona Modifier.
- Ability Attack modifier = your Proficiency Bonus + your Persona Modifier.
One More
At 1st level, if you land a critical hit on a hostile creature or deal damage to a hostile creature that is vulnerable to that type of damage, you may use the Attack action or use another ability once this turn (no action required). This feature can only trigger once per round. If you do not want to use this additional action, you may move and pass it to an ally within 5ft. This transition is called a Baton Pass.
Tarot Arcana
At 1st level, choose one of the 27 Arcana related to your character's personality. The Arcana are detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you the ability to utilize a Persona and other features when you choose it at 1st level. This would also determine which Ability score is your Persona Modifier. You also gain additional features at 3rd, 5th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 17th, and 20th level.
Mind over Matter
Beginning at 2nd level, the awakening of your Persona has come to further unlock depths within your inner self, manifesting as power in the physical realm. You'll unlock additional features at the 7th and 10th level.
- At 2nd level, in place of Dexterity when calculating your armor class, you may instead use your Persona Modifier instead.
- At 7th level, while wielding any weapon you are proficient in, you may instead use your Persona modifier for its attack and damage rolls.
- At 10th level, your speed increases by 10 ft.
All Out Attack
At 3rd level if you knock a hostile creature prone, or if all allied creatures have triggered One More this round, you and all allied creatures may use their reaction to make an attack or use a Persona Ability against the hostile creature. A ranged attack does not have disadvantage if they attack this way.
Ability Score Increase
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
I've Got My Back
At 15th level while your Persona is summoned, you cannot be surprised. In addition, you gain additional proficiency in a saving throw of your choice.
Victory Cry
At 18th level, when you roll for initiative, you gain AP equal to your Persona User level.
Ultimate Persona Archetype
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona from your archetype. You gain an ability unique to your arcana that is not on your list of known abilities. This ability does not count against your maximum number of abilities known and its AP cost cannot be reduced.
#0 The Fool
Beginner Wild Card
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you may choose Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma modifier as your Persona modifier. Additionally, you can choose abilities from two ability categories of your choice. These choices must be made when you select this Arcana and cannot be changed later on.
Typically the Fool can be called the Wild card allowing them to wield more than one persona. That function is purely for flavor and has no mechanical benefit
Fool's Compendium
At 3rd level, at the end of each long rest, you may switch out your two ability categories and all your chosen abilities.
Fool's Strength
At 5th level, when your Persona is using an offensive ability from one of the categories you chose, you can add your Persona modifier to the damage roll.
The Trickster's Boon
At 9th level, when you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you may choose to reroll that roll. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier. You regain all uses after you take a long rest.
The Truth Seeker's Power
At 11th level, when your Persona is using an offensive ability from one of the categories you chose, you can add double your Persona modifier to the damage roll.
One Last Surprise
At 13th level, you can gain abilities from an additional category of your choice. This choice cannot be changed later on.
Third Eye
At 17th level, You gain blindsight out to a range of 60ft and are always aware of when a creature is currently able to see you.
World/Universe Arcana
At 20th level you gain your Ultimate Persona and change from the fool arcana to the World/Universe Arcana Representing completion and reaching the end of the fool's journey, additionally, you can use a ability that you come up with a name for. All hostile creatures within 50 feet of your Persona makes a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, this ability inflicts 6d10 damage of any type your persona can use, to all creatures that failed and every creature hit becomes vulnerable to the damage used for 10 turns (This effect does not make them vulnerable to the initial damage.). This ability costs 30 AP. This ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest
#0 The Jester
The Jester is an alternate version of The Fool from the Thoth deck. The Jester symbolizes much of what the Fool symbolizes--ignorance, spontaneity, and freedom--but in a suppressed form. The Jester acts like a fool instead of genuinely being a fool.
Seductive Liar
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose abilities from Curse and Almighty category and your Charisma modifier is your Persona modifier.
Just a Little Fun
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in Deception and Performance. If you already have these abilities you may gain expertise instead.
Playing the Game
At 5th level, You have advantage on Deception, Persuasion and Performance checks when misleading someone who is not an ally and not actively hostile against you.
Better Off Alone
At 9th level, you may add your Persona Modifier to your damage rolls while no conscious allies(other than your Persona) or enemies are within 5ft of you or your Persona.
Cloak and Dagger
At 11th level, you gain proficiency in Poisoner's Kits, Disguise Kits and Thieves Tools. If you were already proficient in them, you gain expertise instead. Additionally, you may add twice your Persona Modifier to your damage rolls when using your Better Off Alone feature.
Adorned With Betrayal
At 13th level, when your Persona is using an offensive ability on any target that hasn't attacked you yet, you automatically score a critical hit. This may be done once per target and once per turn.
Fervent Character
At 17th level, You gain the ability to change one of the damage types and all of the corresponding abilities your persona has per long rest. The abilities must be of the same level as the ability it is replacing. You lose access to the abilities of the type you previously had until you take a long rest.
At 20th level you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use Fog of Lies. Fog of Lies creates a 60ft fog that only you and your persona can see through. Anyone other than you caught in the fog becomes Blinded and have their movement speeds halved until they leave the fog. All creatures that are caught in the fog during in its creation and at the start of their turns within the fog make a Wisdom saving throw, or take 4d8 damage of any damage type you choose on a failed save, and half as much on a successful one. The ability costs 30 AP. This ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest
#1 The Magician
Unwavering Talent
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose abilities from the Wind and Recovery categories and your Intelligence modifier is your Persona modifier.
Elemental Aptitude
At 3rd level, you can choose one ability category from the Fire, Ice, or Electric ability categories as an extra ability category. This choice cannot be changed later on. Additionally, you gain two extra abilities from your chosen category. These abilities does not count towards maximum amount of abilities known.
Experienced Magician
At 5th level, whenever you deal damage with an ability from Wind or from your chosen Elemental Aptitude ability, you can now add your Persona modifier to the damage roll.
Wise Healer
At 9th level, you may add your Persona modifier to the healing roll of any Recovery ability you use. Additionally, you gain an additional Recovery ability. This ability does not count towards maximum amount of abilities known.
Arcane Resolve
At 11th level, you can add your Persona modifier to the damage rolls of any offensive ability you use. Once per turn, when you use an damage-dealing ability, you may use another one as a bonus action.
At 13th level, whenever you deal damage with an ability you can add double your Persona modifier to the damage roll.
Elemental Mastery
At 17th level, you can learn abilities from the Fire, Electric, Psychic, Ice, and Nuclear ability categories. Additionally, you gain an extra ability of from one of those categories. This ability does not count towards maximum amount of abilities known.
Trump Card
At 20th level you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can now use Divine Kamikaze. This ability heals 300 Hit Points divided between you and any allied creatures within 30 feet from your Persona and everyone who is affected by this ability gains the effects of Tarukaja, Rakukaja and Sukukaja. This ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest
#1 The Councillor
The Councillor is an alternate version of The Magician from the El Gran Esoterico's Tarot deck. Meant to represent diplomacy, possibilities of choice, creativity, skills to persuade, vitality and power over mental illness'
Diplomatic Pressance
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, You can choose abilities from the Bless and Almighty ability categories. You may choose between your Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma modifier to become your Persona modifier. You cannot change it after making this choice.
At 3rd level, your Persona gains access to recovery Abilities, and you may learn one extra recovery ability. It does not count towards your number of abilities.
Extremely Helpful
At 5th level, When your persona uses a recovery Ability the user can choose to expend twice the AP to double the healing, you may choose to do this before or after the die are rolled to determine the about of healing.
Wise Assitant
At 9th level, you may add your Persona modifier to the healing roll of any Recovery Abilities you use.
Overcoming Weakness
At 11th level, you can add half(rounded up) of your Persona modifier to the number of turns support buff that your persona uses last.
Brilliant Diplomat
At 13th level, you gain expertise in Persuasion and Insight skills and when your Persona is summoned, you may roll both of these skills with advantage.
How Does That Make You Feel?
At 17th level, you can add your Persona modifier to the damage rolls of any offensive Ability you use. Additionally, You may double your damage by using twice the amount of AP however you may not decide this after the dice have been rolled to determine damage.
Beyond Reason
At 20th level you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can now use Full Actualization. The area around you in a 60ft radius becomes difficult terrain to all hostile creatures for 6 turns and all creatures within 20ft of your Persona must make a Charisma Saving throw, taking 8d8 force damage on a failed save, and half on a successful one. This Ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest. This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way other than described in the feature.
#2 The Priestess
Path of Justice
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose Abilities from the Fire, and Recovery ability categories. You may choose your Wisdom or Charisma modifier as your Persona Modifier. You cannot change these choices later on.
Divine Vision
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to see the weaknesses of creatures. You can use your bonus action to study a creature. After studying a creature two times, you gain information regarding their resistances, vulnerabilities, immunities, and if they have passives like Drain Attack or Evade Attack, if any.
Revolving Revelation
At 5th level, when you use a Bind, Recovery or Support ability, you may use another one (no action required). This feature can only trigger once per turn.
Endless Aid
At 9th level, the duration of your Support Abilities are doubled.
Empyrean Providence
At 11th level, when you start a combat encounter you can choose to have a surprise round for your allies. You can only use this feature once per long rest.
Scarlet Transmutation
At 13th level, you can use and learn Nuclear abilities.
Solemn Judgment
At 17th level you may add your Persona modifier to the damage roll of any offensive Abilities you use.
Ultimate Providence
At 20th level you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can now use Unleashed Destruction. This Ability forces all hostile creatures within 60 feet of your Persona to make a Wisdom saving throw. This Ability inflicts 12d4 amounts fire damage or acid damage to all creatures that failed and they become vulnerable to the chosen type for the next 5 turns, only taking half as much damage on a successful save. This Ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest
#3 Empress
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose Abilities from the Ice, Physical, and Recovery categories. You may choose your Wisdom or Charisma modifier as your Persona Modifier. You cannot change these choices later on.
Chilling Command
At 3rd level, when your Persona uses an Ice Ability, you can add your Persona modifier to the damage roll.
Icy Resolve
At 5th level, when your Persona uses an Ice Ability, you may make a weapon attack as part of that action. This feature can only trigger once per turn.
Frigid Execution
At 9th level, whenever you hit a creature with an Ice Ability, they must make a Constitution Save against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they are frozen until the end of your next turn (treat the Frozen condition as if it were Restrained with the addition that the creature cannot speak).
Glacial Mastery
At 11th level, you can expend double the amount of AP required to use an Ice Ability to deal maximum damage for each roll.
Regal Strike
At 13th level, when you and your Persona attack the same target in the same turn, you may make an additional weapon attack against that target.
Noble Proclamation
At 17th level, Whenever you or allied creature makes a melee attack against a creature with the Frozen condition, their attack automatically becomes a critical hit. After the attack is resolved, the creature is no longer Frozen.
The Finale
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you gain the Ability Ninth Circle. When you use this Ability, target one hostile creature who you can see. That creature must make a Constitution saving throw or take 8d12 Cold damage and become Frozen. A creature who successfully passes this saving throw takes half damage and only has its movement speed halved until the end of its next turn. This Ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest
Additionally, Creatures frozen from your Ice Abilities now remain Frozen for two turns instead of one.
#4 Emperor
Imperial Reign
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose Abilities from the Physical or Electric categories. You may choose your Strength or Charisma modifier as your Persona Modifier. You cannot change these choices later on.
Shocking Presence
At 3rd level, when your Persona uses a Physical or Electric Ability, you can add your Persona modifier to the damage roll
Shocking Speed
At 5th level, when your Persona uses a Physical or Electric Ability, you may make a weapon attack as part of that action. This feature can only trigger once per turn.
Stunning Authority
At 9th level, whenever you damage a hostile creature with an Electric Ability, they must make a Constitution save against your Ability Save DC or be Stunned until the end of your next turn. If the creature is already stunned, it becomes paralyzed instead.
Regal Bearing
At 11th level, on the first turn of combat, you and your Persona have resistance to all damage.
