Elvish Language

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The Elvish Language of Neo-Sindarin[edit]

Elvish is the language spoken by the elves, the fey and the elementals. It is a dialect of Neo-Sindarin (Sindarin was devised by J. R. R. Tolkien. It is part of the Appalachia campaign, but can be used in any campaign that has elves.

Common -> Elvish          | Elvish -> Common
a             hi-         | ab          after
abate         posta-      | abgen-      oracle
abbey         elias       | ablad       obstacle
abysmal       duda-       | abor        od
abyss         dath        | ach         but
accident      dyl         | achad       shoal
ace           arphen      | achar-      strike
acid          gae         | achared     execution
acrid         tif         | acharn      carnage
act           caur        | ad-         back
action        cared       | ada         oz
admire        elva-       | adab        mansion
adore         elvain      | adaba-      build
adulation     beleitha-   | adan        human
adventure     berthas     | adaneth     woman
affection     mil         | adar        father
afflict       caul        | adbathra-   urn
after         ab          | adbed-      ditch
ag            pe          | adel        bar
age           andrann     | aden        th
ageless       theria-     | adlanna-    shaft
aid           grest       | adlant      distract
air           gwelu       | adlod       shack
alchemy       ferui       | adu         disk
ale           celu        | advir       relic
all           il          | aebin       olive
alliance      gwedhen     | aeda-       worship
ally          gwedhron    | aedaith     revere
alone         ero         | aedh        nest
amaze         thir        | aeg         pierce
amber         ephola-     | aegas       zenith
ambiguous     arnoediad   | aeglos      cold
amuse         laltha-     | ael         lake
an            hin-        | aen         ord
ancient       iaur        | aenor       god
and           a           | Aenu        angel
angel         Aenu        | aer         holy
anger         oroth       | aerlinn     hymn
anguish       naegos      | aeron       saint
animal        lavan       | aes         meat
ankle         talif       | aevar       den
ant           cidinn      | aew         bird
anvil         ang         | aewen       owl
ape           mabren      | agla-       flash
appear        thia-       | aglann      ray
apple         orf         | aglar       brilliance
aqua          nend        | aglareb     legendary
ar            le          | agol        flicker
arch          tobas       | agor        narrow
archer        pengron     | agrech      contempt
ardent        bara        | agreitha-   distrust
arena         rind        | agreithannendisloyal
arm           ranc        | agreitharol worthless
armor         barf        | ai          eet
armored       castol      | aith        spear
armory        escar       | al-         not
arrow         pilind      | alae        lightning
artifact      ithildin    | alag        rush
artifice      echain      | alagos      storm
as            be          | albeth      omen
ash           lith        | alfirin     immortal
ashen         lithui      | alhad       disappear
assault       avaeth      | alph        swan
assemble      cova-       | alphen      phantom
at            mivan       | alu         righteous
attack        othrol      | alvar       luck
aunt          ress        | am          up
author        paethron    | amar        world
authority     polod       | amarth      fate
autonomy      cuina-      | amartha-    rule
autumn        iavas       | amarthannen destiny
awesome       anwar       | amben       climb
axe           hathol      | amdir       embrace
azure         galvorn     | amloth      cathedral
baby          gwinig      | amlug       dragon
back          ad-         | ammal       murder
bad           ogol        | amman       why
bag           pog         | ammatha-    shred
bait          limmeg      | ammos       chest
bake          basta-      | ammuia-     business
balance       coltha-     | amon        mass
bald          rudh        | amosgarn    robin
ball          cor         | amrun       dawn
band          gwanuren    | an          for
banded        lostad      | anann       lorn
bandit        raun        | anc         jaw
bane          dagnir      | and         long
bank          duirro      | andaith     combination
banner        belen       | andrann     age
bar           adel        | andreth     boredom
barb          lanc        | andrethui   practice
barbarian     bardhon     | anfra-      urge
barbarous     glam        | ang         anvil
bard          linnor      | angerthas   tattoo
bark          rif         | anglenna-   scare
barricade     min         | anglennol   glide
basement      di          | angol       enchantment
bash          paur        | angos       ruthless
basic         nad         | angren      iron
basin         nabant      | angwedh     chain
basis         thonnas     | ann         gift
bastion       ness        | anna-       give
bat           pillor      | annabon     hulk
bath          saun        | annas       length
battle        dagor       | anneth      charity
be            ol-         | annon       gate
beach         falas       | Anor        sun
beak          irth        | -ant        en
beam          dravn       | anu         male
bear          brog        | anwar       awesome
beard         fang        | anwathren   buck
beast         mund        | apha-       touch
beauty        banath      | aphad-      heed
become        tho-        | aphadol     crew
bed           haust       | aphadon     minion
bee           niw         | apharch     crypt
beer          salph       | aphas       tentacle
beg           ephed-      | ar-         day
begin         heria-      | ara-        noble
beguile       conui       | aran        ruler
belch         lhung       | aranas      lead
bell          nell        | aras        stag
belly         cum         | archadhu    throne
beloved       mell        | areg        rank
belt          lest        | arnad       kingdom
bend          loera-      | arnediad    perplex
bent          cun         | arnen       royal
berry         dod         | arnoediad   ambiguous
best          ro-         | arod        prestige
betray        gweria-     | arphen      ace
bewilder      glavras     | arthor      realm
bewitch       gonathras   | -as         os
big           orn         | asg         bone
bile          iaewen      | asgar       conflict
bin           nui         | ast         dust
bind          nod-        | astor       fealty
bird          aew         | astorad     loyalty
birth         gwanos      | astren      sludge
bite          nanc        | -ath        faction
bitter        saer        | atha-       plot
black         mor         | athae       healing
blade         cim         | athan       deity
blame         badhor      | athelas     medicine
blank         neldor      | athgar      dump
blanket       pesseg      | athgen      honest
blast         bregedur    | athor       mage
blaze         erynor      | athra-      cross
bleed         ethiria-    | athrabed-   communion
bless         elia-       | athrabeth   scold
blight        guru        | athrad      coast
blind         dom         | athrada-    move
blink         glinthad    | athragared  coalition
blizzard      lossen      | aur         morning
bloated       tomp        | auth        war
blob          tugomui     | ava-        revolt
block         tab-        | avad        negate
blockade      tavnen      | avaeth      assault
blood         sereg       | avaetha-    seize
bloody        dagrassaeb  | avras       spire
blossom       losta-      | awarth      lone
blot          tue         | awartha-    languish
blow          soda-       | bach        gear
blue          luin        | bachor      merchant
blunt         plant       | bad         path
blur          mal         | badh-       judge
blush         crann       | badhor      blame
boar          rhovan      | badhron     justice
board         palath      | bain        moral
boast         trenar-     | bal-        conjure
boat          lunt        | baladh      worth
body          rhond       | balaen      divine
bog           rostor      | Balan       power
boil          gwel-       | balas       everseeing
bold          beren       | balch       torture
bolt          pilinoth    | ball        renown
bond          gwend       | balla-      momentous
bone          asg         | baltha-     shock
book          parf        | balthannen  frenzy
boot          -weg        | balthol     crowded
bore          dov-        | balu        brood
boredom       andreth     | bam         hart
born          onnen       | banath      beauty
borne         tog-        | band        prison
bottle        redhia-     | bang        staff
bottom        nepheg      | banga-      sell
boulder       gonnos      | bangad      trade
bound         naud        | bangath     market
bounty        ovor        | bar         dwelling
bow           peng        | bara        ardent
bowel         iad         | barad       doomed
bowl          tolph       | baradh      stuck
box           colch       | baran       brown
boy           ionn        | bardh       home
braid         gwirphin    | bardha-     reign
brain         nauth       | bardhon     barbarian
branch        golf        | bardor      manor
brand         iolf        | barf        armor
brash         trastadweg  | barn        safe
brass         rustui      | bartha-     doom
brave         thalieth    | barthan     monastery
bravery       berthian    | basgorn     loaf
brazen        ross        | bast        bread
breach        haru        | basta-      bake
bread         bast        | batha-      trample
break         breitha-    | bauch       price
breath        thul        | baudh       stigma
breeches      hab-        | baug        cruel
breed         edonna-     | baugla-     crush
breeze        hwest       | bauglir     rath
brew          suithlas    | baul        torment
bribe         ethia-      | baur        need
brick         nae         | baura-      require
bride         dis         | bavron      martyr
bridge        iant        | baw         no
brigand       uwedhron    | be          as
bright        gail        | bedhril     jailer
brilliance    aglar       | beinas      purple
brim          rhif        | belaith     robust
bristle       erch        | beleg       massive
broad         land        | beleitha-   adulation
broil         brass       | belen       banner
broke         perin       | bellas      strength
bronze        rustren     | belon       sail
brood         balu        | belt        mare
brother       hanar       | belu-       flag
brow          hendelu     | bened       deaf
brown         baran       | benn        man
bruise        brona-      | bennas      spite
brush         eregdos     | beren       bold
brutal        faron       | bereth      sublime
brute         tad-dal     | beria-      ward
buck          anwathren   | bertha-     dare
buckle        redhen      | berthas     adventure
bud           tuilu-      | berthian    bravery
buff          run         | besain      cherish
bug           prestannen  | besta-      promise
build         adaba-      | bida-       compare
bulb          solch       | bil         feign
bulbous       faul        | bileb       equal
bulwark       rammas      | bilebra-    equality
bunny         niphred     | bilebren    even
burden        coleb       | bileutha-   symmetry
burial        sarnas      | biltha-     risk
burn          orna-       | bilthadren  random
bury          hauda-      | blab-       wing
bush          toss        | blabed      flight
business      ammuia-     | blaud       pride
busy          carweg      | ble         grease
but           ach         | blew        oil
butcher       thavron     | blodren     proud
butter        mang        | bloss       wheat
butterfly     gwilwileth  | bo          on
button        dolt        | boda-       erase
buzzard       tavor       | boe         scream
cackle        gladh-      | bond        swine
cactus        toleg       | bor         monk
cage          taudh       | born        hot
cake          cram        | both        marsh
call          ialla-      | bothol      furnace
callus        fuia-       | brag        quick
calm          sidheb      | bragollach  sear
camp          echad       | brand       shrine
can           pol-        | branna-     scorch
candle        ligu        | brannon     earl
candy         laich       | brant       done
canyon        pend        | brass       broil
cape          cast        | brassen     fever
card          gwistol     | brasta-     soar
carnage       acharn      | brath-      cook
carnal        maelui      | breged      violence
carrion       gorth       | bregedur    blast
carry         col-        | bregol      fierce
cart          rasg        | bregolas    ferocity
cast          redh-       | breitha-    break
castle        ostor       | brenia-     pungent
cat           muig        | breth       mast
catch         gad-        | brethil     princess
cathedral     amloth      | bril        crystal
cave          feleg       | brith       gravel
cavern        raudh       | brithon     sprinkle
cavity        mi          | brog        bear
ceiling       telu        | brona-      bruise
celebrate     miruvor     | bronad      slaad
celestial     menel       | brond       faithful
certain       idhor       | bronnas     stable
chain         angwedh     | bronwe      swim
chalice       ylvon       | brui        wail
chalk         nimras      | budhu       wasp
chamber       sam         | budhulug    insect
champion      degil       | buia-       fend
