Elemental Mage, Variant 2 (5e Class)

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Elemental Mage[edit]

A young priestess leaves her temple with a mission to heal the sick. Water flows from her hands to remove the plague from this land, one villager at a time.

A grizzled old dwarf hunts down a cultist. Using vines to entangle his mark while he interrogates a worshiper of the dark one.

A towering sword in one hand, a red dragonborn protects their adopted home. Slicing the invaders into this sacred space in the mountainside, and hurling fire at those who dare run past them.

Elemental mages harness the elements to which they are attuned in order to help, harm, protect, destroy, and change the world around them. While their powers vary, they are unified by the magic that flows within their bodies. Many initiates into an elemental temple already have mastered a spell or two. And initiates learn to wield the weapons considered sacred to their temples.

Elemental Power[edit]

Elemental mages tap into the power of one or more magical elements in order to perform feats of heroism. Though careful study of the elements to which they are attuned, these mages gain mastery of spells and weapons corresponding to the magic within them.

The mages who venture out from their temple have been taught to defend themselves in a fight. When that fight inevitably happens, a mage will perform a role based on their training. While a water mage may feel her magic calling her to heal her companions, it can also flow through her hands as she takes aim with her bow. A fire mage who sees a threat to their companion may blast the threat with fire, draw their sword, and charge the enemy.

The Study of Self[edit]

While an elemental mage must have some natural talent with an element, most study for years at the temple devoted to their element in order to gain a small amount of control over the magic that flows within them.

Elemental temples tend to encourage initiates to explore their personal power. The magic that is unique to their being. Mages must learn how to attune their minds to their bodies in order to make best use of the magic that is within them.

Though rare, there are legendary elemental mages who gained mastery of an element without studying at a temple.

Because elemental mages must learn to explore their own being and question what they know of themselves, many discover that their sexual orientation or gender identity does not conform to the norms of the society they were part of before joining a temple. Temples do not enforce the norms of the society around them, knowing that rejecting a self-truth can diminish their power, or even cause them to lose control of their magic completely.

Creating an Elemental Mage[edit]

Storm, a gnome water mage, in ceremonial temple robes

The most important step in building an elemental mage is deciding which of the primary elements they are most closely attuned: Fire, Water, Light, Earth, or Wind. Each of these elements have their strengths and their own set of learned spells. See the Elements section later on for more information.

After deciding an element, consider how the mage learned of their power. Did they discover at a young age that they could make it rain during a drought? Were they shunned because they could make a stick glow without fire? Or did their village celebrate when a Master of Wind discovered that a youth's speed and athleticism was an elemental gift?

Next, choose what sort of relationship your elemental mage had with a temple. Some mages study their entire lives at a temple just to become proficient with a single element. Some gain novice mastery of the element to which they are most closely aligned within a single year. Was your mage able to fly through their studies? Or, perhaps they were unable to be taught at a temple? Or did they spend years communing with the earth to learn magic on their own?

Quick Build

You can make a fire mage quickly by making these choices: First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength. Second, choose the folk hero background. Third, choose Attunement to Fire as your primary element.

Class Features

As a Elemental Mage you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Elemental Mage level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Elemental Mage level after 1st


Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills: Choose one from: History, Investigation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a quarterstaff or (b) a short bow and a quiver of 20 arrows
  • Leather armor
  • A sling, a dagger, an explorer's pack, and a component pouch
  • A symbol of the element to which you are attuned. Some examples include:
    • A coin engraved with a symbol of your element
    • An icicle that never thaws
    • A flag that waves continuously
    • A bracelet of living vines
    • A glowing pearl
    • A flower that is always warm
    • A vial that produces a sip of water each day
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 2d4x10 gp in funds.

