Green Lantern Revised (5e Class)
Green Lantern (5e Class)[edit]
Green Lanterns are some of the most powerful warriors in the galaxy, tasked with maintaining order and justice across entire sectors. Wielding the most formidable weapons in existence—their power rings—they enforce intergalactic law and protect planets from threats that even the most powerful heroes cannot handle alone.
Creating a Green Lantern[edit]
Green Lanterns are chosen, not born. The power ring seeks out individuals with unshakable willpower and the courage to stand against darkness. What event in your past forged your iron resolve? Was it a moment of sacrifice, a stand against oppression, or an act of heroism?
- Quick Build
You can make a Green Lantern quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Astral Nomad or Soldier background. Third, choose a power ring, a tinker’s toolkit, and common clothes.
Class Features
As a Green Lantern you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Green Lantern level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Green Lantern level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light, Medium
Weapons: Simple melee, Any ranged
Tools: Tinker’s tools, Smith’s tools
Saving Throws: Charisma, Constitution
Skills: Choose four from Insight, Medicine, Acrobatics, Stealth, Perception, Survival, Nature, Investigation
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- A power ring
- Tinker's toolkit
- Common clothes
- If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 × 10 gp in funds.
Power Ring[edit]
The power ring is the core of a Green Lantern’s abilities. It is not a magical item but functions as an arcane focus.
Construct Creation: You can create solid energy constructs with your willpower.
Light Constructs: As a bonus action, you can create a simple light construct no larger than a 5 ft cube at level 1. At level 3, it can be 20 ft, and at level 10, 50 ft.
Manipulation: You can control constructs telekinetically within 30 ft.
Construct Durability: A construct has AC = 8 + your Charisma modifier + proficiency bonus and HP equal to your level + proficiency bonus.
Weapon Constructs: You are proficient with any weapon created using your power ring.
Glow (1st Level)[edit]
Ring Blast : You can make a ranged spell attack using your ring, doing 1d8 radiant damage + cha mod (The spell creates more than one beam when you reach higher levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.).
Levitation : You can levitate of the ground, giving you a 10ft flying speed (this increases to 30ft at 5th level, and 50ft at 10th level)
Energy Construct Weapons (1st Level)[edit]
The Green Lantern Corps class can create energy construct weapons using their power ring. The energy construct weapons have the following properties:
The energy construct weapon can be a melee or ranged weapon.
The energy construct weapon has a 1d20+(CHA+PROF) to hit, and deals 1d6+Cha force damage. (scales to 1d8 at level 6, 1d10 at level 12, 1d12 at level 17)
Ranged energy construct weapons have a range of 60 feet.
The construct disappears if it moves more than 30 ft away from the creator.
Security Protocol (1st Level)[edit]
If someone attempts to steal your ring, it becomes inert until you reclaim it.
At level 4, the thief must pass a DC 15 Sleight of Hand check or suffer 2d6 radiant damage.
At level 8, the DC increases to 18 and the ring grants advantage on Wisdom saving throws against mental manipulation.
At level 12, the DC increases to 22, and you become immune to charm and mind control effects.
At level 16, the DC increases to 24, and the ring grants immunity to poison and curses.
At level 19, the ring becomes permanently bonded to you; it can no longer be removed except by your will. Any attempt to do so results in an automatic blast of radiant energy (4d6 damage) to the attacker.
Energy Construct Shield (2nd Level)[edit]
The Green Lantern Corps class gains the ability to create an energy shield around yourself or one other person that provides additional +2 AC for the remainder of the round as a reaction, you can do this up to your Proficiency bonus times per long rest.
Green Lantern Corps Oath (3rd Level)[edit]
At 3rd level, you gain the ability to invoke the Green Lantern Corps Oath, reinforcing your constructs and defenses for 1 minute (6 rounds). This ability recharges after a long rest.
Oath Benefits: -- Protective Aura: You gain a +1 bonus to AC. This increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 15th level.
Advanced Constructs: Your constructs become more complex, gaining advantage on ability checks related to their creation. -- The maximum construct size starts at a 10 ft by 10 ft cube and scales with level, increasing to 20 ft at 9th level and 30 ft at 15th level. -- The range before a construct dissipates starts at 100 ft, increasing to 150 ft at 9th level and 200 ft at 15th level.
Empowered Weaponry: If you form a weapon, it gains an additional hit die. (Example: Instead of 1d8, it becomes 2d8 at 3rd level, 3d8 at 9th level, and 4d8 at 15th level.)
Construct Durability: Your constructs have an AC of 10 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus. -- Their hit points equal half your maximum HP, increasing to two-thirds at 9th level and matching your HP at 15th level.
Empowered Constructs & Exhaustion: Each round you concentrate on maintaining an empowered construct beyond its initial creation, you gain 1 point of exhaustion.
