Transmutation spells change the properties of a creature, object, or environment. They might turn an enemy into a harmless creature, bolster the strength of an ally, make an object move at the caster's command, or enhance a creature's innate healing abilities to rapidly recover from injury.
Transmutation Spells by Name[edit]
- 10cc of Time Stop
- A Really Rousing Sea Shanty
- Aberrate
- Abyssal Invocation, Variant
- Abyssal Invocation
- Accelerate/Decelerate
- Accelerate Self
- Accelerating Sphere
- Accelerator
- Add Sending Stone
- Aetheric Reconstruction
- Affect
- Air Step
- Alacrity
- Allegro Velocità
- Alpha Radiation
- Alter Appearance Permanently
- Alter Object
- Alter Race
- Alter Size
- Alter Terrain
- Amanuensis
- Amplify
- Anemo Guide
- Animal Madness
- Animate Breath
- Animate Minor Object
- Animate Plants
- Animate Rope
- Apogee
- Apotheosis
- Aqua Axe
- Aqua Push
- Arachnid Transformation
- Arc Bolt Grenade, Variant
- Arc Bolt Grenade
- Arcana Rune
- Arcane Arrow
- Arcane Battery
- Arcane Blade
- Arcane Crush
- Arcane Storage
- Arcane Strength
- Arcaning
- Argent Blessing
- Army of One
- Arrow of Force
- Ashardalon's Stride
- Aspect of the Crucible: Horns
- Aspect of the Crucible: Tail
- Aspect of the Hunter
- Aspect of the Reaper
- Asphyxiate
- Astral Sacrifice
- Atlantean Weapon
- Attack
- Augment Stars
- Avert Force
- Awaken Ooze
- Awaken Self
- Awaken Warforged
- Axion Bolt Grenade
- Baator’s Essence
- Baleful Polymorph
- Baleful Regression
- Ballistakinesis
- Bane Shot
- Barbarian Knowledge
- Barkskin - Body Armor
- Barrier of Chaos
- Bestial Empowerment
- Bestial Vitality
- Blade Bane
- Blade Meld
- Blade of Blood
- Blade of Grass
- Bless Water
- Blessing of Chaos
- Blessing of Kings
- Blood Rush
- Blood Surge
- Blood Trick
- Blood Whip
- Bloodied Spittle
- Body Enhancement
- Boil Cistern
- Bolster
- Talk:Bone Crushing Hug
- Bone Crushing Hug
- Bones of the Earth
- Bonesword, Variant
- Boulders of Winter
- Brambles
- Breathless Cyclone
- Brittleskin
- Bronip's Orbiting Hammer
- Bubble of Chaos
- Butterfinger
- Can't Trip
- Catapult
- Change Sex
- Changestaff
- Channel Divinity
- Chaos Surge
- Chaotic Rift
- Charged Blade
- Chill Fire
- Chill Rune
- Chitin Chain
- Christmas Wish
- Chrono-deceleration
- Chrono-regression
- Chronobleed
- Chronomancer Class)/Time Stop Variant )
- Chronos Field
- Chronoshift
- Ciao's Corrosive Coating
- Claws of the Dragon
- Cleanse the Blood
- Coin Sending
- Coin Shot
- Coinify
- Combat Nab
- Combat Time Stop
- Conceive
- Condense/Suffuse
- Conjuration of Chaos
- Consecrate Weapon
- Construct Homunculus
- Continual Light/Darkness
- Control Air
- Control Blood
- Control Electricity
- Control Flames
- Control Polarity
- Control Winds
- Cordon of Arrows
- Craftsmanship
- Create Homunculus
- Create Magen
- Create Magic Item
- Create Major Helm
- Create Minor Helm
- Creation of Wings
- Crumble
- Crushing Gravity
- Cryo Manipulation
- Cryonis
- Crystallize
- Crystallized Spell
- Curse of Comus
- Cut Down
- Dalamars Arm of Fire Deamon
