Greater Ring Gates (3.5e equipment)
In memory of Teleportation Rings.
Greater Ring Gates are pairs-two of adamantine rings. They work like Ring Gates in most aspects. However, Greater Ring Gates can transfer unlimited amounts of materials each day. Also, Greater Ring Gates can work regardless of distance between them, or even if they're on different planes of existence. Greater Ring Gates are borderline-unbreakable (and absolutely unbreakable for anyone weaker than Gods), and can continue working in even the harshest places - including ocean abyss (deeper than Mariana Trench), core of the star (even massive one like R136a1), center of super-massive black hole (even one of maximal theoretical limit), etc; due to dangerous substances being freely, quickly and violently transfered through Greater Ring Gates, said Greater Ring Gates were often used as weapons.
Strong conjuration; CL pending; Craft Wondrous Item, gate; other spells pending. Price pending gp; Weight 1 lb. each.