5e Deities
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Greater Deities
Name | Alignment | Domains |
Aba | Lawful Good | Life, Light, Protection |
Aberro | Chaotic Neutral | Life, Trickery |
Aeris Mekhaus | Chaotic Neutral | Technology, Advancement |
Aethon Sol | Lawful Good | Light, War |
Agethle | Chaotic Neutral | Death |
Ahmis | True Neutral | The Void, Reason, Wisdom |
Akatosh | Neutral | Dragon, Light, Time |
Alon | lawful neutral. | Cosmic Order |
Amaterasu | Lawful Good | Light, Life, |
Arantar | Lawful Good | Peace |
Ararora | Neutral Good | Nature, Tempest, and Light |
Arceus | Neutral Good | Life, Nature |
Argentahl | True Neutral | Knowledge, Life |
Auranas | Neutral | Life, Tempest |
Avenia | Chaotic Good | The Earth, Life, Health |
Avia | Lawful good | Air, Love |
Axaris | Lawful Good | Life, Light |
Azathoth | Chaotic Evil | Death, Tempest |
Azzdan | Neutral Good | Knowledge, Light, Tempest |
Baestril | Lawful Good | Knowledge |
Balasar | Chaotic Good | Knowledge, Tempest |
Barensu | True Neutral | An'evor, Creation, Destruction, Balance, Harmony, Destiny |
Betty | Neutral Evil | Death, War |
Boler | Neutral Good | Darkness/Twilight, SinEater/Grave |
Boxel | Chaotic Neutral | War |
Calabera | Lawful Evil | Knowledge, War |
Casimir Lovataar | Neutral Good | Knowledge, Self-Perfection |
Castor | Neutral | Life |
Celeste | Neutral Good | Life, Light |
Charylt (Grisaire Supplement) | True Neutral | Chaos, Mind |
Corad | Lawful Evil | Knowledge, Chaos |
Dalsethel | Good | Death, Light |
Dan D. | Unaligned | All |
Darakan'ta (Grisaire Supplement) | Chaotic Good | Nature, Life |
Darstar | Lawful Good | Light |
Death | Chaotic Neutral | Death |
Delirium | Chaotic Good | Knowledge |
Desire | Chaotic Evil | Knowledge, Trickery |
Desmaduke | Neutral Good | Life, Light, Nature |
Despair | Chaotic Evil | Trickery |
Destiny | True Neutral | Knowledge, Life |
Destruction | Lawful Good | War |
Deus | Lawful Good | Arcana, Forge, Life, Light, Tempest, War |
Devin Duval | Lawful Good | Knowledge, Trickery |
Diabolus | Lawful Evil | Arcana, Death, Forge, Trickery, War |
Disleische | Chaotic Neutral | Creation, Slime, Spiders, and Trickery |
Dolor | Neutral Evil | War, Death |
Dream | Lawful Neutral | Knowledge, Trickery |
Dukagsh | Lawful Evil | Knowledge, War |
Duna | Neutral Good | Earth, Hope. |
Duurk | lawful evil | tempest death |
Dyce | Chaotic Neutral | Chance, Life, Death, Balance |
Egan-Shiloga'Troh (Grisaire Supplement) | Neutral Evil | Life |
Enera | Lawful Neutral | The Afterlife, Death, Honor, Oaths |
Eon | True Neutral | Balance |
Eternal Creation | Lawful Neutral | Creation, Light, Order |
Eternal Destruction | Chaotic Neutral | Destruction, Darkness, Chaos |
Eternal Space | Chaotic Neutral | Space, Knowledge, Luck |
Etheria | Lawful Good | Life, Light |
The Force | Neutral | Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, War |
Forgotten One | Chaotic Good | Wrath, Vengeance |
Gary the Great | Chaotic Good | Fate, Freedom, Packers, Lust |
Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster | Chaotic Good | Knowledge |
Glace | Chaotic Good | Ice, Friendship |
Gojira | chaotic neutral | Nature, Tempest |
Grand Dil Oliel | neutral evil | Death, Balance, Arcana |
Great Red | Chaotic Neutral | Dreams and Illusions |
Hailix | Neutral Good | Chaos, Time |
Hamity | Neutral Good | Life, Light |
Harriot Ainsley | Neutral | Knowledge, Death, Cooking |
Horus | Lawful Good | Light, War |
Igu (Grisaire Supplement) | Chaotic Neutral | War, Grave |
Indra | lawful evil | Tempest, War |
Insert Name Here | Chaotic Good | Arcana, Trickery, Life, Death. |
Iris | True Neutral | Knowledge, Light |
Itmes | True Neutral | History, Memory, Dreams |
Ixris | Chaotic Neutral | Nature, Spring |
Jeff the Cockroach | Chaotic Neutral | Trickery, insanity, knowledge, power, magic, Creation |
Jerry Orwood | Good | Knowledge, Life |
K'os | Chaotic Evil | Death, Evil, Chaos |
Kalatl | Chaotic Good | Arcana, Knowledge, Trickery |
Kaliber | Lawful Good | Law, Life |
Kara | Lawful Neutral | Knowledge |
Ke Kī | Neutral good | Lightning, Storms, Knowledge |
Kezien | Chaotic Neutral | War, Summer |
Khorne | Chaotic Evil | War |
Kilthertis | Neutral Evil | Trickery |
Kindred | Neutral | Death |
King Riku Normandy | ? | War, Trickery and Death. |
Knaris | Chaotic Neutral | Trickery |
Kodkod | Chaotic Good | Life,Nature |
Kom | chaotic neutral | storms, war, battle, rage |
Kuluth | Lawful Good | Death, Life |
Limera | Neutral Evil | War |
Linxoran | Chaotic Evil | Death, Trickery |
Ljlarry | Chaotic Good | Trickery, Knowledge |
Lords of the Ten Towers | unaligned* | Knowledge, Trickery |
Luna | Chaotic Neutral | Death, Tempest |
M'iaq (Grisaire Supplement) | Chaotic Evil | Trickery, Tempest |
Machina | Lawful Neutral | Forge, Grave, Life, Death, Knowledge |
Manus (Grisaire Supplement) | Lawful Neutral | forge, strength |
Marligya | Chaotic Evil | Trickery |
Mercedes | Neutral | Light, Trickery |
Mirad | NE | Death, Disease, Trickery |
Monolyth | unaligned* | Knowledge, Life |
Mordicai | Chaotic Evil | No clerics |
Morian | Chaotic Good | Life, Nature |
Mortem | Chaotic Evil | Death |
Mother Nature | Neutral good | Nature |
Musubi | Neutral Good | Life |
Myrkul | Lawful Evil | Death |
Narli | Neutral Evil | The Sea, Deception |
Neero Seess | Chaotic Good | Knowledge, War |
Nemesis | Chaotic Evil | Death, Trickery, War |
Netrous | lawful, neutral | Life |
Nevian | lawful evil | Death and Ghosts |
Noctem | True Neutral | Death |
Noctra | Lawful Good | Darkness, Night, Moon |
Nurgle | Chaotic Neutral | Death, Disease, Entropy |
Oakider | Lawful Neutral | Nature |
Ongana (Grisaire Supplement) | True neutral | Twilight/Darkness, Light |
Ophis | Chaotic Neutral | Infinite, Chaos and Nothing |
Orshidii (Grisaire Supplement) | Neutral Good | Forge, Knowledge |
Owa | Neutral | Arcana, Knowledge |
Palutena | Lawful Good | Knowledge, Light |
PC God | Neutral | Equality, Neutrality |
Pheyus Detar | Neutral Evil | Creation & Rage |
Phil Swift | Neutral Good | Knowledge and Death |
