Jujutsu Kaisen Feats (Variant)
The following feats are available to characters with levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class. These are variant feats, and you may instead use features from the original feat page.
- Black Flash
Prerequisites: Must have scored at least 3 critical hits in melee attack rolls in a single battle, need to have Cursed Energy Strikes
You have become more connected with your cursed energy, now being able to use the famous Black Flash technique, where your attack is raised by 2.5 times it's original damage. Your black flash critical hit radius (black flash critical is separate from other criticals) on your attack rolls will be nat 19 or nat 20.
In addition, when you score a critical hit(it must be a nat 19 or nat 20 for it to count) with a melee attack roll you can choose to land a black flash. Before the damage calculation, roll a d6 to see how much additional damage your black flash will add on the table bellow:
Number Rolled | Damage Dealt |
1 | 5 damage |
2 | 10 damage |
3 | 15 damage |
4 | 20 damage |
5 | 35 damage |
6 | 40 damage |
If you have more than one attack in the same turn, you must roll a d20 with a of DC15 to see if you can land another black flash. On a success, you will add another black flash to the damage roll. On a failure, the Black Flash won't work. For every other Black Flash after you land one, the DC is increased by 1.
- Personal Record
Prerequisite: You must have Black Flash feat, and have landed a Black Flash at least 4 times.
Through your experience as a sorcerer, you have made a personal record of how many black flashes you have hit up to this point. Your Black Flash DC is reduced to 10, however you must roll a natural 20 to initiate a black flash.
Innate Technique Feats[edit]
- Unstable Form
Prerequisite: Ten Shadows Technique Innate Technique, 8th level
You have now mastered your 10 shadows technique to summon your shikigami in an unstable form. Whenever you summon one of your shikigami, you may spend an action to summon them for half of the cursed points (rounded up). This unstable shikigami lasts for half the number of time it can be summoned, deals one tier lower damage die on its attacks, and has half of the total hit points. However, upon destruction, you may immediately resummon the shikigami as a stable form on your next turn. You may use this feature a number of times equal to you Charisma modifier per long rest.
- Six Eyes
Prerequisite: Limitless Innate Technique, must pick the Sorcerer family Gojo option background, and you must pick this feat as the beggining of your backstory.
You have the gift granted only to the strongest of the Gojo Clan, the Six Eyes. You will gain the following benefits:
- Illuminated Vision You will gain 60 ft. of Truesight while at your maximum cursed points. You may not have any penalties for seeing through any thin, light and non rigid object, such as a blindfold, towel, or scarf, allowing you to use it as a way of protecting your eyes from the sheer amount of information your eyes capture.
- Cursed Energy Economy Due to your six eyes, the amount of cursed energy you spend in your techniques is ridicously less than the avarage sorcerer. Every feature that uses cursed points, will instead cost half of the cursed points rounded up.(Ex:If a feature costs 5 cursed points, you'd spend 3 cursed points.)
- Information Overload Due to the amount of information your eyes capture, if you're not wearing any light object to protect your eyes, you cannot mantain concentration in anything. At 14th level you will lose this detriment.
- Terrible Teacher, Amazing Student You have disadvantage in any rolls to teach something to a creature, but will have advantage in any rolls to learn something.
- Perceptive Eyes Nothing escapes your watch, you will gain expertise in Perception, and can gain advantage on your next Perception check as a bonus action. You may use this feature once, regaining all uses at the end of your next short rest. You gain 1 additional use at 5th level, and again at 10th (3), 15th (4), and 20th level (5). At 6th level, you may spent a use of this feature as an action to cast detect magic with a range equal to your Truesight.
At 14th level, you do not lose your Truesight while below your maximum cursed points. You can spend 6 cursed points as a bonus action to expand your range of Truesight to 120 feet for 1 minute in initiative, or 1 hour out of initiative.
- The 200% Purple
Prerequisite: Limitless Innate Technique, 16th level
You can surpass the lethality of yours most destructive technique, when you use your Hollow Purple, you can spend more 12 points to double the base damage of your Hollow Purple and double the range and size of it.
- Maximum: Wing King
Prerequisite: Blood Manipulation Innate Technique, 14th level
You have improved your blood manipulation to the point that you can now manipulates your blood and shape it into large wasp-like wings. As an action for 14 cursed points and 8 blood points, you can form your blood into these wings, granting you the following benefits:
- Your movement speed increases by 20 ft, and you gain a flying speed equal to 20 ft.
- You will gain a +4 bonus to your AC.
- Once per turn you can reroll a failed dexterity saving throw, and must use the new result.
- You may expand the blood you use into attacks, dealing 4d12 damage of your choice (bludgeoning, piercing, slashing) and 6d10 acid damage.
- You gain resistance to acid damage for the duration.
This form lasts for one minute, or can be dismissed as a bonus action.
- Generic Domain
Prerequisite: Must not have an Innate Technique that has a domain expansion, 8th Level
While a specialised domain was denied to you, you have nonetheless achieved a generic domain to use with your cursed technique. Twice per day, and for 25 cursed points afterwards, you can activate your generic domain as either an action, or a reaction to being caught in an enemies domain. After you use your domain, your cursed technique is burnt out for a d10 number of turns.
When doing so, you gain the following generic benefits, as well as specialised benefits dependent on how you activated it:
- Generic: When you open your domain, it encompasses an area of 165 feet around you, and lasts for 1 minute. While your domain is active, you can target any creature within using your techniques, regardless of position or barriers (While this does for example allow you to make an attack with an area of effect target every creature within your domain as if they were standing next to one another, or ignore defensive techniques that prevent your attack like the limitless technique, it does not allow you to ignore an enemies temporary hit points).
- Action: If you activated your domain as an action, your attacks using your techniques will automatically hit and enemies will have disadvantage on saving throws made against your Techniques.
- Reaction: If you activated your domain as a reaction, you negate your enemies auto-hit effect if they have one, and can repeat any saving throws of their domain at the end of your turn, nullifying their effect on a success.
Cursed Technique Feats[edit]
- Barrierless Domain
Requires you to have a domain expansion You have refined your domain expansion to new levels, making it become a true work of art. When you expand your domain, you may choose to not get a barrier up and remove the time limit. Your domain expansion range increases to 330 ft., and it has a center at the middle. This center has an AC equal to your own and has hit points equal to half your Charisma modifier times your current level . Your techniques are still sure hit effect, however due to not having a barrier your domain is much simpler to escape. The domain is destroyed once the center is destroyed.
- Burn Out Reversal
Prerequisites: Must have Improved Reverse Cursed Technique.
After countless times of using and mastering your cursed technique, you can now use it to auto target your brain in case you fail a domain clash, and suffer burn out. As a full turn action, you may make a DC 20 Performance check when you use reverse cursed technique. On a success your cursed technique is restored and you may reuse your domain expansion. On a failure, you take 3d12 true damage as you've damaged the part of your brain and are unable to use this or your domain until you complete a long rest. Each time you heal your brain with reverse cursed technique the DC increases by 2. You may do this a number of time equal to your Charisma modifier per long rest.
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