Path of Succession (Shinobi World Supplement) (Variant)

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Path of Succession[edit]

Those on this path bear the Karma seal, a sealing jutsu marking its bearer as a “vessel” for the chakra of the Ōtsutsuki clan, the celestial beings who were the first to wield chakra. Inside each Karma seal is the complete genetic information and soul of an Ōtsutsuki, which slowly overwrites the host's before completely taking over their body.

Design Note: All effects are listed as totals, and do not stack with previous features from this path.

20% Extraction[edit]

At 3rd level, you must choose at least one of the following. When the listed condition is met, you must attempt a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, your Karma seal activates automatically, consuming your next turn's bonus action if it is not your turn. When workshopping your own Karma seal activation, ensure that it's something that can happen regularly, but not every round.

  • You are reduced to half your maximum hit points.
  • You are reduced to half your maximum chakra points.
  • You gain at least 1 level of exhaustion.
  • A friendly creature you can see is reduced to 0 hit points.
  • A hostile creature you can see is reduced to 0 hit points.

When your Karma seal is active, geometric designs spread across your body from the seal. While this is active, you gain the following until you can not maintain it or become unconcious:

  • Your AC gains a +1 bonus.
  • Your movement speed increase by +15 feet.
  • Your attack and damage rolls gain a +1 bonus.
  • You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
  • You lose 2 hit points and 2 chakra points at the end of each of your turns, you may not go below 0 chakra when losing chakra in this way.

40% Extraction[edit]

At 7th level, You may enter 20% Extraction as a bonus action. While your Karma seal is active, it covers more of your body and you gain the following effects:

  • Your AC gains a +2 bonus total.
  • Your movement speed increase by +20 feet.
  • Your attack and damage rolls gain a +2 bonus.
  • You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
  • You lose a 4 hit points and 4 chakra points at the end of each of your turns, you may not go below 0 chakra when losing chakra in this way.
  • You gain the following jutsu:

Karma Seal Jutsu Absorption

Cost: 3+ chakra

Range: Touch

As a reaction when you are targeted by a jutsu that is not Taijutsu, you release a rift of absorbing chakra from your palm. The jutsu's chakra is reduced by 2d4, and you regain an equal amount of chakra reduced. If this would reduce the jutsu's chakra below its minimum cost, the jutsu fails, and the jutsu's caster regains the remaining chakra points. Otherwise, the jutsu loses any additional effects from increasing its cost for a number of chakra points equal to the number absorbed. If a jutsu's base cast has multiple projectiles (i.e. a single Lightning Ball), each projectile counts as a different jutsu with a cost equal to its base cost divided by the number of projectiles. You may increase the number of chakra points absorbed by 1d4 for every 2 additional chakra points spent.

60% Extraction[edit]

At 10th level, your Karma seal begins manifesting the physical traits of an Ōtsutsuki, primarily their horns, and pale skin and hair. You may activate any of your Karma stages as a bonus action. If your Karma activates automatically while you have less than 30 chakra, or if you become unconscious while your Karma is active, you are berserk until it ends. You may roll a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of your turns to end these effects early.

While your Karma seal is active, you gain the following:

  • Your AC gains a +2 bonus total.
  • Your movement speed increase by +20 feet.
  • Your attack and damage rolls gain a +3 bonus.
  • You have advantage on Dexterity and Wisdom saving throws.
  • You gain the Karma Seal Jutsu Absorption jutsu.
  • You may attempt a DC 18 Strength saving throw as an action, breaking your horn and severing your Ōtsutsuki's connection and ending the effects of your Karma on a success. You may do this once, regaining use at the end of your next turn.
  • You lose a total of 9 hit points 'or' chakra points, or a mix of your choice of the two, at the end of each of your turns, you may not go below 0 chakra when losing chakra in this way.

80% Extraction[edit]

At 15th level, your Karma seal nears completion of injecting an Ōtsutsuki's genetic code into your own. While your Karma seal is active, you gain the following:

  • Your AC gains a +3 bonus total.
  • Your movement speed increase by +30 feet.
  • Your attack and damage rolls gain a +4 bonus.
  • You have advantage on Dexterity and Wisdom saving throws.
  • You gain the Karma Seal Jutsu Absorption and Karma Rift jutsu.
  • You may attempt a DC 18 Strength saving throw as an action, breaking your horn and severing your Ōtsutsuki's connection, thus ending this feature, on a success.
  • You lose a total of 12 hit points 'or' chakra points, or a mix of your choice of the two, at the end of each of your turns, you may not go below 0 chakra when losing chakra in this way.

