Coat of Smoke (3.5 Equipment)

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Coat of Smoke: Body Slot: Body

Activation: Swift (mental)

Armour bonus: +6

Max Dexterity bonus: +6

Light Armour

Up to seven times per day, you can activate this coat to fill a 3 by 3 space with a billowing black smoke. This dark smoke grants you concealment against attacks but does not interfere with your vision. The smoke lasts for 1 minute per activation, it will move with you if you leave that space.

Moderate (DC 18) conjuration; CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Obscuring Mist; Cost 1,150 gp (plus 1,100 gp for mithral shirt), 92 XP, 3 days.; Weight: 5 lbs. lb.; Market Price: 500 gp

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