Turret (5e Race)

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Turrets are automatons constructed for destruction. While they are built in all different styles and sizes, they share one trait: a firearm incorporated into them. This firearm can do different things depending on the situation, from spitting fire to launching bombs to healing those around it.

Though they are made to destroy, most turrets are made with some magical intelligence that enables intelligent decision-making on the battlefield. This intelligence can be greater than a creator expected, and as such may enable the turret to gain feelings, emotions, opinions, and for all intents and purposes, life. A lot of creators wouldn't be happy with their death machine gaining sentience and wanting to live a life of its own. Some, though, are just fine with it and even encourage the turret to pursue independence.

Physical Description[edit]

As far as actual appearance goes, turrets can be any shape, usually with 3 or more legs. Turrets have their firearm integrated into them and it can't be removed from the turret. They usually don't have normal-looking hands, but they do usually have some sort of maneuverable limbs which allow use of melee and ranged weapons.

Turrets are often made of a combination of wood and metal, with magic enabling the firearm's use. Though not necessarily. Dwarven turrets are often made entirely of stone with runes acting as the firearm. Gnome turrets are often made entirely out of metal. Elven turrets are most often made of living plants that gained sentience.


The history of turrets is a short one, as they are a recent invention by a collaboration of multiple races. The group that made the first turrets intended them for use in war against invading goblinoids, but by the time they were completely finalized, the war had ended.

The outdated technology was still applied to guard palaces and castles as well as private hire for mercenaries and war bands. In these first few years, turrets were few and far between, but as the need for automatic soldiers became greater, artificers and inventors began making more turrets, with the addition of magical intelligence.

This newly added intelligence gave turrets other purposes, like emotional support and data retainment. It's not unknown for turrets to take up a career of adventuring to make the most of their free will.


Turrets in society usually serve roles as guards or soldiers, usually to people of importance. They may also serve as therapists or scholars, or even performers! The only thing limiting what a turret can do is what that turret wishes.

Though, turrets will likely have a hard time disassociating from the connections to war and death that they carry with them. It's understandable that you wouldn't want a gun telling you you need to be more in touch with your emotions.

Turret Names[edit]

As far as naming conventions for turrets go, they are either given "ordinary" names from other races to be more alive or code names to illustrate their purpose.

Code: Acceptance, Blaze, Cool, Emote, Fan, Health, Iron, Jape, Like, Personality, Quartz, Trash, Zealot

Ordinary: Alexander, Baalzebub, Bob, Delilah, Elijah, Fredrick, Hilga, Jennifer, Johnathan, Lei, Olivia

Turret Traits[edit]

An automated turret with sentience.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Turrets are not known to die of old age, nor face any consequences of aging.
Alignment. Turrets are almost always Lawful Neutral,
Size. Though their construction varies, turrets are all small creatures.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 20 feet. You have a flying speed 15 feet less than your walking speed.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Firearm Connection. You are proficient with firearms.
Built-in Firearm. Select one of the following options for your firearm. You may change the type of firearm after a long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

<Subrace Name>[edit]

Random Height and Weight[edit]

2′ 4'' +3d6 250 lb. × (20) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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