Intellectual, Variant (5e Class)
Work In Progress |
An elf, wise in the laws of the universe, chases the panther to the trees where it jumps quickly to the top, thinking its escaped. The panther turns to see that the elf is gone, as she reapears swinging into veiw and kicks the panther out the tree.
A halfling working on his construction, finishes and snaps his fingers. Luminous blue eyes flicker open and it begins to move.
Intelectual's use there knoledge to fight in combat and deffend there allies. Their form of knoledge comes in varied and intresting ways.
Creating an Intellectual[edit]
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Creating an Intellectual requires some thought into where you learned such knowledge. People who know the amount of knowledge you do come in short supply so think about how that will work. Think about how you learned it or who taught you.
- Quick Build
You can make an Intellectual quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by wisdom. Second, choose the Sage background. Third, choose a shortsword, studded leather armour starting equipment.
Class Features
As a Intellectual you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Intellectual level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Intellectual level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light Armour
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Shortswords, Scimitars
Tools: 3 of your choosing
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: 3 0f your choosing
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- (a) 2 Shortswords or (b) 1 martial weapon
- (a) Studded Leather or (b) Chain Shirt (if proficient)
- (a) a Scholar's Pack or (b) a Explorer's Pack
- (a) 10 darts and a set of Tools of your choice or (b) Two sets of Tools of your choice
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4 x 10 in funds.
Level | Proficiency Bonus |
Features | Thought Points | Scholarly Talents Known |
1st | +2 | Mentalist, Intellectual Degree | 1+Intelligence Modifier | 2 |
2nd | +2 | Focused Mind, Expertise | 2+Intelligence Modifier | 2 |
3rd | +2 | Item of Power, Degree Feature | 3+Intelligence Modifier | 3 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 4+Intelligence Modifier | 3 |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack | 5+Intelligence Modifier | 4 |
6th | +3 | Protected Mind, Degree Feature | 6+Intelligence Modifier | 4 |
7th | +3 | Focused Mind Improvement | 7+Intelligence Modifier | 5 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 8+Intelligence Modifier | 5 |
9th | +4 | Degree Feature, Urban Knowledge(1/rest) | 8+Intelligence Modifier | 6 |
10th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 10+Intelligence Modifier | 6 |
11th | +4 | Dedicated Brain, Urban Knowledge(2/rest) | 11+Intelligence Modifier | 6 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement, Degree Feature | 12+Intelligence Modifier | 6 |
13th | +5 | Urban Knowledge, Great Protector(3/rest) | 13+Intelligence Modifier | 7 |
14th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 14+Intelligence Modifier | 7 |
15th | +5 | Dedicated Brain, Degree Feature | 15+Intelligence Modifier | 7 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 16+Intelligence Modifier | 7 |
17th | +6 | Degree Feature | 17+Intelligence Modifier | 8 |
18th | +6 | Focused Mind Improvement | 18+Intelligence Modifier | 8 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 19+Intelligence Modifier | 8 |
20th | +6 | Superior Sentience | 20+Intelligence Modifier | 8 |
You have a great powerful mind, capable to do amazing things.
- Ritual Casting
You can ritual cast spells you find written down in scrolls and spell books. Once you do this, the spell vanishes from the pages and you cant cast it again until you find a new copy of the spell. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells. Additionally you gain a book that contains a number of ritual spells equal to your intelligence modifier. These do not fade when you ritual cast them. They are from any spell list and cant be higher level than your proficiency bonus - 1.
- Thought Points
You have trained your mind to make your body achieve great things. You gain access to a new source of power called thought points. You have 1 + Your Intelligence Modifier (Minimum of 1) at 1st level. The number you have increases as you level up, see the Thought Points column of the Intellectual Table. You regain spent thought points at a short or long rest.
- Scholarly Talents
You can expend Thought Points to use certain features. These features are called Scholarly Talents. You know 2 Talents of your choice at first level. Choose from the list described at the end of the class description. You learn more Talents at later levels, see the Scholarly Talents Known column of the class Table.
Intellectual Degree[edit]
At 1st level, you can choose a specialism in a certain subject of education. Choose from Language, Creative Writing, Physics, Engineering, Olympic, Medicine and History all described at the end of the class description. Your Intellectual Degree gives you features at 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th and 17th.
Focused Mind[edit]
At 2nd level, as a bonus action you can enter into certain mental states, allowing you to do things in a certain way. At this level you have two Focused Mind sets:
- Defensive Intellect
You can add your intelligence to your AC. You don't apply this bonus if your wearing heavy armor and it cant be higher than plus 2 if your wearing medium armour.
- Predictive Strike
You can use intelligence for your unarmed attacks. Your unarmored attack deal 1d4 + your intelligence modifier of bludgeoning damage. This die increases to a d6 at 5th level, a d8 at 11th level and d10 at 17th level.
You gain more Focused Mind Sets as you level up.
At 2nd level, choose two of your skill proficiency. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen proficiency. You can choose 2 more skills to gain this benefit at 17th level.
Prepared Equipment[edit]
At 3rd level, you gain a stunning piece of equipment to use throughout your travels. Choose one of the following options:
- Climbing Rope
- You always have climber's kit while using this. In addition, when you fall unwillingly, as a reaction, you can release a rope that attaches itself to an object or creature, within 30 feet, to potentially stop your fall. Make an intelligence check using proficiency bonus. The DC is decided as the DM chooses for if you target an object. If you target a creature the DC is their armor class. A creature who is hit by this takes 1d6 + your intelligence modifier of piercing damage. If the target of this is a creature that is Large or smaller then it must make a Strength saving throw, DC 8 + your intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, or be pulled down with you. If the target succeeds, is an object or is Huge or larger, you stop falling and as an action on your turn can rise 10 feet.