Table: The Elemental Mage

Level Proficiency
Features Magic Point Maximum
1st +2 Spellcasting, Element Attunement (Primary) 10
2nd +2 Elemental Strike 20
3rd +2 Rank Up Apprentice (Primary) 30
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 40
5th +3 Element Attunement (Secondary), Rank Up Proficient (Primary) 50
6th +3 Eschew Materials 60
7th +3 Rank Up Adept (Primary), Rank Up Apprentice (Secondary) 70
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 80
9th +4 Rank Up Distinguished (Primary) 90
10th +4 Boosted Spells 100
11th +4 Rank Up Expert (Primary) 110
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 120
13th +5 Rank Up Master (Primary), Rank Up Proficient (Secondary) 130
14th +5 Improved Boosted Spells 140
15th +5 Rank Up Grandmaster (Primary), Rank Up Adept (Secondary) 150
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 160
17th +6 Element Attunement (Tertiary), Rank Up Sensei (Primary) 170
18th +6 Rank Up Apprentice (Tertiary), Improved Eschew Materials 180
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement, Rank Up Proficient (Tertiary) 190
20th +6 Double Cast 200


Through study and practice, you have tamed a portion of the magic that flows within you. By refining this magic, it becomes a repeatable, permanent part of your being. See the official Dungeons and Dragons Player’s Handbook for the general rules of spell casting.


At first level, you learn cantrips based on which element you are attuned. You master additional cantrips as you become attuned to additional elements.

Magic Points (MP)

Elemental mages pull from a reservoir of magical energy within their being, as represented by magic points. Casting a spell costs magic points, or MP, based on the level of the spell. A spell can only be cast if you have sufficient spell points. Finishing a long rest regains spent magic points, up to the maximum magic points based on your current level.

Maximum magic points at first level: 10
Maximum magic points gained per level: 10
Spell Level MP Cost
Cantrap 0
1 5
2 7
3 10
4 12
5 15
6 25
7 50
8 75
9 100
Spells Known

You know spells based on which elements you are attuned. As you attune to a new element and gain ranks in a known element, the number of spells you know increases. Spells gained in this way are known permanently, and cannot be changed or lost. These spells are always available; elemental mage spells do not need to be prepared.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your elemental mage spells. Your spells come from the study of the innate magic within your being. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. You use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an elemental mage spell you cast, and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

Element Attunement[edit]

A fire elemental mage, in street clothes, trying to look inconspicuous

At 1st level, you choose the element that you studied in order to become an elemental mage: Attunement to Fire, Attunement to Water, Attunement to Light, Attunement to Earth, or Attunement to Wind. This is considered your Primary element, and you will continue to grow and learn from this element as you grow as a mage. When you gain attunement to an element, you are a Novice of that element.

At 5th level, you choose a second element from the same list as above, but this must be a different element than your primary element. This is your Secondary element. When you gain attunement to an element, you are a Novice of that element.

At 17th level, you choose to attune to a third element. You may choose from the same element list as your primary element, so long as it is not the same as your primary or secondary element. Alternatively, you may choose a prestige element, if you meet the requirements for said prestige element. Whether you choose a basic element or a prestige element, this is your Ternary element. When you gain attunement to an element, you are a Novice of that element.

Elemental Strike[edit]

Beginning at 2nd level, you may choose to increase damage by spending MP when dealing damage with a weapon. Before making a damage roll, you may spend a point of MP per elemental mage level. For each MP point spent, your damage is increased by 1 point. When you spend at least 1 point of MP in this way, the damage is magical in addition to other types.

Beginning at 2nd level, damage from unarmed strikes are considered to be magical. Increase damage of all unarmed strikes by 1 point. This increase does not cost MP.

Rank Up[edit]

As you grow as an elemental mage, you will grow in the individual elements to which you are attuned.

At 3rd level, you gain the rank of Apprentice in your primary element.

At 5th level, you gain the rank of Proficient in your primary element.

At 7th level, you gain the rank of Adept in your primary element, and Apprentice in your secondary element.

At 9th level you gain the rank of Distinguished in your primary element.

At 11th level, you gain the rank of Expert in your primary element.

