Vessel Life Division
Edition 3.5e - -
Life Division of Vessel Magic[edit]
Summary: The Life Division focuses on the manipulation of life forces, vitality, and the enhancement of living beings. Practitioners gain various abilities that allow them to heal, restore life, and harness the energies of the living.
Ranks: 10
Description: The Life Division is a specialized path within Vessel Magic, dedicated to the exploration and mastery of life-related abilities. Each level in Devout Vessel beyond the first grants one rank in the Life Division, up to a maximum of 10 ranks. Additional ranks can also be acquired through special feats or training related to life magic.
Abilities and Ranks[edit]
- Rank 1:
- First-Level Ability: You may use one first-level ability from the Life Division.
- Rank 2:
- First-Level Abilities: You may use two first-level abilities from the Life Division. - Second-Level Ability: You may use one second-level ability from the Life Division.
- Rank 3:
- First-Level Abilities: You may use three first-level abilities from the Life Division. - Second-Level Abilities: You may use two second-level abilities from the Life Division. - Third-Level Ability: You may use one third-level ability from the Life Division.
- Rank 4:
- First-Level Abilities: You may use four first-level abilities from the Life Division. - Second-Level Abilities: You may use three second-level abilities from the Life Division. - Third-Level Abilities: You may use two third-level abilities from the Life Division. - Fourth-Level Ability: You may use one fourth-level ability from the Life Division.
- Rank 5:
- First-Level Abilities: You may use five first-level abilities from the Life Division. - Second-Level Abilities: You may use four second-level abilities from the Life Division. - Third-Level Abilities: You may use three third-level abilities from the Life Division. - Fourth-Level Abilities: You may use two fourth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Fifth-Level Ability: You may use one fifth-level ability from the Life Division.
- Rank 6:
- First-Level Abilities: You may use six first-level abilities from the Life Division. - Second-Level Abilities: You may use five second-level abilities from the Life Division. - Third-Level Abilities: You may use four third-level abilities from the Life Division. - Fourth-Level Abilities: You may use three fourth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Fifth-Level Abilities: You may use two fifth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Sixth-Level Ability: You may use one sixth-level ability from the Life Division.
- Rank 7:
- First-Level Abilities: You may use seven first-level abilities from the Life Division. - Second-Level Abilities: You may use six second-level abilities from the Life Division. - Third-Level Abilities: You may use five third-level abilities from the Life Division. - Fourth-Level Abilities: You may use four fourth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Fifth-Level Abilities: You may use three fifth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Sixth-Level Abilities: You may use two sixth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Seventh-Level Ability: You may use one seventh-level ability from the Life Division.
- Rank 8:
- First-Level Abilities: You may use eight first-level abilities from the Life Division. - Second-Level Abilities: You may use seven second-level abilities from the Life Division. - Third-Level Abilities: You may use six third-level abilities from the Life Division. - Fourth-Level Abilities: You may use five fourth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Fifth-Level Abilities: You may use four fifth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Sixth-Level Abilities: You may use three sixth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Seventh-Level Abilities: You may use two seventh-level abilities from the Life Division. - Eighth-Level Ability: You may use one eighth-level ability from the Life Division.
- Rank 9:
- First-Level Abilities: You may use nine first-level abilities from the Life Division. - Second-Level Abilities: You may use eight second-level abilities from the Life Division. - Third-Level Abilities: You may use seven third-level abilities from the Life Division. - Fourth-Level Abilities: You may use six fourth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Fifth-Level Abilities: You may use five fifth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Sixth-Level Abilities: You may use four sixth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Seventh-Level Abilities: You may use three seventh-level abilities from the Life Division. - Eighth-Level Abilities: You may use two eighth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Ninth-Level Ability: You may use one ninth-level ability from the Life Division.
- Rank 10:
- First-Level Abilities: You may use ten first-level abilities from the Life Division. - Second-Level Abilities: You may use nine second-level abilities from the Life Division. - Third-Level Abilities: You may use eight third-level abilities from the Life Division. - Fourth-Level Abilities: You may use seven fourth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Fifth-Level Abilities: You may use six fifth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Sixth-Level Abilities: You may use five sixth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Seventh-Level Abilities: You may use four seventh-level abilities from the Life Division. - Eighth-Level Abilities: You may use three eighth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Ninth-Level Abilities: You may use two ninth-level abilities from the Life Division. - Tenth-Level Ability: You may use one tenth-level ability from the Life Division.
Special Features[edit]
You can switch what abilities you are using at the start of each day or with 1 hour of concentration.
(your uses refresh every short rest via if you use all your uses in every ability and then take a short rest you get all of said uses back)
Upcasting and Downcasting[edit]
You can upcast and downcast abilities that allow it. For example, if you have three first-level abilities, you may choose to have one ability available for three uses or distribute them among three different abilities for one use each.
You may also use a second-rank ability and turn it into two first-rank abilities.
1st Rank Abilities[edit]
Detect Life [Rank 1] This ability allows you to sense the vitality of creatures around you. Benefit: You can detect the presence of life within a 60-foot radius. This ability lets you identify living creatures and their general condition (healthy, injured, etc.) within this range. You can use this ability at will, but it requires concentration and takes one round to focus.