chance        tunc        | bund        hog
change        gwist       | byr         servant
channel       celf        | cab-        jump
chant         linnathren  | cabed       leap
chaos         glavra-     | cabor       frog
chapel        eliad       | cad         then
char          calardan    | cadhad      dour
character     narphen     | cadu        shape
charity       anneth      | cadwor      sculpture
charm         huia-       | caeda-      upon
chart         golain      | cael        sickness
chase         rui         | caeleb      sick
chasm         ia          | caer        swamp
chastity      gwesta-     | caeth       reason
cheat         finna-      | caetha-     drive
cheerful      gladhweg    | caetheb     start
cheese        cur         | caew        lair
cherish       besain      | cafru       flea
chest         ammos       | cai         hedge
chew          nag-        | cail        palisade
chief         condir      | cair        ship
child         neth        | cal-        glow
chill         ring        | calad       light
chip          techu       | calar       lantern
chirp         laeglinn    | calardan    char
chocolate     mornechui   | calen       green
choke         uthului     | callon      hero
chop          drava-      | calph       jar
church        narthan     | cam         hand
cinder        gildin      | camma-      diversion
cinnamon      culuin      | can-        yell
circle        ringorn     | canad       four
citadel       ost         | canath      quarter
city          minas       | cang        confusion
clan          noss        | canga-      tangle
clarify       celia-      | cannas      cone
clasp         gwedh       | cant        rim
class         mav-        | canthil     square
claw          gamp        | car-        do
clay          talvad      | carab       hat
clean         puig        | carach      maw
cleanse       puida-      | caraes      defense
clear         lim         | carag       spike
clearing      lant        | caran       red
cleave        hasta-      | caras       town
cleft         falch       | carch       fang
clench        drambor     | cardh       house
clever        maen        | cared       action
climb         amben       | carf        tool
clinch        tanc        | carnen      fatal
cling         harthad     | caron       juggler
cloak         fanna-      | carthas     execute
clock         piruin      | carweg      busy
clod          glavradon   | cast        cape
cloister      pand        | castol      armored
clone         egel        | cathrae     hood
close         hol-        | cauda-      insight
cloth         gwaef       | caudol      considerate
cloud         lum         | caul        afflict
cloudy        fanui       | caun        outrage
clout         orvel-      | caur        act
club          grond       | caust       garlic
cluster       unodui      | cauth       lie
clutch        gasdil      | cav-        ownership
clutter       ovra-       | cavren      regard
coal          ethog-      | caw         top
coalition     athragared  | ce          might
coast         athrad      | ceber       stake
coil          logren      | cef         grime
cold          aeglos      | ceiria-     rite
color         crui        | celeb       silver
colorless     nim         | celef       deer
column        thavn       | celeg       swift
combat        othas       | celeth      stream
combination   andaith     | celf        channel
combine       go-         | celia-      clarify
comedy        lalaith     | celias      torch
comet         elui        | cell        silk
common        conibo      | celon       river
communion     athrabed-   | celu        ale
compare       bida-       | cen-        peek
compassion    faefelf     | cened       watchful
compete       nevra-      | cenedril    mirror
complex       gorchanui   | cennan      pot
cone          cannas      | cerch       scythe
confederacy   osgaef      | ceredir     monger
confidence    theriol     | cerin       stage
confine       nadha       | certh       rune
conflict      asgar       | certhas     script
confuse       ri-tha-     | cesta-      seek
confusion     cang        | cestaed     curious
conjure       bal-        | cestaedas   curiosity
conjurer      curunir     | ceth-       search
connect       ianna-      | cethaeg     plane
conqueror     orthor-     | ceven       earth
considerate   caudol      | cevn        dike
construct     tag-        | cevnas      tile
contain       edra-       | ci          thou
container     edren       | cidinn      ant
contempt      agrech      | cil-        decide
contest       estannen    | cilu        decisive
continent     palan       | cim         blade
control       maethas     | cin         -hood
controller    cund        | cinnog      runt
convenient    trog        | cirbann     sanctuary
cook          brath-      | cirion      pirate
cool          oel         | cirith      rift
cooperation   gwaedh      | ciw         dye
copper        rust        | claur       glory
core          enedh       | codhon      idol
corn          iau         | col-        carry
corridor      othlonn     | colch       box
corruption    othgared    | coleb       burden
cosmos        ilhad       | coll        scarlet
cottage       milbar      | collorn     lime
cotton        to          | colof       lemon
council       nornad      | colron      critter
counsellor    saelor      | coltha-     balance
couple        edaid       | colu        vermin
courage       thalas      | colui       sack
course        rath        | colwed      epidemic
courtesy      nathla-     | com         crawl
coven         esgal       | condir      chief
cover         gwael       | conibo      common
cow           gach        | conui       beguile
crab          forvo       | cor         ball
cradle        hobas       | coranor     solar
craft         maenas      | corch       crow
crater        loch        | cordh       sour
crawl         com         | cordof      pear
crazy         pen-ind     | corf        ring
create        gauda-      | corn        round
creation      tallam      | corob       skull
creature      un          | coron       globe
creed         ind         | cortha-     spoil
creek         sir         | coru        cunning
creep         lhig-       | cost        scuffle
crescent      cu          | coth        foe
crest         pind        | cotha-      surprise
crevice       ulann       | cov-        obey
crew          aphadol     | cova-       assemble
crimson       echui       | covada-     meet
critter       colron      | covas       nation
cross         athra-      | covn        void
crow          corch       | covra-      hollow
crowd         ovras       | craban      raven
crowded       balthol     | cram        cake
crown         ri          | crann       blush
crucifixion   taru        | cranthannen perfect
crucify       migtoth     | crech       spittle
cruel         baug        | crig        elbow
crush         baugla-     | crisg       knife
crusher       sammar      | criss       cut
crux          ment        | crist       hatchet
cry           hul         | crista-     slash
crypt         apharch     | crui        color
crystal       bril        | cruin       violet
cube          hadhwa-     | crumguru    guilt
cuddle        suilanna-   | cu          crescent
cult          li          | cud         infamous
cunning       coru        | cuen        hawk
cup           ylf         | cugu        harpy
cure          penia-      | cuia-       live
curiosity     cestaedas   | cuil        life
curious       cestaed     | cuileb      mischief
curl          lonc        | cuilvorn    permanent
curse         huda-       | cuin        gristle
cut           criss       | cuina-      autonomy
cyst          gweleth     | cuinas      health
dabble        rig-        | cuith       scaly
dagger        sigil       | cul         trash
dale          dadben      | culuin      cinnamon
dance         lilt        | cum         belly
dancer        liltha-     | cun         bent
danger        rach        | cund        controller
dank          dem         | cungan      worse
dare          bertha-     | cungand     victim
dark          dur         | cur         cheese
dash          feria-      | curth       goo
date          erin        | curu        skill
daughter      iell        | curunir     conjurer
dawn          amrun       | curunis     witch
day           ar-         | cutha-      deceiver
dead          gwann       | cyl         scar
deaf          bened       | cyr         nz
dear          muin        | dad         down
dearth        laetha-     | dadben      dale
death         gurth       | dadhra-     face
decay         drautha-    | dadhren     threat
deceiver      cutha-      | dae         severe
decent        nathren     | dae-        ungodly
decide        cil-        | daebeth     deviant
decision      lhid-       | daedelos    rampage
decisive      cilu        | dael        hive
deck          lhinnas     | daen        ghoul
decline       malu        | daer        great
deep          tovn        | daf         impunity
deer          celef       | dag-        kill
defect        norn        | dagnir      bane
defend        gartha-     | dagnis      slayer
defender      magor       | dagor       battle
defense       caraes      | dagra-      slay
deity         athan       | dagras      slaughter
delight       gella-      | dagrassaeb  bloody
dell          imlad       | dagrassaeg  killer
delve         sab-        | dail        lace
demon         raug        | dam         mace
den           aevar       | dambed-     entry
depth         raew        | damma-      hammer
desert        eru         | dan         fey
despair       niniel      | dananna-    toad
dessert       maus        | dangar-     smash
destiny       amarthannen | dangen      strangle
destroyer     erchion     | dangweth    tome
destruction   terthaith   | danna-      plunge
detour        rant        | dannad      meteor
deviant       daebeth     | dannen      nadir
devil         gwarth      | dant        fall
devious       rhaen       | danwedh     tribute
devourer      lavra-      | dar-        stop
dew           midh        | dartha-     wait
diamond       silef       | dath        abyss
dice          leutha-     | daug        soldier
die           gwanna-     | daur        league
dignity       golthas     | dav-        let
dike          cevn        | de          you
dim           fain        | degil       champion
dimension     haered      | del         disgust
dinner        duvad       | delch       weight
dip           laph        | deleb       malignant
dire          goeol       | delia-      dishonest
direction     navan       | deloth      impure
dirge         naergon     | delu        fell
dirt          gwaur       | dem         dank
disappear     alhad       | dern        tick
disciple      echil       | dev-        trial
discover      elo         | dew-        fail
discovery     gythren     | di          basement
disgust       del         | dihena-     lessen
dishonest     delia-      | -dil        friend
disk          adu         | dilia-      mend
disloyal      agreithannen| dim         stair
dismal        dovn        | din         silence
distant       haeron      | dinen       noiseless
distinct      minai       | dir         hard
distract      adlant      | dirbedui    stutter
distrust      agreitha-   | dirnaith    trooper
ditch         adbed-      | dis         bride
dive          somma-      | dod         berry
diversion     camma-      | dolen       secret
divert        rada-       | doll        head
divide        riss        | dolt        button
divine        balaen      | doltha-     unseen
djinn         nast        | dolweg      mole
do            car-        | dom         blind
doctrine      teitha-     | dond        fist
dog           hu          | donn        shady
domain        hilvias     | -dor        king
dominate      thang       | dorgannas   map
dominion      gardhon     | dorgant     view
done          brant       | dorn        tough
donkey        drabol      | doron       oak
doom          bartha-     | dortha-     dwell
doomed        barad       | dov-        bore
door          fenn        | dovn        dismal
dot           peg         | drab-       worker
dour          cadhad      | drabol      donkey
douse         suitha-     | dram        smite
down          dad         | drambor     clench
drab          niphredil   | draug       worg
dragon        amlug       | drauth      tire
drain         sautha-     | drautha-    decay
drake         limlug      | drauthas    sweat
dread         gost        | drauthol    mule
dreadful      gaer        | drava-      chop
dream         oltha-      | dravn       beam
dreamy        olui        | drega-      flee
dredge        echuia-     | dring       rod
dress         hamma-      | dringa-     hit
drill         gwiril      | drinna-     wring
drink         suith       | drint       twist
drinker       sogannen    | du          late
drip          liv-        | duath       nightmare
drive         caetha-     | duda-       abysmal
drool         gaul        | duia-       sink
droplet       limig       | duidhrad    trough
drow          penedh      | duin        silt
drown         ninglor     | duinen      flood
drum          loven       | duiniant    sewer
dry           parch       | duirro      bank
duck          sommor      | dulin       lark
duel          suilad      | dun         west
duke          heron       | dur         dark
dull          mothren     | duvad       dinner
dump          athgar      | duven       supper
dune          gwastar     | dygar       malign
dung          thost       | dyl         accident
dungeon       gador       | dyr         off
dusk          moth        | e           he
dust          ast         | -eb         y