At 13th level, you gain the rank of Master in your primary element and Proficient in your secondary element.

At 15th level, you gain the rank of Grandmaster in your primary element and Adept in your secondary element.

At 17th level, you gain the rank of Sensei in your primary element.

At 18th level, you gain the rank of Apprentice in your tertiary element.

At 19th level, you gain the rank of Proficient in your tertiary element.

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. You cannot increase an ability score above 20 using this method.

Eschew Materials[edit]

Once you reach 6th level, casting an elemental mage spell does not require non-consumable materials, even if the material contains a cost.

Once you reach 18th level, you may pay for consumable components required to cast a spell by consuming coins, gems, or other trade goods with a known value. You may expend multiple coins, multiple gems, or multiple trade goods in order to meet the cost, or a combination of coins, gems, and goods. Using this method to pay for a spell component consumes the coins, gems, and goods completely, even if the total value of the items exceeds the cost of the required component(s).

Boosted Spells[edit]

Starting at 10th level, when you cast an elemental mage spell of spell level 4 or less that contains “At Higher Levels” text, the spell may gain this effect as if it was cast at one spell level higher than the spell’s level. This does not increase the spell's MP cost.

Starting at 14th level, when you cast an elemental mage spell of spell level 4 or less that contains “At Higher Levels” text, you may spend an additional amount of MP equal to the spell's normal cost. If you do, the spell gains “At Higher Levels” text as if it were cast with a spell slot three levels higher than the spell’s level. This boost includes the free boost that you would normally get if you did not choose to expend any additional MP.

Double Cast[edit]

Once you reach 20th level, you may cast a second elemental mage spell as a bonus action after casting an elemental mage spell. The second spell must be a lower base-level than the first spell cast. In order to use this feature, the spell must be cast in the same combat turn, but does not have to be cast immediately after the first spell. You must be able to pay the MP cost for each spell to use this feature.

Attunement to Fire[edit]

Fire mages are warriors, training their bodies and minds to be able to fight. They may train with the weapons of their temple one day, and practice shooting firebolts the next day. Many take to the sword as easily as they wield fire spells.

Elemental temples tend to be more akin to schools than places of worship. They encourage students to take time away from the temple in order to practice using their power in the real world. Fire temples are no exception; some fire mages use their power to hunt monsters, many others use their power to help and protect their hometowns.

Temples of fire are typically built in harsh, hot environments: a black tower on the side of a volcano, a desert palace whose walls burn all day and night. With temples being in such remote places, students tend to spend long stretches of time at the temple, and long journeys out in the world.

Fire - Novice[edit]

Blazing Firebolt

When casting Fire Bolt, add your Intelligence Modifier modifier to the damage on a hit.

Bonus Proficiencies

You gain proficiency with martial melee weapons

You gain proficiency in Intimidation


You learn the following spells:

Dancing Lights
Fire Bolt
Produce Flame
Chromatic Orb
Burning Hands
Hellish Rebuke
Purify Food and Drink
Searing Smite

Fire - Apprentice[edit]

Blazing Response

As a reaction to taking damage from a melee attack, you may use your reaction to cause the attacking creature to catch fire. The creature will immediately take damage equal to half of the damage that you received from the attack, rounded down. At the start of its next turn, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw equal to your elemental mage spell save DC. On a successful save the creature puts out the fire. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d6 fire damage, is knocked prone, their turn ends, and the fire goes out. Each time you use this reaction, expend 5MP.


You learn the following spells:

Continual Flame
Flame Blade
Flaming Sphere
Heat Metal
Scorching Ray

Fire - Proficient[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Protection from Energy
Remove Curse

Fire - Adept[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Conjure Minor Elementals
Fire Shield
Wall of Fire

Fire - Distinguished[edit]

Blazing Threat

Fire mages are known for making good on their threats. Especially when conjuring a little flame! Gain advantage on intimidation checks if you have cast a spell learned from Attunement to Fire within the past minute that the target of the intimidation check witnessed.


