Yang Style, Fun Variant

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Yang Style[edit]

Yang Style chakra is the purified energy of the physical world.

Hand Seal Jutsu[edit]

Basic Yang Style Technique

Cost: 3 chakra

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 Minute

As a bonus action, you restore the yang chakra in a creature's body. The target gains advantage on rolls against being paralyzed, petrified, or poisoned.

Universal Assimilation

Cost: 5 chakra

Duration: 1 minute

You temporarily convert your body into a material you are touching using yang chakra, granting you one of the following effects:

  • Wood: You gain resistance to bludgeoning damage, but vulnerability to fire damage.
  • Stone: You gain resistance to fire damage, but vulnerability to bludgeoning damage.
  • Metal: You gain resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, but vulnerability to acid and lightning damage.

Body Cultivation

Cost: 5 chakra

Range: Touch

You feed chakra into a piece of flesh, slowly growing it. Using this jutsu once allows the piece of flesh to be attached to and promptly absorbed by a creature, granting them 5 temporary hit points or creating a small body part, such as an eye or finger. Created body parts can not have special properties, such as being dojutsu. Using this jutsu 5 times allows one to regrow a single limb.

Inorganic Reincarnation

Cost: 4 chakra

Duration: 1 minute

Range: 120 foot radius

As an action, you channel yang chakra into the world around you. Until this jutsu ends, you may move any one inanimate object that is a 10 ft. cube or smaller not being held or worn by a creature or suspended in the air within range up to 20 feet in any direction at will once on your turn. You may make an unarmed strike using an object by spending 5 feet of the object's movement.

Fission Technique

Requirements: Shadow Clone Jutsu

Cost: 0 Chakra

When you create shadow clones, instead of spending chakra, you instead divide your chakra and hit point maximums evenly among yourself and any clones created. These clones can not be dispelled, do not count as shadow clones for the sake of jutsu like Water Style Shadow Clone or features like the Shadow Clone Master feat, are not destroyed when you fall unconscious, and you count as one of them, the last clone that remains after using this technique counts as you. When a clone is destroyed, its chakra and hit point maximums are divided evenly among the remaining clones at the end of their next long rest.

Scattering Thousand Crows

Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

Cost: 5 chakra

Range: 60 feet (15 foot radius)

As an action, you cover a 15 ft. radius area with crow-like Yang Style chakra constructs that swarm and nip at anything within range. The area becomes heavily obscured, and any creature that moves 5 ft. within this area takes 1 piercing damage. You may move this area up to thirty feet on your turn as a bonus action, causing any creatures it passes through or whose space it occupies to take 1 piercing damage.

Crow Style Shadow Clone

Cost: 5 chakra

Requirements: Shadow Clone Jutsu, Scattering Thousand Crows Jutsu

When you create a shadow clone, you may imbue it with Yang Style chakra. When it is destroyed by any means other than being dispelled, the area it was destroyed in becomes the center for a casting of Scattering Thousand Crows Jutsu. This also causes you to not regain the chakra spent to create the clone.

Flower Ninja Art

Cost: 2 chakra

Range: 30 foot radius

As an action, you weave life energy into any non-living thing around you that can sustain any amount of plant life, causing golden flowers to sprout and bloom. These flowers live, grow, and die like any other flower. While not powerful alone in combat, various jutsu can easily enhance this technique's strength.

Many Blooming Flowers

Requirements: Flower Ninja Art

Cost: 10 chakra

Duration: 1 minute

When you use Flower Ninja Art, you fill each flower with an overflowing amount of chakra, at least for a plant. The next damaging area of effect jutsu or spell that targets any part of the created area of flowers targets any creature touching the flowers as well for this jutsu's duration.

Many Releasing Flowers

Requirements: Flower Ninja Art

Cost: 1-7 chakra

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 hours

As a bonus action, you set one 30 foot radius area of golden flowers you can touch to burst. A creature may attempt a Arcana check to realize the field has been charged when they take the Search action. At will while this jutsu is active, you may cause them to explode, destroying the area and forcing every creature within the area to attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d6 fire damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. You may increase the damage this jutsu deals by 1d6 for every 2 chakra spent to a maximum of 6d6.