duty          thorn       | ech         spine
dwarf         nogoth      | echad       camp
dwell         dortha-     | echain      artifice
dwelling      bar         | echil       disciple
dye           ciw         | echor       planet
dying         firin       | echui       crimson
eagle         thoron      | echuia-     dredge
ear           lheweg      | echuida-    zap
earl          brannon     | echuiru-    nature
early         minuial     | ed          out
earth         ceven       | -ed         ing
east          rhun        | edaid       couple
eat           madui       | eden        new
eater         tugom       | edhel       elf
ebony         morn        | edhellen    forever
echo          lamma-      | edhelvein   fairy
ecto-         eth         | edledhia-   rent
ed            -nt         | edledhron   vandal
eel           -ril        | edlon       gith
eerie         lastadui    | edlonui     fleet
eet           ai          | edol        ivy
effect        pessa-      | edonna-     breed
egg           och         | edra-       contain
eight         tolodh      | edraith     safety
elbow         crig        | edregol     special
elder         einior      | edren       container
elevate       orthannen   | eg          thorn
eleven        minib       | egel        clone
elf           edhel       | egelren     strange
embrace       amdir       | -egir       your
emerald       sinc        | eglan       gnarled
empire        gardh       | egleria-    praise
empty         lost        | eglin       quill
en            -ant        | egnas       peak
enchant       lutha-      | ego         poke
enchanted     horn        | egol        guise
enchanter     istoneth    | egor        or
enchantment   angol       | eil-        rain
end           methed      | ein-        pristine
endeme        godref      | einior      elder
enjoy         glassui     | eitha-      stab
ensorcel      ravaed      | eitheb      thistle
ent           onod        | eithel      fountain
enter         minna-      | eithela-    springing
entertainment tallen      | eithos      nettle
entrance      minui       | eithron     ripper
entry         dambed-     | el          star
envy          mavros      | elanor      lilac
epidemic      colwed      | elia-       bless
equal         bileb       | eliad       chapel
equality      bilebra-    | elias       abbey
erase         boda-       | -elir       yours
es            -enc        | ell         sky
escort        meldis      | Elleth      sylph
est           -ien        | Ellon       halfelf
esteemed      imeneth     | elloth      prim
eternal       uireb       | elo         discover
euphoria      mavren      | elui        comet
evaporate     thista-     | elva-       admire
even          bilebren    | elvain      adore
ever          him         | elven       wonder
everseeing    balas       | em          image
evil          oglas       | emig        pixie
exalted       hall        | -emir       my
excavate      rosta-      | emlin       falcon
execute       carthas     | enaidh      hub
execution     achared     | enas        respect
exit          uthwen      | -enc        es
extricate     etholtha-   | enedh       core
eye           hen         | enedhren    main
eyrie         thorombar   | eneg        six
face          dadhra-     | eneth       name
faction       -ath        | enia-       pink
fade          fir-        | ennas       there
fail          dew-        | ennen       laud
failure       gornodui    | eno         still
faint         hwin        | ent         un
fair          laden       | -ent        theirs
fairness      faelas      | enweria-    venerate
fairy         edhelvein   | enwiol      neutral
faith         estel       | ephed-      beg
faithful      brond       | ephel       stockade
falcon        emlin       | ephola-     amber
fall          dant        | er          one
false         haw-        | erch        bristle
fame          palan-hinnen| ercha-      sting
family        gwaren      | erchion     destroyer
famine        saegon      | ereb        lonesome
fancy         nethias     | eredh       seed
fang          carch       | ereg        wreath
far           hae         | eregdos     brush
farm          ridhas      | ereth       solitary
fasten        taetha-     | eria-       rise
fat           lub         | eriad       tide
fatal         carnen      | erin        date
fate          amarth      | eriol       single
father        adar        | erlu        prank
fealty        astor       | ernil       prince
fear          thoss       | ero         alone
feast         mereth      | ertha-      meld
feed          media-      | erthad      union
feet          norweg      | eru         desert
feign         bil         | eryn        forest
fell          delu        | erynor      blaze
fellowship    govod       | esbin       tress
fence         pelu-       | escar       armory
fend          buia-       | esgal       coven
feral         medlin      | esgia-      soot
fern          pilimbes    | est         she
ferocity      bregolas    | esta-       vise
festival      orthelian   | estannen    contest
feud          tevren      | estel       faith
fever         brassen     | estent      squat
few           ned         | estolad     hut
fey           dan         | eth         ecto-
field         sant        | ethia-      bribe
fiend         guruthos    | ethir       spy
fierce        bregol      | ethiria-    bleed
fiery         Norui       | ethog-      coal
fight         maeth       | etholtha-   extricate
figure        fanwos      | ethuil      spring
fill          pathra-     | fae         soul
filth         saw         | faefelf     compassion
fin           silith      | faeg        poor
find          hir-        | fael        just
finger        leber       | faelas      fairness
fire          naur        | faer        spirit
first         mein        | faergol     grieve
fish          hal         | fain        dim
fissure       thorod      | fair        present
fist          dond        | falas       beach
five          leben       | falch       cleft
flag          belu-       | falchon     sabre
flame         lacha-      | falf        wave
flank         hach        | faloth      surf
flare         lach        | fan         visionary
flash         agla-       | fang        beard
flax          hemp        | fanna-      cloak
flay          heltha-     | fanui       cloudy
flea          cafru       | fanwos      figure
flee          drega-      | far         raft
fleet         edlonui     | fara-       hunt
flesh         tith        | farad       scout
flicker       agol        | faras       prowl
flier         gwiltha-    | farf        rug
flight        blabed      | faron       brutal
flimsy        lann        | fartha-     sponge
fling         had-        | farthas     roast
flit          gwilwa-     | fast        hoary
float         loda-       | fastui      hairy
flood         duinen      | faug        leech
floor         panas       | faul        bulbous
flower        loth        | faust       thirst
flute         thibin      | faw-        pant
fly           gwil-       | Feir        mortality
flying        gwilith     | fel-        sensual
foam          gwing       | fela        mine
focus         maegra-     | felaich     splash
foe           coth        | felechia-   spatter
fog           hithu       | feleg       cave
fold          gwaeda-     | felf        sense
folk          gwaith      | fenn        door
food          mann        | fennas      portal
fool          foph        | fer         where
foolish       fophren     | feredir     gang
foot          tal         | feredis     pit
for           an          | fergar      phase
ford          iach        | fergenol    tactic
forest        eryn        | feria-      dash
forever       edhellen    | fern        lich
forge         maga-       | ferui       alchemy
fork          till        | fidhren     unkempt
fortify       osta-       | fim         slim
fortress      garth       | fin         wire
fortune       manadh      | finc        trick
fountain      eithel      | find        mane
four          canad       | finna-      cheat
fragile       ragui       | fir-        fade
fragment      telt        | fireb       mortal
fragrance     liss        | firin       dying
frame         thardh      | flid        skin
fray          gratha-     | flinc       vulture
free          rain        | foen        plan
freedom       leithia-    | foph        fool
freeze        hel-        | fophas      insanity
frenzy        balthannen  | fophren     foolish
fresh         gweleb      | forn        right
friend        -dil        | fornen      shut
fright        gosta-      | forod       north
frigid        helen       | forvo       crab
frilly        tast        | fu          wade
frog          cabor       | fuia-       callus
from          sui         | fuin        night
front         nif         | fuvril      moth
frost         nais        | gach        cow
fruit         iaf         | gad-        catch
full          pant        | gadas       trap
fungus        hwand       | gador       dungeon
fur           helf        | gae         acid
furnace       bothol      | gaear       sea
fury          norna-      | gaearon     ocean
future        hora-       | gael        glimmer
gale          gwaew       | gaer        dreadful
gall          gwelch      | gaeruil     mush
gallows       pelthaes    | gaes        steel
game          telien      | gaethren    plate
gang          feredir     | gaew        pregnant
gar           iphant      | gail        bright
garlic        caust       | gal-        grand
gas           gwelwen     | gala-       grow
gate          annon       | galadh      tree
gaunt         hesg        | galadhremmenjungle
gaze          tiria-      | galas       plant
gear          bach        | galen       nurture
gem           tinna-      | galenas     weed
general       illadui     | galf        shove
genius        hannas      | galtha-     pearl
ghast         othestannen | galu        growth
ghost         uben        | galvorn     azure
ghoul         daen        | gammas      hook
giant         noroth      | gamp        claw
gift          ann         | ganna-      more
gilded        gloriel     | gannan      large
gill          singren     | gannel      lute
girl          nethig      | gant        greater
gith          edlon       | gar-        hold
give          anna-       | garaf       wolf
glacier       gochel      | gardh       empire
glad          mertha-     | gardhon     dominion
glade         pathu       | garn        own
glass         heledh      | garnen      held
gleam         glinn       | garth       fortress
glee          gell        | gartha-     defend
glen          talathren   | gas         hole
glide         anglennol   | gasdil      clutch
glimmer       gael        | gaud        machine
glisten       thilia-     | gauda-      create
glitter       silivren    | gaug        stump
globe         coron       | gaul        drool
gloom         maur        | gaur        were
glory         claur       | gaw-        howl
gloss         heledhren   | gawad       untamed
glove         mawedh      | gelia-      learn
glow          cal-        | gelir       simple
glum          Hadhod      | gell        glee
glutton       madweg      | gella-      delight
glyph         gwabeth     | gellui      infallible
gnarled       eglan       | gem         shrivel
gnome         golodh      | genedia-    scenario
go            ledh-       | genediad    reward
goad          renna-      | gern        old
goal          maith       | gil         spark
goat          naeag       | gildin      cinder
goblin        orch        | gir-        shudder
god           aenor       | girith      horror
gold          mallen      | glad        wood
golden        glorin      | gladh-      cackle
gone          gwanwen     | gladhweg    cheerful
goo           curth       | glae        grass
good          ma          | glaen       soothe
goose         gwaun       | glaenas     mellow
gore          mechor      | glaer       poetry
gorge         thall       | glaew       salve
grain         nelio       | glam        barbarous
grand         gal-        | glamog      orc
granite       gonneb      | glan        pure
grape         mirybin     | glanna-     purge
grasp         mab         | glannas     rinse
grass         glae        | glannen     innocent
grave         sarch       | glass       joy
gravel        brith       | glassui     enjoy
gray          mith        | glast       marble
grease        ble         | glasta-     jester
great         daer        | glathren    jade
greater       gant        | glaudh      joke
greatest      golwen      | glavra-     chaos
greed         milu        | glavradeb   trickery
green         calen       | glavradol   persuade
grey          mithren     | glavradon   clod
grief         nirnaeth    | glavras     bewilder
grieve        faergol     | glavrol     trite
griffon       myl         | glaw        shimmer
grill         uru         | glawar      radiance
grim          narch       | gleina-     jail
grime         cef         | gleinannen  imprison
grind         mol-        | glenna-     tour
grip          mauth       | gli         honey
gristle       cuin        | glidheb     mead
grizzly       medli       | glim        meditate
gross         host        | gling-      hang
grotto        thora-      | glinn       gleam
group         gwador      | glinthad    blink
grove         laegas      | glir        poem
grow          gala-       | glist       sugar
growl         nuru-       | glodhren    humor
growth        galu        | gloriel     gilded
grub          mavor       | glorin      golden
gryphon       maew        | glorpharth  saffron
guard         tirnen      | gloss       polar