You learn the following spells:

Conjure Elemental
Flame Strike

Fire - Expert[edit]

Catch Fire

When you do fire damage to a creature, you may cause them to catch fire. As a reaction to you causing fire damage to a creature, you can cause the fire to stick to their body and continue burning. While the creature is on fire, they have disadvantage on saves and skill checks. At the start of their next turn, the creature takes 1d10 fire damage, the burning condition ends, but the creature gains the condition of smoldering.

If you cause fire damage to this smoldering creature, they begin burning one again. The burning creature has disadvantage on saves and skill checks. At the start of their next turn, the creature takes 1d10 fire damage, the burning condition ends, but the creature gains the condition of smoldering.

If a creature is smoldering and not burning at the start of their turn, the smoldering condition ends. Smoldering has no other effects.

If the creature resists fire damage, they will never gain the condition of smoldering.

You may not use the initial reaction again until you finish a short or long rest.


You learn the following spell:


Fire - Master[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Prismatic Spray
Delayed Blast Fireball
Fire Storm

Fire - Grandmaster[edit]


You learn the following spell:

Incendiary Cloud

Fire - Sensei[edit]

Aura of Fire

As an action, produce a fiery atmosphere around yourself. Enemies entering or starting their turn within 60’ of you will take 2d10 damage. This damage is considered both fire and radiant. This aura lasts for 1 minute, or once dismissed.


You learn the following spells:

Prismatic Wall
Meteor Swarm

Attunement to Water[edit]

Water mages are healers first and foremost. Water magic focuses first on restoring health to injured allies and innocent persons. Secondarily, water mages learn a variety of ranged weapons in order to prevent the injury of their allies before it happens. Finally, those attuned to water can use spells to change the battlefield. Freezing the ground, or raining hail from the sky, water mages are a force to be reckoned with.

Water temples are either built directly adjacent to creeks, rivers, lakes, or the ocean, or they are built within a body of water. Because towns tend to be built water-adjacent as well, many water temples are near to or within a city. And because water mages are encouraged to learn and practice healing, water temples tend to double as medical facilities. In larger cities, a water temple may have multiple medical wards close to the temple proper, in order to facilitate healing a large number of citizens in the case of a natural disaster. In temples further away from large cities, water mages may split their time between studying at the temple for part of a week, and traveling between nearby towns and villages for the remainder of their time.

Yet some water mages still feel the call to adventure. Temples may send their more restless students out to assist with the slaying of a great evil. Or may send them out into the world to gather information on new diseases and threats.

Water - Novice[edit]

Torrent Healing

When casting a healing spell, add your Intelligence modifier to the amount healed

Bonus Proficiency

You gain proficiency with Martial Ranged weapons

Gain proficiency in Medicine


You gain the following spells:

Dancing Lights
Ray of Frost
Chromatic Orb
Create or Destroy Water
Cure Wounds

Water - Apprentice[edit]

Fluid Response

The healing power of water reacts to suffering, even in themselves. As a reaction to taking damage, you may heal half of the damage suffered, rounded up.

Each time you use this feature, expend 5MP.


You learn the following spells:

Lesser Restoration
Misty Step
Prayer of Healing
Protection from Poison

Water - Proficient[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Protection from Energy
Mass Healing Word
Sleet Storm
Water Breathing
Water Walk

Water - Adept[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Conjure Minor Elementals
Control Water
Ice Storm

Water - Distinguished[edit]

Icy Protection

When making a medicine check, the targeted creature gains 10 temp hit points. At the end of your next turn, any of these temp hit points that remain are removed.