- Dark Air or Water
- Darkmoon Blade
- Deathly Polymorph
- Decrepit Hands
- Deep Forest Emergence
- Deeppockets
- Delay, Variant
- Delayed Impact
- Demon Skin
- Dendro Growth
- Dendromorph
- Descent
- Desert Coffin
- Destroy Wall
- Diero's Pocket Plant
- Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
- Disarm
- Disintegrating Smite
- Disintegration Cube
- Disrupting Weapon
- Dissonance Field
- Distill Essence
- Divination of Chaos
- Dominus Ex
- Downy
- Draconic Transformation
- Dragon's Skin
- Dragon Form
- Dredge
- Drought
- Drowning Pull
- Duplicate
- Earth's Crush
- Earth Barrier
- Earth Glide
- Earth Hammer
- Earth Rune
- Earthbind
- Earthen Bullet
- Earthen Dive
- Earthen Pillar
- Eco Dolor
- Eldritch Legerdemain
- Electro Power
- Element of Chaos
- Elemental Ammunition
- Elemental Arrows
- Elemental Bane
- Elemental Edge
- Elemental Hex
- Elemental Weapon
- Empowered
- Enchant Item
- Enchanted Quiver
- Enchantment of Distortion
- Enhancement
- Enhancement of Chaos
- Enraged Enhancement
- Enroot
- Enspell
- Erase
- Erase History
- Erasure
- Erode Defenses
- Erupting Earth
- Excarnate Corpse
- Exile of Chaos
- Expand/Contract
- Explosive Arrow
- Exsanguinate
- Extended Stasis
- Extra
- Fairy
- Fast Ball
- Fayne's Transmuted Fire
- Feign Life
- Fell the Greatest Foe
- Fighter's Arms
- Fighting Words
- Fimbulwinter
- Final Stand
- Fire Bolt Grenade
- Fire Enchantment, Variant
- Fire Enchantment
- Firestaff
- Firewater
- Fitzgeralts' Fast Inverse Mender
- Fizban's Fabulous Fashion
- Flaccid Splash
- Flame Arrows
- Flame Edged Bolts
- Flash Freeze
- Flash Step
- Flaskbang
- Flatten Self
- Flatten Target
- Flavor Blast
- Flesh to Bees
- Flesh to Jelly
- Fling Self
- Floating Figment
- Floor of Ice
- Floormaster's Grasp
- Floortilting
- Flowing Rivers of Sand
- Flurry
- Flurry of Magic
- Flurry of Missiles
- Flurry of Strikes
- Flux Grenade
- Forceful Breeze
- Forceful Strike, Variant 2
- Forge Radiance
- Forge of the Elements
- Form of Sea, Air, and Land
- Foul Form
- Frigid Javelin
- From the Brink
- Frozen Blood
- Fusion
- Fusion Grenade
- Gaiastrike
- Gale Arms
- Gale Arrows
- Gavotta's Ragnarok
- Gender Bend
- Geo Control
- Giant Size
- Glacial Armor
- Glass Cannon
- Glass Form
- Glass Storm
- Gliding Light
- Gloom Walk
- Gluttonous Maw
- God Time
- Golden Vow
- Golden Wind
- Golem
- Gordian's Tripwire
- Gorgon Breath
- Grand Alchemy
- Grant Power
- Gravitational Anomaly
- Gravity Anchor
- Gravity Hammer
- Gravity Surge
- Greater Blade of Grass
- Greater Mending
- Greater Moment
- Greater Polymorph
- Greater Returning Weapon
- Grey Goo
- Grove Enroot
- Grum's Flavorable Flesh
- Grum's Pop
- Guardian of Nature
- Guided Strike
- Gust
- Halt
- Hand of Winter
- Hardened Stone
- Hayzenbyrg’s Superposition
- Heal Minor Injury
- Healing Fire
- Heatvision
- Heaven's Door
- Heighten Mobility
- Hemomancy
- OGC:Herculean Force
- Horace's Hirsute Binding
- Hungry Earth
- Hydro Order
- Hyper Compress
- Illusion of Chaos
- Illusory Torrent
- Imbue Harmlessness
- Imbued in Flames