Plegothos (Grisaire Supplement) | True neutral | Peace, Order |
Pollux | Neutral | Death |
Prime Melius | Neutral Good | Knowledge, Life |
Primus | Lawful Neutral | Existence, Things of the Past, Things of the Present, Things of the Future |
Pyr'in | Chaotic Good | Fire, Courage |
Regonos | Lawful Good | War |
Resoolt (Grisaire Supplement) | Lawful Neutral | grave, order |
Rune | unaligned* | Light, War |
Sanctuary | unaligned* | Death, Life |
Satasha | Chaotic Evil | Death |
Scalan | Chaotic Neutral | Fire, Life, Light |
Scarovon | Chaotic Neutral | Arachnids, Scorpio Called, Astra, Cosmology |
Shadow | Lawful Evil | Death, War |
Shalmao | Lawful Good | Nature, Knowledge |
Shiva | Lawful Evil | Death Light |
Sigismund | Lawful Good | Light, War |
Silvanus | Neutral | Nature |
Skipper | True Neutral | Tempest, Trickery |
Sol | Chaotic Good | Life, Light |
Sol en victus | unaligned* | death, war, soldiers, victory |
Solé | Lawful Good | Light |
Spolus | chaotic,good | earth |
Survelem (Grisaire Supplement) | Lawful evil | Light, death |
Tarekaya (Grisaire Supplement) | Neutral good | Tempest, Unity |
Taro | Neutral Evil | Corruption, Decay |
Tempa | Lawful Good | Time |
Terminus | Lawful anything | Order, Borders |
Tetsutetsu | Neutral | Forge, Machines, Miracles. |
The Dungeon Master | True Neutral | Life, Death, Destiny, Knowledge |
The Final Pam | Chaotic Pam | Death, War |
The Flying Spaghetti Monster | Chaotic Good | Knowledge |
The Giant Cosmic Creator Spoon at the Edge of the Universe | True Neutral | Life, Death, Knowledge, Baking |
The Great Eye | Chaotic Neutral | Death, Knowledge |
The Lost God | True Neutral | The Lost, Forgotten and Abandoned |
The Mana | Lawful Good | Life, Death, Virtue |
The Outsider | ||
The Rainbow Serpent | Lawful Good | Life, Nature |
The Shadow which Lurks at the Edge of the Light | Unaligned | Death |
The Stars | Any Good alignment | Tempest, Nature |
The Sun | Lawful Good | Light, Life |
The Un-Maker | Chaotic Evil | Death |
Theodore | Lawful Good | Purity, Protection |
Thánatos | Chaotic Evil | Chaos |
Titan, God of Chaos | Chaotic Good | Nature, Trickery |
Titarr | Lawful Neutral | The Sky, Sun, and Moon |
Tomai | Lawful Good | Nature, Life |
Tribore (Grisaire Supplement) | True Neutral | arcana, knowledge |
Tzeentch | Chaotic Evil | Change, Magic, Deception |
Unified Power | Lawful Neutral | Knowledge, Life |
Vahohllesh | Lawful Good | War, Life, Knowledge, Light |
Vavana | Chaotic Neutral | Love and War |
Vera | True Neutral | Night, Trickery, Chaos |
Viggo | Chaotic Good | Death War |
Vita | Lawful Neutral | Law |
Voltron | Chaotic Good | War, Knowledge |
Vontra | True Neutral | Death, Knowledge, Life |
Vraccas | neutral good | Death, Knowledge, Life, Light, Nature, War, Dwarves |
Willehuam | Chaotic Good | Honor, Justice |
Xol, Consumer of Thousands | Chaotic Evil | Death, Trickery |
Xor'akan | unaligned | Death, Trickery |
Yurot | lawful, evil | War |
Zarakal | Chaotic Evil | Death, Vengeance |
Zein | Neutral Good | Knowledge, Light, Nature Peace |