- Cloak of Creative Parkour
- You can add your proficiency bonus to any Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, even if you have proficiency or expertise in it. You also gain +10 to your walking speed and can take the dodge action as a bonus action.
- Holographic Projector
- You gain the cantrip minor illusion and can cast the spell disguise self without using a spell slot or any material, verbal or somatic components. Your spell DC for these spells will be 10 + Your proficiency bonus + Your Intelligence Modifier.
Ability Score Increase[edit]
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Extra Attack[edit]
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Protected Mind[edit]
At 6th level, you shield your mind against mental attack. You gain resistance to psychic damage and cant have your mind read unwillingly.
Focused Mind: Eidetic Memory[edit]
Starting at 7th level, you do not need to have a spell book or scroll to cast a spell as long as you have spent 30 minutes to memorize it and the spell tier is no higher than your proficiency bonus -1. To cast it you must be in this mind set. It can also be ritual casted. Once cast, you must memorize it again before you can cast it again. The number of spells you can have memorised this way equals your intelligence modifier.
Urban Knowledge[edit]
At 9th level, when you make an ability check or saving throw, you can, instead of taking the roll, you can choose to make the roll 10 + the modifier. You can choose to do this before or after you roll, but before the outcome is determined. Once you use this feature, you cannot use them again until you take a long rest. The amount of times you can use this between long rests increases to twice at 11th level and three times at 13th level.
Dedicated Brain[edit]
At 11th level, the connection between your mind and body is unable to being intercepted. You are immune to being forcefully charmed, frightened, restrained or stunned.
At 15th level, you are also immune to being petrified or paralyzed.
Focused Mind: Quick Thinking[edit]
At 12th level, your wit and cunning can allow you to react and devise clever ways to outsmart your opponents. While in this mindset you gain a bonus to your initiative equal to your Intelligence modifier, you can no longer be surprised at the start of combat, and you gain an additional amount of reactions per round equal to your intelligence Modifier -1 (Minimum of 1).
Great Protector[edit]
At 13th level, you are able to protect yourself from the most obscure effects. When you are hit with an effect that causes you to make a Charisma or Strength saving throw, you can instead make an Intelligence saving throw against the effects. You can use this feature 3 times, and regain all expended uses when you complete a long rest.
Focused Mind: Protection At 17th level you can protect yourself in many ways. While in this mind set you gain proficiency in all saving throws and double the proficiency in one that you choose when you activate it.
Dedicated Brain[edit]
At 11th level, the connection between your mind and body is unable to being intercepted. You are immune to being forcefully charmed, frightened, restrained or stunned.
At 15th level, you are also immune to being petrified or paralysed.
Great Protector[edit]
At 13th level, you are able to protect yourself from the most obscure effects. When you are hit with an effect that causes you to make a charisma or strength saving throw, you can instead make an intelligence saving throw against the effects.
Focused Mind: Protection[edit]
At 18th level you can protect yourself in many ways. While in this mind set you gain proficiency in all saving throws and double the proficiency in one that you choose when you activate it.
Superior Sentience[edit]
At 20th level, your brain proves greater than any weapon. You intelligence and wisdom scores increase by 4 as does your maximum for those scores.
Creative Writing[edit]
Charismatic Self[edit]
At 1st level, you have learned how to weave your words around people in ways they cannot see coming. You gain proficiency in the persuasion skill and calligraphy tools.
Mystic Writing[edit]
You have learned how to manipulate reality in magical ways, allowing you to perform great feats of skill and have magical arcane abilities.
- Word Magic
You know how to conjure mystical effects from your words. You gain additional Thought Points equal to your character level.
You can also gain effects based on the types of stories you tell. You learn 2 Plot Points of your choice from bellow. You learn additional Plot Points when you reach 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th and 17th level. In addition to this, when you gain a level in this class, you can change Plot Point you know for another one. Plot Points count as magic for over coming resistances and don't work in anti-magic fields. If a creature wishes to uses a spell like dispel magic or counterspell, treat the Plot Points spell level to be equal to your Intellectual level divided by 2 (rounded up), to a maximum of 9. You cannot use a Plot Point if you cannot speak unless it is described, in the name, as "silent".
- Concentrating on Plot Points
If a Plot Point lasts for a duration, you do not need to make concentrating checks or concentrate on it as you would a spell. However, while a Plot Points duration is taking place, you cannot cast a spell that has concentration or uses any other Plot Points unless otherwise specified.
- Story Genre
You have a specialized type of story that you tend to tell. Choose one of the following: Horror, Adventure or Romance. When using a Plot Point from your chosen genre, you can add your Intelligence modifier to any damage or healing it uses. This does not apply to "casting" Plot Points.
- Originality
If you use too much magic in a single strike, you find it hard to try and replicate that effect and sometimes choose not to for originality. If you spend 5 or more thought points on a Plot Point that costs an action then you cant use the same Plot Point again until you finish a long rest.
- Spellcasting Ability
Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your Plot Points, since you learn your spells through dedicated study and memorization. You use your Intelligence whenever a Plot Point refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Plot Point you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
- Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
- Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Focused Mind: Protagonist[edit]
Your creative liberties has elevated your mind to consider yourself the main character of your own world. While in this mind set you remind yourself that you are the hero of this story. While in this mind set, you gain the benefits of the Bless spell without being considered concentrating. Additionally, while in this mindset you may concentrate on other spells or plot points as normal.
Silent Whispers[edit]
At 6th level, you can use your action to speak arcane words to confuse, insult of bolster a creature. Choose either Sting or Treat. At 12th level you gain access to the other option you did not pick, and the previous you chose gains an additional 30ft of range.
- Sting
The creature must make a wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC or take 1d6 psychic damage or half as much on a success. You may spend thought points to increase this by 1d6 per every 1 thought points spent and this feature has a range of 30 feet.