- Immortality
- Immovable Object
- Incendiary Grenade
- Incongruous
- Incorporeal Object
- Indestructible Form
- Indomitable Presence
- Inferno, Handaxe
- Inferno, Mace
- Inferno, Quarterstaff
- Infuse Weapon
- Instant Dash
- Instant Strike
- Intoxicate Blood
- Invade Host
- Inversion
- Investiture of Acid
- Investiture of Darkness
- Investiture of Flame
- Investiture of Green
- Investiture of Ice
- Investiture of Light
- Investiture of Lightning
- Investiture of Poison
- Investiture of Sand, Variant
- Investiture of Sand
- Investiture of Stone
- Investiture of Water
- Investiture of Wind
- Invoke Wolfgeist
- Ironwood
- Ishartalot's Stride
- Ivory Flesh
- Karsus' avatar
- Killing Shadows
- Kinetic Jaunt
- King Crimson
- Kira's Explosive Touch
- Krupa's Syncopated Spell
- Launch Bolt
- Lava Line
- Leafify
- Lengthen Gladius
- Leonardo's Magic Card
- Lesser Control Weather
- Lesser Polymorph
- Lesser Regeneration
- Lethal Weapons
- León’s Imbuement of Air
- Lightning Arrow
- Limb Growth
- Liquid Arrow
- Liveoak
- Log to Lumber
- Lolth's Bloodline
- Looped Projectile
- Lucid Control
- Lucky Coin Tossing
- Luminescent Blessing
- Lungs to Gills
- Lycanthrope's Gift
- Made In Heaven
- Mage Strike
- Magia Erebra
- Magic (Mobius)
- Magic Boulder
- Magic Card
- Magic Fang, Greater
- Magic Fang
- Magic Ship
- Magic Staff
- Magic Stone
- Magic Talisman
- Magic Vestment
- Magic Warship
- Magical Blade
- Magical Spell Tinkering
- Magnesis
- Magnetic Field
- Magnetism
- Magnetize
- Magnify Gravity
- Magnokinesis
- Major Polymorph
- Major Stasis
- Manipulate Metal
- Manipulate Snow and Ice
- Marty’s Miraculous Self Improvement
- Mass Blade Bane
- Mass Exsanguination
- Mass Polymorph
- Mass Transcription
- Maximilian’s Earthen Grasp
- Maximillian's Earthen Grasp
- Medicinal Prayer
- Medusa's Gaze
- Megascale Flight
- Mergewall
- Metabolic Boost
- Metabolic Control
- Metal to Wood
- Midas' Touch
- Midwife's Spell
- Might of Annam
- Might of Giants
- Mineralize Weapon
- Miniature Fabricate
- Miniaturize
- Minor Fabricate
- Minor Polymorph
- Minor Stasis
- Minor Transmute
- Miracle's Crucible
- Mithral Form
- Moat of Lava
- Mold Earth
- Mold Metal
- Molten Blades
- Monomorph
- Moon-Touched Weapon
- Mordenkainen's Magnificent Magical Mauling
- Nurture
- Nyan's Investiture of Lightning
- Nyan's Light Speed Dash
- Observer Ward
- Ommon's Heat Exchange
- One with Nature
- Ophis Transformation
- Origamist
- Orilia's Beastly Action
- Orilia's Devil Resistance
- Ostrichize
- Otherworldly Polymorph
- Otto's Chime of Release
- Otto's Sure-Footed Shuffle
- Otto's Triple Chime
- Overcompensated Weaponry
- Paradox Rift
- Part Water
- Pebble Blink
- Peltskin
- Permanence of Being
- Persistent Harrier
- Petrification
- Phase
- Phoenix Dash
- Pictograph
- Pillar
- Planar Arrow
- Poison Blood
- Poisoned Blade
- Pomodoro
- Pool of Acid
- Porte Ècarlate
- Power
- Power Word: YEET
- Power Word False
- Power Word Grill
- Power Word Recharge
- Powerstride
- Precipice Blade
- Primal Savagery
- Progression: H.A.V.O.C.