Lesser Deities
Name | Alignment | Domains |
Aajill | Neutral Evil | Nature |
Aalar | Neutral Evil | Light, Twilight, Nature |
Abaddon | True Chaotic | Chaos, Unpredictability, Creation |
Ainz Ooal Gown | Chaotic Neutral | Death, War |
Akarushi | Lawful Neutral | Light |
Algamet | Lawful Good | Time, Knowledge |
Altren | N | Knowledge, Force |
Altzmyr | Neutral Good | Knowledge, Life, Undeath |
Anauel | Lawful Good | Conviction, Tenacity |
Angra Mainyu | Chaotic Evil | Trickery, Destruction, Darkness |
Aniath | Neutral | Trickery |
Ansenia | True Neutral | Sanity |
Arachne | Chaotic evil | Chaos and Trickery |
Arffur The Greatest Farmer Knight | Chaotic Good | Life, Nature |
Arista | Chaotic Good | Life |
Az-eal | Chaotic Neutral | Death, War |
Azerand | Lawful Good | Knowledge, Nature |
Aëgrar | Chaotic Good | Knowledge, Life |
Bryxsis | True Neutral | Nature, Balance |
Candeta | Neutral Good | Light, Life |
Carnivorous | Lawful Evil | Hunger, Justice, and Wendigos |
Cernunnos | Chaotic Evil | Arcana, Death, Nature, Trickery |
Cravenos | Chaotic Evil | Avarice, Trickery |
Dagniya | Lawful Neutral | Life, War, Blood |
Daima | True Neutral | Tempest, Knowledge |
Darvid | Chaotic Neutral | Trickery |
Dialga | Chaotic Neutral | Life, Death |
Dolozul | Neutral Evil | Trickery |
Durm | Chaotic Good | Knowledge |
Ed | True Neutral | Strength, War, Idiocy, Buttered Toast, and Agriculture |
Eldritch Wiki | True Neutral | Knowledge |
Eliar | Chaotic Neutral | Trickery |
Eris | Chaotic Neutral | Trickery |
Ethraee | Lawful Neutral | Sun, Moon |
Ferra | Lawful Good | Knowledge |
Findinisus | Lawful Good | War |
Giratina | Chaotic Neutral | Death, Trickery |
Grom-Grolar | Neutral Evil | Knowledge, War |
Gurdijeff | Lawful Good | Earth |
Ha'a'a | Chaotic Good | Death, Life, Trickery |
Harlok | neutral evil | Forge, Strength, War |
Havlok | Neutral Good | Nature, War |
Ho-Oh | Neutral Good | Life, Light |
Hogar | lawful evil | war |
Hükatak | Lawful Neutral | Grave, Temptest |
Irrai, Variant | Chaotic Good | Arcana, Trickery, Light |
Jack | True Neutral | Goblins, Life |
Jashin | Chaotic Evil. | Death, War |
K | Neutral | Knowledge |
Kaltor | Lawful Neutral | Tempest |
Kerra | Chaotic Evil | Trickery |
Kineua - The Faceless Queen | Chaotic Evil | Life, Trickery |
Klamath | ||
Kor Nasson | Chaotic Neutral | Trickery, Knowledge |
Lagga | lawful neutral | grave protection |
Lake Guardians | Knowledge, Life | |
Laneth | Lawful Evil | Cold, Undeath |
Laudigan | LG | War |
Laurrott of the Bleeding Skies | Chaotic Evil | Tempest |
Levert | Lawful Good | War |
Libra | NG | One or two from this list: Life, Love, Light |
Lilith | Chaotic Nuetral | Wild |
Lily | Neutral Good | Nature |
Lollad | Neutral Good | Tempest |
Lonacti | Chaotic Neutral | Tempest, War |
Ludus | Chaotic neutral | Lust |
Lugia | Neutral Good | Tempest, Nature |
Magga | Lawful neutral | life light |
Makanda | True Neutral | Knowledge |
Malolo | Neutral Evil | Death |
Mannad | Neutral Good | Nature, War |