- Treat
The creature gains 1d10 + Your Intelligence Modifier temporary hit points and advantage on the next attack, ability check or saving throw they make. This has a range of 60 feet. You may spend thought points to increase this by 1d10 per every 2 thought points spent. This has no effect on creatures at 0 hit points.
Resilient Skin[edit]
At 9th level, your body is adept at protecting itself from the occasional backlash of your spells. You gain resistance to one of the following (your choice) acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison. You can change this choice when you gain a level in this class.
Monster Creation[edit]
At 12th level, you can summon/ create great beast from folklore. First, choose either Construct, Undead, Celestial, Fiend, Plant, Dragon or Elemental. As an action, you can create a creature from this category, up to a maximum Challenge Rating, shown bellow. The creature appears in a space within 30 feet of you and you command it as bonus action. The creature cannot use legendary actions, lair actions or leave 100 feet of you. You can do this once per long rest.
Intellectual Level|Creature CR|Example
12th Level |5th |Earth Elemental
15th Level |9th |Young Blue Dragon
17th Level |14th |Retriever
Form Terrain[edit]
At 17th level, you can use an action to edit the terrain within 30 feet for 10 minutes. You can choose to make it difficult terrain for the duration, when you do this you can choose up to 10 creatures to be immune to this effect. You can now and as an action on later turns for the duration, move object that are connected to the ground, a wall or cliff, or some other form of natural structure. This does apply to buildings within range, though you can only move parts. Whatever you move must fit into a 10 foot by 10 foot cube.
Plot Points[edit]
The following Plot Points are in alphabetical order.
- Horror
- Call Spirit
As an action, you can point at a dead humanoid within 30 feet of you and, using dark magic of horror, you call forth the spirit to fight by your side. There must be a remnant of there body there (such as bones, a head or ash) and the creature cant have been dead for longer than 1 hour. You spend 5 thought points to summon its spirit, which remains until it dies (again?). This does not count as duration for concentrating on. It uses the stats of an Avatar of Death and has hit points equal to your spell save DC + your Intellectual level. The spirit obeys your commands, rolls its own initiative and cannot move over 100 feet away from you. You can only have one spirit at a time, unless your story theme is Horror, in which case, you can have up to your proficiency bonus - 1.
- Chains of the Hells
As an action, you choose a point within 100 feet of you. You spend 4 thought points to cause burning chains of fire to flail out and wrap round creatures within 20 feet of the chosen point. Creatures that are in the range when this Plot Point takes effect must make a Strength saving throw against being effected. Effected creatures are restrained and take 1d12 fire damage now and at the start of each of your turns. This effect lasts a minute and as an action a creature can attempt to escape using a strength athletic check against your save DC. After this effect starts, unaffected creatures may travel through the area as normal.
- Choose Target
- Prerequisite: 5th Level
You decide for a creature within 60 feet of you, who there enemy is. At a cost of one action and 3 thought points, the chosen creature must make a wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must, in its own fashion, deal as much damage as it can, during the next minute, to a creature or object of your choice that both you and it can see or know of. Once an amount of damage has been dealt, this effect ends. This amount equals 5 x your proficiency bonus.
- Dark Casting
- Prerequisite: 5th level, cannot know any other Plot Point with "casting" in the name
You spend 5 thought points and a bonus action to be able to cast any of the following spells (up to your level) for the next 10 minutes. You cannot cast the same spell more than once. Once you have casted all possible spells, this effect ends. Its duration cannot exceed the duration of this effect. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability.
Intellectual Level|Spells |Spell's Level
5th level |Armor of Agathys, Hellish Rebuke, Hex, Shadow Blade |2nd Level
9th level |Fear, Counterspell |3rd Level
13th level |Dimension Door, Blight |4th level
17th level |Wall of Light, Negative Energy Flood |5th level
- Hydra Healing
- Prerequisite: 11th level
As a bonus action, you can spend 3 thought points to heal like the hideous creatures of lore. For 10 minutes, at the start of your turn, you heal 10 hit points unless you took fire damage since your last turn.
- Medusa's Petrification
- Prerequisite: 13th level
As an action, you gaze at a creature for the worth of a thousand snakes and spend 7 thought points. The target must be within 60 feet of you. The target must make a constitution saving throw. On a success the creature is stunned for a minute, on a fail the creature is petrified and turned to stone for 1 minute and if you spend an additional 5 thought points, this becomes permanent.
- Mind Flay
- Prerequisite: 9th level
As an action, you can spend 5 thought points to use the Mind Flayer's Mind Blast effect. This effect uses your save DC. Your Story Genre feature does not apply to this effect.
- Vampire Fangs
As a bonus action you can make a melee spell attack against a creature within 5 feet of you. On a hit the creature takes 1d10 necrotic damage and you heal that amount. You must spend a thought point to do so.
- Wolfish Form
- Prerequisite: Level 5
As a bonus action, you change into a Large wolf-like creature and grow thick fur. At the cost of 5 thought points, you gain the following benefits for 1 minute.
- Heightened Senses. You have advantage on wisdom (perception) checks.
- Heavy Claws. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + wisdom and you may use your spell attack modifier for them. They also have an additional 5 ft range.
- Growth. You count as a large creature.
- Hardened Back. You armour class becomes 16 if it wasn't already higher.
- Thick Fur. You have advantage on dexterity (stealth) checks and reduce all non-magical weapon damage that isn't silvered, by an amount equal to your Spell Attack Modifier.
- Bloodied Rage. You cannot use your Focused Mind feature while in this form. Additionally, when you take damage, roll a constitution saving throw, DC half of the damage taken or 10, whichever is higher. On a fail, you loose control and on your next turn, attack the nearest creature and at the start of the following turn, this effect ends.