You learn the following spells:

Conjure Elemental
Cone of Cold
Greater Restoration
Mass Cure Wounds

Water - Expert[edit]


Sometimes the best way to get out of a bad situation is to regroup. As an action, you may attempt to stop creatures by coating them in a thick layer of ice. Choose up to 10 creatures you can see to be frozen. These creatures must be within 60’ of you. An unwilling creature makes a strength save, DC20. On failure, the creature is coated in thick ice, and is considered frozen until the start of your next turn. Willing creatures are coated in thick ice, and are considered frozen until the start of your next turn. The frozen creatures’ movement speed is 0. Frozen creatures cannot attack or take reactions. Frozen creatures cannot take damage from weapons or spells under most circumstances. Any attack that would do fire-based damage to a frozen creature automatically hits, does no damage, but ends the frozen condition on that creature.

For any creature caught mid-flight when frozen, they are held in the spot they were frozen by ice that stretches up from the ground and/or out from other surfaces close to them.

You may not use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.


You learn the following spells:

Freezing Sphere
Wall of Ice

Water - Master[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Prismatic Spray

Water - Grandmaster[edit]


You learn the following spell:

Power Word Stun

Water - Sensei[edit]

Aura of Water

As an action, produce a misty atmosphere around yourself. Enemies within 60’ of you take an additional 4d4 damage from your spells, so long as those spells were learned from Attunement to Water. This damage is considered radiant in addition to other types. Allies within 60’ of you gain an additional 4d4 hit points from healing, regardless of the source. This aura lasts for 1 minute, or once dismissed.


You learn the following spells:

Prismatic Wall
Mass Heal

Attunement to Light[edit]

An elf elemental mage of light, ready to take on the world

Light mages strive for independence. Light magic whispers to those who desire power. Those who view strength as self-sufficiency, and view dependence on others as weakness. They learn to be quick of hand, tongue, and mind. Light mages must learn to work with a range of armaments and spells. The gift of light magic is healing, damage, and utility.

Just as light magic is varied, the handful of light temples throughout the world are unique to their founder. One temple is a mansion with large windows and glass-enclosed practice rooms. Another temple is in a tower on an island. Another temple built upon desert ruins. Unlike temples dedicated to learning other elements, light temples tend to be run by the founder of the temple, uniquely built to reflect their personality. And these temples tend to disband upon the founder’s death. As natural gift of light is rare, classes tend to be small, with some temples only graduating a handful of acolytes in their entire history.

There is one commonality among those who train those gifted with sensitivity to light: the teachers are quick to eject a student once they gain enough power to challenge the teacher. Like a baby bird, students of light pushed from the nest. The majority of light mages choose adventuring, or have it chosen for them. A few of them even learn to work with other adventurers.

Light - Novice[edit]

Shimmering Defense

Light mages train to detect threats more quickly. As a result, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

Bonus Proficiency

You gain proficiency with Longbow

You gain proficiency with all martial weapons with the finesse property

You gain proficiency with Medium Armor

You gain proficiency in Deception


You learn the following spells:

Dancing Lights
Shocking Grasp
Chromatic Orb
Healing Word
Thunderous Smite
Witch Bolt

Light - Apprentice[edit]

Shining Attack

If you make a weapon attack during your turn, you may make an additional attack as a bonus action in the same turn. This bonus action attack does not have to target the same creature as the previous attack, nor does it have to happen immediately following the previous attack.


You learn the following spells:


Light - Proficient[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Protection from Energy
Call Lightning
Lightning Bolt

Light - Adept[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Conjure Minor Elementals
Death Ward
Greater Invisibility

Light - Distinguished[edit]

Brilliant Student

You gain proficiency in an additional skill and with an additional weapon of your choice.


You learn the following spells:

Conjure Elemental
Raise Dead

Light - Expert[edit]

Blinding Flash

As a bonus action, you may produce a ray of light directly in the eyes of one creature within 30’. Creature makes a constitution save, DC20. On failure, the target creature is blinded until the end of your next turn. If the target creature is within 5’, they fail this save automatically.

You may not use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.