guide         patha-      | glosta-     snow
guild         govaethas   | glosui      sheen
guile         lug         | gludh       soap
guilt         crumguru    | go-         combine
guise         egol        | gobel       village
gulf          levn        | gobem       mouth
gully         imrath      | gobennas    repute
gust          so          | gobennathrenrust
gut           polch       | gochel      glacier
gutter        imrad       | godref      endeme
habit         haew        | goe         terror
hack          hast        | goeol       dire
haft          lhind       | goianna-    merge
hag           ulunn       | golain      chart
hail          nitha-      | golas       lush
hailstone     nibis       | golf        branch
hair          laus        | goll        sage
hairy         fastui      | gollor      magician
halberd       hathel      | golodh      gnome
hale          tharan      | goltha-     scholar
half          per-        | golthannen  principle
halfelf       Ellon       | golthanneth lesson
hall          thamas      | golthas     dignity
hammer        damma-      | golu        lore
hand          cam         | golwen      greatest
handle        mathad      | -gon        lord
handy         maed        | gonathras   bewitch
hang          gling-      | gond        rock
hard          dir         | gondram     vault
hare          lob-        | gondren     stone
hark          lasto       | gonneb      granite
harm          naedh       | gonnos      boulder
harmony       lista-      | gonnoth     pillar
harpy         cugu        | gonod-      scale
harsh         tarlang     | gonoded     notch
hart          bam         | gor-        warn
harvest       iav-        | goras       strategy
haste         ronga-      | gorbedui    hell
hat           carab       | gorchanui   complex
hatchet       crist       | gordh       ox
hate          tev-        | gorf        vigor
hatred        tevas       | gorgor      haunt
haunt         gorgor      | gorn        tenacity
have          sav-        | gornodui    failure
haven         hub         | gorog       hideous
hawk          cuen        | goroth      scourge
hay           taus        | gorth       carrion
haze          hent        | gorthad     wraith
he            e           | gorthob     unholy
head          doll        | gost        dread
heal          nesta-      | gosta-      fright
healer        nestad      | govaethas   guild
healing       athae       | govai       parity
health        cuinas      | govod       fellowship
heart         nest        | gowest      treaty
hearth        ruist       | gratha-     fray
heat          ora-        | graw        murky
heather       uilos       | grest       aid
heaven        rond        | gresta-     helpful
heavy         lung        | groga-      wrack
hedge         cai         | grond       club
heed          aphad-      | groth       tunnel
held          garnen      | gruin       maroon
hell          gorbedui    | gruitha-    siege
helm          thol        | gui         ld
help          tulu        | gul         magic
helpful       gresta-     | guldur      sorcerer
hen           porog       | gur         mind
her           inu         | gurgof      treason
herd          lavor       | gurth       death
here          si-         | guru        blight
hermit        -we         | guruthos    fiend
hero          callon      | gw          newt
heroic        thalion     | gwa-        sanctum
hers          he          | gwabeth     glyph
hex           rhach       | gwador      group
hi            suila-      | gwadoras    society
hidden        thurin      | gwaeda-     fold
hide          tobla-      | gwaedh      cooperation
hideous       gorog       | gwaef       cloth
high          taer        | gwael       cover
hill          tund        | gwaeren     hurricane
him           ho          | gwaew       gale
hint          yda-        | gwain       young
hip           tele        | gwaith      folk
his           onna-       | gwalir      rhyme
hit           dringa-     | gwall       wreck
hithlain      hithlain    | gwaloth     spray
hive          dael        | gwanath     perish
hoard         mirad       | gwann       dead
hoary         fast        | gwanna-     die
hob           tinc        | gwanod      number
hobbit        Perian      | gwanos      birth
hobble        osgar-      | gwanu       suicide
hog           bund        | gwanur      kin
hoist         orthad      | gwanuren    band
hold          gar-        | gwanwas     past
hole          gas         | gwanwen     gone
hollow        covra-      | gwaren      family
holy          aer         | gwarth      devil
home          bardh       | gwass       taint
honest        athgen      | gwastar     dune
honey         gli         | gwath       shadow
honor         tir         | gwatha-     tarnish
hood          cathrae     | gwathel     widow
-hood         cin         | gwathra-    veil
hoof          podh        | gwathren    shade
hook          gammas      | gwathui     ominous
hop           laba-       | gwaun       goose
hope          hartha-     | gwaur       dirt
horde         hoth        | gwe         we
horn          rass        | gwedh       clasp
horror        girith      | gwedhen     alliance
horse         lobor       | gwedhron    ally
host          rim         | gwef        louse
hot           born        | gwel-       boil
hound         huan        | gwelch      gall
hour          oreth       | gweleb      fresh
house         cardh       | gweleth     cyst
hovel         tump        | gweltha-    squeeze
hover         hadhu       | gwelu       air
how           naman       | gwelwen     gas
howl          gaw-        | gwemmel     weevil
hub           enaidh      | gwen        us
hue           laed        | gwend       bond
hug           hannad      | gweneth     virgin
huge          pann        | gwennod     peach
hulk          annabon     | gwenwi      scrap
hull          sesta-      | gweria-     betray
hum           romru       | gwest       role
human         adan        | gwesta-     chastity
humble        hogren      | gweth       scandal
humor         glodhren    | gwib        organ
hunger        saeg        | gwil-       fly
hunt          fara-       | gwilith     flying
huorn         huorn       | gwiltha-    flier
hurricane     gwaeren     | gwilwa-     flit
hurt          harn        | gwilwileth  butterfly
hush          idh         | gwilwist    weather
hut           estolad     | gwimmam     whale
hymn          aerlinn     | gwin        ours
i             ni          | gwineb      son
ib            lo          | gwing       foam
ice           heleg       | gwingil     nymph
id            -th         | gwinig      baby
idleness      ugarol      | gwir-       robe
idol          codhon      | gwiril      drill
if            pi          | gwirphin    braid
ignite        ur          | gwirthar    spar
il            -iel        | gwist       change
ill           lhaew       | gwista-     mold
image         em          | gwistanneth subtle
immoral       oew         | gwistol     card
immortal      alfirin     | gyth        larva
impale        nestag-     | gythra-     speck
imperial      othrim      | gythren     discovery
impervious    thangail    | hab-        breeches
imprison      gleinannen  | habad       shoe
impunity      daf         | hach        flank
impure        deloth      | had-        fling
in            ne-         | hadang      lance
inch          rib         | hadh-       sit
incident      iesta-      | Hadhod      glum
infallible    gellui      | hadhu       hover
infamous      cud         | hadhwa-     cube
infect        pavra-      | hadlath     sling
inferno       uir         | hador       zealot
infinite      pennoediad  | hadron      thug
influence     taid        | hae         far
ing           -ed         | haedh       rampart
ink           tiwdi       | haer        tundra
inn           sennas      | haered      dimension
innocent      glannen     | haeron      distant
insanity      fophas      | haew        habit
insect        budhulug    | hair        tore
insight       cauda-      | hal         fish
intricate     sinnen      | half        shell
invisible     lhoss       | hall        exalted
ior           -ron        | hallas      size
iron          angren      | haltha-     vanish
ish           -ol         | hamma-      dress
island        toll        | hammad      wear
it            ten         | hammen      skirt
itch          idith       | hamp        shirt
its           sa          | hanar       brother
it's          tenna       | hand        smart
ius           -on         | hanna-      thank
ivory         nel         | hannad      hug
ivy           edol        | hannas      genius
jackal        rusc        | hant        throw
jade          glathren    | harad       south
jail          gleina-     | harn        hurt
jailer        bedhril     | harna-      wound
jar           calph       | hartha-     hope
jaw           anc         | harthad     cling
jester        glasta-     | haru        breach
jewel         mir         | harvo       side
join          iannen      | hast        hack
joke          glaudh      | hasta-      cleave
joy           glass       | hathel      halberd
joyous        meren       | hathol      axe
judge         badh-       | hauda-      bury
juggler       caron       | haudh       tomb
juice         nidh        | haug        low
jump          cab-        | haust       bed
jungle        galadhremmen| hav-        prayer
just          fael        | haw-        false
justice       badhron     | he          hers
justify       tangada-    | heb-        keep
keen          laeg        | hebia-      slow
keep          heb-        | hedril      toss
key           ledil       | hel-        freeze
kill          dag-        | heledh      glass
killer        dagrassaeg  | heledhren   gloss
kin           gwanur      | heledirn    raptor
kind          milui       | heleg       ice
kindling      thoniel     | helen       frigid
kindness      list        | heleth      pelt
king          -dor        | helf        fur
kingdom       arnad       | hell        mange
kiss          mytha-      | heltha-     flay
knead         medhia-     | hemp        flax
knee          ogod        | hen         eye
knife         crisg       | hendelu     brow
knight        rochir      | henia-      sombre
knit          raen        | henneth     vestibule
knock         tamma-      | hent        haze
knot          nardh       | herdir      master
know          ista-       | herf        sway
knowledge     ist         | heria-      begin
labor         tass        | heron       duke
labyrinth     thoren      | herth       troop
lace          dail        | herves      wife
lady          rodel       | heryn       regal
lair          caew        | hesg        gaunt
lake          ael         | hethu       obscure
lamb          yl          | hi-         a
lament        naena-      | hi-da-      ripe
lance         hadang      | hil         rake
land          -iand       | hilu        spawn
language      lam         | hilvias     domain
languish      awartha-    | him         ever
lantern       calar       | hin-        an
lard          thug        | hir-        find
large         gannan      | hith        mist
lark          dulin       | hithlain    hithlain
larva         gyth        | hithren     ochre
lash          ialtha-     | hithu       fog
last          meth        | hithui      misty
late          du          | hiw         sticky
laud          ennen       | hlab-       suck
law           theinas     | hlo         morass
lazy          olost       | ho          him
ld            gui         | hobas       cradle
lead          aranas      | hogren      humble
leader        raud        | hol-        close
leaf          lass        | hora-       future
league        daur        | horn        enchanted
leak          send        | hortha-     speed
lean          thriben     | host        gross
leap          cabed       | hoth        horde
learn         gelia-      | hothron     owner
least         nevui       | hu          dog
leech         faug        | huan        hound
leg           teleg       | hub         haven
legend        sinnarn     | huda-       curse
legendary     aglareb     | huia-       charm
lemon         colof       | huil        mongrel
length        annas       | hul         cry
lens          tira-       | hun         sacrifice
leopard       muia-       | hunc        pig
leper         neithan     | huorn       huorn
leprosy       lhyda-      | hur         zeal
less          pen         | hwand       fungus
lessen        dihena-     | hwest       breeze
lesser        nithannen   | hwin        faint
lesson        golthanneth | hwind       turmoil
let           dav-        | hwinia-     whirl
letter        tew         | hwiniol     mad
lf            thalos      | i           who
liberate      leidhron    | ia          chasm
liberty       leinas      | iach        ford
library       inias       | iad         bowel
lich          fern        | iaeda-      shame
lie           cauth       | iaeth       neck
life          cuil        | iaew        scorn
light         calad       | iaewen      bile
lightning     alae        | iaf         fruit
lilac         elanor      | ial         shout
lime          collorn     | ialla-      call
lin           iath        | ialt        whip
line          lir         | ialtha-     lash
ling          -riel       | -iand       land
lion          raw         | ianna-      connect
lip           pemp        | iannen      join
listen        lasta-      | iant        bridge
little        tithen      | iath        lin
live          cuia-       | iau         corn
lizard        noden       | iaun        temple
loaf          basgorn     | iaur        ancient
lock          taeg        | iaust       rye