Emperor's Prerogative
At 13th level, at the end of your turn, you may swap your turn with any other ally. Additionally, you have advantage on initiative rolls.
Royal Execution
At 17th level, you gain access to the Ice ability Category. Your Ice abilities benefit from Stunning Authority and Shocking Speed. Additionally, when you use your shocking speed feature, you may now choose to use an additional Ice Ability as part of the same action. You may only use this feature once per long rest.
Capital Punishment
At 20th level you gain your Ultimate Persona and you gain the Ability Earth Breaker. When you use this Ability, your Persona makes a melee Ability Attack against a hostile creature, dealing 12d4 Bludgeoning damage and being Stunned for 1 turns on a hit. This Ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest
#5 Hierophant
Hierophant stands for tradition and convention.
Repetitious Resolve
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose to gain Abilities from one category of your choice. You also have access to Abilities from the Psychic category. You may choose either your Wisdom or Intelligence modifier as your Persona Modifier. You cannot change these choices later on.
Resolute Focus
At 3rd level, you can add your Persona modifier to the damage roll of any Psychic Ability that your Persona uses.
Prepared Strike
At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.
Reserved Knowledge
At 9th level, you can choose to learn one additional ability category. This choice cannot be changed later on. Additionally, you gain two extra abilities from your chosen category. These abilities does not count towards maximum amount of abilities known.
Resolute Exchange
At 11th level, when you use your action to control your Persona, it can make two actions instead of one.
Erudite Knowledge
At 13th level, you can learn a number of Abilities of your choice from any of the Persona User Ability categories without having access to the category equal to half of your proficiency modifier (rounded up). These Abilities will not count against your maximum known.
Inner Strength
At 17th level, as a reaction, you may use a single Ability that does not deal damage. You may only use this feature once per round and a maximum number of times equal to half of your proficiency bonus (rounded down) per long rest.
Unwavering Resolve
At 20th level you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use Esoteric Overflow. When you use this Ability, you temporarily gain access to all Persona Abilities (does not include passives) for the next minute. This Ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest
#5 The Priest
The Priest (神官, Shinkan), is the Japanese term for the Hierophant Arcana of the Thoth Tarot deck.
Zeletous Resolve
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose abilities from both the Physical and Almighty categories. You may choose your Wisdom or Charisma modifier as your Persona Modifier. You cannot change these choices later on.
Crusading Focus
At 3rd level, you can add your Persona modifier to the damage roll of any Almighty Ability that your Persona uses.
Supreme Focus
At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.
Soul Control
At 9th level, you may use your bonus action to teleport yourself to your Persona, or to teleport your Persona to you, of which you may take the Dash action as part of the bonus action.
The Unbroken Chain
At 11th level, you can add half of your Persona modifier (rounded up) to the number of turns of Support Abilities that your Persona uses last.
Uphold The Law
At 13th level, while your persona is summoned, all opportunity attacks against your allies within 30ft of you or your Persona have disadvantage.
Avenging Wrath
At 17th level, whenever you or an ally takes damage from a hostile creature, as a reaction you may make a weapon attack or use one Ability that deals damage against that creature. The Ability must target a single creature.
Righteous Fury
At 20th level you gain your Ultimate Persona and you gain access to Fury. Fury lasts for one minute and while it is active, Avenging Wrath no longer uses your reaction, and abilities used through Avenging Wrath are made at advantage and cost half of their original AP cost (minimum 1). This ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest
#6 Lovers
Spirit of Unity
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose Abilities from the Fire and Recovery Categories. You may choose either your Wisdom or Charisma modifier as your Persona Modifier. You cannot change these choices later on.
Blissful Aid
At 3rd level, when your Persona uses a Recovery Ability, you can add your Persona modifier to the healing roll.
Revitalizing Sacrifice
At 5th level, you can expend double the amount of AP required to use a Recovery Ability in order to heal for the maximum amount possible for each die.
Feisty Combat
At 9th level, you gain access to Abilities from the Electric category. Additionally, you can now add your Persona modifier to the damage roll of Fire and Lightning Abilities that your Persona uses.
Rejuvenating Succor
At 11th level, when your Persona uses a Recovery Ability on an allied creature, you may also choose to remove one negative condition from the creature.
Regenerating Aphrodisiac
At 13th level, as an action, you may command your persona to stabilize a friendly creature whose Hit Points have been reduced to 0 within the last 1 minute. The creature will regain consciousness and heal for 1/2 of its maximum Hit Points. You can use this feature only once per long rest.
Stylish Cure
At 17th level, when your Persona uses a Recovery Ability, you can add double your Persona modifier to the healing roll. Additionally, the cost of all Abilities in the Recovery tree are reduced by half of their original cost (minimum 1 AP).
Wondrous Serenade
At 20th level you gain your Ultimate Persona and you gain the Ability Lover's Redemption. This Ability will stabilize and revive all creatures that is within 50 feet of your Persona to regain consciousness and receive the benefits of a long rest. This Ability costs 50 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest.
#7 Chariot
Free Rein
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose Abilities from the Physical Category. You may choose your Strength or Dexterity modifier as your Persona Modifier. You cannot change these choices later on.
Unrelenting Drive
At 3rd level, your Hit Point maximum increases by an amount equal to your Persona User level. Additionally, you can add your proficiency bonus to your initiative rolls.
Ambitious Strikes
At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.
War Chariot
At 9th level, you can now add your Persona modifier to your damage rolls for Physical Abilities that your Persona uses.
Resolute Attacks
At 11th level, you can now add your proficiency Bonus to the damage rolls of both your attacks and of any Physical Abilities that your Persona uses.
Galactic Assault
At 13th level, when you trigger a "One More" or when you receive a "Baton Pass," your next Physical Ability or weapon attack will deal double the damage dice.
Charged Blows
At 17th level, When you make an attack or use an ability, you may forgo all your modifiers on your attack roll, and add twice that value to your damage roll instead. Additionally, when you roll a 1 or 2 on the d20 for an attack, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
Orgia Mode
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use the Ability Orgia Mode as an action for 30 AP.
- Orgia Mode
For the next minute, the user’s speed is doubled and gains an additional action on each of its turns. When the Ability ends, the user can’t move or take actions until after its next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over them. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
#8 Justice
In this Arcana there is reference to the neutral alignment. Good, Evil, and Neutral are all mutually exclusive in this case.
Stoic Summoning
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, You gain access to Abilities from the Almighty, Bless, and Curse categories. You may choose either your Wisdom or Charisma modifier as your Persona Modifier. You cannot change these choices later on.
Woe to Opposition
At 3rd level, you can add your Persona modifier to the damage rolls of your Bless, Curse and Almighty abilities.
Art Thou Just
At 5th level, you can now easily determine the alignment of any creature you've seen. Additionally, when you target a creature with a different alignment from yours with a weapon attack or an persona ability, you may make another weapon attack.
Resolute Justice
At 9th level, Evil creatures have disadvantage on your Bless ability saving throws. Good Creatures have disadvantage on your Curse ability saving throws and Neutral and Unaligned creatures have disadvantage on your Almighty ability saving throws.
Blind Justice
At 11th level, if a creature with the opposite of your alignment(or Neutral/Unaligned if you are Neutral) targets you with an attack, you may impose disadvantage on the roll. You may do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus and you regain all uses on a long rest.
Black and White
At 13th level, when dealing damage to a creature with a different alignment from yours, you may deal the maximum damage instead of rolling for damage. You may use this a number of times equal to half of your proficiency bonus (rouned down) and regain all uses on a long rest.
Objective Truth
At 17th level, when dealing damage to a creature with a different alignment from yours, you can add your Persona modifier to the damage roll. This stacks with Woe to Opposiiton.
Deific Judgment
At 20th level, your persona becomes your ultimate persona and you gain the ability: True Justice. All hostile creatures within 30ft of your Persona makes a Charisma saving throw. A target takes 10d6 force/radiant/necrotic damage (your choice) and half as much on a successful save. Creatures with a different alignment from yours would automatically fail the saving throw, and take twice as much damage. This Ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest.
#9 Hermit
Unwanted Spotlight
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose Abilities from the Recovery and Support Category. You may choose your Wisdom or Intelligence modifier as your Persona Modifier. You cannot change these choices later on. Additionally, you may learn an additional number of Abilities from either Recovery or Support Category equal to your proficiency bonus that doesn't count against your Abilities known.
Treasure Scan
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Perception skill and you have advantage on Perception checks. If you already had proficiency in perception, gain expertise instead.
Hidden Support
At 5th level, whenever you use a Recovery Support Ability on an allied creature, you may use your reaction to target an additional allied creature within 10 feet of the original target.
Position Hack
At 9th level, As a bonus action, you may teleport one allied creature within 50 feet of your Persona to an unoccupied space within the same range. You may also choose to swap the positions of two allied creatures within range instead.
Stealth Mode
At 11th level, you can use your action to become incorporeal and invisible. This lasts until your Persona is dismissed or when its Hit Points are reduced to 0. While using this feature, you may only use Support and Recovery Abilities. You may use your bonus action to end Stealth Mode on your following turns. You may only use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier per long rest.
Omnipresent Aid
At 13th level, the AP cost of your Support and Recovery abilities are halved. (minimum of 1 AP)
Elusive Boon
At 17th level, whenever your Persona uses a Recovery or Support Ability on an allied creature, they may gain one of the following benefits for until the end of their next turn:
- They have advantage on all attacks until the end of their turn.
- They gain the effects of Dodge.
Steadfast Guardian
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use the Ability Final Guard. As a reaction, you can target one allied creature within 50 feet of your Persona, their Hit Points cannot be reduced below 1 until the end of their next turn. This Ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, regaining all uses after a long rest.
#10 Fortune
Mortal Will
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose abilities from the Bless and Almighty categories and your Wisdom modifier is your Persona modifier.
Fortune's Blessing
At 3rd level you gain access to the Recovery Ability category and you gain proficiency in Insight and Religion. If you already have proficiency in those skills, you gain expertise instead.
Lucky Draw
At 5th level, you can now use your bonus action to do a Lucky Draw. The number of Lucky Draws you can do per long rest is equal to your Persona modifier + your Proficiency Bonus. You can apply one of these effects:
- One Creature gains advantage on their next ability check as you draw the upright High Priestess.
- One Creature gains advantage on their next attack as you draw the upright Strength.
- You may find a helpful item or extra currency(of the DM's discretion) as you draw the upright Wheel of Fortune.
Fateful Knowledge
At 9th level, you have advantage on Insight and Religion checks.
Fortune's Power
At 11th level you may add your Persona modifier to the damage roll of the Bless Abilities that your Persona uses.
Unlucky Draw
At 13th level, you now have access to new types of Lucky Draws. You may now do a Lucky Draw to apply either of these effects:
- All creatures targeted by the next Ability the target uses have advantage on any saving throws as you draw the reversed High Priestess.
- One Creature gains disadvantage on their next attack as you draw reverse Strength.
- You may cause the enemy to drop a helpful item or extra currency(of the DM's discretion) as you draw the reversed Wheel of Fortune.
Future Sight
At 17th level, when a hostile creature makes an attack against an allied creature, you can use your reaction to have your Persona take the damage of the attack instead of the allied creature. The Persona gains resistance to the damage type it receives until the start on your next turn.
Heaven's Upheaval
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use the Ability Shield of Fate. When you use this Ability, you may use your reaction to make all allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona immune to negative Conditions and gain Resistance to all damage for 1 round. The cost of the Ability is 30 AP. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, regaining all uses after a long rest.
#11 Strength
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, You gain access to Abilities from the Nuclear and Physical Ability categories. Your Strength modifier will be your Persona Modifier. You cannot change these choices later on.
Heightened Strength
At 3rd level, you and your Persona are capable of striking with great force. You become proficient with Unarmed Strikes and your Unarmed Strikes now deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage. At 5th, 11th, and 17th levels, your Unarmed Strike die becomes 1d8, 1d10, and 2d6 respectively.