- Adventure
- Create Companion
- Prerequisite: 7th level
You can spend 5 thought points and 10 minutes to create a companion that obeys your command. If you do so, you must use something like snow, sand or mud to forge this creature. Choose either Owlbear, Displacer Beast or Winter Wolf. You create this creature. It last for a number of hours equal to your wisdom modifier. During that time, you may command this creature, telepathically, as a bonus action.
- Dragon Scales
As an action, you can embrace the power of the mighty dragons that dwell in your stories. You can spend 5 thought points to gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
-Choose one of the following: Fire, Cold, Acid, Lightning, Poison. For the following benefits, this is your chosen damage type.
-You gain resistance to the chosen damage type.
-Your skin grows patches of scales which are the colour of your choice from the option open to your dependent on your chosen damage type.
-As an action, you can exhale a breath weapon in a 15 foot cone. Each creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 of the chosen damage type, half on failed save. Once you've used this ability, at the start of each of your turns, while still under the effects of Dragon Scales, you can roll a d6 and on a roll of 5 or higher, you can use this ability again.
- Fist of Flames
You can, as an action, cause your fist to become pure flame. You cannot hold anything in that hand. As part of this action you can make a melee spell attack against a single creature within 15 feet of you. On a hit, the creature takes 1d6 fire damage. The number of creatures you can target with this in one action increases by one at 5th, 11th and 17th level. This costs 1 thought point.
- Golem's Fist
- Prerequisite: 9th level
You can, as an action, spend 5 thought points to create a stone fist that floats in the air and mimics your movements and obeys your commands. The fist is, when clenched, has a diameter of approximately 5 feet. It has the stats of a Bigby's Hand spell.
- Great Adventurer
- Prerequisite: 11th level
You can spend 2 thought points to gain, for one hour, immunity to difficult terrain.
- Mimicry
- Prerequisite: 5th level
You can spend 2 thought point as an action to change one or more of the following things about yourself: your height, weight, facial features, the sound of your voice, coloration, hair length, sex, and any other distinguishing characteristics. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your game statistics change. You can spend an additional 2 thought points to try and mimic an object. Roll a charisma (deception) check, DC 10, this can be changed by the circumstance (edits below). On a success, you become a copy of the chosen object. You cannot move or interact with objects. If you do, you leave this form.
DC Adaptor
Within 5 feet of the object |-5
Cannot see object |+10
You have access to a Disguise kit.|-5
You have never seen the object. |+5
Is the same size as you. |-5
You are distracted. e.g. in |--
combat, concentrating on a spell, |--
you are being rushed or hiding. |+5
- Orcish Furry
As a bonus action, your skin tints green/ grey and for the next minute, all of your attacks gain an additional 1d6 damage. Costs a thought point.
- Plot Hook
You can, as an action, transform your interesting story into a physical manifestation in the form of a long arcane whip. At the expense of 2 thought points, you create this whip, which lasts a minute or until dispelled (no action for you). As part of this action, and as an action on further turns for the duration, you may make a ranged Spell Attack with the whip at a target within 60 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 psychic damage on a hit and is pulled 10 feet closer to you. This damage increases to 2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 11th level and 4d8 at 17th.
- Silent Tug
You attempt to disarm a creature within 30 feet of you. As a bonus action, you spend 2 thought points to make a creature of your choice make a strength saving throw. On a fail, the creature drops on object of your choice that it is holding and the object is pull 10 feet towards you. If the object would land or pass through your space, you can make a dexterity (acrobatics) check to catch it, DC 2 x the number of feet that the creature is away from you.
- Romance
- Bright Smile
- Prerequisite: 7th level
You use an action, you brighten up the emotions of up to 10 creatures within 30 feet of you when you cast this. At the expense of 5 thought points, for 1 minute they each regain 1d4 hit points at the start of there turn. This does not heal from zero hit points and the targets must be living.
- End Arcane
- Prerequisite: 6th level
You can take an action to spend 7 thought points and try to end the magic around you. You force all creatures within 30 feet of you to make concentration checks if they concentrating on a spell. These are at disadvantage and have a DC of 10 + half your Intellectual level (rounded down). On a fail, the spell ends. You may do this once per short or long rest. At 14th level, you can do this as many times as you want per rest.
- Flattering Wink
When a creature is targeted by an attack, you can use your reaction, and one thought point, to wink at the attacking creature, as long as they are within 60 feet of you and can see you. That creature has disadvantage on the attack roll.
- Kiss of Life
You can touch a creature (usually kiss) within 5 feet of you, to heal them. You spend a number of thought points up to your Intellectual level (maximum of 5). The creature heals Xd8, X equals the number of thought points expended.
- Luxurious Ego
You can spend 5 thought points to make your form attractive and innocent. As an action, you gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
- You armour class increases by a number equal to your charisma modifier.
- Your hit point maximum increases by 15. This increases to 20 at 5th level, 25 at 10th level and 30 at 15th level.
- Friendly creatures within 30 feet of you gain a + 2 bonus to saving throws. This increases to +3 at 10th level and +3 at 16th level.
- Present Faults
You can spend 2 thought points to tell a creature all that is wrong with them. You point at a creature within 60 feet of you and it must make a wisdom saving throw. If they fail they take 2d8 psychic damage and they next attack against them has advantage. If they succeed they only take half damage.
- Romantic Casting
- Prerequisite: 5th level, cannot know any other Plot Point with "casting" in the name
You spend 5 thought points and a bonus action to be able to cast any of the following spells (up to your level) for the next 10 minutes. You cannot cast the same spell more than once. Once you have casted all possible spells, this effect ends. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability.