lode          nedh-       | iav-        harvest
loft          orth        | iavas       autumn
lone          awarth      | idh         hush
lonesome      ereb        | idhor       certain
long          and         | idhren      ponder
loot          nabor       | idith       itch
lord          -gon        | idithen     mite
lore          golu        | idithia-    scrape
lorn          anann       | -iel        il
lost          laeth       | iell        daughter
louse         gwef        | -ien        est
love          meleth      | iest        potion
lovely        irui        | iesta-      incident
lover         melethor    | if          rm
low           haug        | il          all
loyal         sador       | ilhad       cosmos
loyalty       astorad     | illadui     general
lucid         pedweg      | ilnad       universe
luck          alvar       | ilphen      tribe
lull          lortha-     | im          self
lunch         nedhwad     | imeneth     esteemed
lung          thuia-      | imlad       dell
lurch         rinc        | imrad       gutter
lure          thagel      | imrath      gully
lurk          lathrada-   | in          year
lush          golas       | inc         whim
lust          mael        | ind         creed
luster        thilim      | ingem       suffer
lute          gannel      | inias       library
luxury        othovor     | inu         her
lyric         lend        | io          orn
mace          dam         | iolf        brand
machine       gaud        | ionn        boy
mad           hwiniol     | iphant      gar
mage          athor       | ir          when
magenta       rhaed       | irth        beak
maggot        porennin    | irtha-      nibble
magic         gul         | irui        lovely
magician      gollor      | ist         knowledge
maiden        -wen        | ista-       know
mail          thornang    | istanna-    voice
main          enedhren    | istoneth    enchanter
male          anu         | istonor     savant
malice        naeda-      | Ithil       moon
malign        dygar       | ithildin    artifact
malignant     deleb       | ithron      wizard
man           benn        | iuith       mechanical
mane          find        | iuitha-     thrift
mange         hell        | iul         singe
manor         bardor      | laba-       hop
mansion       adab        | lach        flare
many          laew        | lacha-      flame
map           dorgannas   | lad         zero
marble        glast       | lad-        stretch
mare          belt        | laden       fair
mark          taig        | ladog       tin
market        bangath     | lae-        never
maroon        gruin       | laed        hue
marsh         both        | laeg        keen
martyr        bavron      | laegas      grove
mass          amon        | laeglinn    chirp
massive       beleg       | laer        summer
mast          breth       | laeth       lost
master        herdir      | laetha-     dearth
mastery       tur         | laew        many
match         tustureg    | laeweth     raw
maw           carach      | lagor       rapid
maze          trevad-     | laich       candy
me            nin         | lain        warp
mead          glidheb     | lalaith     comedy
meadow        parth       | laltha-     amuse
meal          mad         | lam         language
mean          meithas     | lamma-      echo
meander       mist        | lammen      tongue
meat          aes         | lanad       woof
mechanical    iuith       | lanc        barb
mechanism     lanu        | land        broad
medicine      athelas     | lang        throat
meditate      glim        | lann        flimsy
meet          covada-     | lant        clearing
meld          ertha-      | lanu        mechanism
mellow        glaenas     | laph        dip
melt          siriol      | lass        leaf
memory        rin         | lasta-      listen
menace        rachui      | lastad      shaman
mend          dilia-      | lastadui    eerie
merchant      bachor      | lasto       hark
merge         goianna-    | lath        sinew
mesh          rem         | lathrada-   lurk
messiah       reitha-     | lathron     prophet
metal         tinchen     | laudh       nourish
meteor        dannad      | laug        warm
midnight      nedhor      | laus        hair
might         ce          | lav-        slime
mighty        polodren    | lavan       animal
mile          ridh        | lavor       herd
mill          molor       | lavra-      devourer
mind          gur         | law         pitch
mine          fela        | le          ar
mining        sabar       | leb-        pick
minion        aphadon     | leben       five
mint          lissuin     | leber       finger
mire          talaf       | leberen     puppet
mirror        cenedril    | lebig       toe
mirth         telias      | ledh-       go
mischief      cuileb      | ledil       key
misery        naegra-     | legol       pack
mist          hith        | leidhron    liberate
misty         hithui      | leinas      liberty
mite          idithen     | leithia-    freedom
mithril       mithril     | leithian    release
mob           me          | lembas      muffin
modesty       mib         | lend        lyric
moist         nenui       | lenia-      rasp
mold          gwista-     | lest        belt
mole          dolweg      | lethril     muse
molten        sirith      | leutha-     dice
moment        luig        | levn        gulf
momentous     balla-      | leweg       worm
monastery     barthan     | lhaew       ill
monger        ceredir     | lhain       thin
mongrel       huil        | lhe         string
monk          bor         | lheweg      ear
monkey        reth        | lhid-       decision
monster       uan         | lhig-       creep
moon          Ithil       | lhind       haft
moral         bain        | lhing       taut
morality      maer        | lhinnas     deck
morass        hlo         | lhiw        plague
more          ganna-      | lhoer       venom
morning       aur         | lhoereb     scorpion
morose        sibra-      | lhoew       poison
morph         prestanneth | lhon        sound
mortal        fireb       | lhoss       invisible
mortality     Feir        | lhossa-     whisper
moss          loew        | lhug        serpent
most          melch       | lhung       belch
moth          fuvril      | lhyda-      leprosy
mother        naneth      | li          cult
mountain      orod        | lidh        passage
mourn         nalla-      | lif         weld
mouse         nigol       | lig         wax
mouth         gobem       | ligu        candle
move          athrada-    | lilt        dance
muck          uil         | liltha-     dancer
mud           madha       | lim         clear
muffin        lembas      | limig       droplet
mule          drauthol    | limlug      drake
murder        ammal       | limmeg      bait
murky         graw        | limmida-    snail
muscle        tu          | limp        wallow
muse          lethril     | lin         pool
mush          gaeruil     | lind        song
mushroom      telum       | linna-      sing
music         linnas      | linnas      music
mute          ugann       | linnathren  chant
my            -emir       | linnod      verse
mystery       mabed-      | linnor      bard
mythical      siniath     | lir         line
nadir         dannen      | lisg        reed
nail          taes        | liss        fragrance
name          eneth       | lissuin     mint
narrow        agor        | list        kindness
nasty         oer         | lista-      harmony
nation        covas       | listo       stun
nature        echuiru-    | lith        ash
naught        lurlos      | lithui      ashen
near          nef         | liv-        drip
neck          iaeth       | lo          ib
necro         morgul      | lob-        hare
need          baur        | lobor       horse
negate        avad        | loboth      rabbit
neo-          sain        | lobrob      trot
nest          aedh        | loch        crater
nestle        lorn        | loda-       float
net           raef        | loen        soak
nettle        eithos      | loera-      bend
neutral       enwiol      | loeth       spiral
never         lae-        | loetha-     twine
new           eden        | loew        moss
newt          gw          | log-        pull
nibble        irtha-      | logeb       winding
night         fuin        | loged       swarm
nightmare     duath       | logren      coil
nine          neder       | lom         yawn
no            baw         | lonc        curl
noble         ara-        | lond        pass
noiseless     dinen       | lonnas      reef
none          ont         | lor-        sloth
noose         nyw         | loran       season
nor           u           | lorn        nestle
north         forod       | lortha-     lull
nose          nem         | loss        sleet
not           al-         | lossen      blizzard
notch         gonoded     | lost        empty
nourish       laudh       | losta-      blossom
null          unt         | lostad      banded
number        gwanod      | loth        flower
nurture       galen       | lotheg      wheel
nut           pech        | loven       drum
nymph         gwingil     | lu          time
nz            cyr         | lub         fat
oak           doron       | luda-       pastime
oar           plador      | lug         guile
oat           salch       | luig        moment
obey          cov-        | luin        blue
oblivion      telwen      | luithia-    quench
obscure       hethu       | lum         cloud
obstacle      ablad       | lummor      tempest
occult        thaur       | lumren      typhoon
ocean         gaearon     | lung        heavy
ochre         hithren     | lunt        boat
od            abor        | lur         sleep
odor          ulren       | lurlos      naught
of            o           | luth        spell
off           dyr         | lutha-      enchant
often         odlad       | luthad      sorcery
og            -og         | lyg         snake
ogre          ogron       | ma          good
oil           blew        | mab         grasp
old           gern        | mabed-      mystery
olive         aebin       | mabren      ape
oll           os-         | mabrenas    spry
omen          albeth      | mad         meal
ominous       gwathui     | madha       mud
on            bo          | madui       eat
one           er          | madweg      glutton
onion         tui         | mae         velvet
onslaught     toled       | maeas       pulp
onto          or          | maecheneb   sphinx
ooze          olla-       | maed        handy
open          panna-      | maeg        sharp
or            egor        | maegra-     focus
oracle        abgen-      | mael        lust
orange        melingarn   | maelig      wealth
orb           pennig      | maeligeb    rich
orc           glamog      | maelui      carnal
ord           aen         | maen        clever
order         pannen      | maenas      craft
organ         gwib        | maer        morality
organize      nethan-     | maeron      poet
orn           io          | maeth       fight
os            -as         | maetha-     treat
our           pin         | maethas     control
ours          gwin        | maethor     warrior
out           ed          | maew        gryphon
outrage       caun        | maf         palace
over          thar        | maga-       forge
owl           aewen       | magor       defender
own           garn        | maidh       pale
owner         hothron     | main        prime
ownership     cav-        | mair        trove
ox            gordh       | maith       goal
oz            ada         | mal         blur
pack          legol       | malen       yellow
padded        nedhu       | mallen      gold
page          palt        | malt        rare
pain          naeg        | malthen     scarce
paint         thuith      | malu        decline
palace        maf         | man         what
pale          maidh       | manadh      fortune
palisade      cail        | mang        butter
palm          plad        | mann        food
pant          faw-        | matha-      stroke
panther       naew        | mathad      handle
paper         tustur      | maul        rice
parch         thisin      | maur        gloom
parity        govai       | maus        dessert
part          sath        | mauth       grip
partner       mellon      | mav-        class
party         rewinion    | mavor       grub
pass          lond        | mavren      euphoria
passage       lidh        | mavros      envy
passing       tel-        | maw         soil
passion       potha-      | mawedh      glove
past          gwanwas     | me          mob
pastime       luda-       | mechor      gore
path          bad         | medhia-     knead
pattern       tharchol-   | media-      feed
paw           pod         | medli       grizzly
peace         sidh        | medlin      feral
peach         gwennod     | medui       ultimate
peak          egnas       | megil       sword
pear          cordof      | mein        first
pearl         galtha-     | meiras      treasure
pebble        sarn        | meitha-     target
peek          cen-        | meithas     mean
pelt          heleth      | mel-        romance
perfect       cranthannen | melch       most
perform       thimma-     | meldir      tame
perish        gwanath     | meldis      escort
permanent     cuilvorn    | meleth      love
perplex       arnediad    | melethor    lover
persuade      glavradol   | melethril   whore
pet           ryn         | melethron   suitor
petal         tuilas      | melingarn   orange
phantom       alphen      | mell        beloved
phase         fergar      | mellon      partner
phrase        pethas      | melui       sweet
pick          leb-        | men         road