Second Slash
At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn. Additionally, your Persona can use two abilities when it takes the ability action on its turn.
Strength from Within
At 9th level, you can add your Persona Modifier to Physical Abilities when your Persona uses them.
Critical Strength
At 11th level, your melee attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. Additionally, when a creature fails a saving throw from one of your Physical Ability DCs by more than 5, it is considered a critical hit.
At 13th level, you can attack three times when you take the attack action.
Maximum Overdrive
At 17th level, when you land a critical hit with a Physical Ability or Melee attack, you automatically deal the maximum amount of damage possible. Additionally, you gain a +2 to your Persona Modifier score and increase their maximum to 22.
Might of the Gods
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use the Ability Eternal Soul. As a reaction, you may regain 1/2 (rounded up) of your total hit points if you were to drop to 0 hit points. The cost of this Ability is 30 AP. You may use this ability a number of times equal to half your proficiency modifier, regaining all uses after a long rest.
#11 Hunger/Lust
Lust symbolizes the danger of losing control, of being consumed by power. The card also implies Strength, but Strength which comes through Dominance. It is not true power, but the pure bliss of abusing power.
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, You gain access to Abilities from the Curse and Physical categories. Your Strength or Constitution modifier will be your Persona Modifier. You cannot change these choices later on.
Ensuring Dominance
At 3rd level, you are capable of ensuring that all who cross your path receive a mortal reminder of where they stand. Whenever you impose a saving throw against a creature using your Persona Abilities you may impose disadvantage to the saving throw. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses on a long rest and half of it rounded down on a short rest.
Slippery Slope
At 5th level, once per round, when an enemy fails against a saving throw that you impose, you may make a weapon attack against that creature.
At 9th level, you can add double your Persona modifier to the damage roll of your Persona Abilities that you've used your Ensuring Dominance feature on.
Crush Their Spirit
At 11th level, whenever a creature fails their saving throw from your Persona Abilities, they receive a penalty to their saving throws equal to your proficiency bonus until the end of your next turn.
Relish in Suffering
At 13th level, whenever a creature fails their saving throw against one of your Persona Abilities that deal damage, you may choose to instead deal maximum damage by doubling the AP cost of the ability.
My Fate is my Own
At 17th level, your Persona Abilities which impose saving throws have their now AP costs halved (minimum of 1).
Cup Runneth Over
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use the Ability Eternal Reign. When you fail a saving throw, you succeed it instead and as a reaction and you gain advantage on all attack rolls and saving throws for the next minute. This Ability will cost 30 AP. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, regaining all uses after a long rest.
#12 Hanged Man
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, You gain access to Abilities from the Almighty and Physical categories. Your Wisdom or Constitution modifier will be your Persona Modifier. You cannot change these choices later on.
Dismal Resistance
At 3rd level, you gain Resistance to necrotic damage and your choice of non-magical slashing, bludgeoning, or piercing damage. At 7th level, you choose another from the three that you haven't selected and at 14th level, you gain resistance to the final damage type not chosen.
Hanging Strike
At 5th level, you can attack twice instead of once, when you take the attack action on your turn.
Suicidal Help
At 9th level, you can use your action to expend any amount of hit points to give an ally advantage on their next attack roll and heal them equal to the amount of hit points you spent.
Human Shield
At 11th level, when an allied creature that you can see within 10 feet of you is attacked, you can use your reaction to make yourself the target of the attack instead, of which the damage you receive is halved (rounded down).
Tightened Noose
At 13th level, if you are within 10ft of an allied creature, any hostile creature within 5ft of you or your ally cannot take the Disengage action and their speed is reduced by halved starting each turn they are within 5ft of you or your ally.
Suicidal Acceptance
At 17th level, when you are reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can use this feature twice, and regaining all uses on a long rest.
Hanging Tree
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use the Ability Tree of Sacrifice. When you use this Ability, all creatures within 30 feet of your Persona must make a Wisdom Save against your Ability Save DC and take 6d12 force damage, and become Restrained and are lifted 5 ft on a failed save. On a successful save, they take half as much damage and are not restrained. At the start of every turn, the Restrained creatures may repeat the Wisdom Save against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, the creature takes 8d6 force damage. On a success, the creature is no longer Restrained and is no longer lifted. This Ability costs 50 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest. This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way other than described in the feature.
#13 Death
New Beginnings
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, You gain access to Abilities from the Physical, Curse, and Almighty categories. Your Wisdom or Charisma modifier will be your Persona Modifier. You cannot change these choices later on.
Soul Collector
At 3rd level if you or your Persona reduces a creature's Hit Points to 0, you can as a reaction roll your hit die and gain a number of hit points equal to the number rolled. You don't expend your hit die when rolled this way.
Wise Reaper
At 5th level you may add your Persona modifier to the damage roll of all Abilities that your Persona uses.
Evil Smile
At 9th level, whenever you damage a hostile creature with a Curse or Physical Ability, they must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC or be Frightened until the end of your next turn.
Wither Away
At 11th level, whenever you use a damaging attack or Ability against a creature that is Frightened, you can roll one additional damage die for that attack or Ability. Afterwards, the creature is no longer Frightened.
Aura of Death
At 13th level, if an allied creature 50 feet of your Persona attacks a Frightened creature, they have advantage on the attack roll.
Ghastly Wail
At 17th level, whenever an allied creature within 50 feet of your Persona successfully hits a Frightened creature, their attack becomes a critical hit. Afterwards, the creature is no longer Frightened.
Nyx's Wrath
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use the Ability Eternal Gates. When you use this Ability, all hostile creatures within 50 feet of your Persona must make a Constitution Save against your Persona Ability Save DC +5 or they take 150 necrotic damage and if a creature is reduced to 0 Hit Points from this Ability, they are dragged into the gates never to be seen again. On a success, they take 75 Necrotic damage. This Ability costs 40 AP and the necrotic damage dealt bypasses both resistances and immunities. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest.
#14 Temperance
Serene Summons
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you may choose two Categories from either the Fire, Ice, Wind, Recovery, or Electric Categories. You may choose your Wisdom or Intelligence modifier as your Persona Modifier. You cannot change these choices later on.
Inner Shuffling
At 3rd level, You learn an additional number of Abilities equal to half of your proficiency bonus (rounded up) and you may change a number of your persona's Abilities known equal to your Persona modifier per short rest or long rest.
Peaceful Balance
At 5th level, Your persona may now learn two more Categories from either Fire, Ice, Wind, Recovery, and Electric Categories. Additionally, whenever you use one ability from a known category as an action, you may now use an ability from a different category as a bonus action.
Balanced Strikes
At 9th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn. You may also forgo using an attack when taking action to have your persona use a 1st level Ability from any category you know.
Further Balance
At 11th level, Your persona can now use Abilities from the Physical Category and the last category you did not choose from the Fire, Ice, Wind, Recovery, and Electric Categories.
Elemental Empowement
At 13th level, You may add your Persona modifier to the damage and healing rolls of your Persona's abilities.
At 17th level, Your Persona may now use Abilities from the Psychic and your choice of either the Curse or Bless Categories.
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use the Ability Purgatorio. Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d8 damage of any damage type of your Persona's known categories to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You repeat this attack 1d4+4 times and you may choose a different damage type for each application of damage. This Ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest. Additionally, you gain access to the Almighty Category and the Category not chosen between Bless and Curse.
#15 Devil
Devilish Charm
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you gain access to Abilities from the Fire and Curse Categories. Your Charisma modifier is your Persona Modifier.
Infernal Secrets
At 3rd level, you may add your Charisma modifier to the damage roll of all your Abilities that your Persona uses.
Pleasurable Flames
At 5th level, whenever you damage a hostile creature with a Fire or Curse Ability, they must make an Intelligence Save against your be Charmed until you or an allied creature does anything harmful to it. It may repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
Devil's Boon
At 9th level, you gain additional AP equal to 2 x your Persona User level added to your maximum AP.
Strikes of Betrayal
At 11th level, whenever you use a damaging Ability against a creature that is Charmed, you double the damage of the results from the damage roll. Afterwards, the creature is no longer Charmed.
Charming Ward
At 13th level, any hostile creature that is Charmed has disadvantage attacking you or anyone you consider an ally.
Devil's Target
At 17th level, whenever an allied creature makes an attack against an enemy creature that is Charmed, their attack becomes a critical hit. Afterwards, the Charmed creature is no longer Charmed.
Layered Hatred
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use the Ability Demon Wings. When you case this Ability, designate a 30 feet area within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Wisdom Save equal to your Ability Save DC. If they fail, they take 10d8 necrotic damage and half as much on a successful save and have their Maximum HP reduced by the same amount until they take a long rest. This Ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest.
#16 The Tower
Lucky Misfortune
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you gain access to Abilities from the Physical and Curse Categories. Your Wisdom modifier is your Persona Modifier.
Tower's Trade off
At 3rd level, 18-20 is a critical success for you and 1-2 is a critical failure for you.
Falling Up
At 5th level, While Your Persona is summoned you may hover 5 ft off of the ground and can walk horizontally and vertically on any surface and bodies of water. Additionally, you now gain access to abilities from the Electric and Almighty categories.
Bringer of Sudden Change
At 9th level, whenever you damage a hostile creature in combat you may choose and have your Persona summoned, you may choose to reduce your Persona's HP to 0 to impose a Charisma Saving throw. On a failed save they take 3d10 force damage and Are banished as per the banishment Ability, on a success they take the full amount of damage and do not get banished. This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way other than described in the feature.
At 11th level, You may use the spell Alter Self as an action and would instead last for 24 hours. You may do so a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier, of which you regain all uses after a short rest.
Pride Cometh
At 13th level, you Have advantage on all checks so long as you haven't failed a check. After failing any check, you lose the advantage until you take a long rest. Additionally, you may add half your proficiency bonus to skills that you are not already proficient in.
Been There Done That
At 17th level, you have advantage against Non-permanent effects such as status ailments and Conditions.
Downward Spiral
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use the ability Downward Spiral. This ability reduces the price of all Abilities you have equipped to 1/2 (minimum 1 AP) of the normal AP Cost. This effect lasts until you miss an attack or your target succeeds a saving throw that you imposed. This costs 10 AP. When Downward Spiral is inactive, your Curse and Physical Abilities cost 1/2 rounded up.
#17 Star
Hopeful Manifestation
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you gain access to Abilities from the Physical and Curse Categories. You may choose either your Wisdom or Charisma modifier to be your Persona Modifier.
Healing Hope
At 3rd level, you gain access to Abilities in the Support category.
Winds of Hope
At 5th level, when your Persona uses a Wind or Ice Ability, it can use another Wind or Ice Ability as part of the action. This feature can only be triggered once per turn.
Altruistic Determination
At 9th level, you can use your bonus action to inspire all allied creatures that can hear you. They can then add your Proficiency Bonus to their attack and damage rolls for 1+1d6 turns. You may do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, of which you regain all uses after a long rest.
Star Gambit
At 11th level, you may use your reaction to follow up an ally's attack. You may use a persona's ability once per turn if your ally has made an attack that counts as a One more. You may do this as many times as your Wisdom modifier.
Infinite Possibilities
At 13th level, you can store various trinkets and tools in your pockets. Once per day, you can use your action to roll 1d20 and use one of these tools, selecting one from the table corresponding to the result of the dice. If the item requires you to make a weapon attack, you are treated as proficient in the item.