Mirror Flower Water

Requirements: Flower Ninja Art

Cost: 10 chakra

Range: 30 feet

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

As an action, you cause a 30 foot radius area of golden flowers within range to spring into the air, flowing their Yang Style chakra into up to 3 creatures within the flowers, who must attempt a Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, everything around them becomes lightly obscured to them. If an area they can see would already be lightly obscured, it is instead heavily obscured. After casting this jutsu, the chosen area of flowers is destroyed.

Flower Shuriken: Falling Blossoms and Scattering Leaves

Requirements: Flower Ninja Art

Cost: 6 chakra

Range: 30 feet

Duration: 1 minute

Jutsu Type: Bukijutsu

As an action, you cause a 30 foot radius area of golden flowers within range to spring into the air, using their Yang Style chakra to harden into metal blades. When you would make an attack while the chosen area is within range, you may make a ranged spell attack against a target within 30 feet of the field, dealing 1d6 radiant damage on a hit. You may do this up to 5 times during this jutsu's duration.

Word Bind

Cost: 5 chakra

Range: 30 feet

As an action, you turn words into reality through infusing your writings with chakra. One creature within range is effected by one of the following unless they spend this jutsu's cost:

  • Manipulate - the target is charmed by you until the end of your next turn. While charmed in this way, they are controlled by you on their turn, but can only use features you have.
  • Destroy - they take 10 psychic damage.
  • Weight - they take 5 non-magical bludgeoning damage, their movement speed is decreased by 10 feet, and they weigh 1.5x as much for 1 minute.
  • Explode - every creature within 10 feet of the target take 5 non-magical bludgeoning damage. Any creature within this area may spend the chakra to resist this jutsu.

Curse Mandala

Cost: 10 chakra

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.

Range: 30 ft.

As an action, you create a solid pyramid of chakra around one creature that is no more than one size larger than you within range, who must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make a Strength saving throw. On a success, the target is no longer restrained. On a failure, they take your unarmed damage. You must spend your action on each of your turns to maintain this jutsu while concentrating on it. If you make a bonus action or reaction, or move, your concentration checks have disadvantage until the beginning of your next turn.

Casualty Puppet

Cost: 15+ chakra

As an action, you may absorb the corpse of one creature that has been dead for no longer than 1 minute you can touch. While a creature is absorbed, you gain a number of jutsu or proficiencies equal to your Intelligence modifier that they have. You may have a number of creatures absorbed equal to your Constitution modifier. Each corpse has your AC and 1/2 your maximum hit points, and manifests somewhere on your body, with you choosing what body part appears where on your body. If a corpse is reduced to 0 hit points, it no longer counts as absorbed.

You may make a number of additional actions or reactions equal to the number of creatures absorbed, but you must spend a number of chakra equal to the number of creatures absorbed per action or reaction, regaining all uses at the beginning of your next turn. After spending this chakra, you must attempt a DC 5 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, you go berserk until the end of your next turn. Every success increases the DC by 1. The DC returns to 5 after a long rest.

*Divine Lotus Bloom*

Cost: 20 chakra

Duration: 10 minutes

Range: 40 feet

You summon a radiant lotus flower at a location within range. The lotus blooms, creating a 20-foot radius area of yang energy. Creatures within the area have advantage on all saving throws.

*Harmony of the Eternal Sun*

Cost: 15 chakra

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

You become a beacon of pure yang energy, emitting bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. All creatures of your choice within the light have advantage on saving throws against the incapacitated condition, and they regain 2 hit points at the start of each of their turns.

Non-Hand Seal Jutsu[edit]

Healing Bite

Cost: 2+ chakra

As an action, you can line a part of your body with a creature’s mouth, allowing them to bite you. Alternatively, a creature that knows about this jutsu can use its action to bite you. You take 1d4 + their Strength modifier piercing damage. A friendly creature deals half as much damage. After being bitten in any of these ways, they may force you to lose any number of chakra points, healing them for twice as many hit points. If unconscious, the target is given a chosen amount of chakra.