Extra Construct (5th Level)[edit]
Extra Construct: Starting at 5th level, a Green Lantern can create two constructs, instead of one, summoning one at a time as a bonus action. Increasing to three at 11, four at 17.
Galactic Encyclopedia (6th Level)[edit]
Your ring grants you vast knowledge of galactic history, politics, and technology.
Advantage on History and Arcana checks related to alien civilizations. Choose one mental skill (Insight, Perception, Investigation, or Arcana) to gain expertise in.
Galactic Insight (6th Level)[edit]
Your ring's database provides real-time battle analysis.
Gain Expertise in one mental skill of your choice (Insight, Perception, Investigation, or Arcana).
Once per long rest, gain advantage on an Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw.
Energy Absorption (7th Level)[edit]
Your ring can absorb incoming energy-based attacks.
As a reaction, your ring captures some of the incoming energy, lessening its effect on you and storing it for your next attack. You have resistance to the triggering damage type until the start of your next turn. Also, the first time you hit with an attack on your next turn, the target takes an extra 1d6 damage of the triggering type. You may do this up to your Proficiency bonus per long rest.
Force Field (7th Level)[edit]
A slight glow surrounds your body, giving you a shielding aura. As a reaction, you can create a force field around you or an ally that gives moderate protection. Gaining 2d12 + Charisma modifier to yourself or an ally temporary hit points for 1 minute or when the temporary hit points run out, after which you cannot use this ability until you take a long rest.
Security Protocol ++ (8th Level)[edit]
Further enhances ring security, making it harder to remove or disable.
Unauthorized users must pass a DC 18 Sleight of Hand check or take 3d6 radiant damage.
Your willpower manifests, giving you advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
Energy Construct Companion (9th Level)[edit]
You can create an Energy Construct Companion that assists you.
This follows the Summon / Conjure spell CR requirements and lasts for up to an hour.
The companion is semi-autonomous and can assist in combat and exploration.
Spectrum Hero (10th Level)[edit]
At level 10, you gain an additional ring from a different emotional spectrum:
Death (Black) – Deal necrotic damage and cast Inflict Wounds up to 3 times per day.
Greed (Orange) – Create a Simulacrum that must be controlled with a DC 18 Constitution save.
Compassion (Purple) – Gain resistance to all damage types.
Fear (Yellow) – Gain Frightful Presence and deal +2d6 thunder damage.
Love (Pink) – Heal 1d4 HP per attack and deal +2d6 bludgeoning damage.
Hope (Blue) – Add 2d6 lightning damage and grant allies Bardic Inspiration.
Rage (Red) – Increase size to Large, deal +2d6 fire damage, and must attack the nearest creature in combat.
Telepathy (11th Level)[edit]
At 11th level, you find an ability that so many creatures have problem believing in. You can talk to creatures telepathically, the only requirement being they must know one language. You may not understand their language or they may not understand you, but you can communicate through this ability.
Energy Construct Clone (13th Level)[edit]
You can create an energy construct duplicate of yourself that can act independently. This clone lasts for up to 1 minute and has AC and HP equal to half your total. It mimics your attacks but deals half damage. Once per day.
Cellular Regeneration (14th Level)[edit]
At 14th level, you can heal creatures around you and yourself. You can use this feature to heal yourself or another creatures up to 4d8 hit points split amongst every target healed . Once you use this feature, you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.
Energy Construct Portal (15th Level)[edit]
The Green Lantern Corps class gains the ability to create an energy construct portal that allows them to teleport to a different location that they have already previously visited once per long rest.
Energy Construct Avatar (17th Level)[edit]
Increase your size to Gargantuan. Your damage die increases by 4d8. Increasing your AC by 4. This lasts for 1 minute (6 rounds). You may do this once per 3 days.
Energy Construct Sphere (18th Level)[edit]
You can create a resilient sphere of energy around yourself or an ally, similar to the Otiluke's Resilient Sphere spell, up to three times per long rest.
Maximum Security Protocol (19th Level)[edit]
Your ring can no longer be removed from your finger by any means except your own will. Additionally, any attempt to tamper with it results in an automatic burst of radiant energy, dealing 4d6 Radiant damage to the attacker.
Paragon of the Lantern Corps (20th Level)[edit]
You become a paragon of willpower, fear, compassion, hope, love, rage, greed, life, and death, A White Lantern. You may generate your full amount of constructs with one action. Gaining all other lantern ring effects for 1 round.
Prerequisites: To qualify for multiclassing into the Green Lantern class, you must have Charisma 13 or higher.
Proficiencies: When you multiclass into the Green Lantern class, you gain proficiency in light armor, simple melee weapons, and ranged weapons.