1-10 | 11-20 |
Poisionous Food: A creature that ingests this item will have the Poisoned Condition for 1d4 turns. | Firecracker: Make a ranged weapon attack at a hostile creature. On a hit, it deals 1d8 Fire damage. |
Ice Cube: You can throw the Ice Cube up to 30 feet away. Upon hitting the ground, the Ice Cube freezes the ground in a 10 foot cube, making it difficult terrain for 1d4 turns. | Small Oil Drum: You can spill oil out onto the ground to create difficult terrain in an area equal to a 20 foot cube. This area is also considered flammable. |
Liquid in a Can: A creature that ingests this item will heal for 2d8 Hit Points. | Your Persona: Immediately summon your Persona. If you have already summoned your Persona, replenish one use of the "Hopeful Manifestation" feature. |
Pinwheel: You can summon a gust of wind as if it was the Gust cantrip. | Weapon: A weapon you are proficient with. |
Caltrops: You gain 20 caltrops. | Vanish Ball: You can create a smoke cloud in an area equal to a 10 foot cube. This fog heavily obscures creatures within it. |
Smart Bomb: This bomb detonates at the end of your next turn and deals 2d8 force damage. If you want to throw it, you can make a ranged weapon attack. This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. | A Bar of Chocolate: The bar of chocolate provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for a day. |
A Flock of Birds: You can give them a single command that they will perform to the best of their ability before dispersing. The flock has 3 Hit Points and can make a weapon attack with their beaks for 2 damage. If the flock has to make an Ability Check or Saving Throw, treat all their statistics as 10. | Muscle Drink: A creature that ingests this item temporarily gains +1 to their Strength Modifier. |
Giant Inflated Hammer: This hammer does 1d4 damage, but has a reach of 30 feet. | Spirit Potion: A creature that ingests this item recovers AP equal to 2d8. |
Darts: Make three ranged weapon attacks at any hostile creatures of your choice. Each dart does 1d4 damage. | Anvil: Make one ranged or melee weapon attack for 1d6 bludgeoning damage. |
Lightning Ball: Make a ranged weapon attack. On a hit, this deals 1d8 lightning damage. | Giant Metal Ball: Make a ranged weapon attack using either your Strength or Dexterity. On a hit, this item deals 3d10 bludgeoning damage and the enemy must make a Strength Save against a DC of 15 or be knocked prone. |
Enduring Inspiration
At 17th level, your Altruistic Determination feature would now instead last for 2+2d4 turns.
Ultimate Miracle
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use Kamui Miracle. When you use this Ability, you must roll a 1d100. The effects of the Ability are determined by the DM relative to the result of the roll. This Ability costs 30 AP. Additionally, you can use Infinite Possibilities an unlimited amount of times.
#18 Moon
Empathic Call
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose abilities from the Physical and Curse categories. You may choose either your Wisdom or Dexterity modifier to be your Persona modifier. You cannot change this choice later on.
Mystic Hex
At 3rd level, you can add your Wisdom modifier to the damage rolls of Curse Abilities that your Persona uses.
Soaring Fang
At 5th level, you gain an additional bonus action. Additionally, you can use your bonus action to teleport to a location within your maximum movement speed.
Lunar Traveler
At 9th level, as an action, you may now use the Teleport spell and you may do so a number of times equal to your Persona modifier, of which you regain all uses after a long rest.
Lunar Constitution
At 11th level, necrotic damage you or your Persona receives heals you instead. You may count yourself and your Persona as hostile creatures with your Curse abilities.
At 13th level, at the start of your turn, roll a d20. If the result is a 1-10, then all your Physical abilities gain advantage on their attack rolls. If the result is 11-20, then all you may roll twice the healing dice from your Curse abilities.
Blazing Moon Rampage
At 17th level, you gain an additional bonus action.
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use the Ability Hellish Annihilation. When you use this Ability, all hostile creatures within 5ft of your Persona make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. A target takes 10d10 necrotic damage and are blinded for 5 turns, they take half as much on a successful save and aren't blinded. This Ability costs 30 AP.
#19 Sun
Abundant Spirit
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose Abilities from the Bless and Fire Ability categories. You may choose either your Wisdom or Charisma modifier to be your Persona modifier. You cannot change this choice later on.
Solar Flare
At 3rd level, you can add your Charisma modifier to the damage rolls of Fire and Bless Abilities that your Persona uses.
Days In The Sun
At 5th level, you gain access to the Recovery Ability category. In addition, you gain a number of additional hit die you may use equal to your Persona modifier/
Good For The Soul
At 9th level, you can spend one hit die to instead restore your AP during a short rest.
Doubly Good
At 11th level, you can use two of the same single target Support/Recovery abilities, instead of one, whenever you use one on your turn without spending the AP again.
At 13th level, when using any Bless abilities against a hostile creature and it hits, the creature must also make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they become Blinded. They can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turns.
Sun Block
At 17th level, you are now immune to both Fire and Radiant damage.
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use the Ability Bright Verdict. When you use this Ability, it will deal 10d10 Radiant damage to all enemies in a 50 ft square of your Persona as well as blinding them for 1d10 turns. This Ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest. In addition, you gain proficiency in all weapon types.
#20 Judgment
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose Abilities from the Physical, Curse, and Bless Ability categories. You may choose either your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier to be your Persona modifier. You cannot change this choice later on.
At 3rd level, you can use your action to study a creature and determine their alignment and any available weaknesses. You also gain access to the Almighty Ability category.
At 5th level, you may add double your Persona modifier to the damage roll of all your Abilities.
At 9th level, if you damage a Good creature with a Curse Ability you can add double your Persona modifier to the damage roll and ignore resistances, immunities and repels. If you damage an Evil Creature with a Bless Ability, you can add double your Persona modifier to the damage roll and ignore resistances, immunities and repels.
Instant Punishment
At 11th level, you can add +2 to the Ability Save DC of a Curse or Bless Ability if the Curse Ability is used against a Good creature or the Bless Ability is used against an evil creature.
Fair Trial
At 13th level, when you make an attack against an Evil creature you have advantage on your attack rolls. When you make an attack against a Good creature you gain +10 to the damage roll.
Blind Justice
At 17th level, if you are of the Good alignment, your enemy has disadvantage on Saving Throws against Abilities that you or your Persona uses. If you are of the Evil alignment you gain +5 to all damage rolls.
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you can use the Ability Final Sentence. When you use this Ability, you release a blast of Curse and Bless energy. Make a Ranged Ability Attack against all hostile creatures within 10 feet. On a hit, they are dealt 2d8 radiant and 2d8 curse damage, the creature's AC is reduced to 1 for 1 minute, and they lose all charges of Legendary Resistance. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest. The cost of this Ability is 40 AP.
#20 Aeon
In Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot, it replaces the Judgement Arcana. Aeon symbolizes Time, Birth, Renewal, and the liberation of hidden abilities. The card also implies The circle of life in its growing and fading, though Aeon implies a judgment it wouldn't be appropriate to restrict this meaning with a superstitious simplification. Users of the Aeon aren't typically fully human.
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose Abilities from the Recovery and Bless Ability categories. You may choose either your Intelligence or Wisdom modifier to be your Persona modifier. You cannot change this choice later on.
At 3rd level, whenever you deal damage with a Bless ability, you may add your Persona modifier to the damage roll.
Remembering the Old
At 5th level, you may add your Persona modifier to all Intelligence and Wisdom skill checks.
Creating the New
At 9th level, when your Persona uses a Recovery Ability, you can add your Persona modifier to the healing roll.
Inhuman Powers
At 11th level, your Wisdom or Intelligence score increases by 4 and may be increased to a maximum of 24.
Time Marches On
At 13th level, when you use a Recovery Ability, you may cast a second one as a bonus action without expending AP.
Time Washes Away
At 17th level, when you deal damage with a Bless ability, you may end one negative condition affecting one of your allies within 50 feet of your Persona.
Arbiter of Time
At 20th level, you gain your Ultimate Persona and you gain the ability Time Theft. When you use this Ability, you gain an additional action, bonus action, and reaction for 1 minute. This ability costs 60 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest.
Unnumbered, Faith
The Faith represents Belief in Religion, Science, oneself and others when upright but reversed it represents blind faith overconfidence and false idols'
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose Abilities from the Physical and Bless Ability categories. Your Charisma modifier will be your Persona modifier.
Heroic Stance
At 3rd level, You and your persona inflict critical strikes on a roll of a 19 or 20.
Graceful Motions
At 5th level, when your persona uses physical or bless abilities you may make a second one.
Strong Belief
At 9th level, you may add your Persona modifier to the damage rolls of your Physical abilities and you may add your Persona modifier to the attack rolls of your Bless abilities.
Armored Belief
At 11th level, You may add half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) to your Armor Class.
At 13th level, you gain access to Recovery Abilities and once per long rest you may use a Recovery ability of 5th level or lower without spending the amount of AP required.
Blessed Stamina
At 17th level, the AP costs of using any Physical or Bless abilities are lowered by an amount equal to your Persona modifier (minimum of 1).
The Dark of Night
At 20th level, You learn the ability Macabre Dance and ascend to your ultimate persona. When you use the ability Macabre Dance, you roll a melee or ranged physical attack(your choice) and on a hit deal 6d10 of any type of physical damage you choose. This attack may be made 2 times. This Ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest.
Unnumbered, Hope
The Hope represents hope, optimism, and positivity when Upright but reversed it represents despair, false hope, negativity, and pessimism'
Staring Up
At 1st level when you select this Arcana, you can choose Abilities from the Recovery and Bless Ability categories. You may choose either your Charisma or Wisdom modifier to be your Persona modifier. You cannot change this choice later on.
What Remains
At 3rd level, you now gain immunity to diseases and to the Frightened and Charmed conditions. You also gain advantage on saving throws against Ailment Abilities.
Divine Grace
At 5th level, When you use a Recovery ability you may add your Persona modifier to the healing.
Spirit Boost
At 9th level, you may use a Bless Ability right after using a Recovery ability or making a weapon attack. This feature can only be used once per turn.
At 11th level, You may use a pair of spectral yo-yos as your True Weapon. These yo-yos deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage. The yo-yos have a range of 20/60 feet and are considered finesse and light weapons.
Angelic Grace
At 13th level, you gain resistance to necrotic damage.
No Strings
At 17th level, your yo-yos now deal 1d8 radiant or bludgeoning damage. Additionally, you may add your Persona modifier to the damage rolls of your weapon attacks and Bless Abilities.
True Optimism
At 20th level, You learn the ability Hopes and Dreams. When you use this ability, all allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona gains the benefits of Tarukaja, Rakukaja, Sukukaja, and Amrita Shower for the next 1 minute. This ability costs 30 AP. You may use this ability only once, regaining use after a long rest.
Persona Ability List
- Arcana exclusive abilities can only be equipped by the appropriate Arcana as detailed in the ability and may do so disregarding any limitations.
HP Cost Physical Abilities (Optional)
Instead of using AP to use Physical Abilities, you may expend twice the amount of the AP cost in Hit Points instead.
1st level - Cleave: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, target takes 1d10 slashing damage.
Cost: 1 AP
2nd level - Gale Slash: All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 1d10 Slashing damage or half as much on a successful save.
Cost: 2 AP
3rd level - Myriad Slash: Make a melee Ability attack. On a hit the target takes 1d10 slashing damage. You may make this attack 1d2+1 times before the turn ends.
Cost: 3 AP
3rd level - Power Slash: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, the target takes 2d10 Slashing damage.
Cost: 2 AP
3rd level - Giant Slice: Make a melee Ability attack. On a hit, deal 1d10 Slashing damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. If you are under the effects of a Baton Pass you deal an extra 1d10 slashing Damage.
Cost: 2 AP
4th level - Blade of Fury: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit the target takes 1d10 slashing damage. You may make this attack 1d3+1 times before the turn ends.
Cost: 5 AP
4th level - Mighty Swing: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit the target takes 3d10 slashing damage.
Cost: 4 AP
4th level - Vajra Blast: All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 2d10 Slashing damage or half as much on a successful save.
Cost: 4 AP
5th level - Rising Slash: Make a melee Ability attack. On a hit, deal 3d10 Slashing damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. If you are under the effects of a Baton Pass you deal an extra 2d10 slashing Damage.
Cost: 6 AP
6th level - Death Scythe: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d10 Bludgeoning damage to the target and it must make a Wisdom saving throw against your Ability Save DC or be Frightened. It may repeat the saving throw at the end of its turns.