pierce        aeg         | menel       celestial
pig           hunc        | menna-      send
pillar        gonnoth     | ment        crux
pin           tachol      | mer-        wish
pine          thon        | meren       joyous
pink          enia-       | mereth      feast
pinnacle      tarag       | merifind    sable
pirate        cirion      | meril       rose
pit           feredis     | mertha-     glad
pitch         law         | meru        virtue
pixie         emig        | mesg        wet
place         sasta-      | meth        last
plague        lhiw        | methed      end
plain         talath      | mi          cavity
plan          foen        | mib         modesty
plane         cethaeg     | midh        dew
planet        echor       | migtoth     crucify
plank         pan         | mil         affection
plant         galas       | milbar      cottage
planter       redhor      | milu        greed
plate         gaethren    | milui       kind
play          telia-      | min         barricade
plot          atha-       | minai       distinct
plunge        danna-      | minas       city
pocket        pathred     | mindon      tor
poem          glir        | minib       eleven
poet          maeron      | minlamad    than
poetry        glaer       | minna-      enter
point         nass        | minui       entrance
poison        lhoew       | minuial     early
poke          ego         | mir         jewel
polar         gloss       | mirad       hoard
pole          trunc       | miriel      sparkle
polish        rontha-     | miru        wine
ponder        idhren      | miruvor     celebrate
pool          lin         | mirwelthen  vine
poor          faeg        | mirybin     grape
portal        fennas      | mist        meander
portent       nemmas      | mista-      slither
post          tagol       | mistrad     wayward
pot           cennan      | mith        gray
potion        iest        | mithren     grey
power         Balan       | mithril     mithril
practice      andrethui   | mivan       at
prairie       sadh        | miw         tiny
praise        egleria-    | mol-        grind
prank         erlu        | molnaes     teeth
prayer        hav-        | molor       mill
pregnant      gaew        | mor         black
present       fair        | morchant    wight
prestige      arod        | morgul      necro
price         bauch       | morn        ebony
pride         blaud       | mornechui   chocolate
priest        sael        | moth        dusk
prim          elloth      | mothren     dull
prime         main        | muda-       work
primitive     rhanc       | muia-       leopard
prince        ernil       | muig        cat
princess      brethil     | muil        sullen
principle     golthannen  | muin        dear
prison        band        | muinthel    sister
pristine      ein-        | muis        tender
problem       trasta-     | mul         slave
promise       besta-      | mund        beast
prophecy      -ui         | myl         griffon
prophet       lathron     | mytha-      kiss
proud         blodren     | na          to
prowl         faras       | nab-        take
pull          log-        | nabant      basin
pulley        toltha-     | nabor       loot
pulp          maeas       | nabos       ransack
pungent       brenia-     | nad         basic
puppet        leberen     | nadha       confine
pure          glan        | nadren      real
purge         glanna-     | nae         brick
purple        beinas      | naeag       goat
purse         ruida-      | naeda-      malice
putrid        saur        | naedh       harm
puzzle        tara        | naeg        pain
pyre          nosta-      | naegos      anguish
quake         past        | naegra-     misery
quandary      tarias      | naena-      lament
quarter       canath      | naer        tragedy
queen         rian        | naergon     dirge
quench        luithia-    | naes        tooth
quest         rith        | naeth       woe
quick         brag        | naew        panther
quiet         pell        | nag-        chew
quill         eglin       | nais        frost
rabbit        loboth      | nalla-      mourn
rabble        nathal      | naman       how
race          nur         | nan         with
racing        north       | nanc        bite
rack          talven      | nand        vale
radiance      glawar      | naneth      mother
raft          far         | nanu        truth
rage          ruthra-     | nanwen      true
raid          nidha-      | nar         rat
rain          eil-        | nara-       tell
rainbow       ninniach    | narch       grim
raise         ortha-      | narcha-     rend
rake          hil         | nardh       knot
ram           poll        | narn        saga
rampage       daedelos    | narphen     character
rampart       haedh       | nartha-     stoke
rancor        tarchas     | narthan     church
random        bilthadren  | naru        ruby
rank          areg        | nass        point
ransack       nabos       | nast        djinn
rapid         lagor       | nasta-      stick
raptor        heledirn    | nath        web
rare          malt        | natha-      save
rasp          lenia-      | nathal      rabble
rat           nar         | nathla-     courtesy
rath          bauglir     | nathren     decent
raven         craban      | nathron     weaver
raw           laeweth     | naub        thumb
ray           aglann      | naud        bound
razor         salcha-     | naur        fire
real          nadren      | nauth       brain
realm         arthor      | navan       direction
reason        caeth       | naw         yes
recluse       orodben     | ne-         in
red           caran       | ned         few
reed          lisg        | neder       nine
reef          lonnas      | nedh-       lode
regal         heryn       | nedhor      midnight
regard        cavren      | nedhu       padded
reign         bardha-     | nedhwad     lunch
rein          theres      | nedia-      roll
release       leithian    | nef         near
relic         advir       | negen       talon
relief        post        | neitha-     sully
rend          narcha-     | neithan     leper
renown        ball        | nel         ivory
rent          edledhia-   | neldor      blank
repute        gobennas    | neledh      three
require       baura-      | neleg       tusk
respect       enas        | nelio       grain
rest          sedh-       | nell        bell
revere        aedaith     | nelladel    thunder
revolt        ava-        | nelthil     triangle
reward        genediad    | nelui       third
rhyme         gwalir      | nem         nose
rhythm        rand        | nemmas      portent
rice          maul        | nen         water
rich          maeligeb    | nend        aqua
riddle        pess        | nenui       moist
ride          northa-     | nepheg      bottom
rider         rochben     | ness        bastion
rift          cirith      | nest        heart
right         forn        | nesta-      heal
righteous     alu         | nestad      healer
rim           cant        | nestag-     impale
ring          corf        | neth        child
rinse         glannas     | nethan-     organize
rip           rista-      | nethel      sprite
ripe          hi-da-      | nethias     fancy
ripper        eithron     | nethig      girl
rise          eria-       | nev-        sly
risk          biltha-     | nevia-      system
rite          ceiria-     | nevra-      compete
riven         rest        | nevui       least
river         celon       | ni          i
rm            if          | niben       small
road          men         | nibis       hailstone
roar          tosta-      | nid         tear
roast         farthas     | nidh        juice
robe          gwir-       | nidha-      raid
robin         amosgarn    | nif         front
robust        belaith     | nigol       mouse
roc           roval       | nigren      sneak
rock          gond        | nim         colorless
rod           dring       | nimdil      unicorn
rogue         uwedhen     | nimp        white
role          gwest       | nimras      chalk
roll          nedia-      | nin         me
romance       mel-        | nind        slink
roof          orthel-     | ninglor     drown
room          tham        | niniel      despair
root          thond       | ninna-      weep
rope          raph        | ninniach    rainbow
rose          meril       | niphred     bunny
rot           thaw        | niphredil   drab
rough         tarch       | nir         sorrow
round         corn        | nirnaeth    grief
rounded       piren       | nirol       sad
rout          othra-      | nith        youth
royal         arnen       | nitha-      hail
ruby          naru        | nithannen   lesser
rug           farf        | nithrad     tax
ruin          tertha-     | niw         bee
rule          amartha-    | nobad       tongs
ruler         aran        | nod-        bind
rumor         trenarn     | noden       lizard
run           nor-        | noen        wise
rune          certh       | nogoth      dwarf
runt          cinnog      | nor-        run
rush          alag        | nordh       tar
rust          gobennathren| norn        defect
rustic        ridhathren  | norna-      fury
ruthless      angos       | nornad      council
rye           iaust       | noroth      giant
sable         merifind    | north       racing
sabre         falchon     | northa-     ride
sack          colui       | Norui       fiery
sacrifice     hun         | norweg      feet
sad           nirol       | noss        clan
safe          barn        | nosta-      pyre
safety        edraith     | -nt         ed
saffron       glorpharth  | nu          under
saga          narn        | nud         trust
sage          goll        | nui         bin
sail          belon       | nuicha-     viper
saint         aeron       | nuitha-     stunt
salt          sing        | nunna-      salute
salute        nunna-      | nur         race
salve         glaew       | nuru-       growl
sanctuary     cirbann     | nyw         noose
sanctum       gwa-        | o           of
sand          pibin       | och         egg
sap           pichen      | odlad       often
satin         siria-      | odog        seven
savage        othwen      | oel         cool
savant        istonor     | oer         nasty
save          natha-      | oew         immoral
savior        reithron    | -og         og
scald         talagan     | oglas       evil
scale         gonod-      | ogod        knee
scaly         cuith       | ogol        bad
scandal       gweth       | ogron       ogre
scar          cyl         | ol-         be
scarce        malthen     | -ol         ish
scare         anglenna-   | olin        thaw
scarlet       coll        | olla-       ooze
scenario      genedia-    | olost       lazy
scholar       goltha-     | oltha-      dream
scold         athrabeth   | olui        dreamy
scorch        branna-     | oman        whence
score         raeb        | -on         ius
scorn         iaew        | ongol       stench
scorpion      lhoereb     | onna-       his
scour         puidad      | onnad       slick
scourge       goroth      | onnen       born
scout         farad       | onod        ent
scrap         gwenwi      | ont         none
scrape        idithia-    | or          onto
scratch       rhib-       | ora-        heat
scream        boe         | orch        goblin
scribe        pengolodh   | orchal      superior
script        certhas     | orchen      wart
scroll        parlas      | oreth       hour
scrub         tadhos      | orf         apple
scuffle       cost        | orn         big
sculpture     cadwor      | orna-       burn
scythe        cerch       | orod        mountain
sea           gaear       | orodben     recluse
seal          urug-       | oroth       anger
seam          ther-       | orth        loft
sear          bragollach  | ortha-      raise
search        ceth-       | orthad      hoist
season        loran       | orthannen   elevate
secret        dolen       | orthel-     roof
seducer       seron       | orthelian   festival
seed          eredh       | orthor-     conqueror
seek          cesta-      | orvel-      clout
seer          palan-diriel| os-         oll
seize         avaetha-    | osgaef      confederacy
self          im          | osgar-      hobble
sell          banga-      | osp         smoke
send          menna-      | ost         citadel
sense         felf        | osta-       fortify
sensitive     rhofelf     | ostol-      surround
sensual       fel-        | ostor       castle
serpent       lhug        | oth-        useless
servant       byr         | othas       combat
seven         odog        | othestannen ghast
sever         ristannen   | othgared    corruption
severe        dae         | othgarn     sin
sewer         duiniant    | othidh      truce
shack         adlod       | othlonn     corridor
shade         gwathren    | othol       stranger
shadow        gwath       | othovor     luxury
shady         donn        | othra-      rout
shaft         adlanna-    | othrad      street
shake         pasta-      | othren      weird
shaman        lastad      | othrim      imperial
shame         iaeda-      | othrol      attack
shape         cadu        | othwen      savage
shark         torchal     | ovor        bounty
sharp         maeg        | ovra-       clutter
shatter       rag-        | ovras       crowd
she           est         | pad         step
shear         rhass       | padra-      walk
sheen         glosui      | pae         ten
shell         half        | paeth       speech
shelter       toba-       | paetha-     utter
shield        thand       | paethad     talk
shimmer       glaw        | paethron    author
shine         si-la-      | paich       syrup
shingle       serni       | palan       continent