Chakra Suppression Technique

Cost: 4+ chakra

Range: Touch

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour

As an action, you reduce the chakra signature of one willing creature within range to near 0. Until this jutsu ends, the creature becomes immune to chakra sense, but can not use jutsu. You may target one additional creature within range for every 4 additional chakra spent.

Body Pathway Derangement

Cost: 5 chakra

Duration: 1 minute

As a melee spell attack, you attempt to cut off the flow of yang chakra in a creature's nervous system. On a success, they become paralyzed. At the end of each of their turns, they may attempt an Intelligence saving throw, ending this effect early on a success.

Odor-Concealing Bubbles

Cost: 5 chakra

Duration: 1 minute

As an action, you combine your chakra with the odor of any willing creatures within your reach, producing a 30 ft. radius cloud of bubbles that completely mask their scent, causing them to be unable to be smelled until this jutsu ends or they leave the bubble.

Smell Sphere

Cost: 2 chakra

Range: 15 feet

As an action, you enhance one smell of your choice within your reach with chakra, causing it to become unbearably strong. One creature within range must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are stunned until the end of their next turn. If a creature has advantage on Perception checks related to smell, they have disadvantage on this saving throw, and they lose this advantage for 1 minute on a failure.

Hair Bind

Cost: 3 chakra

As a free action, one creature within twice your reach must attempt a Dexterity saving throw as you manipulate your hair into a lengthy rope. On a failure, they are grappled. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect on a success. You may end this effect as an action to throw them a number of feet up to your Strength modifier x 10 in a direction of your choice.

Hair Needle Senbon

Requirements: Hair Bind or Wild Lion's Mane

Cost: 2+ chakra

As a free action, you convert your hair into long, sharp needles, making a single thrown senbon, throwing three senbon, attack without losing any weapons. You may spend 1 chakra whenever you would be able to make any kind of attack to instead make a senbon attack in this way. This lasts until the end of your turn.

Sharp Hair Spear: Might

Requirements: Hair Needle Senbon

Cost: 3 chakra

When you use Hair Needle Senbon, you strengthen your hair needles into massive spikes. Whenever Hair Needle Senbon or a jutsu that relies on it would allow you to make a senbon attack, you instead make a spear attack. Whenever a jutsu would allow you to throw an additional senbon as part of the same attack, the spear attack instead gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. This lasts until Hair Needle Senbon ends.

Needle Hell

Requirements: Hair Needle Senbon

Cost: 5 chakra

When you use Hair Needle Senbon, you increase the force and precision of the assault. Until Hair Needle Senbon ends, your critical hit threshold increases by +1 (i.e. scoring a critical hit on a 20 → 20-19 → 20-18) exclusively for senbon attacks. This lasts until Hair Needle Senbon ends.

Beast-Human Needle Senbon

Requirements: Hair Needle Senbon

Cost: 4+ chakra

When you use Hair Needle Senbon, you recklessly fire needles in all directions. Your senbon attacks from Hair Needle Senbon target every creature within range, but only count as one thrown senbon. You may spend 1 chakra on each senbon attack to throw 1 additional senbon as part of the same attack. This lasts until Hair Needle Senbon ends.

Rabbit Hair Needle

Requirements: Hair Needle Senbon

Cost: 4+ chakra

When you use Hair Needle Senbon, you continuously regenerate and fire numerous needles, extending Hair Needle Senbon's duration to the end of your next turn. You may double your senbon attacks' range when you use this jutsu for every 3 additional chakra points spent until Hair Needle Senbon ends.

Dustless Bewildering Cover

Cost: 10 chakra

Duration: 1 minute

You cover yourself in chakra that masks your presence, becoming completely invisible and immune to Chakra Detection until you take an action or the end of the duration.

Arm Growth Technique

Duration: Concentration, 1 minute

Cost: 6 chakra

As an action, you grow an additional pair of muscular arms from your shoulders. You gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed, and your melee attacks gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls.