Cost: 6 AP (Must be of the Death, Moon, or Hanged Man Arcana)
6th level - Heat Wave: All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 3d10 Slashing damage or half as much on a successful save.
Cost: 7 AP
7th level - Brave Blade: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d10 Slashing damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona.
Cost: 7 AP
7th level - Beast Weaver: Make a melee Ability Attack the target takes 8d10 Slashing damage on a hit. Afterwards, you receive the effects of Tarunda.
Cost: 15 AP (Must be of the Fortune Arcana)
7th level - Cross Slash: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d8 slashing damage to one target. You may make this attack two times and the attacks have a +5 bonus to their attack rolls.
Cost: 20 AP (Must be of the Fool Arcana)
8th level - Sword Dance: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 6d10 Slashing damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. In addition, this ability scores a critical hit on a roll of 18-20.
Cost: 15 AP
8th level - Tempest Slash: Make a melee Ability attack they take 3d10 Slashing damage on a hit. You may make this attack 1d2+1 times before the turn ends.
Cost: 18 AP
8th level - Heaven's Blade: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 8d10 Slashing damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona.
Cost: 20 AP (Must be of the Judgement Arcana)
8th level - Vorpal Blade: All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, the creature takes 5d10 slashing damage or half as much on a successful save.
Cost: 25 AP
8th level - Deadly Fury: Make a melee Ability attack. On a hit, deal 6d10 Slashing damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. If you are under the effects of a Baton Pass you deal an extra 4d10 Slashing Damage.
Cost: 20 AP
8th level - Gigantomachia: All hostile creatures within 5 feet of your Persona must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, deal 6d10 Slashing damage or half as much on a successful save.
Cost: 30 AP (Must be of Chariot, Star, or Judgement Arcana)
8th level - Hassou Tobi: All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 8d10 Slashing damage or half as much on a successful save.
Cost: 35 AP (Must be of Tower Arcana)
1st level - Bash: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d10 Bludgeoning damage.
Cost: 1 AP
1st level - Lucky Punch: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d6 Bludgeoning damage. This attack inflicts a critical hit on a roll 18-20.
Cost: 1 AP
2nd level - Swift Strike: All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 1d10 Bludgeoning damage or half as much on a successful save.
Cost: 3 AP
3rd level - Sonic Punch: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d10 Bludgeoning damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona.
Cost: 2 AP
3rd Level - Miracle Punch: Make a melee Ability Attack On a hit, deal 2d6 Bludgeoning. This attack inflicts a critical hit on a roll 18-20.
Cost: 2 AP
3rd level - Rampage: All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 2d10 Bludgeoning damage or half as much on a successful save.
Cost: 5 AP
3rd level - Headbutt: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d10 Bludgeoning damage to the target and it must make a Constitution saving throw against your Ability Save DC or be Stunned until the end of your next turn.
Cost: 6 AP
4thd level - Bad Beat: All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 1d10 Bludgeoning damage and be Frightened or take only half as much damage on a successful save.
Cost: 5 AP
4th level - Hysterical Slap: All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 1d10 Bludgeoning damage and can only target you for the next two turns or take only half as much damage on a successful save.
Cost: 7 AP
4th level - Miracle Rush: All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 2d6 Bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone or only take half as much on a successful save.
Cost: 8 AP
5th level - Hammer Smash: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d10 Bludgeoning damage.
Cost: 4 AP
5th level - Brain Shake: All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 1d10 Bludgeoning damage and be Charmed by you or take only half as much damage on a successful save.
Cost: 7 AP
6th level - Agneyastra: All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 3d10 Bludgeoning damage or half as much on a successful save.
Cost: 10 AP
7th level - Vicious Strike: All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 4d10 Bludgeoning damage or half as much on a successful save.
Cost: 15 AP
8th level - Ayamur: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d10 Bludgeoning damage to one target. You may make this attack four times.
Cost: 17 AP (Must be of the Emperor Arcana)
8th level - God's Hand: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 8d10 Bludgeoning damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona.
Cost: 20 AP
8th level - Weary Strike: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 6d10 Bludgeoning damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. If you have at least 1 level of exhaustion, this attack deals an additional 4d10 damage.
Cost: 15 AP
8th level - Akashic Arts - All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 6d10 Bludgeoning damage or half as much on a successful save.
Cost: 30 AP (Must be of the Chariot, Moon, Strength, or Temperance Arcana)
1st level - Lunge: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d10 piercing damage.
Cost: 1 AP
1st level - Single Shot: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d8 piercing damage to one target within 120 feet of your Persona. This move counts as a Gun Type Attack.
Cost: 1 AP
2nd Level - Cornered Fang: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d10 piercing damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. On the first turn of combat, this instead deals 4d6 piercing Damage.
Cost: 2 AP
3rd level - Snap: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d8 piercing damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. This Move Counts as a Gun-type attack.
Cost: 2 AP
3rd level - Twin Shot: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d8 piercing damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack one more time this turn.
Cost: 2 AP
5th level - Cruel Attack: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d10 piercing damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. This attack deals an additional 1d10 damage if the target is prone.
Cost: 7 AP
6th level - Riot Gun: All hostile creatures within 30 feet of your Persona must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 3d8 piercing damage or half as much on a successful save. This move counts as a gun-type attack.
Cost: 14 AP
7th level - Double Fang: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d10 piercing damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack one more time this turn.
Cost: 7 AP
7th level - Vile Assault: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d10 piercing damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. This attack deals an additional 2d10 damage if the target is prone.
Cost: 13 AP
8th level - One-shot Kill: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 5d8 piercing damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. This attack reduces your critical range by 1. This move counts as a gun-type attack.
Cost: 11 AP
8th level - Primal Force: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 6d10 piercing damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona.
Cost: 13 AP
8th level - Arrow Rain: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 4d8 piercing damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 21 AP
8th level - Pralaya: All hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 5d10 piercing damage and become frightened for 30 seconds or half as much damage and aren't frightened on a successful save. Cost: 40 AP (Must be Tower or Chariot Arcana)
1st level - Agi: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d8 fire damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 1 AP
2nd level - Maragi: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 1d8 Fire damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 3 AP
3rd level - Agilao: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d8 fire damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 2 AP
3rd level - Fire Breath: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal fire 1d10 damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 5 AP
4th level - Maragion: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 2d8 Fire damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 6 AP
5th level - Agidyne: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d8 fire damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 4 AP
6th level - Maragidyne: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 3d8 Fire damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 12 AP
7th level - Agibarion: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d8 fire damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 7 AP
7th level - Fiery Dance: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d10 fire damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 16 AP
8th level - Blazing Hell: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 4d8 Fire damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 21 AP
8th level - Ragnarok: Make a ranged Ability attack. On a hit deal 8d8 fire damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost 25 AP (Must Be Magician Arcana)
8th level - Titanomachia/Maralagidyne: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 6d8 fire damage and become frightened or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 40 AP (Must Be Fortune, Priestess or Tower Arcana)
1st level - Bufu: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d8 cold damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 1 AP
2nd level - Mabufu: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 1d8 cold damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 3 AP
3rd level - Bufula: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d8 cold damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 2 AP
3rd level - Ice Breath: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d10 cold damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 5 AP
3rd level - Icy Paradise: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d8 cold damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Roll 1d4+2 and deal the same damage to a number of targets equal to the roll within 120ft of the first target Cost: 16 AP (Must be Fool Arcana)
4th level - Mabufula: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 2d8 cold damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 6 AP
5th level - Bufudyne: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d8 cold damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 4 AP
6th level - Mabufudyne: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 3d8 cold damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 12 AP
7th level - Diamond Dust: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d8 cold damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 7 AP
7th level - Ice Dance: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d10 cold damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 16 AP
8th level - Cocytus Pain: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 4d8 cold damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 21 AP
8th level - Niflhelm: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 6d8 cold damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 39 AP (Must be Fool or Empress Arcana)
8th level - Ice Age: Make a ranged Ability attack. On a hit deal 8d8 ice damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost 30 AP (Must Be Empress, Judgement or Emperor Arcana)
1st level - Zio: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d8 Lightning damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 1 AP
2nd level - Mazio: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 1d8 Lightning damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 3 AP
3rd level - Zionga: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d8 Lightning damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 2 AP
3rd level - Lightning Breath: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d10 lighning damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 5 AP
4th level - Mazionga: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 2d8 Lightning damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 8 AP
5th level - Ziodyne: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d8 Lightning damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 4 AP
6th level - Maziodyne: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 3d8 Lightning damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 12 AP
7th level - Ziobarion: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d8 Lightning damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 7 AP
7th level - Lightning Dance: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal lightning 2d10 damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 16 AP
7th level - Empyrean Storm: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 4d8 Lightning damage and be stunned until the end of their next turn or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 30 AP (Must be Emperor Arcana)
8th level - Wild Thunder: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures in the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 4d8 Lightning damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 21 AP
8th level - Thunder Reign: Make a ranged Ability attack. On a hit deal 8d8 lightning damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost 25 AP (Must Be Chariot or Emperor Arcana)
1st level - Garu: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d8 Thunder damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 1 AP
2nd level - Magaru: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 1d8 Thunder damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 3 AP
3rd level - Garula: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d8 Thunder damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 2 AP
3rd level - Wind Breath: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d10 Thunder damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 5 AP
4th level - Magarula: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 2d8 Thunder damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 6 AP
5th level - Garudyne: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d8 Thunder damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 4 AP
6th level - Magarudyne: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 3d8 Thunder damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 12 AP
7th level - Garubarion: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d8 Thunder damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 7 AP
7th level - Wind Dance: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d10 Thunder damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 16 AP
8th level - Vacuum Wave: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 4d8 Thunder damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 21 AP
8th level - Panta Rhei: Make a ranged Ability attack. On a hit deal 8d8 Thunder damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost 25 AP (Must Be Emperor, Faith, Temperance or Fortune Arcana)
1st level - Psi: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d8 Psychic damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 1 AP
2nd level - Mapsi: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Intellligence Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 1d8 Psychic damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 3 AP
3rd level - Psio: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d8 Psychic damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 2 AP
3rd level - Psy Breath: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d10 psychic damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 5 AP
4th level - Mapsio: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Intellligence Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 2d8 Psychic damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 8 AP
5th level - Psiodyne: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d8 Psychic damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 4 AP
6th level - Mapsiodyne: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Intellligence Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 3d8 Psychic damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 12 AP
7th level - Psycho Force: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d8 Psychic damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 7 AP
7th level - Psycho Dance: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d10 psychic damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 16 AP
8th level - Psycho Blast: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Intellligence Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 4d8 Psychic damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 21 AP
1st level - Frei: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d8 Acid damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 1 AP
2nd level - Mafrei: Choose an area equal to a 20 foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 1d8 Acid damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 3 AP
3rd level - Freila: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d8 Acid damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 2 AP
3rd level - Nuke Breath: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d10 acid damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 5 AP
4th level - Mafreila: Choose an area equal to a 20 foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 2d8 Acid damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 6 AP
5th level - Freidyne: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d8 Acid damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 4 AP
6th level - Mafreibarion: Choose an area equal to a 20 foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 3d8 Acid damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 12 AP
7th level - Atomic Flare: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d8 Acid damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 7 AP
