Desmaduke (5e Deity)

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A triangle within a circle of 13 tick marks

Alignment. Neutral Good
Domains. Life, Light, Nature
Divine Rank. Greater Deity

Desmaduke is the god of good in The Trifadishti Pantheon. While in The Radiant Tower, his home plane located in Elysium, Desmaduke appear as a man with golden skin and white eyes. He has short red hair and wears shimmering white robes that appear to roll like clouds in the sky. Desmaduke's sole purpose is to see people live happy and free from the threat of evil.

Followers of Desmaduke wear white robes and bright yellow sashes around their waists. His followers give sanctuary to any creature who asks and are taught that violence is a last resort and must only be used if there is no other way to ensure the safety and peace of others. A church of Desmaduke is often very simply made and is almost never decorated extravagantly. It consists of a few pews or benches and pulpit with his symbol carved into the front from which the high priest reads from the Tome Everlasting.

The Tome Everlasting is Desmaduke's holy tome describing the creation of the gods and the peaceful life all his followers should strive to live. It explains that Kilthertis, the goddess of evil, will attempt to lead them astray at anytime and they must always be ready to resist her temptations. Desmaduke does not forbid any carnal pleasures except for fornication, when you enter the church you must take an oath of celibacy.

Desmaduke encourages his followers to spend time in nature. He is fond of nature and is said to appear on the material plane as an all white, horned creature similar to a large ram with golden eyes. His holy day is called Kramba and is celebrated on the first day of spring to celebrate life's rebirth from the cold. It is forbidden for a follower of Desmaduke to kill or consume another creature on Kramba ,and the week that follows it, and the holiday is celebrated by simply taking time to pray in nature.

Desmaduke has many names depending on the race which he is addressed by. All of the following are interchangeable with Desmaduke: The Grandfather(universal), The First (universal), Hiem Farthen (Dwarvish), Yeste Lote (Elven), Lot Gein (Draconic)

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