Karma Rift

Cost: 10 chakra

Range: 1000 ft.

As an action, you teleport yourself to a space in range that you can see, visualize, or know the distance and direction, of the space. Alternatively, you may double this cost to jump to such a space within another dimension.

You can bring objects along if the weight doesn't exceed your carrying capacity. You can also bring one willing creature within 5 feet of you, of your size or smaller.

Perfect Ōtsutsuki[edit]

At 20th level, you embody the Ōtsutsuki clan completely. Your Karma seal no longer automatically activates, and can be activated as a bonus action, and ended as an action. While your Karma seal is active, you gain the following:

  • Your AC gains a +4 bonus total.
  • Your movement speed increase by +30 feet.
  • Your attack and damage rolls gain a +5 bonus.
  • You have advantage on Dexterity and Wisdom saving throws.
  • You gain the Karma Seal Jutsu Absorption and Karma Rift jutsu.
  • You lose a total of 12 hit points 'or' chakra points, or a mix of your choice of the two, at the end of each of your turns, you may not go below 0 chakra when losing chakra in this way.
Unison Jutsu[edit]

Additionally, one jutsu of your choice becomes a "Unison" jutsu. When you use a Unison jutsu, you may channel the energy of a creature touching you into the jutsu. The jutsu's ranges and damage are doubled for half of its cost. This additional cost is sourced from the other creature. If the other creature does not have enough chakra points (or equivalent currency), they may choose to gain 1 level of exhaustion instead. You may only use your Unison jutsu while your seal is active. You may change which jutsu is your Unison jutsu at the end of a long rest.

Ōtsutsuki Demi-God[edit]

At 23rd level, you begin to transform fully into an Ōtsutsuki. Typically a shinobi needs a White Karma to progress this far without dying. The cost of maintaining your Karma is halved.

Permanent Manifestation[edit]

At 27th level, you do not simply transform into an Ōtsutsuki, you are an Ōtsutsuki. Your Karma must no longer be maintained, and you benefit from its effects permanently. You no longer lose hit points or chakra points from maintaining your Karma.

Karma Creation[edit]

A creature that has become a Perfect Ōtsutsuki may grant a Karma seal to another creature as an action. If you gain a Karma seal after taking a different class or subclass, you can only gain features up to 80% Extraction, and you must be two levels higher than the listed requirement.

Canon Variant

A creature that has become a Perfect Ōtsutsuki may grant a Karma seal to another creature as an action, granting them 20% Extraction. At a DM's behest, they must attempt a DC 18 Constitution saving throw, dropping to 0 hit points on a failure. If the creature that granted them their Karma seal dies, they gain the next feature of this path at the end of each year. Once they gain Perfect Ōtsutsuki, they die, and the creature that granted the Karma seal is resurrected in their body with any features, skills, and saving throws the creature had, and any other Karma seals the creature granted disappear.

If two creatures have Karma seals in this way and remain within 1 mile of each other, they gain features from this path twice as quickly. If you have the Perfect Vessel boon or if your Karma seal application saving throw roll is 30 or higher, you instead gain a White Karma, granting you a new feature when you reach its required level, even if you took another path. This Karma seal is not lost when the creature resurrects, and they can not resurrect through a creature bearing a White Karma.

Path of Succession Unique Jutsu[edit]

Karma: Destruction

Cost: 10+ chakra

Range: 30 foot radius

As an action, you release a massive amount of energy from your Karma. All hostile creatures in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d8 + your Intelligence modifier fire damage on a failure, or taking half as much damage on a success. You may increase the damage dealt by the melee attacks of 1 creature within range by 1d4 for every 4 additional chakra points spent. You may only do so once per creature, and each creature can only benefit from one instance of this benefit.

Natural Chakra Suppression

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

As a free action, you instinctually suppress your chakra, making yourself far more difficult to detect. Until this jutsu ends, you can not be sensed by chakra sense, but you can not cast jutsu, though you may maintain jutsu.

*Otsutsuki Flight*

Requirements: Karma Rift

Cost: 4 chakra

As a free action while your Karma is active, you repel yourself from the air using only your chakra, granting you a flying speed equal to your movement speed. You must spend 1 chakra at the end of each of your turns to maintain this effect.

*Karma Rebalancing Seal*

Requirements: Karma Seal Jutsu Absorption

Range: Touch

As an action, you touch a creature within reach and use your Karma seal to absorb their chakra reserves. The target must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a fail, their total chakra points are reduced by 2d6, and you regain a number of chakra points equal to the amount absorbed.

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