7th level - Nuke Dance: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d8 acid damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 16 AP
8th level - Cosmic Flare: Choose an area equal to a 20 foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 4d8 Acid damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 21 AP
8th level - Nova Kaiser: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d8 Acid damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. This attack's Damage cannot be reduced in any way. Cost: 9 AP
8th level - Nova Cyther: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 5d8 Acid damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. This attack's Damage cannot be reduced in any way. Cost: 12 AP (Must be Sun)
1st level - Kouha: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d8 Radiant damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 1 AP
2nd level - Makouha: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 1d8 Radiant damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 3 AP
2nd level - Hama: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Save DC (Hama) or take radiant damage equal to 1/2 of their current HP. Cost: 5 AP
3rd level - Blessed Breath: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d10 radiant damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 5 AP
3rd level - Kouga: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d8 Radiant damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 2 AP
3rd level - Mahama: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Save DC or take radiant damage equal to 1/2 of their current HP. Cost: 15 AP
4th level - Makouga: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 2d8 Radiant damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 6 AP
5th level - Kougaon: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d8 Radiant damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 4 AP
5th level - Hamaon: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Save DC (Hama) +5 or take radiant damage equal to 1/2 of their current HP. Cost: 10AP
6th level - Makougaon: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 3d8 Radiant damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 12 AP
6th level - Mahamaon: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Save DC (Hama) +5 or take radiant damage equal to 1/2 of their current HP Cost: 30 AP
7th level - Shining Strike: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d8 Radiant damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 7 AP
7th level - Shining Arrows: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 5d8 Radiant damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 10 AP(Must be Aeon or Moon Arcana)
7th level - Sacred Dance: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d10 radiant damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 16 AP
8th level - Heavenly Denial: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC or have their AC reduced to 1 until the end of your next turn. Cost: 35 AP
8th level - Samsara: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Save DC (Hama) +5 or have their AC reduced to 1 for one turn and take 1/2 of their current hit points as radiant damage. Cost: 45 AP (Must Be Hierophant)
Curse Abilities
1st level - Eiha: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d8 Necrotic damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 1 AP
2nd level - Maeiha: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 1d8 Necrotic damage half as much on a successful save. Cost: 3 AP
2nd level - Mudo: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Save DC (Mudo). On a failure, that creature becomes vulnerable to one type of damage that you specify for 3 turns. Cost: 5 AP
3rd level - Eiga: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d8 Necrotic damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 2 AP
3rd level - Cursed Breath: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d10 necrotic damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 5 AP
3rd level - Mamudo: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Save DC (Mudo). On a failure, those creatures become Vulnerable to one type of damage that you specify for 3 turns. Cost: 15 AP
4th level - Maeiga: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 2d8 Necrotic damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 6 AP
5th level - Eigaon: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d8 Necrotic damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 4 AP
5th level - Mudoon: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Save DC (Mudo) +5. On a failure, they lose all charges of Legendary Resistance, if any. If the creature possesses no charges of Legendary Resistance, they become Vulnerable to one type of damage that you specify for 3 turns. The creature cannot use Legendary Resistance to automatically succeed this Saving Throw. Cost: 15 AP
6th level - Maeigaon: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 3d8 Necrotic damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 12 AP
6th level - Mamudoon: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Save DC (Mudo) +5. On a failure, they lose all charges of Legendary Resistance, if any. If the creature possesses no charges of Legendary Resistance, they become Vulnerable to one type of damage that you specify for 3 turns. The creature cannot use Legendary Resistance to automatically succeed this Saving Throw. Cost: 30 AP
7th level - Dark Hit: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d8 Necrotic damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 7 AP
7th level - Curse Dance: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 2d10 necrotic damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 16 AP
7th level - Magatsu Mandala: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 3d8 Necrotic damage and become either frightened, Charmed, or Stunned and half as much on a successful save and suffer no other effects. Cost: 18 AP(Must be either Tower, Jester, or Hunger/Lust. )
8th level - Purgatorial Wing: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 4d8 Necrotic damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 21 AP
8th level - Die For Me!: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Save DC (Mudo) +5. On a failure, those creatures take necrotic damage equal to 1/4 of their total HP and after taking the damage, the creature becomes vulnerable to one damage type until it is reduced to zero hit points. Cost: 60 AP (Must be either Lovers or Death)
8th level - Abyssal Wing: Choose an area equal to a 30-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Charisma Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 6d8 Necrotic damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 40 AP (Must be Moon Arcana)
1st level - Life Drain: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d6 force damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona and you regain Hit Points equal to the amount of damage you dealt. Cost: 1 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way.
2nd level - Spirit Drain: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, you drain 1d6 AP from one target within 50 feet of your Persona. If they do not have AP, the creature instead takes force damage equivalent to the amount of AP that would have been drained and you gain that amount in AP. Cost: 1 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way.
2nd level - Shinkuuha: Make two melee Ability Attacks. On a hit, you deal 1d8 force damage to a target within 5 feet of your Persona. Cost: 3 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. (Must be Death Arcana)
3rd level - Foul Breath: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, the creature gains disadvantage on all Saving Throws for 5 rounds. Cost: 3 AP
3rd level - Holy Breath: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d8 force damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You may make this attack 1d4+1 times. Cost: 5 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way.
4th level - Megido: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 2d6 force damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 6 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way other than described in the ability.
4th level - Desperate Hit: Choose 5 Different Targets(Unless there are less than 5 hostile creatures in range) within 20 feet of your persona, Make an ranged attack roll, on a hit the targets take 2d6 force damage. Cost: 10 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way.
5th level - Photon Edge: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d6 force damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost 4 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way.
5th level - Bloodsuck: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 3d6 force damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona and you regain Hit Points equal to the amount of damage you dealt. Cost: 8 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way.
5th level - Spirit Destroy: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, you drain 3d6 AP from one target within 50 feet of your Persona. If they do not have AP, the creature instead takes force damage equivalent to the amount of AP that would have been drained and you gain that amount in AP. Additionally, That damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. Cost: 8 AP
5th level - Holy Wrath: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d8 force damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona If the target is a Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil, or a Chaotic Neutral, They take an additional 2d8 force damage. Cost: 13 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. (Must be the Justice or Judgement Arcana)
5th level - Judgement: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d8 force damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona If the target is a Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, or a True Neutral, They take an additional 2d8 force damage. Cost: 13 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. (Must be the Justice or Judgement Arcana)
5th level - Sea of Chaos: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d8 force damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona If the target is a Lawful Good, Lawful Evil, or a Lawful Neutral, They take an additional 2d8 force damage. Cost: 13 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. (Must be the Justice or Judgement Arcana)
5th level - Prana: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 4d6 force damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost 18 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way other than described in the ability. (Must be Judgement, Temperance, or Fool Arcana)
6th level - Megidola: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 3d6 force damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 12 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way other than described in the ability.
7th level - Resseiha: Make a melee Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 1d8 force damage to one target within 5 feet of your Persona. You repeat this attack 1d4+2 times before the turn ends. Cost: 7 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way.
7th level - Black Viper: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d6 force damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona. Cost: 7 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way.
7th level - Vitality Drain: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, deal 4d6 force damage to one target within 50 feet of your Persona and you regain Hit Points equal to the amount of damage you dealt. Cost: 14 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way.
7th level - Energy Drain: Make a ranged Ability Attack. On a hit, you drain 4d6 Force AP from one target within 50 feet of your Persona. If they do not have AP, the creature instead takes damage equivalent to the amount of AP that would have been drained and you gain that amount in AP and HP. Cost: 14 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way.
7th level - World's End: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 5d6 force damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 30 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way other than described in the ability. (Must be Devil, Star, or Judgement Arcana)
8th level - Megidolaon: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 4d6 force damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 21 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way other than described in the ability.
8th level - Morning Star: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 6d6 force damage or half as much on a successful save. Cost: 39 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way other than described in the ability. (Must Be the Star or Judgement arcana)
8th level - Doors of Hades: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make an Intelligence Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they take 6d6 force damage or half as much on a successful save. Any creature to be reduced to 0 hit points by this move turns to dust and all of their non-magical equipment is completely destroyed. Cost: 39 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way other than described in the ability. (Must Be the Death arcana)
8th level - Rebellion Blade: Make a melee Ability attack against a creature within 5ft. of your Persona. On a hit, the target takes 8d8 force damage. Cost: 19 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. (Must be Justice Arcana)
8th level - Myriad Truths: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside that area must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability save DC. On a failuire, they take 8d10 force damage and take half as much on a successful save.
Cost 50 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way other than described in the ability. (Must be Fool Arcana, and must have unleashed an Ultimate Persona, can only be used once per long rest.)
8th level - Sinful Shell: Make a ranged Ability attack. On a hit, deal 12d10 damage to one target that you can see. This attack reduces your critical range by 3. This move counts as a gun-type attack.
Cost: 50 AP This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way. (Must be Fool Arcana, and must have unleashed an Ultimate Persona, can only be used once per long rest.)
HP Recovery
1st level - Dia: Target one allied creature. They recover 1d8 Hit Points. Cost: 2 AP
2nd level - Media: All allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona recover 1d8 Hit Points. Cost: 4 AP
3rd level - Diarama: Target one allied creature. They recover 2d8 Hit Points. Cost: 4 AP
4th level - Mediarama: All allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona recover 2d8 Hit Points. Cost: 8 AP
7th level - Diarahan: Target one allied creature. They recover 8d8 Hit Points. Cost: 16 AP
8th level - Mediarahan: All allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona recover 8d8 Hit Points. Cost: 32 AP
5th level - Recarm: Target one unconscious creature or a creature that has died within the last minute. The creature becomes stable and recovers 2d8 Hit Points. Cost: 15 AP
6th level - Recarmdra: All allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona recover 16d8 Hit Points and are purged of all adverse effects including curses and diseases, but you lose all but 1 HP. Cost: 30 AP
7th level - Samarecarm: Target one unconscious creature or a creature that has died within the last minute. That creature returns to life and recovers 8d8 Hit Points. Cost: 25 AP
Ailment Recovery
4th level - Energy Drop: Target one allied creature. They recover one level of Exhaustion. Cost: 3 AP
6th level - Amrita Drop: Target one allied creature. All negative conditions affecting that creature are immediately ended. This does not end -nda skills. Cost: 5 AP
7th level - Amrita Shower: All allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona that are under the effects of negative Conditions have those Conditions immediately ended. This does not end -nda skills. Cost: 15 AP
5th level - Cadenza: All allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona recover 2d8 Hit Points and receive the effects of Sukukaja. Cost: 15 AP(Must be Fool Arcana)
5th level - Youthful Wind: All allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona gains the benefits of Sukukaja and regains 2d8 Hit Points. Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 20 AP (Must be Magician Arcana.)
8th level - Salvation: All allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona recover 8d8 Hit Points and all dead allies in this radius are revived. Cost: 60 AP(Must be Fool, Lovers, Empress, Priestess Arcana)
8th level - Neo Cadenza: All allied creatures within 30 ft of your persona heal 8d8 hit points and receive the effects of Heat Riser. Cost: 60 AP(Must be Fool Arcana)
8th level - Oratorio: All allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona recover 8d8 Hit Points and are purged of all adverse effects, including curses and diseases. Cost: 50 AP(Must be Fool or Judgement Arcana)
All Arcanas can learn Support Abilities.
1st level - Tarukaja: Target one allied creature within 50 feet of your Persona. They gain a bonus to their damage rolls equal to double your proficiency bonus. Additionally, this Ability negates the effect of Tarunda and Matarunda on the target.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 5 AP
1st level - Rakukaja: Target one allied creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature reduces all incoming damage to them by a number equal to double your proficiency bonus. Additionally, this Ability negates the effect of Rakunda and Marakunda on the target.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 5 AP
1st level - Sukukaja: Target one allied creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature has their speed doubled, gains +2 AC and a +2 bonus to their attack rolls. Additionally, this Ability negates the effect of Sukunda and Masukunda on the targets.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 5 AP
1st level - Rebellion: Target one allied creature within 50 feet of your Persona. The creatures attacks now inflict a critical hit on a d20 roll of a 18-20 (or if the target already has an expanded critical range, the range increases by two).