Sense Magic [Rank 1] This ability allows you to detect magical auras and their effects. Benefit: You can sense the presence of magic within a 100-foot radius. This ability reveals the location of magical effects and spells currently in use, allowing you to identify their general strength and school of magic. You can use this ability at will, but it requires concentration for one round.
Sense Aura [Rank 1] This ability enables you to perceive the auras of living beings around you. Benefit: You can detect the auras of creatures within a 100-foot radius, allowing you to determine their alignment and emotional state (e.g., fearful, angry, happy). This ability can be used at will, but it requires concentration for one round to focus on the auras present.
--- Vital Restoration [Rank 1]
This ability allows you to channel life energy to heal yourself or an ally. Benefit: You can heal a target for 1d12 hit points for each rank you have in the Life Division. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your ranks in the Life Division before needing to rest.
2nd Rank Abilities[edit]
Cure Affliction [Rank 2] This ability allows you to remove any disease or sickness from a creature. Benefit: You can cure any disease, poison, or sickness affecting a target. This includes magical diseases, curses, or poisons, but does not extend to non-disease-related conditions such as petrification or paralysis.
Smite Evil [Rank 2] This ability allows you to unleash a powerful attack against evil-aligned creatures. Benefit: As an action, you may use Smite Evil to deal 2d8 radiant damage to any evil-aligned creature within melee range. If the target is undead or a fiend, the damage increases to 3d8.
Holy Blast [Rank 2] This ability allows you to channel pure divine energy into a devastating attack. Benefit: You unleash a Holy Blast that deals 2d12 holy damage to a single target within 60 feet. This attack cannot miss and ignores all forms of evasion or damage reduction, dealing full damage. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your ranks in the Life Division.
Resurrect [Rank 2] This ability allows you to bring a dead creature back to life, provided their body is intact. Benefit: You can attempt to resurrect a dead creature as long as their head remains intact. The creature must make a Will Save (DC 15) to be successfully revived. If they succeed, they return to life with 1 hit point. This ability does not restore missing body parts or undo any effects that have permanently altered the target's body.
Third Rank Abilities[edit]
Blessing [Rank 3] This ability allows you to bless creatures and objects, enhancing their effectiveness. Benefit: You can bless up to three creatures or objects, granting them a +2 bonus to all rolls while under the effect of this ability. The blessing lasts for one hour and does not stack with other blessings.
Angelic Flight [Rank 3] This ability grants you the power of flight through angelic wings. Benefit: You can fly at a speed up to twice your base speed. While flying, you can maneuver as if you were walking,.
Golden Golem [Rank 3] This ability allows you to summon a powerful golden golem to fight alongside you. Benefit: You can summon a Golden Golem with 60 hit points and immunity to blunt, slashing, and piercing damage. The golem attacks with a sword that deals 2d10 holy damage on a hit. The golem remains under your control for up to 1 hour or until it is defeated.
4th Rank Abilities[edit]
Divine Shield [Rank 4] This ability allows you to create a protective shield of divine energy around yourself or an ally. Benefit: You can conjure a Divine Shield that grants temporary hit points equal to twice your Life Division ranks and reduces all incoming damage by 50% for 1 minute. The shield can be cast on yourself or an ally within 30 feet. You may use this ability once per long rest.
Mass Resurrection [Rank 4] This ability allows you to resurrect multiple creatures at once, provided their bodies are intact. Benefit: You can attempt to resurrect up to 5 dead creatures within a 30-foot radius. Each creature must make a Will Save (DC 18) to be successfully revived. Upon success, they return to life with 1 hit point. This ability does not restore missing body parts.
Holy Retribution [Rank 4] This ability allows you to unleash a devastating divine attack that strikes all enemies in the area. Benefit: You can channel holy energy to deal 4d10 holy damage to all enemies within a 30-foot radius. The damage ignores all forms of evasion, resistance, or damage reduction, and cannot miss.
5th Rank Abilities[edit]
Regenerate Limb [Rank 5] This ability allows you to regenerate lost body parts for yourself or allies. Benefit: You can use this ability to regenerate a lost limb, such as an arm, leg, or hand, for yourself or an ally. Each use regenerates one limb and takes one turn to complete. The newly regenerated limb is fully functional immediately.
Form of Life [Rank 5] This ability allows you to transform into a divine being of pure life energy, radiating healing and protection to all allies within range. Benefit: Upon activating Form of Life, your body becomes entirely silver with no facial features, a golden aura surrounds you, and you grow a halo and angelic wings. This transformation lasts for 2 hours. While in this form, all allies within a 60-foot radius recover hit points equal to twice your Life Division ranks each turn, and you take only half damage from all sources. You can fly at twice your base speed during this form and you are immune to divine,holy,and Radiant,and arcane in this form
Judgment of Light [Rank 5] This ability allows you to call down a powerful divine judgment on a single enemy, dealing massive radiant damage and purging them of dark energies. Benefit: You summon a beam of pure light to strike a single target within 120 feet, dealing 8d10 radiant damage. If the target is undead, a fiend, or otherwise evil-aligned, the damage is doubled, and they must make a Will Save (DC 20) or be stunned for 1 turn.