Intellectual Level|Spells |Spell's Level
5th level |Cure Wounds, Healing Word, Lesser Restoration, Inflict Wound|2nd Level
9th level |Revivify, Beacon of Hope |3rd Level
13th level |Guardian of Faith, Freedom of Movement |4th level
17th level |Mass Cure Wounds, Greater Restoration |5th level
You have created a powerful robot that obeys your every command. Its power increase as you level up.
- Safety of the Master
You gain proficiency in martial weapons and all armour when you take this degree.
- Robotics Master
You gain a companion that stats are below. As you level up, its stats change. You use a bonus action to command it to take an action and/ or move. When you gain an ability score improvement, you can add it to your companion instead.
- Construct Companion (1st level) Tiny construct, your alignement
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 10 (1d4 + your wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus)
Speed 25ft., 5ft. flying
STR 10
DEX 11
CON 13
INT your intelligence
WIS 16
CHA 10
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages One language you know of your choice
Challenge 1/4 (
Actions Slam. Melee Weapon Attack : +(2 + your wisdom) to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 5 (1d4 + your wisdom) bludgeoning.
- Construct Companion (3rd level) Small construct, your alignement
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 20 (2d6 + your wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus)
Speed 25ft., 15ft. flying
STR 10
DEX 12
CON 14
INT your intelligence
WIS 16
CHA 10
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages One language you know of your choice
Challenge 1/4 (
Actions Slam. Melee Weapon Attack : +(3 + your wisdom) to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 7 (1d6 + your wisdom) bludgeoning.
- Construct Companion (6th level) Medium construct, your alignement
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 30 (3d8 + your wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus)
Speed 30ft., 25ft. flying
STR 15
DEX 13
CON 15
INT your intelligence
WIS 17
CHA 11
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned' Grappled
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages One language you know of your choice
Challenge 2 (
Actions Slam. Melee Weapon Attack : +(5 + your wisdom) to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 9 (1d8 + your wisdom) bludgeoning.
- Construct Companion (12th level) Large construct, your alignement
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 40 (4d10 + your wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus)
Speed 40ft., 30ft. flying
STR 18
DEX 15
CON 17
INT your intelligence
WIS 17
CHA 11
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned' Grappled Restrained
Senses passive Perception 16
Languages One language you know of your choice
Challenge 4 (
Actions Slam. Melee Weapon Attack : +(7 + your wisdom) to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 10 (1d10 + your wisdom) bludgeoning.
- Construct Companion (17th level) Large construct, your alignement
Armor Class 18
Hit Points 50 (5d12 + your wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus)
Speed 40ft., 40ft. flying
STR 19
DEX 17
CON 19
INT your intelligence
WIS 17
CHA 11
Damage Ressistances: Fire, Poison, Psychic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren't Adamantine
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned' Grappled Restrained
Senses passive Perception 16
Languages All language you know of your choice
Challenge 6 (
Actions Slam. Melee Weapon Attack : +(8 + your wisdom) to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit 12 (1d12 + your wisdom) bludgeoning.
- Focused Mind: Quick Construct
At 3rd level, you can enter this state and you can use a free action to command your constuct.
- Might of Research
At 9th level, you have sophisticated forms of fighting you can use. When you or your companion hit with a melee weapon attack, you can spend X number of thought points. If you do, you deal additional psychic damage equal to Xd4.
- Protection of the Builder
At 15th level, you gain the condition and damage immunities and resistances of you construct companion.
You have studied deep into books on the past and learn many different forms of cultures and traditions and you use these to your advantages to train in martial ways.
- Well Studied
You gain proficiency in martial weapons and firearms.
- Specialised Item
Choose a type of weapon to be your specialised weapon. While using this item, you gain the following bonuses:
-You gain a +1 bonus to your armor class. This increases to +2 at 12th level and to +3 at 17th level
-You can use intelegence for attacks with this weapon.
-When you take the attack action, you can make an attack with this weapon as a bonus action.
-If it is a ranged weapon, increase the weapon's range by 30 feet. If not, 5 feet.
- Focused Mind
- Extinct Resistance
When you reach 3rd level, you have studded ancient creatures that lived long ago before going extinct. While in this mind set, if any damage you take is reduced by an amount equal to double your wisdom modifier (minimum of 2).
- Learn From Our Mistakes
You have heard many stories about how people fared in wars that happen long ago. But since then, culture has developed and so have your fighting skills. At 6th level, when you roll a 1 or a 2 with an attack, you can choose to reroll the attack. You must use the new roll.
You can use this a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier, regaining uses at a short or long rest.
- Protection of the Pharaoh
At 9th level, you became learned in the old burial skills of ancient kings known of pharaohs. You learn 2 cleric or druid spells of up to 2nd level (including cantrips). If they are 1st level or higher, you must spend 2 thought points to cast them and they cannot be damage dealing spells. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
- Historical Speciality
At 12th level, you gain one of the following benefits of your choice.:
- Deadeye Master
When you make a ranged attack against a target within 120 feet of you, you can choose to have advantage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier, regaining spent uses at a long rest.
- Knightly Defence
When a creature makes an attack against you, you can use your reaction to gain a bonus to your armour class equal to your wisdom modifier. To use this feature, you must be wearing armour of some kind. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier, regaining spent uses at a long rest.
- Victorian Craftsmanship
When you use any tool your are proficient in, you gain expertise in and when using them, after rolling, if you fail, you can choose to succeed instead. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier, regaining spent uses at a long rest.
- Swashbuckler's Fighting Skill
At 15th level, you have trained with your weapon so successfully, that your skill near rivals that of the pillaging thieves that used to ride the ocean wave. You now, on the first attach you hit of each turn, add an additional 1d10 psychic damage.
- Historical Glory
At 17th level, you have memorised the historical moments of heroism, and aim to do the same. You can use your Learn From Our Mistakes feature on rolling 3s as well as 2s and 1s. You also learn an additional cleric or druid spell that can be up to 3rd level. You follow the same rules for casting it. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability modifier for these spells.