You learn the following spells:

Chain Lightning
True Seeing

Light - Master[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Prismatic Spray

Light - Grandmaster[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Holy Aura

Light - Sensei[edit]

Aura of Light

As an action, produce a sparkling atmosphere around yourself. Once per their turn, when you or an ally within 60’ of you makes a weapon attack, they may attempt to make an additional attack at disadvantage as a free action. If you use this feature to make an additional attack, you are not at disadvantage. Any dimly lit area within 60’ of you is now bright. Any completely dark area within 60’ of you is now dimly lit. The light produced by this feature is considered magical, but cannot be dispelled. This aura lasts for 1 minute, or once dismissed.


You learn the following spells:

Prismatic Wall
True Resurrection

Attunement to Earth[edit]

Earth mages use their magic to defend and hunt. As part of a team, an earth mage will pull opponents away from their allies. When going solo, an earth mage can prevent their foe from escaping while wearing them down.

Temples of earth have been built across the world in rural areas of all different types. A temple carved into the stone walls of a mountain side. Temples built on the forest floor, made of dirt and plants. Earth Temples are rarely found within cities. And while many earth temples do flourish when a town is close, some temples have been abandoned when homes are built nearby.

Training as an earth mage is rough. Initiates spend long hours in heavy armor, learning to give and take blows. But the culture of the temple is to celebrate each day. Once the training is done, they dress their wounds and feast. Followers of the temple sometimes spend their entire life in the temple, training right along with the initiates. But many do leave to right a wrong, hunt a monster that is terrorizing a town, or to make the world better. And most find that working with others is a way to accomplish their task faster.

Earth - Novice[edit]

Earthen Vine

When casting Thorn Whip, you may move the target an additional 5 feet. This additional distance does not have to be your direction. If your Intelligence Modifier is +5 or greater, increase this feature’s move distance to an additional 10 feet.

Bonus Proficiencies

You gain proficiency with Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, and Shields

You gain proficiency in Nature


You learn the following spells:

Dancing Lights
Acid Splash
Thorn Whip
Chromatic Orb
Ensnaring Strike
Hail of Thorns

Earth - Apprentice[edit]

Relentless Pursuit

When you hit with an attack of opportunity, you may choose not to roll damage. If you choose not to roll damage, the target has their movement speed reduced to 0 until the end of their turn.

As a reaction to a creature completing a move that travels close to you, you may take a move action. To use this feature the creature must start or travel within your reach at some point, and they must complete their move beyond your reach.


You learn the following spells:

Acid Arrow
Spike Growth
Warding Bond
Zone of Truth

Earth - Proficient[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Protection from Energy
Meld into Stone
Plant Growth
Speak with Plants
Tiny Hut

Earth - Adept[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Conjure Minor Elementals
Hallucinatory Terrain
Stone Shape

Earth - Distinguished[edit]

Relentless Reflexes

You may take one additional reaction. You may not use this feature again until the start of your next turn.


You learn the following spells:

Conjure Elemental
Commune with Nature
Tree Stride
Wall of Stone

Earth - Expert[edit]


As a bonus action, you may attempt to cause a creature you can see to be rooted to a surface they are touching. In order to use this feature, you and the creature must be touching the same non-magical surface. An unwilling creature makes a dexterity save, DC20. Creatures whose movement speed is also 0 automatically fail this check. On failure, the creature is considered rooted until the start of their next turn. The rooted creature's movement speed is 0. You have advantage on attack rolls against this rooted creature. You may allow or prevent any forced movement while a creature is rooted.

You may not use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.