6th Rank Abilities[edit]
Instant Teleportation [Rank 6] This ability allows you to teleport instantly to any location you've previously visited within 1,000 feet. Benefit: As a free action, you can teleport to any place within 1,000 feet that you've previously been. You do not need to see the location, but you must have been there before.
Portal of Passage [Rank 6] This ability allows you to open a portal to any place you've previously visited, regardless of distance. Benefit: You can create a portal to any location you have been to before. The portal lasts for 1 hour or until you close it, and it allows travel in both directions. You may use this ability once per day, and the portal can be used to transport up to 10 creatures.
Purify Sustenance [Rank 6] This ability allows you to instantly cleanse food and water, removing sickness, disease, and rot, making it safe to consume. Benefit: With a touch, you can cleanse and purify any amount of food or water, removing all sickness, disease, rot, and toxins, making it fresh and edible. This ability works on any food or drink within a 30-foot radius, and you can use it at will.
7th Rank Abilities[edit]
True Revive [Rank 7] This powerful ability allows you to fully restore a creature to life, even if they have been dead for a long time and their body is incomplete. Benefit: You can revive a creature that has been dead for up to 10 years, regardless of the state of their body. This ability restores the creature to full health, regenerates all lost limbs, and removes all negative conditions, including curses and magical afflictions. The revived creature retains all memories and abilities they had before death.
Chosen Weapon/Item [Rank 7] You create a singular, mystical item or weapon that becomes bonded to you and enhances your abilities. Benefit: You may create a Chosen Weapon/Item, a unique item that grants you a +5 bonus to AC and a +10 bonus to all rolls while you possess it. This item is permanently bound to you and cannot be replicated or replaced. If you lose or are separated from the item, you lose access to all your Life Division abilities for 24 hours. This item can only be created once, and its form and function are determined by you at the moment of creation.
Sanctified Aura [Rank 7] This ability allows you to project a holy aura that grants powerful protection and healing to all allies within range. Benefit: You can summon a Sanctified Aura that extends 60 feet around you, granting all allies within the aura immunity to fear, poison, and charm effects. Additionally, all allies within the aura recover 10 hit points per turn and gain a +2 bonus to all saving throws. The aura lasts for 1 hour.
8th Rank Abilities[edit]
Golem Army [Rank 8] This ability allows you to summon an entire army of golems, vastly increasing your combat power. Benefit: You can summon 5 golden golems at once, each with 60 HP, immune to slashing, blunt, and piercing damage, and dealing 2d10 holy damage per attack with their swords. These golems function identically to the golden golem you can summon at lower ranks, but summoning 5 at once does not increase the cost beyond what you would pay for summoning a single golem. They remain active for 1 hour.
Divine Restoration [Rank 8] This ability allows you to restore all allies to peak condition, healing them fully and removing all negative effects. Benefit: You may use Divine Restoration to heal all allies within a 100-foot radius to full health, including regenerating lost limbs, removing all negative status effects, curses, and conditions. This ability also fully restores their stamina and mana (or equivalent resources).
9th Rank Abilities[edit]
Finger of Life [Rank 9] This ability allows you to bring a creature back to full health with temporary hit points. Benefit: You can revive any creature within 100 feet to full health. Upon revival, they gain 20d12 temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last for 1 hour and cannot be stacked with any other temporary hit points.
Banish Death [Rank 9] This ability enables you to completely erase the effects of death from a creature. Benefit: You can target a creature that has died within the last minute and restore them to life with full hit points, as well as remove any conditions or penalties associated with their death. This ability can only be used if the creature’s body is present
Aura of Vitality [Rank 9] This ability creates a powerful field of life energy that boosts allies and hinders enemies. Benefit: You emanate an aura with a 30-foot radius that heals allies for 1d12 hit points at the start of their turn and reduces enemies' attack rolls by -5. This effect lasts for 10 rounds
10th Rank Abilities[edit]
Functional Immortality [Rank 10] This ability grants you and your allies temporary immortality and regeneration. Benefit: For 4 turns, you become functionally immortal, meaning you cannot be reduced to 0 hit points or die. Additionally, all allies within 100 feet regain hit points equal to your maximum hit points at the start of each of their turns. This ability can only be used once per long rest.
Life's Dominion [Rank 10] This ability allows you to control and manipulate the life force of multiple beings at once. Benefit: You can target up to 5 creatures within 60 feet and restore them to full health, as well as remove any negative conditions affecting them. You may choose to divide the healing equally among the targets or apply it to one specific target.
Celestial Revival [Rank 10] This ability enables you to perform a miraculous resurrection. Benefit: You can revive a creature that has been dead for up to Any Amount Of Time Upon revival, the creature returns with full hit points and gains 2d10 temporary hit points. Additionally, they regain any lost limbs or body parts and have advantage on all rolls for the next hour