You have travelled far and wide, picking up skills and magic along the way.
- Far Travelled
You learn 3 languages of your choice and gain one skill proficiency of your choice.
- Tourist Magic
You have travelled far and wide, learning different traits from the places you visit. As such, you have learned different forms of magic that you can use. Pick one of the following:
- Master Cook
You learn acid splash and poison spray cantrips.
- Festive Fire
You learn the control flames and produce flame cantrips.
- Tribal Curses
You learn shillelagh and thaumaturgy cantrips.
- Focused Mind: Spellcasting
When you reach 3rd level you can enter this state. While in this state, you gain the ability to cast spells. See spells rules for general rules of spellcasting and the spells listing for the wizard spell list.
- Cantrips
You learn 3 more cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell list. You learn another wizard cantrip of your choice at 9th and 17th level.
- Spell Slots
When calculating how many spell slots you have at each level, refer to the Rogue's Arcane Trickster Table. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell charm person and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot available, you can cast charm person using either slot.
- Spells Known at First Level and Higher
When figuring out how many spells you know, divide your class level by 3 and add your Intelligence modifier. Each of these spells and must be of a level for which you have spell slots. For instance, when you reach 7th level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or 2nd level.
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of the wizard spells you know with another spell of your choice from the wizard spell list. The new spell must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
- Spellcasting Ability
Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your wizard spells. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a wizard spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
- Exotic Dance
At 6th level, you have learnt a dance giving you special abilities while your doing it. Your dance is defined by your Tourist Magic. You enter your dance as a bonus action and must concentrate on it as you would a spell. Each dance lasts a minute and can only be used once per short or long rest.
- Cooking Pot
- Master Cook Feature
When you activate this dance, a pot is created in a space of your choice withing 30 feet. When you use a spell, add its level to the pot. The maximum spell levels it can store is 5th. While the pot exists, you can cast a spell from the pot, using its spell level instead of a spell slot. When you do, it looses its stored spells and if the spell is and area of effect, you use where the pot is.
- Dragon Dance
- Festive Fire Feature
You take the form of a Red Dragon Wyrmling. You gain none of the stats and traits. However, at the start of your turn, you can choose up to 5 creatures who must make a wisdom saving throw against your mentalist save DC. Creatures who fail this save become frightened of you for one round.
- Tribal Dance
- Tribal Curses Feature
You must be within 30 feet of a flame that is at least 3 feet by 3 feet to use this dance. When you start this dance, you must be within 10 feet of the flame. When you start dancing, the flame grows by 5 feet in every direction. At the start of your turn, you can chose to increase the size of the flame by five feet.
- Second Nature
At 12th level, your knowledge of other countries is strong. You gain another Tourist Magic and Tribal Dance option. You can use each dance once per short or long rest.
- Superior Song
At 15th level, your dancing power increases. You gain 2 of these benefits depending on your chosen dance.
Cooking Pot: You can store up to 9 levels in the pot.
Dragon Dance: You can target 10 creatures instead of 5.
Tribal Dance: You can be within 60 feet of the fire to use it and you increase the fire by 10 feet each turn as well.
You have a great skill at healing people with medicine. You are an experimenting medicine practitioner.
- Healer's Art
When you choose this archetype, you gain double proficiency in healer's kit and the Medicine skill, if you dont have it already.
Also, you can buy, for 1 gold, a injection needle. They function as darts but deal an extra 1d4 poison damage. You are proficient in these needles.
These replace the darts for your starting equipment. If you are in your predictive strike mind set, you may use intelligence for these darts.
- Skilled Healer
Also at 1st level, you have great skill with you healer's kit. As a bonus action you can heal a creature, within 5 ft of you, a number of hit points equal to 1d4 + your medicine modifier. They must have at least one hit point to gain this.
You can do this a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier per long rest.
Alternatively, you can expend us use of this to bring creature that is on death saves back to one hit point. The creature must be within 5 ft of you to do this and this costs an action.
- Focused Mind
- Superior Healing
At 3rd level, you can heal creatures rapidly, expending very little energy. While in this mind set, you can use your skilled healer feature as a bonus action or action. Also while in this mind set, you can spend one thought point to use the skilled healer feature without expending a use of it.
- Steal Heart
At 6th level, you constitution allows you to bear through most things that would damage your core. When you are asked to make a Dexterity saving throw, you can choose to make a Constitution saving throw instead, to resist the effects.
Your injection needles are magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunises. You also gain proficiency in constitution saving throws. Finally, you can use the alternate use of you skilled healer feature on creatures that hasn't been dead longer than one minute. This increases to 1 hour at 9th level, 1 day at 12th level and 1 year at 15th level.
- Medicine Craft
At 6th level, you gain expertise in herbalist kits if you dont already and you can spend 2 thought points to, as an action, concoct one of the following substances. These can be drunk as a bonus action by anyone.
- Potion of Enhanced Constitution
You gain 5 temporary hit points and you constitution increases by 2. This lasts 10 minutes.
- Potion of Enhanced Dexterity
All of your speeds increase by 10 ft. You dexterity also increases by 2. This lasts 10 minutes.
- Potion of Enhanced Strength
Your armour class increases by 1. Also, you strength increases by 2. This lasts 10 minutes.
- Potion of Frosty Hide
You become under the effects of Armour of Agathys at 1st level. This lasts 10 minutes. When creating this potion, you can expend 2 extra thought points to increase the level of this spell, once per every 2 extra points above 2.
- Potion of Firery Backlash
For 10 minites, you can use your reaction to use the Hellish Rebuke spell. Once using this spell, this effect ends. When you create this potion, you can expend an extra 2 thought points to allow the drinker to use this effect an extra use per every 2 extra points above 2.