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 5 AP
4th level - Matarukaja: All allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona gain a bonus to their damage rolls equal to double your proficiency bonus. Additionally, this Ability negates the effect of Tarunda and Matarunda on the target.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 15 AP
4th level - Marakukaja: All allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona reduces all incoming damage to them by a number equal to double your proficiency bonus. Additionally, this Ability negates the effect of Rakunda and Marakunda on the target..
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 15 AP
4th level - Masukukaja: All allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona have their speed doubled, gains +2 AC, and a +2 bonus to their attack rolls. Additionally, this Ability negates the effect of Sukunda and Masukunda on the targets.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 15 AP
4th level - Revolution: Target all creatures within 50 feet of your Persona. The creatures attacks now inflict a critical hit on a d20 roll of an 18-20 (or if the target already has an expanded critical range, the range increases by two).
Duration: 15 Seconds (3 rounds) Cost: 5 AP
4th level - Charge: When you use this Ability, double the damage roll of your next weapon attack or physical Ability.
Cost: 10 AP
4th level - Concentrate: When you use this Ability, double the damage roll of your next non-physical Ability.
Cost: 10 AP
5th level - Heat Riser: Target one allied creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature gains the benefits of Tarukaja, Rakukaja, and Sukukaja.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 15 AP
6th level - Brave Step: Target all allied creatures within 50 feet of your Persona. The creatures attacks now inflict a critical hit on a d20 roll of an 18-20 (or if the target already has an expanded critical range, the range increases by two).
Duration: 15 Seconds (3 rounds) Cost: 5 AP (Must be of the Faith Arcana.)
8th level - Dragon Hustle/Hyakka Ryouran: All allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona gains the benefits of Tarukaja, Rakukaja, and Sukukaja.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 45 AP (Must be Emperor or Chariot Arcana.)
8th level - Fighting Spirit: When you use this Ability, triple the damage roll of your next weapon attack or physical Ability.
Cost: 20 AP (Must be Chariot Arcana.)
8th level - High Energy: When you use this Ability, triple the damage roll of your next non-physical Ability.
Cost: 20 AP (Must be Lovers Arcana.)
8th level - Thermopylae: You can only use this Ability during an allied surprise round. When you use this Ability, all allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona gain the gains the benefits of Tarukaja, Rakukaja, and Sukukaja.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 10 AP
2nd level - Tarunda: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On failure, the creature would have a penalty to their damage rolls equal to double your proficiency bonus. Additionally, this Ability overrides the effects of Tarukaja and Matarukaja.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 5 AP
2nd level - Rakunda: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On failure, all incoming damage to that creature is increased by a number equal to double the user's proficiency bonus. Additionally, this Ability overrides the effects of Rakukaja and Marakukaja.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 5 AP
2nd level - Sukunda: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make a Dexterity Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On failure, that creature has their speed halved, has their attack rolls reduced by -2, and their AC is reduced by -2. Additionally, this Ability overrides Sukukaja and Masukukaja.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 5 AP
5th level - Matarunda: When you use this Ability, all hostile creatures within 30 feet of your Persona must make a Strength Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On failure, all creatures would have a penalty to their damage rolls equal to double your proficiency bonus.
Additionally, this Ability overrides the effects of Tarukaja and Matarukaja.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 15 AP
5th level - Marakunda: When you use this Ability, all hostile creatures within 30 feet of your Persona must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On failure, all incoming damage to all affected creature is increased by a number equal to double the user's proficiency bonus. Additionally, this Ability overrides the effects of Rakukaja and Marakukaja.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 15 AP
5th level - Masukunda: When you use this Ability, all hostile creatures within 30 feet of your Persona must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On failure, they have their speed halved, their attack rolls reduced by -2, and their AC is reduced by -2. Additionally, this Ability overrides Sukukaja and Masukukaja.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 15 AP
5th level - Debilitate: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On failure, that creature gains the effects of Tarunda, Rakunda, and Sukunda.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 15 AP
8th Level - Checkmate: All hostile creatures within 30 feet of your Persona must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On failure, that creature gains the effects of Tarunda, Rakunda, and Sukunda.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 45 AP (Must be of the Priestess Arcana.)
4th level - Elemental Shield: Pick one damage type that your persona can use. Choose one creature within 50 feet of your Persona. They become more resistant to the element you chose. If they are immune or are resistant, Their resistance becomes immunity and if they have immunity they drain it.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 15 AP
4th level - Karakarn: Target one allied creature within 30 feet of your Persona. They gain a shield that automatically repels the effects of one nonphysical Ability (not including almighty) that directly targets them. The shield lasts until it is broken by a Ability or until the end of your next turn. Cost: 20 AP
4th level - Tetrakarn: Target one allied creature within 30 feet of your Persona. They gain a shield that automatically repels the effects of one weapon attack that directly targets them. The shield lasts until it is broken by a weapon attack or until the end of your next turn. Cost: 20 AP
8th level - Makarakarn: Target all allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona. They gain a shield that automatically reflects the effects of one nonphysical Ability (not including almighty) that directly targets them. The shield lasts until the start of your next turn.
Cost: 50 AP
8th level - Matetrakarn: Target all allied creatures within 30 feet of your Persona. They gain a shield that automatically reflects the effects of one weapon attack or physical Ability that directly targets them. The shield lasts until the start of your next turn.
Cost: 50 AP
8th level - Life Wall: Target all allied creatures within 10 feet of your Persona. They gain a shield that automatically reflects the damage and effects of one weapon attack, physical, or magic skill that includes the creature as a target. The shield lasts until the start of your next turn.
Cost: 70 AP
3rd level - Dekaja: All hostile creatures in a 50-ft radius of your persona lose concentration on any Abilities they are maintaining and lose the benefits of effects that grant a passive buff.(Rakukaja, Terukaja, Sukukaja, etc.)
Cost: 10 AP
3rd level - Dekunda: All friendly creatures in a 50-ft radius of your persona have the effect of Tarunda, Rakunda, Sukunda and Exhaustion suppressed.(This applies to Traditional 5e Abilities if those are also in play; Slow, Confusion and etc.)
Cost: 10 AP
4th level - Tetraja: All creatures within 30 feet of your Persona become immune to the effects of the Hama and Mudo Ability lines
Duration: 30 Seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 8 AP
4th level - Elemental Break: Pick one damage type that your persona can use. Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. Any hostile creatures inside the area must make an Intelligence Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they become vulnerable to the element you chose. If they have an Immunity, Repel, Drain or Resistance, they are instead suppressed.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 rounds) Cost: 15 AP
5th level - Shield Break: Choose an area equal to a 20-foot cube within 50 feet of your Persona. All hostile creatures lose the effects of Tetrakarn or Makarakarn. if they do not have the effect of either, their AC is reduced by half of your proficiency bonus. Cost: 36 AP
Any Persona can learn Ailment skills.
3rd level - Evil Touch: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they gain the Frightened Condition. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 turns) Cost: 5 AP
3rd level - Dormina: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they fall asleep and gain the Unconscious Condition until they take damage, an ally shakes them out of it as an action, or the duration expires.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 turns) Cost: 6 AP
3rd level - Dazzler: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make an Intelligence Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they gain the Stunned Condition until they take damage, an ally shakes them out of it as an action, or the duration expires.
Duration: 30 Seconds (5 Turns) Cost: 8 AP
3rd level - Makajam: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make an Intelligence Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, The creature can no longer cast spells or use Abilities, if they are able to summon a Persona their Persona dissipates and they cannot summon it back. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Duration: 30 Seconds (5 Turns) Cost: 8 AP
3rd level - Ominous Words: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make an Intelligence Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they lose either 2d10 AP at the start of their turn, or at least a 1d4+1 level spell slot at the start of their turn. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Duration: 30 Seconds (5 Turns) Cost: 10 AP
3rd level - Marin Karin: Target one hostile creature within 50 feet of your Persona. That creature must make an Charisma Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they either, heal an enemy if they can, attack the nearest ally, or attack themselves and gain the Charmed condition until the end of the duration or they break out of the effect. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success..
Duration: 30 Seconds (5 Turns) Cost: 10 AP
5th level - Evil Smile: Target all hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona. That creature must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they gain the Frightened Condition. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 turns) Cost: 15 AP
5th level - Lullaby: Target all hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona. That creature must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they fall asleep and gain the Unconscious Condition until they take damage, an ally shakes them out of it, or the duration expires.
Duration: 30 seconds (5 turns) Cost: 18 AP
5th level - Nocturnal Flash: Target all hostile creatures within 10 feet of your Persona. That creature must make an Intelligence Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they gain the Stunned Condition until they take damage, an ally shakes them out of it, or the duration expires.
Duration: 30 Seconds (5 Turns) Cost: 24 AP
5th level - Mamakajamon: Target all hostile creatures within 20 feet of your Persona. That creature must make an Intelligence Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, The creature can no longer cast spells or use Abilities, if they are able to summon a persona their persona dissipates and they cannot summon it back. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Duration: 30 Seconds (5 Turns) Cost: 24 AP
5th level - Abysmal Surge: Target all hostile creatures within 20 feet of your Persona. That creature must make an Intelligence Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they Lose either 2d10 AP at the start of their turn, or a at least a 1d4+1 level spell slot at the start of their turn. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success..
Duration: 30 Seconds (5 Turns) Cost: 30 AP
5th level - Brain Jack: Target all hostile creatures within 20 feet of your Persona. That creature must make an Charisma Saving Throw against your Ability Save DC. On a failure, they either, Heal an enemy if they can, Attack the nearest ally, or attack themselves and gain the charmed condition until the end of the duration or they break out of the effect. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Duration: 30 Seconds (5 Turns) Cost: 30 AP
Binds and Circles
Binds and Circles can be used by all persona users however these are mostly variant abilities that the DM can veto. Additionally included are passives and attacks that interact with binds they are here because if your dm does not want to have binds then these serve no purpose
2nd level - Makabind: Target all creatures in a 15-foot cube. The targets must make an Intelligence saving throw on a fail the creatures have all damage done by spells and abilities they use reduced by half. Duration: 15 Seconds (3 rounds) Cost: 5 AP
2nd level - Disarm: Target all creatures in a 15-foot cube. The targets must make a Strength saving throw on a fail the creatures have all damage done by weapon attacks they make reduced by half.
Duration: 15 Seconds (3 rounds) Cost: 5 AP
2nd level - Scarecrow: Target all creatures in a 15-foot cube. The targets must make a Dexterity saving throw on a fail the creatures have their movement speed reduced by half.
Duration: 15 Seconds (3 rounds) Cost: 5 AP
3rd level - Sleep Circle: Choose an area equal to a 30ft radius within 120 feet of your persona. When you used this circle roll 11d8; the total is how many hit points of creatures this Ability can affect. Starting with the creature that has the lowest current hit points, each creature affected by this Ability falls unconscious as per the spell sleep. At the start of your next turn, you can use any remaining points to affect creatures that are still in the range.
Duration: 15 Seconds (3 rounds) Cost: 20 AP
3rd level - Poison Circle: Choose an area equal to a 30ft radius within 120 feet of your persona. When you used this circle all creatures in the circle must make a Constitution saving throw or take 4d6 poison damage and be inflicted with the poisoned condition for 3 turns. The circle inflicts 2d6 damage on all poisoned targets at the start of your turn. whether or not the poisoned creature is in the circle. If a creature unaffected by the circle ends their turn in the circle they must make the save so long as the circle is active.
Duration: 15 Seconds (3 rounds) Cost: 20 AP
4th level - Confusion Circle: Choose an area equal to a 30ft radius within 120 feet of your persona. When you used this circle all creatures in the circle must make an Intelligence or act as if effected by the spell confusion. If a creature unaffected by the circle ends their turn in the circle they must make the save so long as the circle is active.
Duration: 15 Seconds (3 rounds) Cost: 20 AP
4th level - Stun Circle: Choose an area equal to a 30ft radius within 120 feet of your persona. When you used this circle all creatures in the circle must make a Constitution or be paralyzed. If a creature unaffected by the circle ends their turn in the circle they must make the save so long as the circle is active.