You learn the following spells:

Flesh to Stone
Move Earth
Transport via Plants
Stone Shape

Earth - Master[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Prismatic Spray
Mirage Arcane

Earth - Grandmaster[edit]


You learn the following spell:


Earth - Sensei[edit]

Reshape Earth

Earth mages can bend the very earth around them. As an action you can reshape one surface within 60’ of you in the following ways:

  • You may create a cave out of a rock-wall surface (or similar) that is suitable for up to 10 medium sized creature to camp in most conditions
  • You may stretch an earthen surface (or similar) across a chasm no more than 20’ across. This acts as a natural bridge that can hold up to 10 medium sized creatures
  • You may create a doorway in a wall that is made of wood, stone, or other non-magical materials. The materials may be reshaped in a way that the overall integrity of the structure stays intact during and after this action
  • You may open a path up to 60’ long through brush, across a rock face, through swamp, or similar non-magical obstacle. On a more-horizontal surface, this path counts as non-difficult terrain. On a more-vertical surface, this path is treated like climbing a ladder
  • You may create a wall by stretching a non-magical surface vertically. This will create a wall up to 10’ by 10’, with a curve no more than 90°. This wall cannot enclose a creature
  • You may use Reshape Earth to return any surface that has been changed by Reshape Earth back to its original shape and form
  • You may attempt to reshape a non-magical surface in a way not described above. What happens when you make this attempt is up to DM discretion

Attempting to use this action on a magical surface, an enchanted surface, or a surface that has otherwise been changed via magical means may fail or have unintended consequences. This is up to DM discretion.

Using this feature multiple times in a day may be taxing on the earth mage. When Reshaping Earth more than once after completing a short or long rest, the reshape may fail or may have unintended consequences. This is, again, up to DM discretion.


You learn the following spells:

Prismatic Wall

Attunement to Wind[edit]

Night, a wind elemental mage, in traditional-casual wind mage garb

Wind magic flows through and around wind mages. Wind mages support the party by changing the situation. During combat, they move quickly in and out of the frey. Before combat, they support their allies with movement enhancing spells. And they can gather intel to get a leg up or prevent combat entirely.

While the quintessential Temple of Wind is an open-air complex perched on top of a craggy cliff face far away from the world below, many newer temples have been built near cities on hilltops, large open fields, and even open desert. The nature of Wind is movement and change, and the temples have made an effort to adapt.

Having temples closer to cities also helped with recruitment. Sensitivity to elemental Wind was once thought to be rare, but the temples began to view it as just subtle. A boxer that seems to move with impossible speed and power, a runner that can move faster than anyone else, a child that can jump higher through the trees than their peers; any of these might be manipulation of elemental wind. When elders of a Temple of Wind spend more time looking for those gifted with the power of wind, they tend to find more recruits.

Temples that recruit more initiates are more likely to graduate more adventurers. A call to adventure is celebrated among wind mages. While some wind mages leave their temple for good, many spend at least some of their life traveling, competing, exploring and even training at other temples before returning to their home temple.

Wind - Novice[edit]

Flowing Martial Arts

Wind magic moves through your body when you fight without weapons. Add your Intelligence Modifier to your hit roll and damage when making an unarmed strike.

Bonus Proficiencies

You gain proficiency in Acrobatics, Athletics, and Stealth.


You learn the following spells:

Dancing Lights
Poison Spray
Vicious Mockery
Chromatic Orb
Dissonant Whispers
Feather Fall

Wind - Apprentice[edit]

Martial Gust

Wind magic extends the range of your attacks when you fight without weapons. Your unarmed strikes gain the Reach property.


You learn the following spells:

Gust of Wind
Rope Trick

Wind - Proficient[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Gaseous Form
Protection from Energy
Stinking Cloud
Wind Wall

Wind - Adept[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Conjure Minor Elementals
Dimension Door
Freedom of Movement

Wind - Distinguished[edit]

Light as a Feather

When making a Long Jump or High Jump, your vertical and horizontal maximum jump distance is doubled.


You learn the following spells:

Conjure Elemental
Teleportation Circle
Wall of Force

Wind - Expert[edit]

An Ill-Timed Breeze

As a reaction to a creature you can see making a jump, you may reduce that creature’s vertical and horizontal maximum jump distance by half.

You may not use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.