- Potion of Blood Lust
When you drink this potion, you can cast Hex on one creature you can see. You do not need to concentrate on this spell.
A creature can only be under the effects of one potion at a time.
- Blood Letting
Starting at 9th level, by balancing the elemental humours in a patient’s body, you can cure a wide range of illnesses. You can make a Wisdom (Medicine) check as a bonus action contested by a creatures constitution saving throw. On a success from you, spend a hit dice and the creature takes damage equal to what is rolled
- Hardened Skin
At 9th level, your whole body is able to avoid different effects perfectly. While you are not wearing heavy armour, when you are subjected to an effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, and you use your Steel Heart feature, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
- Muscle Function Increase
At 12th level, you can add your intelligence to you initiative and have advantage on initiative rolls. Also, once per long rest, you can choose to reroll your initiative roll as normal. You must use the new roll.
- Expert Healer
At 12th level, you only need to be within 60 feet of the creature when you use your skilled healer feature.
- Master Healer
At 15th level, when you use your skilled healer feature, the creature regains a number of hit points equal to the medicine roll.
- Medicine Man/ Woman
At 17th level, when you use your master healer feature, you can do it on up to 5 creatures within range.
- Precision Needles
Also at 17th level, when you make an attack with one of your injection needles, they instead deal 1d10 piercing damage and 1d10 poison damage.
While others who study forget to practice there physical side as much, you use your brain to exercise stronger. You are skilled physically and mentally.
- Athletic Body
At 1st level, your training pays of. Choose either strength, dexterity and constitution. That ability score increase by 1, to a maximum of 20.
- Martialist
Also at 1st level, you can fight with the strength of a bull. You gain proficiency in martial weapons, shields and all armour.
- Focused Mind
- Forceful strikes
At 3rd level, your attacks hit with a surprising force. While in this mind set your attacks gain: +1 to attack rolls, an additional 1d6 force damage on a hit and count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance.
At 9th level, the bonus to attack becomes +2. At 17th level it becomes +3. Similarly, the damage changes to an additional 1d8 at 6th level, 1d10 at 12th level and 1d12 at 17th level.
- Focused Mind Improvement
At 6th level, you are adept a defending and attacking, quickly. You may take 2 bonus actions on your turn, as long as both are used to switch from one focused mind set to another.
- Athletic Prowess
At 9th level, your physical form is overpowering. Choose either strength, dexterity or constitution. That chosen ability score increases by 2 to a maximum of 20.
You gain another different choice at 17th level.
- Focused Mind Improvement
At 12th level, you can change you thought quickly, when the moment asks for it. As a reaction, when something would effect you like a spell or effect, change your Focused Mind to one you have access to.
- Speciality
At 15th level, you can fight in a specific style to fit your means. Choose one of the following to gain its benefits:
- Cross Country: Your walking speed increases by 20 and you are immune to difficult terrain. You can now also dash as a bonus action and your jumping distance and height is doubled.
- Aqua-Athlete: You have a swim speed equal to your walking speed. You are also not hindered by being in or under water. You can hold your breath for a number of hours equal to you intelligence modifier and can communicate under water.
- Martial Artist: Your unarmed strikes now use both strength and intelligence for attack and damage rolls. You also now add half your proficiency to your armour class while unarmoured.
You have a great ancient knowledge that applies to all things in the universe.
- Calculated Sight
You are able to see beyond the normal restriction, while you are not both blinded and deafend, you can see everything within 30 ft of you and are not restricted by line of sight within that radius.
- Predictive Measures
You are prepared for battle in every circumstance. You are immune to being surprised and can use intelligence instead of dexterity for initiative rolls. Finally, as a bonus action on your turns you can choose to have advantage on attack rolls against one creature you can see.
- Focused Mind
- Cloaking
At 3rd level, you have experimented on ways to hide yourself before making attacks. While in thing state, you are invisible. This lasts until you take an action, unless this is the Hide action.
- Gravitational Jump
At 6th level, you have learned of a force that controls us all. And now you have started learning to control it.
When a creature you can see makes an attack against you, you can use your reaction to cause gravity to make you rise a number of feet equal to 5 x your wisdom modifier, and in doing so, maybe cause the attacker to miss. The attacking creature must make an intelligence saving throw against your mentalist save DC. If they succeed, the attack continues as normal, but if they fail, the attack misses. You remain in the air until your next turn.
If you would hit something on the way up, you stop moving up and fall back down, taking 1d6 x the amount of 5 feet risen, of falling damage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier, regaining spent uses at a long rest.
Along with this, your predictive strikes count as magical for the purpose of over coming magical resistances and immunities. Finally, your calculated sight allows you to see invisible creatures within its radius.
- Gravity Pull
At 9th level, your control over the gravity allows your to pull or push objects. As an action, you can cause an object or creature to be pulled/pushed ether 10 feet towards you or away from you. If the object is a creature, it must make a strength saving throw against your DC, being unaffected on a successful save. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your wisdom modifier, regaining spent uses at a long rest.
- Font of Knowledge
Also at 9th level, you regain your thought points at a short or long rest. Additionally, your calculated sight also now allows you to see the true form of any shapeshifter or a creature that is transformed by magic within its range. You also see through all illusions and succeed on saving throws against them.
- Gravity Grip
At 12th level, you know how to make spectral gravity hands that do your biding. You can know the Mage Hand cantrip and can spend 2 thought points to cast Bigby's Hand. When you cast these spell, they are invisible. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
You calculated sight now allows you to see into the Ethereal Plane within range.
- Gravity Flip
At 15th level, you have mastered the force of gravity and can cause it to reverse in certain areas. You can spend 4 thought points to cast Reverse Gravity.
Your calculated sight increases to a 60 foot radius.