ship          cair        | palan-dirielseer
shirt         hamp        | palan-hinnenfame
shoal         achad       | palath      board
shock         baltha-     | palt        page
shoe          habad       | pan         plank
shoot         tuig        | panas       floor
shore         rast        | pand        cloister
short         thent       | pann        huge
shout         ial         | panna-      open
shove         galf        | pannen      order
shovel        samp        | pant        full
show          tana-       | paran       slug
shower        rost        | parch       dry
shred         ammatha-    | parf        book
shriek        ru          | parlas      scroll
shrine        brand       | parth       meadow
shrivel       gem         | past        quake
shudder       gir-        | pasta-      shake
shut          fornen      | path        smooth
sick          caeleb      | patha-      guide
sickness      cael        | pathra-     fill
side          harvo       | pathred     pocket
siege         gruitha-    | pathu       glade
sign          taith       | paur        bash
silence       din         | pavra-      infect
silk          cell        | pe          ag
silt          duin        | pech        nut
silver        celeb       | pechol      tan
simple        gelir       | ped-        speak
sin           othgarn     | pedweg      lucid
sinew         lath        | peg         dot
sing          linna-      | pegof       weasel
singe         iul         | pel-        wane
single        eriol       | peleth      wilt
sink          duia-       | pelia-      spread
sister        muinthel    | pell        quiet
sit           hadh-       | pelthaes    gallows
six           eneg        | pelu-       fence
size          hallas      | pemp        lip
skewer        tess        | pen         less
skill         curu        | penbed      snarl
skin          flid        | pen-channas stupid
skinny        trew        | pend        canyon
skirt         hammen      | penedh      drow
skull         corob       | peng        bow
skunk         thindrostir | pengolodh   scribe
sky           ell         | pengron     archer
slaad         bronad      | penia-      cure
slash         crista-     | pen-ind     crazy
slaughter     dagras      | penna-      tumble
slave         mul         | pennas      yore
slay          dagra-      | pennig      orb
slayer        dagnis      | pennod      ultra
sleep         lur         | pennoediad  infinite
sleet         loss        | pent        story
slick         onnad       | per-        half
slide         talad       | Perian      hobbit
slim          fim         | perin       broke
slime         lav-        | perna-      spin
sling         hadlath     | pess        riddle
slink         nind        | pessa-      effect
slip          taltha-     | pesseg      blanket
slippery      talt        | pesson      tuft
slither       mista-      | peth        word
sliver        rimp        | pethas      phrase
sloth         lor-        | pethron     speaker
slow          hebia-      | pi          if
sludge        astren      | pibin       sand
slug          paran       | pichen      sap
sly           nev-        | pieg        stirge
small         niben       | pigen       spore
smart         hand        | pil         thief
smash         dangar-     | pilimbes    fern
smile         rae         | pilind      arrow
smite         dram        | pilinoth    bolt
smith         tan         | pillor      bat
smoke         osp         | pilu        steal
smooth        path        | pim         tail
smoulder      uitha-      | pin         our
snack         solph       | pind        crest
snail         limmida-    | pir-        stir
snake         lyg         | piren       rounded
snarl         penbed      | piruin      clock
sneak         nigren      | pista-      uncertain
sneer         raeda-      | plad        palm
snow          glosta-     | plador      oar
so            sennui      | plant       blunt
soak          loen        | pod         paw
soap          gludh       | podh        hoof
soar          brasta-     | pog         bag
society       gwadoras    | pogron      violator
socket        taew        | pol-        can
soil          maw         | polch       gut
solar         coranor     | poll        ram
soldier       daug        | polod       authority
solitary      ereth       | polodren    mighty
sombre        henia-      | porennin    maggot
some          thennas     | porog       hen
son           gwineb      | post        relief
song          lind        | posta-      abate
soon          rong        | postad      stasis
soot          esgia-      | potha-      passion
soothe        glaen       | presta-     trouble
sorcerer      guldur      | prestannen  bug
sorcery       luthad      | prestanneth morph
sorrow        nir         | puia-       spit
soul          fae         | puida-      cleanse
sound         lhon        | puidad      scour
sour          cordh       | puidh       wash
south         harad       | puig        clean
spar          gwirthar    | puitha-     tryst
spark         gil         | rach        danger
sparkle       miriel      | rachui      menace
spatter       felechia-   | rad         trail
spawn         hilu        | rada-       divert
speak         ped-        | rae         smile
speaker       pethron     | raeb        score
spear         aith        | raebroch    zephyr
special       edregol     | raeda-      sneer
speck         gythra-     | raef        net
speech        paeth       | raeg        wrong
speed         hortha-     | raen        knit
spell         luth        | raeth       sphere
sphere        raeth       | raew        depth
sphinx        maecheneb   | rag-        shatter
spice         salab       | ragui       fragile
spider        ungol       | rain        free
spike         carag       | ram         wall
spin          perna-      | rammas      bulwark
spine         ech         | ran-        wander
spiral        loeth       | ranc        arm
spire         avras       | rand        rhythm
spirit        faer        | randis      wend
spit          puia-       | rant        detour
spite         bennas      | raph        rope
spittle       crech       | rasg        cart
splash        felaich     | rass        horn
split         thanc       | rast        shore
spoil         cortha-     | rath        course
spoils        sin         | raud        leader
sponge        fartha-     | raudh       cavern
spoon         tolpheg     | raug        demon
spore         pigen       | raun        bandit
spot          sad         | ravaed      ensorcel
spray         gwaloth     | ravn        xorn
spread        pelia-      | raw         lion
spring        ethuil      | redh-       cast
springing     eithela-    | redhen      buckle
sprinkle      brithon     | redhia-     bottle
sprite        nethel      | redhor      planter
spry          mabrenas    | rein        trace
spurn         taugla-     | reitha-     messiah
spy           ethir       | reithron    savior
square        canthil     | rem         mesh
squat         estent      | remmen      wavy
squeeze       gweltha-    | renia-      stray
squid         uanui       | renn        uncle
squirm        tisg        | renna-      goad
stab          eitha-      | ress        aunt
stable        bronnas     | rest        riven
staff         bang        | reth        monkey
stag          aras        | rewinion    party
stage         cerin       | rhach       hex
stair         dim         | rhaed       magenta
stake         ceber       | rhaen       devious
stale         tarph       | rhanc       primitive
stalk         rhimp       | rhass       shear
stance        rovaed      | rhaw        wild
stand         tar-        | rhib-       scratch
standard      thain       | rhif        brim
star          el          | rhimp       stalk
start         caetheb     | rhiw        winter
starve        saetha-     | rhofelf     sensitive
stasis        postad      | rhond       body
stave         tawen       | rhovan      boar
steal         pilu        | rhu         vile
steam         tuim        | rhudol      unwelcome
steed         roch        | rhugar      vice
steel         gaes        | rhugarol    wicked
stench        ongol       | rhugaron    wretch
step          pad         | rhun        east
steppe        talf        | ri          crown
stern         uvelui      | rian        queen
stick         nasta-      | rib         inch
sticky        hiw         | ribin       trim
stigma        baudh       | ridh        mile
still         eno         | ridhas      farm
sting         ercha-      | ridhathren  rustic
stink         thosta-     | -riel       ling
stir          pir-        | rif         bark
stirge        pieg        | rig-        dabble
stockade      ephel       | -ril        eel
stoke         nartha-     | rim         host
stone         gondren     | rimp        sliver
stop          dar-        | rin         memory
storm         alagos      | rinc        lurch
story         pent        | rind        arena
strange       egelren     | ring        chill
stranger      othol       | ringorn     circle
strangle      dangen      | riss        divide
strap         talraph     | rista-      rip
strategy      goras       | ristannen   sever
straw         sirph       | rith        quest
stray         renia-      | ri-tha-     confuse
stream        celeth      | ro-         best
street        othrad      | roch        steed
strength      bellas      | rochben     rider
stretch       lad-        | rochir      knight
stride        tuliel      | rod         tube
strife        ubed        | rodel       lady
strike        achar-      | rom         trumpet
string        lhe         | romru       hum
stroke        matha-      | -ron        ior
strong        taug        | rond        heaven
stuck         baradh      | rong        soon
stump         gaug        | ronga-      haste
stun          listo       | rontha-     polish
stunt         nuitha-     | ross        brazen
stupid        pen-channas | rost        shower
stutter       dirbedui    | rosta-      excavate
style         tavn        | rostor      bog
sublime       bereth      | rovaed      stance
subtle        gwistanneth | roval       roc
suck          hlab-       | ru          shriek
suffer        ingem       | rudh        bald
sugar         glist       | rui         chase
suicide       gwanu       | ruida-      purse
suitor        melethron   | ruin        volcano
sullen        muil        | ruist       hearth
sully         neitha-     | run         buff
summer        laer        | rusc        jackal
summit        taen        | rust        copper
sun           Anor        | rustren     bronze
sunder        tharf       | rustui      brass
superior      orchal      | ruth        wrath
supper        duven       | ruthra-     rage
surf          faloth      | ryn         pet
surprise      cotha-      | sa          its
surround      ostol-      | sab-        delve
swallow       tuilinn     | sabar       mining
swamp         caer        | sad         spot
swan          alph        | sadh        prairie
swarm         loged       | sador       loyal
sway          herf        | sadron      thrall
sweat         drauthas    | saeda-      teach
sweet         melui       | saeg        hunger
swift         celeg       | saegon      famine
swim          bronwe      | sael        priest
swine         bond        | saelor      counsellor
sword         megil       | saer        bitter
sylph         Elleth      | saetha-     starve
symmetry      bileutha-   | sai         those
syrup         paich       | said        uncommon
system        nevia-      | sain        neo-
tactic        fergenol    | salab       spice
tail          pim         | salch       oat
taint         gwass       | salcha-     razor
take          nab-        | salph       beer
talk          paethad     | sam         chamber
tall          tond        | sammar      crusher
talon         negen       | samp        shovel
tame          meldir      | san         that
tan           pechol      | sant        field
tangle        canga-      | sarch       grave
taper         tathren     | sarn        pebble
tar           nordh       | sarnas      burial
target        meitha-     | sasta-      place
tarnish       gwatha-     | sath        part
tattoo        angerthas   | saun        bath
taut          lhing       | saur        putrid
tax           nithrad     | sautha-     drain
teach         saeda-      | sav-        have
tear          nid         | saw         filth
teeth         molnaes     | se          the
tell          nara-       | sedh-       rest
tempest       lummor      | seidia-     type
temple        iaun        | sen         this
tempt         uthaes      | senc        turquoise
ten           pae         | send        leak
tenacity      gorn        | sennas      inn
tender        muis        | sennui      so
tentacle      aphas       | sereg       blood
terror        goe         | seregon     tulip
test          tastaith    | serni       shingle
th            aden        | seron       seducer
than          minlamad    | sesta-      hull
thank         hanna-      | si-         here
that          san         | sibra-      morose
thaw          olin        | sidh        peace
the           se          | sidheb      calm
theater       talan       | sigil       dagger
theirs        -ent        | si-la-      shine
them          tin         | silef       diamond
then          cad         | silith      fin
there         ennas       | silivren    glitter
they          ti          | sin         spoils
thick         tug         | sinc        emerald
thief         pil         | sing        salt
thimble       thimp       | singren     gill
thin          lhain       | siniath     mythical
third         nelui       | sinnarn     legend