Duration: 15 Seconds (3 rounds) Cost: 20 AP
4th level - Decay Circle: Choose an area equal to a 30ft radius within 120 feet of your persona. When you used this circle all creatures in the circle must make a Strength save on a failure the creatures have all damage done by weapon attacks they make reduced to 0. If a creature unaffected by the circle ends their turn in the circle they must make the save so long as the circle is active.
Duration: 15 Seconds (3 rounds) Cost: 20 AP
4th level - Silence Circle: Choose an area equal to a 30ft radius within 120 feet of your persona. When you used this circle all creatures in the circle must make an Intelligence or the creatures have all damage and healing done by Spells and Abilities they use reduced to 0. If a creature unaffected by the circle ends their turn in the circle they must make the save so long as the circle is active.
Duration: 15 Seconds (3 rounds) Cost: 20 AP
4th level - Lethargy Circle: Choose an area equal to a 30ft radius within 120 feet of your persona. When you used this circle all creatures in the circle must make an Intelligence or gain 3 points of exhaustion, at the end of the circle's duration these points of exhaustion dissipate. If a creature unaffected by the circle ends their turn in the circle they must make the save so long as the circle is active.
Duration: 15 Seconds (3 rounds) Cost: 20 AP
6th level - Salome's Kiss: Target one creature. The target must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 18. On a failure with the number equaling 15 or less you inflict one effect of your choice, on a failure with the number equaling 12 or less you inflict two effects of your choice, and on a failure equaling 10 or less all three effects happen.
-Target cannot use magical abilities.
-Target cannot inflict physical damage.
-Target can only take one action or bonus action and cannot take reactions.
Duration: 1 Minute (10 rounds) Cost: 25 AP
7th level - Ariadne Chain: Target a 20ft cube within 120 feet of your persona. The targets must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 20. On a failure with the number equaling 17 or less you inflict one effect of your choice, on a failure with the number equaling 15 or less you inflict two effects of your choice and on a failure equaling 12 or less all three effects happen.
-Target cannot use magical abilities.
-Target cannot inflict physical damage.
-Target can only take one action or bonus action and cannot take reactions.
Duration: 1 Minute (10 rounds) Cost: 25 AP (Must be fortune arcana)
Passive Abilities
All Persona Users can take Passive Abilities as Persona Abilities so long as they meet the prerequisites. The Prerequisite "Have any before gaining (X)" means that you must have that skill before obtaining the new one. You may replace or keep the skill in the Prerequisite. The Prerequisite "Replaces (X)" means that you must not only have had the mentioned skill but you may not have them at the same time.
Passives like Dodge Attack, Evade Attack, Repel Attack and Drain Attack are passives that are balanced for Persona User-only campaigns. Consult your Game Master before choosing.
1st - Dodge Attack: Pick one damage type. You gain +1 AC and Saving Throws involving this damage type. Additionally, When you or your persona are subjected to an effect involving that damage type and you must make a saving throw to take only half damage, you only half damage if you fail. Prerequisite: 14 Strength/Dexterity/Constitution
1st - Dodge Effect: Pick a condition except for Unconscious and Incapacitated. You and your persona have advantage on checks and saves to avoid the effect.
Prerequisites: 14 Constitution
1st - Elemental Boost: when attacking with one damage type of your choice(including almighty), you may reroll 1's and 2's on damage rolls but you must take the new roll even if it is a 1 or 2.
1st - Speed Demon: On your first turn of combat, your speed is doubled.
Prerequisite: 14 Dexterity
1st - Fiery Spirit: On your first turn of combat, add 1d4 to all your damage rolls.
Prerequisite: 14 Strength
2nd - Soul Touch: You recover AP equal to your proficiency bonus when you perform a baton pass.
2nd - Regenerate: You and your persona recover 3 Hit Points at the start of each of your turns during combat.
Prerequisite: 14 Constitution
2nd - Invigorate: You recover 3 AP at the start of each of your turns during combat.
Prerequisite: 14 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma
2nd - Life Bonus: Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to half your Persona User level.
Prerequisite: 14 Constitution
2nd - Mana Bonus: Your maximum AP increases by an amount equal to half your Persona User level.
Prerequisite: 14 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma
2nd - Apt Pupil: Your critical range is reduced by 1. (For example, if you crit at rolls of 19-20, you crit at rolls of 18-20 instead.)
3rd - Counter: When you take Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning damage, you may deal 1d4 damage of the same type to the attacker. The Attacker must be within melee attacking range.
Prerequisite: 14 Strength/Dexterity/Consititution
3rd - Evade Attack: Pick one damage type. You gain +2 AC and Saving Throws involving this damage type. Additionally, When you or your persona are subjected to an effect involving that damage type and you must make a saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. You can only take this once.
Prerequisites: 14 Strength/Dexterity/Consititution
3rd - Evade Effect: Pick a condition except for Unconcious and Incapacitated. You and your persona have advantage on saving throws against those effects.
Prerequisites: 14 Constitution
3rd - Attack Master: You can use Tarukaja on yourself as a reaction when combat begins.
Prerequisites: 14 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Have before gaining (Tarukaja)
3rd - Defense Master: You can use Rakukaja on yourself as a reaction when combat begins.
Prerequisites: 14 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Have before gaining (Rakukaja)
3rd - Speed Master: You can use Sukukaja on yourself as a reaction when combat begins.
Prerequisites: 14 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Have before gaining (Sukukaja)
4th - Revitalize: You and your persona recover 5 Hit Points at the start of each of your turns during combat, so long as you are above 0 Hit Points.
Prerequisites: 14 Constitution, Replaces (Regenerate)
4th - Meditation: You recover 5 AP at the start of each of your turns during combat.
Prerequisites: 14 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Replaces (Invigorate)
4th - Life Gain: Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to your Persona User level.
Prerequisite: 14 Constitution, Replaces (Life Bonus)
4th - Mana Gain: Your maximum AP increases by an amount equal to your Persona User level.
Prerequisite: 14 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Replaces (Mana Bonus)
4th - Elemental Amp: when attacking with one element of your choice (including almighty), you may roll the damage roll an additional time, and take the higher rolls.
Prerequisites: Have any before gaining (Element Boost).
4th - Fast Heal: You have advantage on saving throws to end an condition that is affecting you.
Prerequisites: 14 Constitution
5th - Null Attack: Pick a damage type. You and your Persona become Immune to that damage type.
Prerequisites: 16 Constitution, Replaces (Dodge Attack or Evade Attack)
5th - Null Effect: Pick a condition except for Unconcious and Incapacitated. You and your persona become Immune to that Condition type.
Prerequisites: 16 Constitution, Have any before gaining (Dodge Effect or Evade Effect)
5th - Endure: When you are reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, you may drop to 1 Hit Point instead. You and your persona can’t use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest(Each can use this once).
Prerequisites: 16 Constitution
5th - Survival Trick: You and your persona are Immune to the effects of the Hama and Mudo Ability Lines(Including Samsara and Purgatorial Wing/Die for Me/Abyssal Wings), Additionally your Maximum HP cannot be reduced.
Prerequisites: 16 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma
5th - Counterstrike: When you take Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning damage, you may deal 1d6 damage of the same type to the attacker.
Prerequisite: 16 Strength/Dexterity/Consititution, Have any before gaining (Counter)
6th - Auto-Mataru: You may use Matarukaja as a reaction when combat begins.
Prerequisites: 16 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Have before gaining (Matarukaja or Attack Master)
6th - Auto-Maraku: You may use Marakukaja as a reaction when combat begins.
Prerequisites: 16 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Have before gaining (Marakukaja or Defense Master)
6th - Auto-Masuku: You may use Masukukaja as a reaction when combat begins.
Prerequisites: 16 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Have before gaining (Masukukaja or Speed Master)
6th - Touch and Go: You automatically give anyone you baton pass to the effects of Sukukaja.
Prerequisites: 16 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Have before gaining (Relay Run)
6th - Soul-Chain: When you perform a Baton Pass you gain an amount of AP equal to your Persona Modifier's score.
Prerequisites: 16 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Have before gaining (Meditation, Soul Touch or Invigorate)
6th - Sharp Student: You may force an attacker to reroll a critical hit against you or your Persona. The attack will hit regardless of the result.
Prerequisites: 16 Strength/Dexterity/Consititution
7th - Repel Attack: Pick a damage type. The attacks of this damage that target You and/or your persona will have the damage reflected at the attacker when you are targeted. You and your persona do not take the damage.
Prerequisites: 18 Constitution, Have any before gaining (Null Attack, Evade Attack, or Drain Attack)
7th - Renewal: You and your persona recover 7 HP at the start of each of your turns during combat, so long as you have more than 0 Hit Points
Prerequisites: 18 Constitution, Replaces (Revitalize)
7th - Unification: You recover 7 AP at the end of each of your turns during combat.
Prerequisites: 18 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Replaces (Meditation)
7th - Life Surge: Your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to two times your Persona User level.
Prerequisite: 18 Constitution, Replaces (Life Bonus or Life Gain)
7th - Mana Surge: Your maximum AP increases by an amount equal to two times your Persona User level.
Prerequisite: 18 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Replaces (Mana Bonus or Mana Gain)
7th - High Counter: When you take Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning damage, you may deal 1d6+6 damage of the same type to the attacker.
Prerequisite: 18 Strength/Dexterity/Constitution, Replaces (Counter-strike, Counter)
7th - Pressing Stance: During an enemy Suprise Round you have a +5 bonus to your AC and you are resist to all damage from attacks made from a distance greater than 10 feet away.
Prerequisites: 18 Strength/Dexterity/Constitution
7th - Magic Ability: When attacking with any element, you may roll the damage roll three times, and take the highest of the set of rolls.
Prerequisites: 18 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Replaces (Elemental Amp).
7th - Tyrant's Mind: When attacking with a weapon attack or Physical Ability, you may roll the damage roll three times, and take the highest of the set of rolls.
Prerequisites: 18 Strength/Dexterity/Constitution, Replaces (Elemental Amp).
7th - Divine Grace: When your Persona uses a Recovery Ability, you may roll twice the healing die.
Prerequisites: 18 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma
8th - Enduring Soul: When you are reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, you can choose to recover all of your Hit Points instead. You and your persona can only use this feature once per long rest.
Prerequisites: 20 Constitution, Replaces (Endure or Survival Trick)
8th - Drain Attack: Pick a damage type. When You and/or your persona would receive damage of this damage type, recover the full amount in Hit Points or 1/2 the amount in AP instead.
Prerequisites: 20 Constitution, 20 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Replaces (Repel Attack, Evade Attack or Null Attack)
8th - Holy Whisper: You and your persona recover 15 HP and AP at the start of each of your turns during combat.
Prerequisites: 20 Constitution, 20 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Have any before gaining (Renewal or Unification.) Must be Faith Arcana.
8th - Spell Master: All magical abilities may be used at half cost. You may no longer use physical skills.
Prerequisites: 20 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma, Must before gaining(Soul-Chain).
8th - Arms Master: All Physical Abilities cost half the original cost, however you may no longer use magical skills.
Prerequisites: 20 Strength/Dexterity/Constitution, Must have before gaining(Drain Attack).
8th - Insta-Heal: You automatically succeed on saving throws to end a condition that is affecting you.
Prerequisites: 20 Constitution, Must have before gaining(Fast Heal)
8th - Angelic Grace: When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Prerequisites: 20 Strength/Dexterity/Constitution
8th - Ali Dance: All incoming attacks made within 60ft of you are made at disadvantage.
Prerequisites: 20 Intelligence/Wisdom/Charisma
8th - Firm Stance: All incoming attacks are made at advantage. Gain resistance to all damage types (including almighty).
Prerequisites: 20 Constitution
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Persona User class, you must meet these prerequisites: Defeat your evil counterpart, encounter an enemy in the collective unconscious, or be granted a persona by a god.
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Persona User class, you gain the following proficiencies: Wisdom Saves
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