Midel | Neutral Good | Life, Light |
Mornadest | Neutral Evil | Trickery |
Muama | Lawful Evil | Death, Trickery |
Nameless the Double Fae Gnome | None | Existence |
Nightingale | Chaotic Good | Death, Grief |
Niuf | Lawful Evil | Control, Stasis, Strength |
Nukell | Chaotic Evil | War |
Osses | Neutral Good | Swamps |
Otygot | Neutral Good | Life, Nature |
Outrider | Neutral | Travel, Information |
Ova | Chaotic Good | Trickery |
Palkia | Chaotic Neutral | Tempest, Life |
Paul Mustache | Chaotic Neutral | Death, Trickery |
Promethus | Chaotic Good | Life |
Qepltep | Chaotic Good | Trickery |
Ratatoskr | Neutral Good | Life |
Remulo | Neutral Good | Life, Knowledge |
Rose | lawful neutral | Life |
Rukagsh | Lawful Neutral | Knowledge, Arcana |
Secretist | Lawful Neutral | Knowledge |
Shay Phobos | Good | Life, Light |
Sheggen | lawful neutral | forge knowlege |
Sirius | Chaotic Good | Tempest, War |
Ska-Marag | Lawful Evil | Nature, War |
Skelemora | chaotic good | Death, (Knowledge) |
Snofach | True Neutral | Light |
Soliel | Lawful Evil | Trade, Forge, Trickery |
Tangarita | Lawful Neutral | Nature, War |
Teal Downcast | Lawful Good | Life, Nature, War |
Terrazitch | Neutral Evil | Trickery, Death |
The Ashen Tree | Neutral | Death, Knowledge |
The Chain | Chaotic Neutral | Death, War |
The Enemy | chaotic evil | Arcana, Death, Knowledge, Trickery |
The Forest Lord | Neutral Good | Life, Nature |
The Great Crabbo | True Neutral | Life, Nature |
The Kube | True Neutral | War, Knowledge |
The Monster | Neutral Evil | Death, Trickery, Darkness, Cold, Evil |
The Observer | CN | Death, Knowledge |
The Rainbow Serpent | Lawful Good | Life, Nature |
The Violet Emperor | Neutral Evil | Knowledge |
Thedon | Chaotic Good | The forge, fire, creativity |
Tlollat | Neutral Evil | Death |
Torog | Neutral Evil | War,Death |
Tortellini Shepard | Neutral Good | Life, Light |
Tougal | Neutral Good | War |
Treeba | neutral | life nature |
Unferth | CN | Trickery, War |
Ushta | Neutral | Fertility, Birth, and Growth |
Valrum | True Neutral | Tempest, Storm, Lightning |
Varrenon | Chaotic Good | Death, Life, Nature |
Vashtorr | Chaotic Evil | Invention, Technology, Progress |
Veranox | Chaotic Neutral | knowledge, war |
Vidfur | Chaotic Good | Trickery, light |
Yarx | Lawful Evil | War |
Yuki | Chaotic good | Luck and Karma |
Zentaur | N | clouds, air |
Name | Alignment | Domains |
"Bob" | Chaotic Neutral | Knowledge, Trickery |
Ailawin Spirit of Spring | Chaotic Good | Light, Nature, Life |
Anansi | Lawful Evil | Knowledge, Trickery |
Artemis | Chaotic Neutral | Nature and Death |
Celebi | Chaotic Good | Nature, Life |
Dragons of Legend | Lawful Neutral | Death, Life |
Farmer Oggan | Neutral Good | Peace, Nature, Order |
Garanox | Lawful Good | War |
Gob and Lob | Chaotic Neutral | Trickery, Nature |
Grandma Myrna | Lawful Good | Knowledge, Peace |
King Jollity | Lawful Good | Order, Light, Peace |
Legendary Beasts | Chaotic neutral | Nature, Tempest |
Legendary Birds | Chaotic neutral | Nature, Tempest |