You learn the following spells:

Blade Barrier
Wind Walk
Word of Recall

Wind - Master[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Arcane Sword
Prismatic Spray

Wind - Grandmaster[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Control Weather

Wind - Sensei[edit]

Aura of Wind

As an action, produce a windy area around yourself.

Enemies must treat the area within 60’ of you as difficult terrain. Enemies may not use magical or natural flight in this area. Enemy creatures in flight that move within 60’ will immediately begin falling. Enemies’ spells and potion effects that grant flight are ended by this aura. If you move or create the aura in a place where enemies are in flight, they will begin falling immediately when the aura encloses them. Fall damage for enemies is doubled in this aura. Spells and abilities that prevent or reduce fall damage for enemies generally will not work, but this will be up to DM discretion to work out exact rules in this scenario.

Allies that start or enter the area with 60’ of you have their movement doubled. An ally that begins a Long Jump or High Jump within the aura has their vertical and horizontal maximum jump distance doubled. Allies do not take fall damage while within 60’ of you.

This aura lasts for 1 minute. The aura may be dismissed as a free action.


You learn the following spells:

Prismatic Wall
Storm of Vengeance

Attunement to Heaven[edit]

Heaven is a prestige element.

Requirement: Your Primary Attunement is one of the following elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind

While an elemental mage’s powers come from within themselves, many elemental mages still respect the gods. And while mages may worship a deity of their choosing, many worship the god Guyranthis.

Legend has it that two magical scholars were the first to distill the elemental chaos into the 5 distinct primary elements that elemental mages recognize today. Guyranthis is credited with defining the practices of Attuning to Fire, Attuning to Water, Attuning to Earth, and Attuning to Wind. Through the dedication of mastering these 4 elements, Guyranthis was able to ascend and become a god upon his death.

While worship of Guyranthis is not required in order to attune to the element known as Heaven, it is claimed that heaven mages have the personal blessing of Guyranthis. Attunement to Heaven grants access to the divine energy of the gods. Heaven mages are known for their miraculous spells; said to be the most powerful version of a spell ever witnessed, cast in a way that seems effortless.

Heaven - Novice[edit]

Radiant Spells

When you cause damage with a spell you cast from attunement to Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, or Heaven, the damage counts as radiant in addition to other damage types.


You learn the following spells:

Sacred Flame
Armor of Agathys
Divine Favor
Guiding Bolt
Shield of Faith

Heaven - Apprentice[edit]

Miracle Casting

When casting a spell learned via attunement to Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, or Heaven, you may roll a D20. On a roll of 20, the spell costs no MP. On a roll of 20, spells that contain the “At Higher Levels” text the spell is cast as if using a 9th level spell slot.


You learn the following spells:

Branding Smite
Spiritual Weapon

Heaven - Proficient[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Beacon of Hope
Spirit Guardians

Attunement to Void[edit]

Void is a prestige element.

Requirement: Attunement to Light is your primary element

Void does not exist without light, and light does not exist without void. Light mages who live long enough will eventually be tempted by the Void. For Void and Light are merely two sides of the same coin. Void mages can end up being one of the greatest heroes or worst tyrants in history.

Elemental mages that embrace the element Void find themselves wielding death itself. They believe the magic that heals and magic that harms are born of the same energy, and they are masters of both.

Void - Novice[edit]

Darkest Hex

When the spell Hex causes damage, increase the damage by an additional 1d6 + your Intelligence Modifier.


You learn the following spells:

Chill Touch
Spare the Dying
False Life
Inflict Wounds
Ray of Sickness

Void - Apprentice[edit]


When casting an elemental mage spell, you may spend HP instead of MP. When using this feature, you may not regain HP for the duration of the spell. You may not use this feature to drop your HP below 1.


You learn the following spells:

Pass Without Trace
Ray of Enfeeblement

Void - Proficient[edit]


You learn the following spells:

Animate Dead
Bestow Curse
Spirit Guardians
Vampiric Touch


Multiclassing with the elemental mage is not recommended.

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