thirst        faust       | sinnen      intricate
this          sen         | sir         creek
thistle       eitheb      | siria-      satin
thorn         eg          | siriol      melt
those         sai         | sirith      molten
thou          ci          | sirph       straw
thrall        sadron      | so          gust
threat        dadhren     | soda-       blow
three         neledh      | sog-        whisky
thrift        iuitha-     | sogannen    drinker
throat        lang        | solch       bulb
throne        archadhu    | solph       snack
through       tre         | somma-      dive
throw         hant        | sommor      duck
thug          hadron      | sui         from
thumb         naub        | suila-      hi
thunder       nelladel    | suilad      duel
tick          dern        | suilanna-   cuddle
tide          eriad       | suith       drink
tight         tong        | suitha-     douse
tile          cevnas      | suithlas    brew
time          lu          | sul         wind
tin           ladog       | tab-        block
tiny          miw         | tachol      pin
tip           thela       | tad         two
tire          drauth      | tad-dal     brute
to            na          | tadhos      scrub
toad          dananna-    | taeg        lock
toe           lebig       | taen        summit
tomb          haudh       | taer        high
tome          dangweth    | taes        nail
tone          timp        | taetha-     fasten
tongs         nobad       | taew        socket
tongue        lammen      | tag-        construct
tool          carf        | tagol       post
tooth         naes        | taid        influence
top           caw         | taig        mark
tor           mindon      | taith       sign
torch         celias      | tal         foot
tore          hair        | talad       slide
torment       baul        | talaf       mire
tornado       uluithiad   | talagan     scald
torture       balch       | talan       theater
toss          hedril      | talath      plain
touch         apha-       | talathren   glen
touchy        urnui       | talf        steppe
tough         dorn        | talif       ankle
tour          glenna-     | tallam      creation
tower         tirion      | tallen      entertainment
town          caras       | talraph     strap
trace         rein        | talt        slippery
trade         bangad      | taltha-     slip
tragedy       naer        | talvad      clay
trail         rad         | talven      rack
trample       batha-      | tamma-      knock
trap          gadas       | tammos      vessel
trash         cul         | tan         smith
treason       gurgof      | tana-       show
treasure      meiras      | tanc        clinch
treasury      torech      | tangada-    justify
treat         maetha-     | tar-        stand
treaty        gowest      | tara        puzzle
tree          galadh      | tarag       pinnacle
trench        thor        | tarch       rough
tress         esbin       | tarchas     rancor
trial         dev-        | tarias      quandary
triangle      nelthil     | tarlang     harsh
tribe         ilphen      | tarph       stale
tribute       danwedh     | taru        crucifixion
trick         finc        | tass        labor
trickery      glavradeb   | tast        frilly
trim          ribin       | tasta-      winnow
trite         glavrol     | tastaith    test
troll         Torog       | tathren     taper
troop         herth       | taudh       cage
trooper       dirnaith    | taug        strong
trot          lobrob      | taugla-     spurn
trouble       presta-     | taur        vast
trough        duidhrad    | tauron      umber
trove         mair        | taus        hay
truce         othidh      | tavn        style
true          nanwen      | tavnen      blockade
trumpet       rom         | tavor       buzzard
trust         nud         | taw         yarn
trustworthy   tolog       | tawen       stave
truth         nanu        | te          way
tryst         puitha-     | techu       chip
tube          rod         | tegil       wand
tuft          pesson      | teitha-     doctrine
tug           thag-       | tel-        passing
tulip         seregon     | telch       twig
tumble        penna-      | tele        hip
tundra        haer        | teleg       leg
tunnel        groth       | telia-      play
turmoil       hwind       | telias      mirth
turquoise     senc        | telien      game
tusk          neleg       | telt        fragment
tweet         timma-      | telu        ceiling
twelve        yneg        | telum       mushroom
twig          telch       | telwen      oblivion
twilight      uial        | ten         it
twine         loetha-     | tenna       it's
twinkle       tinthiltha- | tertha-     ruin
twist         drint       | terthaith   destruction
two           tad         | tess        skewer
type          seidia-     | tev-        hate
typhoon       lumren      | tevas       hatred
ugly          ul-         | tevren      feud
ultimate      medui       | tew         letter
ultra         pennod      | -th         id
umber         tauron      | thag-       tug
umbra         tinnu       | thagel      lure
un            ent         | thain       standard
unbridled     unod-       | thalas      courage
uncertain     pista-      | thalieth    brave
uncle         renn        | thalion     heroic
uncommon      said        | thall       gorge
under         nu          | thalos      lf
ungodly       dae-        | tham        room
unholy        gorthob     | thamas      hall
unicorn       nimdil      | thanc       split
union         erthad      | thand       shield
universe      ilnad       | thang       dominate
unkempt       fidhren     | thangail    impervious
unseen        doltha-     | thar        over
unspeakable   ubedui      | tharan      hale
untamed       gawad       | tharchol-   pattern
unwelcome     rhudol      | thardh      frame
up            am          | tharf       sunder
upon          caeda-      | tharn       wither
urge          anfra-      | thaur       occult
urn           adbathra-   | thavn       column
us            gwen        | thavron     butcher
useless       oth-        | thaw        rot
utter         paetha-     | theinas     law
vale          nand        | thel-       will
valley        tum         | thela       tip
valor         tolcha-     | thennas     some
vandal        edledhron   | thent       short
vanish        haltha-     | ther-       seam
vast          taur        | theres      rein
vault         gondram     | theria-     ageless
veil          gwathra-    | theriol     confidence
velvet        mae         | thia-       appear
venerate      enweria-    | thibin      flute
venom         lhoer       | thilia-     glisten
vermin        colu        | thilim      luster
verse         linnod      | thimma-     perform
vessel        tammos      | thimp       thimble
vestibule     henneth     | thind       weak
vice          rhugar      | thindrostir skunk
victim        cungand     | thir        amaze
view          dorgant     | thisin      parch
vigor         gorf        | thista-     evaporate
vile          rhu         | tho-        become
village       gobel       | thol        helm
vine          mirwelthen  | thon        pine
violator      pogron      | thond       root
violence      breged      | thoniel     kindling
violet        cruin       | thonnas     basis
viper         nuicha-     | thor        trench
virgin        gweneth     | thora-      grotto
virtue        meru        | thoren      labyrinth
vise          esta-       | thorn       duty
vision        tirad       | thornang    mail
visionary     fan         | thorod      fissure
voice         istanna-    | thorombar   eyrie
void          covn        | thoron      eagle
volcano       ruin        | thoss       fear
vulture       flinc       | thossui     worry
wade          fu          | thost       dung
wail          brui        | thosta-     stink
wait          dartha-     | thriben     lean
walk          padra-      | thug        lard
wall          ram         | thuia-      lung
wallow        limp        | thuith      paint
wand          tegil       | thul        breath
wander        ran-        | thurin      hidden
wane          pel-        | ti          they
war           auth        | tif         acrid
ward          beria-      | till        fork
warm          laug        | timma-      tweet
warn          gor-        | timp        tone
warp          lain        | tin         them
warrior       maethor     | tinc        hob
wart          orchen      | tinchen     metal
wash          puidh       | tinna-      gem
wasp          budhu       | tinnu       umbra
watch         tirith      | tinthiltha- twinkle
watchful      cened       | tir         honor
water         nen         | tira-       lens
wave          falf        | tirad       vision
wavy          remmen      | tiria-      gaze
wax           lig         | tirion      tower
way           te          | tirith      watch
wayward       mistrad     | tirnen      guard
we            gwe         | tisg        squirm
weak          thind       | tith        flesh
wealth        maelig      | tithen      little
wear          hammad      | tiwdi       ink
weasel        pegof       | to          cotton
weather       gwilwist    | toba-       shelter
weaver        nathron     | tobas       arch
web           nath        | tobla-      hide
weed          galenas     | tog-        borne
weep          ninna-      | tolcha-     valor
weevil        gwemmel     | toled       onslaught
weight        delch       | toleg       cactus
weird         othren      | toll        island
weld          lif         | tolodh      eight
wend          randis      | tolog       trustworthy
were          gaur        | tolph       bowl
west          dun         | tolpheg     spoon
wet           mesg        | toltha-     pulley
whale         gwimmam     | tomp        bloated
what          man         | tond        tall
wheat         bloss       | tong        tight
wheel         lotheg      | tor-        win
when          ir          | torchal     shark
whence        oman        | torech      treasury
where         fer         | Torog       troll
whim          inc         | tortha-     wield
whip          ialt        | toss        bush
whirl         hwinia-     | tosta-      roar
whisky        sog-        | tovn        deep
whisper       lhossa-     | trasta-     problem
white         nimp        | trastadweg  brash
who           i           | tre         through
whore         melethril   | trenar-     boast
why           amman       | trenarn     rumor
wicked        rhugarol    | trevad-     maze
widow         gwathel     | trew        skinny
wield         tortha-     | trog        convenient
wife          herves      | trunc       pole
wight         morchant    | tu          muscle
wild          rhaw        | tue         blot
will          thel-       | tug         thick
wilt          peleth      | tugom       eater
win           tor-        | tugomui     blob
wind          sul         | tui         onion
winding       logeb       | tuig        shoot
wine          miru        | tuilas      petal
wing          blab-       | tuilinn     swallow
winnow        tasta-      | tuilu-      bud
winter        rhiw        | tuim        steam
wire          fin         | tuliel      stride
wise          noen        | tulu        help
wish          mer-        | tum         valley
wisp          wed         | tump        hovel
witch         curunis     | tunc        chance
with          nan         | tund        hill
wither        tharn       | tur         mastery
wizard        ithron      | tustur      paper
woe           naeth       | tustureg    match
wolf          garaf       | u           nor
woman         adaneth     | uan         monster
wonder        elven       | uanui       squid
wood          glad        | ubed        strife
woof          lanad       | ubedui      unspeakable
word          peth        | uben        ghost
worg          draug       | ugann       mute
work          muda-       | ugarol      idleness
worker        drab-       | -ui         prophecy
world         amar        | uial        twilight
worm          leweg       | uil         muck
worry         thossui     | uilos       heather
worse         cungan      | uir         inferno
worship       aeda-       | uireb       eternal
worth         baladh      | uitha-      smoulder
worthless     agreitharol | ul-         ugly
wound         harna-      | ulann       crevice
wrack         groga-      | ulren       odor
wraith        gorthad     | uluithiad   tornado
wrath         ruth        | ulunn       hag
wreath        ereg        | un          creature
wreck         gwall       | ungol       spider
wretch        rhugaron    | unod-       unbridled
wring         drinna-     | unodui      cluster
wrong         raeg        | unt         null
xorn          ravn        | ur          ignite
y             -eb         | urnui       touchy
yarn          taw         | uru         grill
yawn          lom         | urug-       seal
year          in          | uthaes      tempt
yell          can-        | uthului     choke
yellow        malen       | uthwen      exit
yes           naw         | uvelui      stern
yore          pennas      | uwedhen     rogue
you           de          | uwedhron    brigand
young         gwain       | -we         hermit
your          -egir       | wed         wisp
yours         -elir       | -weg        boot
youth         nith        | -wen        maiden
zap           echuida-    | yda-        hint
zeal          hur         | yl          lamb
zealot        hador       | ylf         cup
zenith        aegas       | ylvon       chalice
zephyr        raebroch    | yneg        twelve
zero          lad         |