- Time Jump
At 17th level, you have gained the ability to master time itself for a short time. Once per long rest, you can jump forward in time. You vanish from existence, and reappear in a number of rounds decided when you use this ability. The maximum number of turns you vanish for equals 1 + your wisdom modifier. You cannot do anything if you are still vanished on your turn. At the end of the number of rounds, you reappear in the space you vanished. If the space is occupied, the thing occupying it is moved to the nearest unoccupied space and takes 4d10 force damage.
You are now immune to the blinded and deafend conditions. You can sense disturbances in the forces around you and no longer need sight most of the time.
Scholarly Talents[edit]
Cloak of Cunning[edit]
- Prerequisite
- Cloak of Creative Parkour
You can use a bonus action to take either the Hide, Disengage or Dash action.
- Prerequisite
- Language or Creative Writing Degree, 3rd level
You have a book in which you can catch spells and save them for later. When you are targeted with a spell attack, you can use your reaction and spend 1 thought point to reduce the attacks damage. Roll (1 x the spells level)d10 + your wisdom + your intellectual level. You reduce the spells damage by that amount. If you reduce it to zero, then you can compress the spell into your book.
Once between now and the next rest, you can use your action to cast a spell that was compressed into your book. It uses your attack modifier. Even if it uses a bonus action, you must use your action. You can only have one spell caught at a time. Once you've casted the spell, you loose it from your book.
Colourful Plumage[edit]
- Prerequisite
- Cloak of Creative Parkour, 9th level
You can use a bonus action to transform your cloak into a pair of (either; leathery, scaled or feathered) wings for one hour. You can spend 4 thought points to gain a 30 feet fly speed. The bonus that your cloak gives you to your walking speed applies to your fly speed. You retain your normal bonuses and the wings mimic the cloak in style and colour.
Death Stare[edit]
You can use your action to spend 2 thought points. All creatures of your choice within a 15 foot cone of you must make a wisdom saving throw or take 2d4 psychic damage and is frightened. On a success they take half damage and are not frightened.
Eye for Detail[edit]
You can cast Identify at will without expending a spell slot or any material components.
False Friend[edit]
- Prerequisite
- Holographic Projector, 9th level
You can spend 2 thought points to cast Major Image at will, without expending a spell slot or any material components.
You gain one feat of your choice.
Forceful Reflection[edit]
- Prerequisite
- Physics Degree, 6th level
As a reaction, when you are hit with a ranged weapon attack, you can use your reaction to spend 1 thought point. Roll a d20. If you roll lower than your intellectual level, you take no damage and force the missile back with gravitational force. Make an attack roll with you wisdom and proficiency bonuses against the creature that attacked you. On a hit the creature takes the same damage that the first attack would have done.
Greater Lightning Feet[edit]
- Perquisite
- Lightning Feet Feature
You can spend 2 thought points cast Haste any number of times you want.
Knowledge of the Bookworm[edit]
You can read all writing.
Lightning Feet[edit]
- Prerequisite
- Cloak of Creative Parkour, 5th level
Once per long rest, you can spend 2 thought points to cast Haste on yourself without exspending a spell slot or any material components.
Master of the Fight[edit]
- Prerequisite
- 3rd level
Your intelligence based attacks critical hit on a 19.
Mechanical Claws[edit]
- Prerequisite
- Climbing Rope
You gain a climb speed equal to your walking speed and can climb upside down and up vertical surfaces unhindered.
Multiple Holograms[edit]
- Prerequisite
- Holographic Projector, 5th level
You can spend 2 thought points to cast Mirror Image at will, without expending a spell slot or any material components.
Myth Sight[edit]
- Prerequisite
- 15th level
You can see the true form of any shapechanger or creature concealed by illusion or transmutation magic while its within 30 ft of you and within line of sight.
Pin Point Strike[edit]
When you make an intelligence based attack, you can spend a thought point to force the target to make a wisdom saving throw or it cannot take an action of your choice next turn.
Road Runner[edit]
- Prerequisite
- Cloak of Creative Parkour, :17th level
Your speed bonus increases to +30.
Robo Caster[edit]
- Prerequisite
- Engineering Degree
Choose one cantrip from the wizard spell list. You can have your construct companion can cast it as its action. Your wisdom is its spellcasting ability modifier for this spell. When you gain a level in this class, you can change your choice for this spell.
Skilled Combatant[edit]
You can choose one fighting style from the fighter feature.
Stealth Master[edit]
- Prerequisite
- 5th level
You have proficiency in dexterity (stealth) checks if you dont already. Also, when in dim light or darker, you can use your action to spend 2 thought points and become invisible until you move or take an action or reaction.
Superior Attacks[edit]
- Prerequisite
- 11th level
You can spend 1 thought point to attack 3 times when you take the attack action.
Superior Sight[edit]
You increase your wisdom (perception) modifier by 2 and gain darkvision of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, it increases by 30 feet.
Vibrant Mind[edit]
- Prerequisite
- Creative Writing Degree
You gain 1 additional Plot Point of your choice. You gain additional ones at 5th, 10th and 20th level.
Wordplay Expert[edit]
When you make a charisma based ability check, you can use intelligence as your base stat instead of charisma.
Spellcasting.If your degree is in Language, then you add a third of your intellectual level (rounded down) to your total spellcasting class level.
Intellectual Barbarians.If you have multiclassed into barbarian/ intellectual, and have both the Rage and Focused Mind features, you cannot use both at the same time. Also, while raging, you cant use any of your Scholarly Traits.
Prerequisites. As a multiclass character, you must have at least an Intelligence score of 13 to take a level in this class.
Proficiencies. If Intelectual isn’t your initial class, here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your first level as an intelectual: Simple Weapons, Simple Armor, Shortswords, Scimitars, One Skill of Your Choice, One Tool of Your Choice.
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