Repulsion Shockwave

Cost: 4+ chakra

Range: 5 foot radius

As an action, each creature within range must succeed a Strength saving throw or take 1d6 force damage and be pushed to the edge of this jutsu’s range. You can add 1d6 damage and 5 feet to the affected radius and the distance the target is pushed for every 2 additional chakra points spent. If more than 20 chakra is spent, the ground and buildings within range take double damage. You may spend 4 additional chakra separate from the previous effects to use this as a reaction, causing the ranged attacks it may be made in response to miss in addition to its normal effects.

Curse Technique: Death Controlling Possessed Blood

Duration: 1 minute

Cost: 5 chakra

You must create a 10 foot radius symbol on the ground using blood as an action. Then, as a bonus action on the same turn as dealing damage to a creature using a melee attack, you can consume their blood. This does not work against Constructs or Undead. For this jutsu’s duration, any damage dealt to you deals equal damage to the creature whose blood you consumed. Exiting the radius in anyway ends the jutsu.

Curse Technique: Body Controlling Manipulated Blood

Cost: 5 chakra

Requirements: Curse Technique: Death Controlling Possessed Blood

As an action while Curse Technique: Death Controlling Possessed Blood is active, you bind the ritual's power to one object that entirety fits within the symbol. Damage dealt to you no longer damages the creature, but damage to the object does. As a reaction when you take damage, you may force the effect to also target the creature tied to the ritual.

Piercing Needle

Cost: 1-10 chakra

Range: 30 feet

As an action, you shoot a needle of chakra from your finger that moves near instantaneously, and automatically pierces the target's body. One creature within range takes 1 piercing damage that can not be reduced in any way. Any additional damage dealt, such as from Affinity or by adding your jutsu casting modifier, can be reduced. You may spend 1 additional chakra to deal 1 piercing damage in the same way to the same or a different creature within range.

Revitalizing Needle

Requirements: Piercing Needle

Cost: 1 chakra

When you cast Piercing Needle, you slow the chakra slightly as a bonus action, allowing it to be absorbed into the target. Targets of Piercing Needle regain hit points equal to the damage they would have taken or 1 chakra point, their choice.

Paralyzing Needle

Requirements: Piercing Needle

Cost: 15 chakra

When you cast Piercing Needle, you speed up the chakra as a bonus action, causing it to pass through the target, disrupting their chakra nature. Targets of Piercing Needle take no damage, but become paralyzed until the end of their next turn.

Deadly Piercing Needle

Requirements: Revitalizing Needle, Paralyzing Needle

Cost: 30 chakra

When you cast Piercing Needle, you modulate the chakra to both speed up but act on the targets body as if it were slower as a bonus action, causing it to disrupt their chakra network lethally. Targets of Piercing Needle must attempt a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns. On a success, they gain 1 successful death saving throw. On a failure, they gain 1 failed death saving throw. This effect ends if they succeed or fail 3 death saving throws, or until they regain at least 1 hit point or normal chakra point.

*Celestial Resonance Wave*

Cost: 14 chakra

Range: 30-foot cone

You unleash a wave of resonating yang energy that sweeps through the area. Creatures within range must make a Constitution saving throw, becoming stunned until the end of your next turn on a failure, or having their movement speed halved until the end of your next turn on a success.

*Yang's Resilience*

Cost: 8 chakra

As a bonus action, you bolster your defenses with yang chakra, gaining resistance to all damage types but force until the start of your next turn.

*Yang Style Shadow Clone*

Requirements: Shadow Clone

Cost: 1 chakra

When you create a shadow clone, you may imbue it with Yang Style chakra. It becomes unable to speak, you do not gain its memories when it is dispelled, and has disadvantage on any Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma checks and saving throws, but advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution checks and saving throws. This also causes you to not regain the base chakra spent to create the clone.

*Yang Style: Draining Rasengan*

Cost: 15 chakra

Range: Touch

Requirements: Rasengan

As an action, you imbue your Rasengan with dense Yang Style chakra. Make a melee spell attack. The target takes 2d10 + your Intelligence modifier bludgeoning plus 2d10 force damage, and they must attempt a Constitution saving throw as the rotating chakra of the Rasengan conducts their physical energy, ripping it from their body. On a failure, they gain 1 level of exhaustion and are pushed 20 ft. away. On a success, they do not gain exhaustion and are not pushed.

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