Demonborne (5e Race)

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The true origin of the Demonborn is shrouded in mystery, but there are whispers that survived the attempts of concealing their cursed nature. It is said that an ancient nation, during a great past war, in a moment of despair for losing a bloodied battle against an invading empire, turned to occult entities, dark gods and demon princes, singing them praises and offering them sacrifices. They were rewarded, not with victory, but with survival. These dark entities led them to dark tunnels and forgotten dungeons, where they found hidden temples to demonic gods, and there they begin their nation.


They were originally human, but the centuries lived on their underground cities, and the nature of the pact they forged itself, slowly changed them to something more inhuman and uncanny. They usually bear a extremely pale skin and eyes of pure darkness; their hairs tend to be as pale as their skin, although some will grow black and silver hair. They have the stature of humans, but their bodies tend to be slender and thin, but muscular, and his limbs are long and gracious. All of them are born also with a visible mark on their torso, neck or head, that symbolises the dark covenant forged with the demons.


In the same way regular human nations function, families are the cornerstone of the Demonborn society. Their families are generally matriarcal in nature, since the power to generate more of their species is specially sacred for the dwindling demonborn race. This is specially true because Demonborn women will always give birth to demonborn babies, whilst the son of a male demonborn with a female human will often result in an abortion or in a malformed progenie.

The oldest female in a Demonborn family is expected to take part in the Covenant Rite, and become a warlock of the demonic gods. This female will become the matriarch of the family as she grows older, taking place of her mother after her death. It is not uncommon that older matriarchs suffer untimely deaths in the hands of a daughter eager for power.

Demonborn families will often fight for power, and this is expected by their demonic masters, that constantly induce this infighting, that serve two purposes: feed them with worship, in the form of sacrifices, since each death is a prayer in their name; and as a means to weed out the weak ones, in a constant eugenic process. When two demonborn families fight, the defeated warlocks will have their souls devoured by the warlocks of the winning family, in a process called Hollowing, becoming even more powerful afterward.

Male demonborn, however, will often take the role of warriors, protecting their families and their warlocks. They are seen as disposable more often than not, since the birth rate of male demonborns is higher than that of the female ones. On occasion, the mark of the covenant on their bodies will glow when a young male demonborn reaches maturity, signaling him as a sorcerer - which doesn't happens with female demonborn for unknown reasons. Sorcerer demonborns are well respected, and they are seen as almost equal as the matriarch of their family, reason why they will often become consorts of matriarchs.

Demonborn Names[edit]

Demonborn names are a product of the mixing between the ancient languages of the forgotten human nation that is the ancestor of this race, and the abyssal language of demons. Each demonborn will also carry a family name, that is placed before their own name.

Common Female Names.
Common Male Names.
Common Family Names.

Demonborn Traits[edit]

They harmonise and dance with the demons inside them..
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution increases by 2.
Age. Demonborn achieve maturity in the same rate as humans, but age at a slower rate, achieving old age at 200 years (equivalent to a 60 year old human) and living to up to 300 years.
Alignment. Demonborn tends toward evil, due to their society characteristics. They are not inherently evil however.
Size. You have the size of an average human.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Superior Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Unnatural Health. You have advantage on saving throws against the poisoned condition, and can't be affected by non-magical diseases.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Abyssal.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

6′ 2'' +1d6 200 lb. × (1d6) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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