- Promised Walk of Peace
- Protection of Chaos
- Pulse Grenade
- Pyre Siphon
- Pyro Command
- Pyrotechnics
- Qin Xi's Eternal Army
- Queen's Touch
- Quench
- Quick
- Quicksand
- Quill Hide
- Quincy's Investiture
- Raise/Sink Island
- Rasenga Uzuhiko
- Razor Leaf
- Razor Tome
- Reality Slash
- Reflexive Shot
- Reforestation
- Regrowth
- Reinforce
- Reinforce Armament
- Reinforce Arms
- Reinforce Self
- Reinforcement, Variant
- Reinforcement
- Remedy
- Renew Life spell)
- Reorientate
- Repair/Raze
- Repair
- Repairs
- Reshape Terrain
- Respirance
- Restore
- Returning Weapon
- Reversal
- Reverse Time
- Rewind, Variant
- Riddle's Rumble
- Riddle’s Ridiculous Routine
- Righteous Might
- Rite of The Elemental Blood
- Rock Spears
- Rule Manipulation
- Rune of Bloodlust
- Rusting Grasp
- Rusting Sands
- Salmon's Leap
- Sand Spear
- Sandstorm
- Sanguine Scythes
- Sanguis Burst
- Scatter Grenade
- Scholar's Passion
- Sea of Fire
- Seamless Space
- Self Projectile
- Selo's Accelerando
- Serpentine Shape
- Shadow Investiture
- Shadow Realm
- Shadow Shift
- Shadow Time
- Shadowy Body
- Shake Earth
- Shape Bond
- Shape Flesh
- Shape Light
- Shape Water
- Shapechange Redesigned Variant Rule)
- Share Trait
- Sharpened
- Shata's Rock of Flames
- Shattering Threads
- Shift Stone
- Silent Fart
- Simple Moment
- Skill Empowerment
- Skinbark
- Skyweave
- Skywrite
- Slight Polymorph
- Slip
- Sliver of Chaos
- Slow Time
- Smite Rune
- Smoke Ladder
- Softwood
- Solar Grenade
- Solid Darkness
- Spatial Distortion
- Speak with Flames
- Speak with Images
- Spectral Throw
- Speed of Light
- Spell
- Spell Capture
- Spell Twine
- Spellwise Aura
- Spike Grenade
- Spike Stones
- Spiritual Arsenal
- Spit Venom
- Split
- Splitting Chords
- Stamp
- Star Walk
- Stasis Mine
- Steel Body
- Step Up
- Sticky Blood
- Sticky Spellbook
- Stone Shelter
- Stone Shield
- Stone Spike
- Stone Tent
- Stonefists
- Storm Rune
- Stormcraft (Cataegis Cantrip)
- Strength of Shadows
- Strengthening Flame
- Strokov's Ferality Inducer
- Sugar Rocket
- Summon Rain
- Summon Umbra
- Sun-Touched Weapon, Variant
- Sun-Touched Weapon
- Sunder
- Superspeed Spheres
- Surge
- Swarm Grenade, Variant
- Swarm Grenade
- Swift Blade
- Swift Quiver
- Swift Speed
- Swift Strike
- Sword Split
- Sword Trap
- Sylvanism
- Tablehopper
- Tame
- Tasha's Otherworldly Guise
- Temporal Buffer
- Temporal Enhancement
- Temporal Shunt
- Temporal Slash
- Temporal Surge
- Tenser's Transformation
- Tentacle Arms
- The Dungeon Masters Key
- The blade of the water stream
- Thorn Whip
- Thornskin
- Thoughts of Shadow
- Tiamat's Dragon Shape
- Time Control
- Time Dilation
- Time Skip
- Time Stop Variant
- Time Stride
- Tiny Servant
- Toad's Tongue
- Toshaka's Gift
- Touch of Annihilation
- Touch of the Void
- Transcription
- Transfer Ability
- Transmogrification
- Transmute Coins
- Transmute Earth
- Transmute Rock
- Transmuted Inventory
- Trappus Cardus Eroticus
- Trebuchet
- Tree Shape
- Tri-Enchant Weapon
- Trip Grenade
- True Moment
- True Stasis
- Turn Tables
- Turn the Blade
- Ultimate Earth Spikes
- Umbral Body
- Un-Blight
- Uncanny Appearance
- Unhinged Willpower
- OGC:Universal Potion
- Unparalleled Body
- Updrafts
- Utility
- Vala's Red Powder
- Vanishing Trick
- Vankodek's Chimeric Transformation
- Vengeful Roots
- Vengeful Trinket
- Venom Strike
- Venomstrike
- Vitrify
- Void Dismemberment
- Void Wall Grenade
- Vortex Grenade
- Warclaw
- Wardstone
- Warp Dead
- Warp Flesh
- Warrior's Vigor
- Warrior's Weapon
- Warsong
- Water Surface
- Water Tempo
- Water Tendril
- Water Whip, Variant
- Wave Lash
- Wave of Time
- Weapon Shift
- Weaponswap
- Weave Shadows
- Weld
- Wendigo's Hunger
- White-Flame Blade
- Wild Cunning
- Wild Spark
- William’s Wonderful Word Bomb
- Willman's Rocktomb
- Witchcraft
- Wood Shape
- Xenae's Aquabind
- Xenae's Aquaforme
- Xenae's Bubble Prison
- Xenae's Waterspout
- You are Going to Бяazil
- Zephyr Strike
Transmutation Spells by Level[edit]
Cantrips (0th-Level)[edit]
Transmutation Rituals[edit]
Incomplete Transmutation Spells[edit]
SRD Transmutation Spells by Name[edit]
SRD Transmutation Spells by Level[edit]
Cantrips (0th-Level)[edit]
SRD Transmutation Rituals[edit]