Mew | Chaotic neutral | Knowledge, Trickery |
Mewtwo | Chaotic Neutral | Trickery, War |
Odo the Fool | Chaotic Neutral | Trickery |
Orn | Chaotic Good | Knowledge |
Pij the God of Canoes | Neutral | Tempest |
Roberd Goodhand | Chaotic Good | Protection, War |
Sudar Mas | Chaotic Evil | Tempest |
Tamowa | Chaotic-neutral | Transformation, trickery |
The Fiddler in the Red Fog | Chaotic Evil | Trickery |
The twins | Good | Death, Nature |
Ulian | Chaotic Good | Trickery, Grave |
Za'az Fa'lyk | Neutral Evil | Nature and Death |
Name | Alignment | Domains |
Aelora, the Moonlit Guide | Neutral Good | Light, Knowledge |
Aetherion, the Starforger | Lawful Neutral | Light, Knowledge |
Cryonos, the Frozen Sentinel | Neutral | Water, Nature |
Galactic Titans | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 |
Grund the Worldshaper | Lawful good | Nature, Stone |
Hecate | Chaotic Neutral | Death, Trickery |
Ivo | Lawful (Any) | Life, Tempest |
Kaelthor, the Thunder Sovereign | Chaotic Neutral | Tempest, Storm |
King Ghidorah | Lawful Evil | Conquest, Destruction, Balance |
Malvorrak, the Devourer of Light | Chaotic Evil | Death, Destruction |
Pelagor, the Tidal Shaper | Neutral Good | Water, Nature |
Pyrrhos, the Flame Eternal | Chaotic Good | Fire, Light |
Soulgar | Lawful Evil | Death, Life |
Terrakron, the Worldsmith | Lawful Good | Earth, Stone |
The Nameless Flame | Neutal Evil | Fire |
The World Serpent | True Neutral | Nature, Knowledge |
Umbryss, the Keeper of Shadows | Neutral Evil | Death, Trickery |
Venalith, the Corruptor | Neutral Evil | Death, Trickery |
Vulodin | Chaotic Good | Light, Nature |
Zephyros, the Breath of Creation | Chaotic Neutral | Air, Tempest |
Name | Alignment | Domains |
Aakronus | Chaotic Evil | Knowledge, War |
Adoeak Serpenthelm | True Neutral | Trickery |
Alea | Chaotic good | Trickery |
Algoron | Lawful Neutral | Time |
Azrael | Lawful Neutral | Knowledge, Souls |
Brielle | Neutral Good | Creation |
Devondale Duval | Neutral | Life, Nature |
Eihwaz | Chaotic Evil | death, knowledge |
Erizex | Lawful Good | Madness, Patience, Generosity |
Flurb | Chaotic Evil | Speech |
Kinte | Chaotic Evil | War, Trickery |
Kurma | True Neutral | Knowledge, Creation, Destruction, and The Void |
Mikhail | Lawful Neutral | Destruction |
Regigigas | Chaotic Neutral | Nature, Tempest |
Sanguar, the Blood Star | Chaotic Evil | War, Blood |
Void | Neutral | Grave and Death |
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- Ataresian
- Aztec/Nauhuatl
- Blithe Spirits of Everholm - Halfling Pantheon
- Demidragons
- Draconic Pantheon of the Splintered Realm
- Gods of An'evor
- Guardians
- Needleback
- Religion (Grisaire Supplement)
- Religion (Maztica Supplement)
- Religion (Raesokera Supplement)
- Sarrin Pantheon
- Scro
- The 6 Dires
- The Divide Pantheon
- The Endless
- The Fallen
- The Gods of Chaos
- The Halls of Luminose
- The Primordials of Ravax
- The Trifadishti Petals
- The Vestiges of The Void
- Wafuu
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